SBDaSlian Rice-Edwade 88 300mm 5 0998 930987 i Geraldine Muir and Sebastian Rice-Edwards
j season of 1985 and began to write a I nearest and dearest. Cricket. whisky about him unless there are some films because there‘s a great
l full film script. , and memories of the past are his 5 skeletons in the cupboard they resistance in the market place to Once the financial hurdles had i solace andthc friendship ofhis l wantedtokeep hidden!’ quality filmsor films withambition. I
I been cleared one of Boorman's grandson who is initiated in the i It would not be amiss for Bannen's think twenty years ago when. the
i paramount considerations was to tricky delivery of the googly. ; performance to be rewarded with an studios were making more pictures
I find human representations of his - ’Boorman had seen me in the film of Oscar nomination to add to the one they would throw in a quality film for
l past. Sebastian Rice Edwards is Bernard MacLaverty‘s Lamb and : he received for The High! ofrhe prestige but I fear the the kind of
! Boorman‘s alter ego. Sammi Davis something in that character Phoenix in 1965. His distinguished prestige films they make now are
i his sister. Sarah Miles the mother. i reminded him of his grandfather. I‘m I film career alone includes work with rather kind of ‘official art”. The kind
i David Hayman the father and Ian i 59 and the character is quite elderly I John Huston. Robert Aldrich. of films that are not really art but
! Bannen the feisty grandfather. but we thought that maybe he could ’ Richard Brooks and well --
' 9 ‘David had a wonderful kind of g be played as ()5. However. the remembered titles like The Hill. The with ambition resemblance to my father and had make-up woman decided to go the Offence and. more recently. (iorky . that boyishness which my father had. 1 whole hog and I think I can pass for Park and Defence ofthe Realm. He i people can convince themselves that
I Wonderful actor; very disciplined. ' 75 in the film. ' has recently completed a film called they‘re seeing art when they go to
' terribly good technically. What I i I The ('ourier. is currently workingon watch it but. it is. in fact. actually tried to do was a little bitofa risk. ; ‘Adults seem so grotesque : a mini-series for Scottish'l'elevision formulaentertainment disguised as YOU know hUW thn YOUTC a Child 1 V and is considering an offer for the art to make them feel better. The the behaviour of adults always seem l (.‘oatbridge-lmrn Bannen was new Peter (ireenaway film. One of whole film industry is incredibly so grotesque. exaggerated and ‘ eleven when war broke out and can our most respected ‘old reliables' he depressing isn‘t it'.’ But whatever you ridiculous. So. I tried to get that. ‘ still remember the first air raid in has scarcely lacked for employment say about films. somehow or other tried toexaggerate slightlytheir I Scotland before he was evacuated to in his 35-year career. Unfortunately. they go on being made andevery characteristics. A grandfather is l the relative safety of rural the same cannot be said for John now and again a terrific film gets always an extraordinary figure in a Leicestershire. Boorman‘s family Boorman who is hoping to work on a made and the whole thing is child’s life and they‘re much larger l provided him with their own ‘ Russian project next. ‘I think its a worthwhile.‘
[him “f0 SOmChOW- I trial 10 got that l recollections ofhis character and . very good time to get started in and Ian. ofcourse. responded i were happy to hail him as one of their ' film-making because the support you ' wonderfully to that challenge.‘ ' own by the time filming had been . can get from (‘hannel 4 and now the
81mm” is in “DC {CHIC 21$ ihC completed. ‘Grandfather is 3 B BC to make a low budget first film Hope and (ilory is scheduled Io CUTmUdgCOnIY grandpit T01”ng tyrannical. He is also loving. but is ' is much more accessible than it ever , open atlhe [:‘dinlmrgh ()(leon on 2 again“! the '1le OmeIC i careful not to show it. The family all i was. but the problem is going on ()(‘roher(on/shortly l/lt’fr’tf/ft’frlII/IF companionship in the family and said that they were sacred ofhim but from there to other things. It‘s a ' ()deon Glasgow. ( 'heek ('inema grudgingly displaying affection to his they didn‘t tell me anything else difficult time I find for me to make [.islingsfordetails. J
"Mira—china 291 saints” 7