‘lt‘s probably the Scottish inferiority complex!‘ says Alan. darkly. "I‘hey can't be themselves. .‘
More seriously he does see it as partly a development by default: given the lack of history of a cabaret circuit in Glasgow and Edinburgh. many of those who do perform cabaret are usually straight actors - Alan and Forbes included. With an increasing number ofcabaret slots being created in theatres. however.
and the encouraging added profile of Scottish Television‘s programme (projected as a late night slot to go out this summer with regular guests Victor and Barry and singer Terry Neason) it is a situation that could develop a positive new rash of comedy.
Meanwhile both Forbes and Alan are assiduously pursuing their own solo careers (Alan appearing in a ty children's series The Shadow oft/w
Stone and Forbes in Bing l litler's
radio comedy series. The Hitler Diaries) and keeping Victor and Barry just slightly at arm’s length.
The leading lights ofthe Kelvinside
Young People‘s Amateur Dramatic Arts Society are naturally taking their advancing fame well in their stride - Alan and Forbes. however. are slightly more neryous. "l'he ty
audience that see us start to associate
me with Victor and him with Barry.‘
says Alan. ‘You can neyer get away from them . . .'
And with the waiter coming dangerously within range it seems like time to go.
Victor and Barry are a! the Third [11w (PHI/'1’. Glasgow on Tues 33110161“ par! off/1e Ste/la xl [tentative (ii/tare! ll'c't’k. More(‘ahart'lai‘ls' (lft’lf.\'l('(1()ll page 2!).
The List 12 — 25 June 5