Drummed back into town. Kyle

tightens the skins for a national tour.

lzdinburgli drummer Bill lxy le hax reeently returned to by e in the my alter a xtmt in london. Kyle haxbeen iriyoly ed in a lot ot bandx m thexe pai'tx oy er theyearx. going baek to the early dayxot ia//-ttiiik. yy hen he oeeupied the drum xeat m I lead. a band yy hieh toured \y idely and reeoided three albumx Bill hax been a long-term eollaboralor \yitli trombonrxt Brian Kk'klkllk‘ and xa\ophonixt t iordon ( ‘r urekxhank. and aetually re-lormed the Kyle Keddle Se\lel tor the ( ilaxgtiyy .la// l‘extiy al. althouin a more per manant reunion niuxt ayyait Brian'x return trom torergii partx.

.la/z-lunk hax alyy ayx been a xignitieant part ol Bill'x repertoire. and hix annual tour \y itli \eyy York .la/zrx abotit to kiek-ott again. 'I he band hax generally leaned in that direetron. although yy ith the eniphaxix on (a// rather than lunk. lt datex trom Bill’xxtay in that eity in NS] 2. and ix intended to let Britrxh audreneexhear xome ot the lexx yyell—knoyy n talent lrom that great (an eentre. The line-up ehangex eyery year. and the playerx he yyill bring oy er trorii the Big Apple thix tinieineludex otin guitarrxt Miteh Stein and baxx player Altred Buonanno trom laxt year ~x group.

'Miteh Stem hax been \yor'krng \y ith me tor xome tune mm in laet. tlux ix hix titth eonxeeutry e tour \y iththe band and he hax played \y ith people like .laek Mel )ull. Stanley 'l'urrentrne and Miehael l ‘rbaniakAyhile Allied haxeredrtx \yrth giiyx Irke l'tltile‘ l)ariielxand Stey e Jordan. '1 he neyy player (tom the Statex thixyear ixa \ ibex player. Joe I oeke. yyho hax iiey er beenliexu'd o\ er here. .loe hax yyorked \\ itli great rhy thmplayerx like Al l-oxter and l-ddie ( iorrle/. and I‘m really looking toward to hearing him play “uh 'I ornrny. I think you‘ll lind it ix a lot dilterenl trotu ( iary Burlori'xapproaeh.'

lornrny ix. ot eourxe. xaxophonixt lornrny Smith. eurr‘ently putting together planx tor hixoyyn dey eloprnent ax a band-leader Ax Bill reminded rue. lornrny aetually teatur'ed in the MN e\ er \eyy York law tour at the tender age ot lb. and yy ill need no introduetion in hix natry e lzdinburgh. The young tenorrnan hax been imprexxrng eyery one baek' here on hix t‘eeeitt datex yy ith laii‘yxtrt‘d Motion and the ( iat'y Burton Band. .\'eyy York .la// xhould proy ide hiniyyith plenty ol ehanee to xhine. and hix inereaxingly aggrexxiy e. authoritatiy e eomniand ol a \y idening iaz/ regixter xhould add both xtrength and dixeipline tothe trout-line.

The tour openx at the Breeon .la// l'exltyal on the yyeekend ot the 33 23rd. prior to their l-‘extiy'al l-ringe rexideney at Buxter Br'oyy n‘x in Market Street. The aetion xtartx at llprn on the Nth. reyerting to lllpmtor the remaining nightx ( 35 2"th). ()n paxt torm. it \yillbe taxt. hard and e\eiting eonteniporar'y )az/ troinyy hat Iookx like Bill'xxtrongext line-up yet. 'I he band goon to play (iillexpre'x lll ( ilaxgoyy on the 2-Sth. and the Imperial Hotel in Aberdeen on the Fllth. \y ith a xtringot datex xouth ol the border to lolloyy. (Kenny Mathiexonl


BLOWOUT The McEwan's International Jazz Festival winds down with two blow out Farewell Balls at the Cotton Club and the Amphitheatre trom 8.30pm—2am on Fri 21 Aug and three Hangover Sessions on the Saturday night. The guest stars shuttle between thetwo venues for the Friday night balls. led by the Kansas City All Stars—amongthe pertormers pianist/singer Jay McShann. saxophonist and Edinburghlavourite Buddy Tate. and guitaristAl Casey. Other bands appearing during this long night include Humphrey Lyttelton. Acker Bilk. clarinet maestro Bob Wilbei and Scots-Canadian saxophonist Jim Galloway's All Stars. Fun bands keeping the trad steam up include Monty Sunshine. Kustandbettrom Sweden and The Criterion Parade Band. The Festival istinally put to bed after Saturday's hangover Sessions in the Jazz Big Top inthe Meadows 7—11pm;The Cotton Club. TeviotHow BBQ-Midnight: and

Charlotte Square's Spiegeltent. 8—11pm. Lovers of musiclromthe Twenties and Thirties could then. I suppose troop up to the Queen‘s Hall where the Pasadena HoolQrchestra will set up tor three nights 24—26th—cabarettables and dancing. (Norman Chalmers)


ArtBlakey'sJazz Messengers are something ol an institution in jazz circles. but they still manage to come up with the goods year alter year. The band the greatdrummer brought tothe Queen‘s Hall thistime was completely changedlrom his visit eighteen months ago. but already borethe classic Messengerstrademark. Hard bop has become the contemporaryjazz mainstream. and no one has been more instrumental intorgingthe music's identitythan Blakey. The new band played theirway throughthetamiliar Messengers repertoire as though they had never done anything else. and maybe some olthem neverhad—

AI Casey

they surely looked young I enough. Pianist Benny Green and trumpeter Wallace Honey stood out. andthe punters cheered them to the echo. WithArt. you know what to expect. and you neverget short-changed.

(Kenny Mathieson)

0 Art Blakey‘sJazz Messengers. Round Midnight. Queen's Hall. (15/16 Aug: run ended)


The Courtney Pine Quartet made a quickreturnto Queen’s Hall tollowing his successful concert in April. and simply conlirmed the , impression he Iettthen. l

Courtney's approach is based verylirmlyin an aggressive. torrential attack. but there were signs thatheis beginningto temperthat with a more balanced view oldynamics and contrast. particularly on tenorsaxophone. His most impressive work was onthathornzon soprano.he a tended to get locked into repetitive sequencesthat were highlyimpressive technically. butnotmuchto listento. ll there is still a reservation about Courtney'slack otvariation. i heisundoubtedlyagitled

craltsman. and there is no reason to assume thalthe rest will not lollow in due course. (Kenny Mathieson) o The Courtney Pine Quartet. Queen‘s Hall. run ended.


Jan Garbarek is a singular voice on the saxophone. His uniquetone hasa wilderness edge and he creates sound landscapes in open modal melody. but with a bold post-Coltrane technique always ready to burst through. His collaborations with pianist/composer Keith Jarrett. guitarists Ralph TownerorJohn Abercrombie and bassist Charlie Haden have been instrumental in creating the ECM label's distinctive European style at introverted. passionate structured small group jazz. He brings to the tinal Bound Midnightconcerts atthe Queen‘s Hall (21.22Aug) the groupthatvisited Scotland earlier this yearto a rapturous reception —the legendary Eberhard Weber on bass; Lars Jansson on piano. and on percussion the Brazilian Nana Vasconseles. (Norman Chalmers)


0 Jan Garbarek Quartet .\'ordre eool ineetx Brazilian exuberanee.

yy ith a little 'l'eutonie bracing. (iarbarek. \'a.xeoneelox and Weber are ioined by pianixt l.arx .lanxxon in a xuperb linale to the Round Midnight xeaxon. ()ueen'x Hall. 31-22 Aug. Ill-15pm

{ti 1;".

0 Al Cohn Septet Ameriean \il\t)phumxl Ix (mm-(l by lunehtime. l-extryal (Tub. .L'llexlx. ineludiiig xiiiglei ('hllmlk‘l" 5l~31-’\l'§~'- l-‘ionna l)unean and 13,3Upm. Day

Humphrey l,y ttletott. lllL‘mberxhip L3. Badgex. Amphitheatre. l.othian 0 Clark Tracey Quintet

Road. 21 Aug. 12.3llprii. liek‘etx on door. or ( iold Star Badgex. ete.

0 Tommy Chase Quartet Straight-ahead hard bop. .la/z Big lop ( Meadoyyx). 21 Aug. l2.3llprn.12. Badgex.

0 Bob Wilber & Friends (‘Iarinetixt and xaxophonixt. Riyerxide Suite. Dragonara l lotel. 21 Aug. 12.3ltpm. L2. Badgex.

0 Harry Edison Quintet't‘he one to go tortlux

l'nlexxyou'r'e kat. in

\y hieh eaxe try ‘I t'aeey 'x HL'\ll‘|L‘ httt'tl hop. \Vatet'loo Bar. \Valer'loo l’laee. 3| Aug. llfillpm. l'it'ee.

0 Roy Williams Sextet llighly regarded lrombonrxt Merlin Roadhouxe. Mornrngxrde Road. 2| Aug. ll Rllpni. T‘l’L‘L'.

0 Jim Galloway Sextet with Melanie Q'Beilly l-.\pattrate Seottrxh xa\ophoruxt (outxtanding on xoprano ) and r‘exident lr'ixh xrnger. (‘ramond Brig l lotel. ()ueenxleri'y Road. ll Aug. l2..‘~ll. l‘il‘L'c.

o Pianorama More pianlxtx than you ean xhake axliek at. Jan Big ‘1 up. 31 Aug. 3pm. L25“. Badgex.

0 Bruce Adams Octet. Acker BilltJa/l Big 'l op. ll Aug. TEMP”). {—1.15utlgcx

o Humphrey Lyttleton Be-Union Band. Monty Sunshine. Clark Tracey OuinleiAlI-xlai e\-l lurnph line-up plux 'l raeey ‘x llll‘lee‘led ltiit‘, Beek‘x Sptegeltettl ((‘lldl litll'e' Square). ll Aug. Spin. £5. Badgex.

0 Grand Farewell Ball Big Bandx at the(‘olton ( 'lub. 21 Aug. Sfyllpm. l reket Hilly . L l”.

0 Grand Farewell Ball

xrnger and adopted ete .la// Big lop. :3 Aug. “Slipin H. “(ltlfg'e‘x

0 Rent Party and Asiabeat

Moxtly the xame l‘ande .-\niphitheatre. Ii Aug. \ .‘llpni lreket only . all) 0 Kustbandet l'afly

l lat lern Syy ing. \yy edrxh- xtyle .la// Big [op 32 Aug. 13 .illpni ti. Httdgex.

oAlex Shaw Quintetwith Martin Taylor .xeuutxh pianixt and adopted guitarixt yyith agroyung international reputation .la/x Big lop, .‘3 Aug. 3er L.‘ 5". Badgex

0 Carol Kidd & Trio with Martin Taylor lopx'e-ourxh

Separatexhoyyx(rnlhal UltlL‘l l ltll llle'Sk' |.t//-llllllle .L’tll‘alltlx lhe \ enue. ( allot] Road (\ enue‘N' 3! _‘_‘Aug llt‘tll.tv15lllt.:5|ll lam. Ht L1).

0 Musicologyllxmger Melanie ( )'Reilly and gurtarrxt l-ianeix ( ~(man l)emareo(iallery (\ enue ISLE: leug.” l5pni Uttl l.

0 New York JalllSee lealurel Biixlei Broyynx. Market St(\’enuetill)._‘-1 Aug. 1 1pm. :5 3" Aug. lllprii

'l‘he l.i.xt 2] Aug 3 Sept 31