0 Art is listed by city lirst then byvenue. running in alphabetical order. Please send details to Alice Bain not later than 10 days betore publication date.


Listings include all Festival exhibitions. which are tree. unless admission charges are specilied.

O ADAM HOUSE 5 ( ‘Iiambers Street 325 37-14 Mon- Sat Illam h..‘~tlpnt.

Festival Book Fair St )‘I' the Book t-‘esm al currently actiyating ( ~harlottc Square. This one is run by the Pros incial Booksellers I'airs Association and shoss s thousandsol antiquarian and secondhand books l’rom all oyer Britain. ('heaptes at £1 and rarities at too much to tnention.

. 54 ( ieot‘gc Slt‘L‘L‘l BM Office 220 343" S. All exhibitionsare open daily lrom Noon Midnight untiISat 2‘) Aug unless other“ ise speeilicd.

Dazzle "The cases ol contemporary ieysellery return to the l-estiyal thisyeat' “ith the work ol lilty top British designers. ltltltl pieces ys ill be lor sale lrom £5 to £150. 'I'rcat yoursell toexccllent value and quality.

Rebekah Peterson Hand-Painted Designs Noon- Illpm. .lc\\cllcr_\ and decoratise pieces painted in testis al spirit.

Colin Baxter Books ol the postcards and printsol the photographs Baxter has created a mist itnage ol Scotland which fills the shops yx ith spinnerstands. llere his success story comes together tor the l'estiyal.

Alterthe Fall ( )riginal souxenirsol‘thc Iicstisal -- tyso local artiststttrn theirtaIent into'llshirts.

Contemporary Scottish Painting trom the 369 Gallery Another Scottish exhibition \s hich shoyys nesx talent. See also(ialleryol Modern Art and 3m.

John Takawere t'ntil Sat 22 Aug. Work by this renoys ned sculptor lrom Zimbabyse who describes his work as ‘undressing the stone‘.

0 BACKRDDM GALLERY l'nderneath the Arches. 42 London Street. 556832”. Mon- Sat Illam 5.3llpm.

New Work Exhibitions l'ntil Sat 13 Sept. Young Scottish graduates shtw at this gallery in the ‘back shop‘. The tirst

selection t until Ill 31 Aug) includes painters ltotn ( ilasgtm and I~dmbutgh. Designers lake tip the second slot. See

Mercury Gallery. Edinburgh In the window at the Mercury, a tribal head announces June Redtem’s exhibition. Inside. deep reds and browns thrustagainst green make a cave or lorest ol the space. Redlem has struck a rich vein and it would be impossible to leave unatlected.

Though ligures are prominent in these uncompromising paintings. the best light a strong contest with the background. In ‘Bichard Waving'. Richard could walk away and leave a beautitully complete canvas with

a rocking sea at blue. In ‘Sad Brothers' the


Scottislt art reyiexy s.

0 BLUE PARROT 4‘) St Stephen Street.

'I‘ue Sat ltlam 3pm and " I lptn; Stm lIam 3pm.

The Blue I’arrot \scII-knoyyn lunch haunt

in Stockbridge is ltoxx open in the ex enings

attd has begun exhibiting the uot‘k oi

lxdinburghartists.I-orAugust a

selection ol lloyy er paintings.

0 CALTUN GALLERY Ill Royal 'Ierrace. 55h

Illlll. Mon I-ri Illamr opm‘. Sal

ltlam lptn.

SummerExhibition An exhibitiottol

paintings. \\ atercolours and bron/es

tl"tltl I‘Mlll lrom Britain and Izut'ope.

Izarly 19th century Scottish landscape

painters are particularly \s ell represented including Alexander and Patrick

.\'asm_\th asare I‘Mhandearly leth

centut') 'Animalier' broil/es.

0 CENTRAL LIBRARY ( ieorge l\' Bridge.

22555S4. Mon I-‘ranm ‘)ptit.Sat

0am lpm.

Gems and Precious Stones I’rom 3" July.



seated pair share the colours ol the cave that curves round in sympathy. Theligures become landscape and the landscape becomes abstract. It's all one.

Edinburgh College at Art trained and a lormer artist-in-residence at the National Gallery in London. Redlern is an artistwho directs herteellngs straight and without contrlvance. Unalraid ol exploration. this most recent stage at her journey takes herto the lorelront ol the Festival. (Alice Bain)

0 CITY ART CENTRE 2 Market Street. 225 2-124 ext 005”. Mon Sat Illam tiptn. I’lus 3pm 5pm on Sundays dttring the I’estiy al. Licensed cale. |I)|

Miniature Masterpieces: Lacquerworklrom the l 'llllI Sal .5 Sept. I.t)ls UI IlllIL‘ black boxes in glass cases. I’art ol the Iidinburgh International I‘estixal. this exhibition celebrates a IlllIc-kltoyx n Russian lolk art I’alekh \y as the yillagc most t'enoys ned lor its skill in Iacquerysork painting and it is trom here that the yxork on yiexs' comes. It is the first major

shoys ing oI this work in tltc l'K (sec panell.

Child‘s Play I 'ntil Sat 5 Sept. An exhibition \s hieh complements the exhibits at the Mttscum ol (’hildhood round the corner. Margaret 'I'hatchcr's teddy is a lot bigger than I)a\ id Steel's! I’laythings trottt the 19th century to the present day . Puppet Shoxys attd actiy ities haye been organised throughout the exhibition. so get in touch Ior details. Admission charges w ill be donated to the Saye the ('hildren I‘und. Open Space ( ~onimunity (irottps are insited toappl} to the(‘it_\ Art (‘entrelor IUSS exhibition space. (‘ontact l Icrbert (‘outts. ('ity ('urator. Ilutitly l louse Museutn. I43 (‘anongatc il yott base a good idea.


t ‘hambers Street 225 3991 Mon- Sat Ill..‘stlam (L5Ilpm.

Maverick. or Who‘s Alraid ol Edith Simon? l’ntil Sat 2‘) Aug. In Simon's catalogueshe points out that her technique is neither collage ttor paper sculpture bttt I’ape r Bas Relief. Images are created by cutting through as many as ten thicknessnessol paper. The resulting portraits are certainly original. sometimes strange and well outside the current trends ( hence maverick ). Iidith Simon is mm a regularat the I‘estiyal. proudly proclaiming

without the assistance ol' the Scottish Arts ('ouncil.

0 CULERIDGE GALLERY 47b (icorgc Street. 330 I305. Mon~Sat Illam 5.30pm. Summer lixhibition l'ntil Sat 2‘) Aug. ('ontemporary British glass leaturing work by Anthony Stern. Biddy Langley. Annabel Ncyyham and others. ()pen Stilt Ilium-5.30pm during the Festival.

0 COLLECTIVE GALLERY 53-54 I Iigh Street 556 2W). 'I'ue—-I“ri IZ.3IL-5.3tlpm: Sat ltlam— 5pm. ('Iosed Sun and Mon. Collective Festival Exhibitions t‘ntil Mon 3! Aug. The gallery presents tysoexhibitions oI members' work. one at their I liin Street address (aboyc ) and the other at Iidinburgh (‘ollege of Art. Lauriston I’lace. Work ranges from abstract to t'iguratiye. comic to political. Mostly Scottish. See Scottish reyieyys.

O DANISH CULTURAL INSTITUTE 31)oune Terrace 33.5 7M"). Mon-~I‘ri ltlam ~5pm: Sat Illam» 3pm.

Eight contemporary painters lrom Denmark l'ntil liri I I Sept. A group ot‘painters chosen from the Spring Iixhibition oI I985 at ('harlottenborg. ('openhagen.

0 RICHARD DEMARCO GALLERY Blacklriars ('hurch. Blacklriars Street (oil I Iigh Street). 557ll7tl7. Joseph Beuys l'ntil Mon 31 Aug. 'Ihere isa

The List 21 Attg 3 Sept 43