. 4‘3 ‘ “ ,'2. one I .y -- Uni.
cannin portrays a small boy in Kids's Stult. part
llt.t'hlll".1 \uth t’niitiiiitiiieiit l\ t‘l e't‘lll\k' \\ll.ll llte\ \\t“.llll\.t\ ltl.tl\t‘\lllell‘it‘lle't‘l tlte hitzumtxelliii: lie-.ixt met.i| l‘.|ll\l iii the \\i\l ltl t\l‘lll l ltllltl 1" llll\l\lll\'lll .it the HM hntixe
I French Election tlietu: llltlxltt‘“ ii iii the l ieiieh pimuleiitinl eleetiuitxtlue iiil.ite .\pii|. t\\\ll\'llle‘l the " \e.ii \ei\m: Sphiiu-like \littei.iittl\\il| \t.iiitl.i;t.iiii It hetlue\ \\h.it l\.lllL'.t\l\ l‘etttL! l‘lllx‘kl .I\.tll eleetitiitut l‘k'lM‘llJlllleNlttllle‘l th.iii l\\tle\_ \\ ill L'l\ e the lieiieheleetnmte llte lllttl\tl.ilelli‘leettlHt‘l‘lt: lni their l’iemleiit. \llllelttlltl. wt theii l’iime \lmNei.l.ietiiie\('hii.ie IMotherCourage and Her Children llieeht'xepie t‘l‘e‘lh ttl lllk~ l<lt\.tl
l \eeum. l tliiilitiiith \ .\pi ll. \lll et tetl hx ltilex
\\ llLlltl. le'\|‘i‘lt\tl‘le‘ tni llte‘ltttl‘le'\\l\e pttitltietitiit
t‘l I’r‘f.’ \ l/4‘H‘t ltl\l ()etnl‘ei IStrathclyde Concertos
llll\ ttti‘ttlll \e‘\'\ the premier til Mr Peter \l.i\\\ell l).i\ie<
\i'lti’llvt't .'\ti"t'( “tit (71!! \u /. the ll!\l wt teii eniieeitm he \\ lll l‘e \\ : tltttti lt‘l the .\( ()
pitiieet .teet‘llll‘.tllle\ the
\ main: \ehutilx
\ei l\‘\ \\ itli .i \ttllllL'
' v . z -- . o l l i t- ~ ‘ . ' V Clockwise L to R: Jan Pienkowski designs tor Thaetre de Complicita: Circus 02; star studded programme tor Traverse Theatre in 1964: Richard Hamilton's Pop Art collage; Julie at the Assembly Rooms Australian programme in the EdinburghFestival.
tll‘l‘t‘llllL'kl ttii eiieh etiiieeitu lllkllllL‘lL'lll lL‘lettlhltl Stititlte‘lttle‘. .ilw Sti.ithel\ele Regimml ( utiiteil, [lune-hi the
S( '( ) \\ Ill itl\ti lte Itteltltletl wit \ii gm l{L‘Ulltl\ rte“ el.i\\Ie.il teetittl l;il\el.
I Red Army Ensemble \l.ikmg_' their ltl\l \ l\ll tn llllldlll ltll lete;ii\.tlte Retl .'\tllt_\ l'll\L'lttl‘lL‘ llt‘lll \lmetm \ [\ll the
l lteuitie Rnytl ( il.i\;_'ti\\ _ " ‘l.-\piil
ITransport Museum (il.i\§;m\ \ ie-ltietiletl ll.tll\[‘t\ll \luxetim opeth iii .'\[‘l|l .il ll\ new site in Ke‘lHlllldll. .iliiimt uppmite the .'\ll ( killers and \luxeum kk‘l\llltjttt\k‘. \e\\ le.ittiie\\\ill lllL‘llltlL‘d l‘l-ll|\.\ltittite;it \limxitmm. .iiieitluigetl \ltlt‘ mtitlel gallery \\lllt llL‘\\ llltttlcl\ iitit \eeit lietuieuiiitl tiit iiiitieiimit (lltl\;_!()\\ \ltL'L'l Ul 1935 euiitplete \\llll \llttplltllll\
.tlltl \e'lllelk'\
I Maytest ( ‘uuttt he the l‘e\l \latlefl tel “fill the lieu |\ .ipptimtetl liill Iltiitlettttiuttxut the helm. \xhn mm tll\ lLlL‘\lll\ tiitte .t\ :\l ll\lIL' l)llL‘L‘lUt' mt huth Matte“ and. hit
e\eelleitt :\\\L‘ml\l_\ Runiiixtltiriit}; tlte l'tliiihtiigh l'L‘\ll\tll, \ti tlet.itl\ ti\ ;itl;il\le _\el. but let's ltiipe thtit he (lUL'\ writethiiig uhtitit the tle\lt_'lt Ul the [Tl'tttll'ttllllttc. I ll May
I RIBA l htx tentx Rn) :il lll\lllltlL‘ Ul Bl‘llhlt .-\t'L’ltIlL‘el\ ( .UlllL'l‘L'nL‘L'
\\ ill he held til the Sl:( '( '. (il;i\_~_'ti\\. l: 15 .\l;i_\.
I Candide .\ true pnoltltt: tit t;i|eitt ttir Setittish ()pei‘u'x iie\\ pi'titltietinn tit ( ~iiiitlitle. Jonathan Miller tetttt'th ttithe etimp.im tni' the lust time Ill 5 \L‘;tl\ ttitlireet letiiigiitl Beiitxtem'x upei .i. l he eiiiiiptixer. m the _\e;ii tit ltl\ "llth
hit thtlii} . “I” he mining; him lUl lL‘llL‘ttl'\;ll\lll (il.i\§_'ti\\ .mtl entitlttetnt' .ltilm .\l.itieei l \\ ;i\ the lL'L'L‘ltl \\ IltltCl' Ul tt
(ll .mtm} .'\\\tll\l ltit' llte lle\t ( )peru Reeui‘tling Ul llll\ \L‘Ul'L'.
I Mary Queen at Scots ("tiiuiiitiiiietitln hi'mg h.iel\ their huge l‘C\ll\ttl hit. \lttt‘\ ()ttL‘ett Ul Set)“.
t“ ith. the} llUPL‘. the \itlllL‘ e.i\tltutntii trniii 7%le ttieliili.'lhtiughxtill I tiiietiiitii'iitetl \ L'llltL'\ \htitiltl titelutle tmr \\ e‘ckx .it tlte l_\eeum and :i tutti ut the States and ( "iiiiiitlu. I The Celtic Story 'l’he
thumiix Ul tlte ltmtluill
ignuretl h} the theatre. despite the huge \ttttt\ and intense i‘iuilriex ln\()l\L‘(l. .-\ sharp ( ‘eltie limthull ('Iuh then. \\ hm hm e CUITTIITI\\IUITC(l \Vileleiit touring theutre enmpgin) (riding high itllL‘t' their itiegu-xueeex \\ it h I'liv
Slt'llllllt’l In \\ rite ii plii) ttii'
their eenteittir} )eui' iii l‘mh'. /'/It‘ ( it'll“. SHUT l3) l);i\ e .\lel .ellzm iiittl Din itl :\ltle‘l\0n opens ill the l’milinit. ( ilzisgtm (Ht 3 Mat “W h \\ eekx.
I Chris Carreltt‘hrie (‘ttt't‘ell L‘L‘lL‘lH'dlL‘N lll \llCCL‘\\lltl )L‘gtt'x ;t\ l)it'eettir Ul ( Slusgtm '\ lltll'tl lite ( ~eittre lllt\ month.
I Moscow Summit Mu} or June I\ the \ehetltiletl tlute lUt' President Reagan's trip to .\l0\U)\\ ltHll\L‘ll\\ the i'etluetinii \ll'dleJIL‘ mieleur \xeiiptiiis.
I Hull Truck Theatre Co. Tour I lull 'l'i‘tiek eume tn litliiihurgh (4 Mn} All the Bi'unttiiiltiiitl ( llihtlt)“ (h and —’ Mu) git (‘timheriiuuld 'l heutt'e l
\\ ith .-l Hun! Hui-K Met/ii h} l’retlei‘iek l luri'isnit.
I Whisky Heritage Centre A tie“ museum Lletltettletl ttmhisk} hlthpcnlll latlinhurgh ill the Old (listlehill Sehtml ;it the tupnt the Ringil Mile. l’rmit Ul ladiithurgh's eomnuttmeiit tn eulture
I Glasgowlnternational Jazz Festival Stephan (iruppeli iiiitl the .lei it Mulligan Big Biiittl .iie amongst the etiiitii metl highliuhtxnt the lc‘\ll\ .il
\\ hieh l‘tltt\ trtim 3-1 June to Huh
I Virago It I\ ;i ttii mitl.ih|e iiri'u} Ul littllL‘\ th.it Viiugn hm e puhlixhetl. limit the \teelt \ltettgllt ttl Rel‘eeed \Ve\t It) the l'ttlL' \etixitn it} til Rosamund lehm.iii, ltl Illitl'k their 15th ;miii\ei\;ii_\ llthlttttlllll lllL'}tll'L'Pltl‘ll\lllll;1itlte'\\ hunk. ll'r/lme Iii t'\.
etlitetl ht Mart
(‘luiiiiheilaiit It I\ \lll‘llllL'tl ( UNI (rut/mm ltt'Iii ('("I ll'umwi H Itlt'rx and the likes Ul .\l.t\.l Angelou. \ltilh lx'e.iit.iiitl \iitimi \lite'ltiwii Lll\k'll\\ \xt'iltttut
I Onthe Razzle "t lte “Ulltl premier Ul Rnhm ( )ii'x UPL‘IJ. ( )it the R.i//le. htisetl HI] ’l mu Strippui tl‘x plat . npeiix .it the
RSA l ). ( ll.t\§_'t)\\
I From Picabia to Paolozzi 'l'he ( ittllel‘y Ul Nltttlet'tt .-\rt litllltl‘lll'tlll l'c\ll\.tl
It ltk‘ll\e'\
RSA. 3.\ltil\ expeemllx Hll the It ieittl til the [).itl.ii\t l)ueh.imp. the l'le‘llk‘ll .llll\l l’ie.ihi.i \\ll(t had the \\e.ilth .lll\l t.i\te\ til .i ie.i| llle ( l.tl\l‘\ .itttl lllk‘\lll\'\\\l\t‘k'l.ll llt\llllL'l\ til im em I\ :\iitlt \\ .ii htil. l‘iitil 4 Sept IWaiting on One Iii». \xhieh l\ .ilw their lllth .tltlll\ eimi \ . etiultl \\ ell he \\ iltle.it\ seiii ellll\ \ee\ thetipeiiiiignt Haiti/rerun ()m h\ ;\itiie l )tmiiie. pimlueetl \\ itli the L lll.l|lll| pii/e lltiilte‘_\ llle'e‘itlttpdlt) \\t\ll ml \\ l'\ l’ltl\\llll Sidee etiiitpetititin llte pl.i\ \\ ill lie ti llltl\l\‘.tl..t etimeth .iiitl l\ \el m .i (il.i\§.:i\\\ lltittlti l l.ill' I Focus on Dance llte tl.ite. 3 “Huh . .iittl the lt‘lllltll..l mi\ttiietit \\Hll\\lltlp\.llltl [‘k‘lll‘lllltlllkallt‘lll iiitetii.itinii.i| L'Hlltp.tlllL‘\. .iie \lk'k‘hlk'klt hut the \ eittie l tliiihtiigh Ul ( il.i\§_'m\" t\ ttiil. l he te\peell\ e entiiteil\li.i\ e \llll ltil‘dlllL’
I Edinburgh Festival Ii.il\ I\ lit .mtl l<ll\\l.t l\Ulll .l\.t theme; le’lllllllltt! \\llll .iiinthei epiet llll\ time //i«‘ It'lH/NW/Jte‘ tlte
AltlptlllkNC the.itie eniiipmei m iexitleiiee the itiiith tear . the i lieltl h;i\ e l;tt'ue|\ been or at Iciist 4W; prtmt. l L‘Xltll‘lllnll “PEIh t” lhk' ' \‘UIIIIMM MILD—RH“
. . _u
8'l‘he l.t.\i h 21 .luiiuur} 1988