Pirates (PG) and Dance 01 the Vampires (PG) 1.45pm. Chronicle 01 a Death Foretold (15) 6pm. 8.30pm.
Allen and Aliens 1 1816pm.
o MONDAY 10:
My Beautilul Laundrette 1 15) and The Fourth Man ( 18) 2pm. Three Men and ACradle (PG) 6pm. 8.30pm.
A Street to Die 1 15) 6.30pm. Three Men and a Cradle (PG)8.311pm.
Witness ( 15) 2 . 311pm. 6pm. Three Men and a Cradle (PG ) 8.30pm.
Three Men and a Cradle 1 PG) 6pm. 8.30pm.
0 GROSVENOR Ashton Lane.
Fri 7/Sa18:
1. Indiana Jones and the Temple otDoom (PG) 11.15pm.
2. The Exorcist ( 18) 1 1 . 15pm.
O CAMEO Home Street. 22841-11. [D] Bar open Mon-Sat6—1 1.30pm: Sun 6-11pm. £1 .20 for 1st and 2nd perf: £2 forthird perf;£2.90 for last pcrf. Chronicle ot a Death Foretold115)2.311pm. 4.40pm. 6.50pm. 9pm. See also Edinburgh Lates. O CANNON Lothian Road. 229 3030. Bar: 1lam—2.30pm.5—10pm(Mon—Thurs). 11am—1 1pm (Fri/Sat). 5—10pm (Sun). [1)] cinemas 2 84 3 prior notification advisable. £2.90.£2.50Child £1.60. £1.500AP£I (before 6pm). Family discount scheme operates. 1. Superman IV: The Ouest tor Peace (PG) 1.20pm (not Sun). 3.40pm. 6pm. 8.30pm. 2. Police Academy IV: Citizens on Patrol (PG) 2.30pm (not Sun). 5.30pm.8.30pm. 3. An American Tail (U) 1.50pm (not Sun). 3.50pm. 5.511pm. Mannequin (PG) 8.40pm. 0 DOMINION qubattle Terrace. 447 2660. Rest 10am—2pm 8: 6—11pm(Mon-Fri). 10am—1 1pm (Sat). Bar 12-2.30pm. 6—10pm (Mon—Sat). Cinema not open Sun. £2.50. £2.20. Child £1 .200AP£1 UB40/Students £1.20. (all pcrfs except evng perfs in cinema 3). 1. The Living Daylights (PG) 2. 15pm. ‘.15pm.8.15pm. 2. Police Academy IV: Citizens on Patrol (PG)2.30pm. 5.30pm. 8.30pm. 3. Room With A View (PG) 2pm. 5pm.8pm. 0 ODEON Clerk Street. 667 7331. Bar 6—9pm. Partial wheelchair access. Tickets £2 (cones £1.50) for performances commencing before 6pm. Tickets £2.70 (cones £2) for perfs commencing after 6pm. 1. The Livings Daylights (PG) 1.45pm (not Sun). 5pm. 8pm. 2. Big Trouble In Little China (PG) 2. 15pm. 4pm (not Sun). Black Widow ( 15) 6pm. 8.30pm. 3. The Artstocats (U) 1.511pm. 3.55pm. 6pm; Sun 5.15pm. Crocodile Dundee (15) 0 PLAYHOUSE Leith Walk. 557 2590. [D] £2 UB40/Student/Child £1. OAP 10p. Sate: Angel Heart (18) (Film Festival Gala)
Lothian Road. 228 2688. Bar (Mon—Sat. noon—11pm. Sun 6.30—11pm) Rest (Mon-Sat. noon—9pm). [E] Matinees £1 .20(concs 75p); Early cvgs £2 (cones £1.50); Main evgs and Double Bills £2.30 bookable in advance. No I concessions on Sats. i 0 FRIDAY 7: 1. Dona Harlinda and Her Son ( 15) 6.45pm. 8.45pm.
L2. 52 PIcIt-Up(1816.15pm.8.3()pm.
1. Dona Herlinda and Her Son ( 15) 6.45pm. 8.45pm.
2. 52 Pick-Up(18)6.15pm.8.311pm.
The 41st Edinburgh International Film Festival commences 8 August with a premiere ofAngel Heart and runs until 23 August at Filmhousc and other city venues. See separate Film Festival listings for full programme details.
0 CAMEO Home Street.
Double Take Meet the Astro Zombies 11.15pm. (Tickets £4.50; concs £3). Runs from 10—29 Aug.
O CANNON Princess Street. Falkirk.0324 23805.
1. Superman IV: The Ouestlor Peace (PG) 1.45pm. 4.45pm. 7.45pm; Sun 4.45pm. 7.45pm.
2. Flight olthe Navigator (U) 1.311pm.4pm. 6.30pm; Sun 6.30pm only.
Crocodile Dundee (15) 9pm.
3. The Living Daylights (PG) 1.30pm. 4.30pm. 7.30pm: Sun 4.30pm. 7.30pm. 0 REGAL North Bridge Street. Bathgate. ()506 630 869.
O CANNON West Blackhall Street. Greenock. 0475 86885. 1. Superman IV: The Ouest tor Peace (PG)
1.50pm. 4.05pm. 6. 10pm. 8.20pm; Sun 7.20pm.
2. Flight 01 the Navigator ( U 1 1.411pm. 4.05pm. 6.30pm: Sun 6.30pm only. Crocodile Dundee ( 15) 9pm (not Sun).
3. The Living Daylights (PG) 2.05pm. 4.55pm. 7.45pm: Sun 6.45pm.
0 CANNON Titchfield Street. Kilmarnock. ()563 37288.
1. Superman IV: The Ouest Ior Peace (PG) 1.50pm. 4.05pm. 6.20pm. 8.45pm; Sun 7.50pm.
2. The Flight 01 the Navigator ( U) 1.411pm. 4.10pm. 6.30pm; Sun 7.50pm.
Crocodile Dundee ( 15) 9pm (not Sun).
3. The Living Daylights (PG) 2.211pm. 5.30pm. 8. 15pm; Sun 7.25pm.
0 KELBURNE Glasgow Road. Paisley. 889 3612.
1. The Living Daylights (PG) 2pm. 4.511pm. 7.40pm.
2. Superman IV: The Ouest Ior Peace (PG) 2.30pm. 5.30pm. 8.15pm.
0 LA SCALA Hamilton Street. Saltcoats. 0294 63345 [D] Cinema 1. £1.50 Child/OAP 75p.
1. Secret 01 My Success (PG) 1.30pm. 6.10pm. 8.15pm.
2. The Living Daylights (PG) 1.211pm. 7.45pm.
0 ODEON Burns Statue Square. Ayr. 0292 264049. [1)] £2.50:Child/UB40/OAP
£1 .50 (no concessions for last performance Fri and Sat).
1. The Secret 01 My Success (PG) 1pm. 3.30pm. 6pm. 8.30pm; Sun 3.30pm. 6pm. 8.30pm.
2. The Living Daylights (PG) 1.311pm. 4.30pm. 8pm: Sun 4.30pm. 8pm.
3. Mannequin (PG) 1.05pm. 3.115pm. 5.05pm. 7.05pm. 9.05pm; Sun 3.05pm. 5.05pm. 7.05pm. 9.05pm.
0 ODEON Townhead Street. Hamilton. 0698 283 802. [D] cinemas 2&3. Fri/Sat £2.50 Child/OAP£1 .40. Sun—Thurs £2.30 Child/OAP£1.30. Mon—Fri until6pm UB40£1.
1. The Living Daylights (PG) 1.35pm. 4.25pm. 7.35pm.
2. Police Academy IV: Citizens on Patrol (PG) 2.25pm. 5. 15pm.
The Secret 01 My Success (PG) 8.05pm.
3. The Three Amigos (PG) 2. 15pm. 5. 111pm. 8.10pm.
0 RIALTO College Street. Dumbarton. 0389 62763. £2 C hild/U B40/OAP £1.
1. Superman IV: The Ouest for Peace (PG) 2pm. 6pm. 8pm.
2. The Living Daylights (PG) 1.45pm. 7.30pm.
Friday 14—Thursday 20
See under WeeI11 lor details at ticketprices. opening hours. Iacilities etc.
Provisional programme details only—not continued at time 01 going to press.
0 CANNON (‘larkston Road. Muirend.633 2123.
1. Superman IV: The Ouest tor Peace (PG) 2. The Three Amigos 1 PG)
3. Unconlirmed.
0 CANNON Saucliiehall Street. 332 1592. 1. Superman IV: The Ouest for Peace (PG) 2. Police Academy IV: Citizens on Patrol (PG)
3. The Secret 01 My Success ( PG)
4. An American Tail (1')
5. Mannequin 1 PG)
Possible openings: Pee Wee's Big Adventure (1‘ 1; Jaws: The Revenge1151
O CINEMA Southgate. iiast Kilbride.03552 31020. ('loscd Mon Tue.
The Livings Daylights 1 PG)
0 CANNON GRAND 18 Jamaica Street. 248 4620.
Adult movies. Phone for details.
0 GROSVENOR Ashton Lane. I lillhead. 339 781-1.
1. Unconfirmed.
2. Unconlirmed.
O ODEON FILM CENTRE Renl'ield Street. 332 87111.
1. The Living Daylights 1 PG)
2. Unconlirmed.
3. BlacItWidow1 15)
0 SALON \"inicombe Street. 339-1256. The Three Amigos 1 P( 11 2pm. 7.311pm.
GLASGOW FILM THEATRE 12 Rose Street. 332 6535.
o FRIDAY 14:
Three Men and a Cradle 1 PG) 2.30pm.6pm. 8.30pm.
A Private Function 1 151 and Loot11812pm. Three Men and a Cradle ( P( i) 6pm.8.30pm. o SUNDAY 16:
Gothic ( 18) 6pm. 8.30pm.
0 MONDAY 17:
The Dresser 1 P( i 1 2.311pm. Gothic1 18) 6pm. 8.30pm.
Cactus (PG) 6.3(Ipm.GOIhiC 1 18) 8.30pm.
That's Llle(1512.311pm. 6pm. 8.30pm.
W O GROSVENOR Ashton Lane.
Fri 14/Sa115:
1. Desperately Seeking Susan115) 11.15pm.
2. The Hitcher1181 11.15pm.
Provisional programme details only-not contirmed at time 01 going to press.
0 CAMEO l Iome Street. 2284141.
Fri 14: Stand By M81l5)3.~15pm.5.3llpm. 7.15pm. 9pm.
Sat 15: Heavenly Pursuits 1 15 1 3pm . 5pm. 7pm. 9pm.
Sun 16: Heavenly Pursuits 1 15) 5pm. 7pm. 9 m.
Mon 17: Sid and Nancy1l812pm.4.211pm. 6.40pm. 9pm.
Tue 18? Salvador1 l8) 2pm.-1.20pm. 6.40pm. 9pm.
Wed 19: A Love Bewitched 1 PG) 2pm. 4pm.
72 The List 7 - 20 August
6pm. Manhunter (Film Festival Gala) 8.30pm.
Thurs 20: Gothic ( 18) 2pm. 4pm. 6pm. Eat The Rich (Film Festival Gala) 8.30pm. See Also Edinburgh Lates.
0 CANNON Lothian Road. 229 3030.
1. Jaws: The Revenge ( 15)
2. Superman IV: The Ouest tor Peace (PG) 3. Unconlirmed.
See Also Edinburgh Lates.
O DOMINION Newbattle Terrace. 447 2660. 1. The Living Daylights (PG) 2. 15pm.
5. 15pm. 8.15pm.
2. Police Academy IV: Citizens on Patrol (PG) 2.30pm. 5.30pm. 8.30pm.
3. Room With A View (PG) 2pm. 5pm.8pm. 0 ODEON Clerk Street. 667 7331.
1. The Living Daylights (PG) 1.45pm (not Sun). 5pm. 8pm.
2. Radio Days (PG) 2pm. 4. 15pm (not Sun). 6.30pm. 8.45pm.
3. Black Widow ( 15) Times unconfirmed.
Double Take Meet the Astro Zombies 11.15pm (Tickets £4.50; Cones £3). Runs nightly until 29 Aug.
0 CANNON Lothian Road.
Fri 14: Brand New Day (Film Festival Gala) Sat 15: Aria (Film Festival Gala)
Sun 16: Extreme Prejudice (Film Festival Gala)
Provisional programme details only-not continued at time 01 going to press.
0 CANNON Princess Street. Falkirk.0324 23805.
1. Superman IV: The Ouest tor Peace (PG) 2. Flight olthe Navigator ( U)
Crocodile Dundee (15)
3. The Living Daylights ( PG)
Possible opening: Jaws: The Revenge115) 0 REGAL North Bridge Street. Bathgate. 0506 630 869.
Provisional programme details only—not contirmed at time 01 going to press.
0 CANNON West Blackhall Street. (ireenock. 0475 86885.
1. Superman IV: The Ouest Ior Peace (PG) 2. Flight 01 the Navigator1U)
Crocodile Dundee ( l5)
3. The Living Daylights 1 PG)
Possible opening: Jaws: The Revenge115) O CANNON Titchfield Street. Kilmarnock. 0563 37288.
1. Superman IV: The Ouest tor Peace ( PG) 2. Flight of the Navigator ( U)
Crocodile Dundee ( 15)
3. The Living Daylights 1 PG)
Possible opening: Jews: The Revenge 1 151 0 KELBURNE Glasgow Road. Paisley. 889 3612.
1. The Living Daylights (PG)
2. The Secret at My Success (PG)
0 LA SCALA Hamilton Street. Saltcoats. 0294 63345
1. Secret 01 My Success (PG)
2. The Living Daylights (PG)
0 ODEON Burns Statue Square. Ayr. 0292 264 1149.
1. Superman IV: The Ouest Ior Peace 1 PG) 2. 15pm. 4.20pm. 7pm. 9pm; Sun 4.20pm. 7pm. 9pm.
2. The Living Daylights 1 PG) 2pm. 5pm. 8pm; Sun 5pm. 8pm.
3. The Secret 01 My Success (PG 1 2pm. 4.30pm: Sun 4.30pm only.
Mannequin (PG) 7pm. 9. 10pm; Sun 7pm. 9. 10pm.
O ODEON Townhead Street. Hamilton. 0698 283 802.
1. The Living Daylights (PG)
2. Police Academy IV: Citizens on Patrol (PG)
The Secret 01 My Success (PG)
3. The Three Amigos( PG)
0 RIALTO College Street. Dumbarton. 0389 62763.
1. Superman IV: The Ouest lor Peace (PG) 2. The Living Daylights (PG)
~""'.‘§€-L.‘3. TEE-£13