7 through a combination ol 7 hard work and talent.

sponsored by Beck's Beer. hang out in the video cale, or get in the swim with the inflatable crocodiles and octopuses cramming the pool itsell, where slide projectors will create bizarre water images on the surtace. Tickets are available on the door lor an eminently reasonable £2.50 (£1 .50) and there'll be bar discounts and lreebies tor the tirst one hundred over the doorstep and all those who turn up in tropical dress. So iron that sarong, brave the weather

This year. the tour piece band consisting ot Danny Wylie (vocals). Mark Price (guitar). Trevor Price (drums) and Tom McGarrgle (bass). have made advancestoward signing with a major label. with more interest no doubt being aroused bytheir

lorthcoming appearance on

Channel Four's ‘Famous tor Filteen Minutes Programme' (Fri 4 Dec, 6.15pm).

“it was quite satisting that


really pleased both with

what we put into the video and what the people on the programme contributed .' The Thieves (who were also runners-up in The List's own new bands competition last month) have released one independent single ‘Talk Your Head Olt' on theirown Planetorium label which tailed to live up to expectations but don't be put all the quality olthe band as you will see lrom the three bands ieatured on

the show. (John

and come on down toran :0 zeta. 0:8‘10'3'1930? Williamson) . ti h i .T.J. ansice m eve aqua ca app“ no ( ) hundrepd entries solelyon CECIL TAYLOR


Formed in May 1986. The Thieves have quietly and eltectively gone about establishing themselves as a musical iorce. Without the benefit oi any majorhype they have won themselves a reputation as one at the city's better unsigned bands

the quality ol ourtape', said Mark. ‘And we were lucky that when we got tothinking

about the actual video we were going to make we had

plenty ot ideas as to what

we wanted.’

‘We were lucky enoughto get Harry Entield invoived’. added Danny, ‘and were


A Cecil Taylor solo concert

is an intensely physical

experience. The great

improvisor‘s playing style

and whole bearing atthe piano combines body and mind. intellectand intuition. spontaneity and structure in unlolding his ever-changing pieces. Both relentlessly abstract— although increasingly

accessible and tundamentallyemotional.

Taylor explores the entire range ol the keyboard. with intermittent excursions into

: dance and poetry thrown in.

That physicality marks his break with the more iormal impositions at his Conservatory training. drawing on the example at Thelonious Monk andthe Japanese Kabouki Theatre. ‘People would snigger when Monk started moving. or used his elbows on the

keyboard. but I was rather

mesmerised by his audacity, and the same applied to the Kabouki. The

5 onlyapproximationwehave tothatiscertainliaaand

their bodies, but the body is an instrument too. The lusion ol dance and poetry into my music is something i have been working on lor 25 years. and I try to integrate all at that into the teel oi the whole.’

Taylor shares a bill with contemporary classical specialist Roger Woodward at Edinburgh Queen's Hall (Friday 27) and Glasgow Henry Wood Hall (Saturday 28, both 8pm). In addition, both men will be taking part in what should be atotaiiy tascinating demonstration atthe Henry Wood Hall on Saturday morning atllam, admission lree. Don't miss a rare chance to see one at the great avant-garde iazzmen in action- and ldo mean action!

(Kenny Mathieson)

i rockpeoplewhobothsing _ and dance;theso-called f seriouslineartistsiustsit there and look glum. There WW9": in um. I."

is not much happening with

be raising money this


tortnlght to go to Ethiopia, where another lamina is threatening to hit millions ot people next year. On Friday 27 November at 1.30pm third and tourth year pupils lrom Leith Academy will play their teachers at toolball (the match is held atthe (luarryhole Ground, Leith Academy) with all money raised lrom ticket sales going to the cause.

John AtacWilliam, a teacherol modem studies and the organiser and reteree ot the match, explained that the game was part ol a project initiated by the pupils themselves. ‘The idea was to come up with ways ot raising money that didn't revolve around the collecting tin and sponsorship. They came up with several ideas torthe project, including the toothall match and running a stall with their own work and baking on sale atthe bottom ol Leith Walk.‘

He teels it is very valuable tor teenagers to be able to become practically involved in doing

something to help lessen a real world problem: ‘I think one at the main things is raising awareness. These pupils leam modem studies in the classroom but they don't really teel they can help or get involved. This should really make them teal part ol something.’


As this copy oi The List hits the news stands so does an ambitious new magazine aimed at Asian groups in Scotland.

Asia Today is being launched by Glasgow based lmltiaz Ahmad but will be

‘5 edited by Edinburgh based ' non-Asian loumalist, Colin

Wright. Wright claims that ‘there is no other Scottish



publication' and no British weekly writing in English about and lor the Asain

; communities.

The new magazine. which

will be weekly, is intended ; to appeal to a broad

j spectrum at Asian groups

i including Indians.

Pakistanis. Chinese.

, Bangladeshi,Vletnamese, Sri Lankan and Japanese.

Wright admits that the

, magazine will ‘have to lind out'whetheritcan

g), pr'izu ' C 'u

y 5“"? d I"

w. MG- ‘- 9; -=«Wfi£t’='->’-'§~‘“e "

successfully cater lor such a

myriad ol ditterent groups— gmups that as he points out in their countries oi origin are in some cases actually at war with each other. ‘Actually. in addressing all the Asian groups, whatwe are doing is no more than community councils and etnic minority groups are

doing anyway. The magazine will be more to do with Asians in Scotland than their home countries. We'll be aiming tor analysis rather than straight news.’

With a potential readership ol80,000 it is hoped that Asia Today, which will have a colour cover and sell tor 60 pence. will achieve a circulation oi 10,000. Amongst the contributors to the magazine (whose stall is titty percent Asian) will be playwrite, Gunneet Mattu, author ot Cowboys and Indians currently being toured by TAG.

The List 27 Nov ll) Dec 1997 3

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