Beumbernald and Kilsyth Labour‘s deputy chiefvvhip Norman llogg is safe.
Tony Worthington ison his vsay to Westminster. f: Cunninghame South Very sale territory for l.ahotlr and Dav id l.amhie.
East Kilbride chv l.ahour candidate. Adam Ingram shouldvvrn. lle's group leader on local district council. But Denis Sullivan. the energetic lilS assistant secretary. could surprise vs ith a gain for the Alliance.
~th JEast Lothian .lohn Home Rohertson. l.ahour's farming spokesman. is safe here. El: Eastwood The seat vyith the largest concentration of professionals and ms ncr occupiers in Scotland. A 'l‘ory heartland vv ith the only majority 'l'ory council in central Scotland. Alan Stevvart is sate (maj S505 last time). But vvatch Alliance's Ralphlcislunan he could come close it l.ahour v otersdefcct tactically. ElijEdinburgh Leith l.ahour's ovvn Ron llrovv n isokay here. Edinburgh Pentlands Scots Secretary Malcolm Rifkind should he sale here. But Iahour's city council leader Mark l.a/arovv in has hopes of ousting Mrs 'l"s man in Scotland. It could he the sensation of the night. But that all depends on hovs vvell the Alliance vote holds tip. And if it doesn't vv here it goes. With the abolition of the rates. it's likely sortie local vvav erers vvorried ahotrt the latest rates hills from the I.ahour-eontrolled district and region vv ill return firmly to the 'I‘ory fold. Edinburgh South Scottish local goverrunent minister Michael Ancram looks in sortie difficulty here in this three-vvay Tory Alliance l.ahour marginal. l.ahour's Nigel (iriffiths appears to he emerging as main contender. hut Alliance‘s David (iraham is not far behind (the Alliance vve re 2nd last time). For l.ahour orhlliance to vvin they'll have to take votes from each other. A key seat.
@CjEdinburghWesttmd James Douglas l lamilton is defending the smallest 'I‘ory majority in Scotland (498 votes) - can he heat offonce again the Alliance contender housing manager Derek King‘.’ That all dependson the strength ofthc
Alliance vote — and if'l‘ory
or l-ahour voters .svvitch. Lord James may just do it
again!qu [DD Fa I ast l.ahour's
1. Cathcart
2. Central
3. Garscadden 4. Govan
5. Hillhead
6. Maryhill .' 7. Pollock
8. Provan
9. Rutherglen
10. Shettleston
11. Springburn EDINBURGH
12. East
13. South 14.Pennands
15. West
16. Leith
17. Central
Scottish front hench spokesman llarry lavving yvill have no prohlcms here.
Falkirlr West Safe for l.ahour. Denis ( 'anavan. an Ml’ since W74 vvill he hack andifthel‘ories “in he‘s certain to ruffle a levy feathers on the l.ahour henches as he pressed ahead vv ith detnands tor a Scottish Assemhly. But hovv far he'll go is the higquestton. File Central Nevv hoy llarry Mcl.eish. l.ahour group leader on life region. will keep this seat safe for l.ahour. A man to vvatch at Westminster. Glasgow Cathcart 'l'eddy 'l'aylor‘s old seat. novv safely nurtured hy l.ahour's John Maxton vvho vvon it sensationally against the trend in 197‘). The question is vv ill the ('onservatives hold onto second place. Glasgow Shettleston l.ahour‘s David Marshall is safe in what rernainsa rock solid socialist seat. associated with the Red (‘ly desiders \‘v'heatley and McGovern.
3:; Glasgow Springburn Michael Martin came top last time vvith the highest share of the popular vote in any consituency in Scotland.almost 65"} of the voters put a cross at his name. Will it he as high this time'.’ A very safe Lahour seat. @QGordon Malcolm Bruce. the Alliance's
. employmentspokesman.
should he hack at Westminster. He took the
o 162$ S" 0 t/O’ ( $s~v I °° ' p ‘ ‘ ONFF .9 . 7 “PW \\ .."“ if .2 s‘ 'vs. . LNE‘SS,NNRNJ;_/_Z__ _ k‘MRDAN; tr ‘ "(AGCROCEV a H DEE- ‘Soum {i t. . mam,
{Khak- K’FST'
seat from the 'l ories last time vv ith majority of S5” he shoulddo hcttcr this time. Agriculaluralist Ross l.cckie from the ('onscrvatives is the challenger.
:ej: jGreenock and Port Glasgow ()nc ol the levy l.ahour l.iheral marginals in Britain But l.ahour‘s Norman (iodman should keep it l.ahour again this time tmaj 4.(i_‘5 last time l. :L’j: ’jHamiltonUc-orge Rohcrtson. l.ahour's lr‘ont hench foreign affairs spokesman. vy ill hav e no prohlemsherc. It'snovv safe l.ahour territory alter those flirt.itios vv ith the SNl’ in thc Sl\tles.
:cj: ijilmarnockand Loudon \Villic McKclvcy has heen Ml’ here lor’ l.ahoursincc l9“). lle'll he hack again.
Kirkcaldy A .lune (ieneral lilection avoided a hy -election here follovvingthe deathof l.ahour Ml’ l larry (iourlay. Dr I.cvvis Mooney . .l community health specialist. is l.ahour's man and he should vy in comfortahly. Last time majority over 53.”. But it might have heen different in a hy-clection. Alliance David Stevv art. a former l.ahour man and confidant of l larry (iourlay. is main challenger. The Tories. Who came second last time vvith just over l0_000 votes. have selected advocate lain Mitchell as candidate. Linlithgow'l‘am Dalyell. the persistent
MrEVML‘ L ghsr M
l.ahour MP. is sale here. Majority last time vs as over 1 l .000. .lirn Sillars is standing for the Alliance last time they came third vvith Slllltlvotes. (an Sillarsoust the Jones from second place'.’ jLivingston l.ahour"s Rohin (‘ook should he alright here. Majority last time vs as almost 5000. But the Alliance. ('onservativesand SNI’ are all fielding strong candidates and one could emerge as the main challenger. (’ould it he Boh Mc(‘rcadie from the Alliance'.’ ( )r vv ill Kenny Macaskill take the SNl’ from fourth to second place'.’
‘jStirling Michael ljorsyth. a povv erful exponent of privatisation. should he returned here. Majority last time5133. l.ahour's Michael (‘onnarty has hopes of closing the gap -- and vvinning. But hoth he and the Alliance's lain
Mar tarlane could lose votes to lain l.avvson. the former'I'ory vvhoyoined the SNl’altcrthe (iartcosh closure decision. Much vvill depend on hovv many. if any . votes l‘orsyth losesv and vvhere they go. A key seal.
Band and Buchan Scotland’s oldest Ml’. (if) year-old 'l‘ory ‘the Buchan
hulldog' Alhert McQuarrie is defending a ()3? majority. SNP's Alex Salmond has high hopes of capturing this seat.
Clydesdale Should he a safe l.ahour seat. hut the .-\lliancc'sJohn Boyle could upset l.ahour's nevv candidate Nottinghamshirc miner James I lood. It all depends on vvhat happens to the Tory vote —the_v came second last time. fcff fCunninghame North Brian Wilson for l.ahour should take this 'l‘ory seat (maj lofil ) from 'l‘ory farmer. .lolm (‘orrie.
{sf :Oundee EastSN’l’ ('hairman (iordon Wilson should vs in ( Maj last time just over 5000). lle'sheen local Ml’ since Ill-74.131” this time he faces strongest challenge yet from l.ahour hi-llrer John McAllion. conv enor of ’l‘ayside region. l.ahour hav c serious hopes of a gain here.
:th jOundee WestSafe l.ahour. lirnie Ross. Ml’ since l‘)7‘). will he hack at Westminster.
.iA'j: gTweeddale Ettrickand Lauderdale Dav id Steel. the l.iheral Leader. shouldn‘t have arty prohlcms here. Majority last time over 8500.
(cf; 'fKincardine and Oeeside 'l‘ory linergy minister Alick Buchanan-Smith looks secure vv ith a 77% majority. But Nicol Stephen. the young l.iheral who is making a name for himself as a councillor in (irampian. could hreak through for the Alliance.
Moray ('onservative Alex Pollock is defending a majority ofonly 17 13. Margaret Iivving ( former SNP Ml’ Margaret Bain) looks set to take this seat forthe SNl’. ller mother-in-lavv Winnie
livving vvon the seat for the
SNl’ in Fehruary W74. :cjfi] Perth and Kinross Forrner'l‘ory‘ Solicitor-General Nicholas Fairhairn should he hack. SNP's Jim l-‘airlic
and the Alliance’s Stevvart
Donaldson ( hoth parties had ahout 11.0(l0votes apiece last time ) vv ill try hard to squeeze the 6733 Tory majority. Fairlie could emerge as main challenger. vvin former Alliance votes and upset Mr liairhairn's hopes. @DTayside North On paper one of the safest Tory seats in Scotland.
' l
Bill Walker was the only (‘onservativc to get more than 51"; ofthepopular vote last time « can he do it again'.’ The SNP have heen gaining ground in local elections and SN P's Kenneth (‘iuild is the challenger »— hut the hest he could do is suhstantially rcdtrce the 10.000'l'ory majority.
{57f lRoss Cromarty and Skye (‘harles Kennedy vvho vvon the seat from the (‘onservativcs last time and in NS} hecarne Britain'syoungest Ml’at 33 should hold it again. Majority is 1704. Main challenge from 'l‘ory deer farmer Frank
Spencer-Nannm 131:} Roxburgh an Berwicltshire A rchy Kirkvvood for the Alliance should he alright here. majority 33%. But the (‘onservatives think this is ’I‘ory territory and have particularly targetted this seat vvith local (il’. Dr l.iam l-‘ox as candidate. [413 j Orkney and Shetland l.iheral Jim Wallace (vvho took over last time from .lo (irimond ) should vvin. Majority last time vvas 4150. Only seat the SNl’ are not standing in ‘ they're hacking the Orkney and Shetland Movement candidate. John ( ioodlad. He could he a strong challenger.
{ng _ gArgyll and Bufe
A nothcr three-vvay marginal. Scottish education minister John MacKay should he vvorried vv ith strong challenge from SNP's Rohin Sliavv and Alliance's Ray Michie.
3’11} Caithness and Sutherland Alliance's farming and fishing spokesman Rohert Maclennan vvill he hack. 3):; Inverness Nairn and Lochaber A l.iheral seat. Sir Rtissell Johnston. the Alliance's Scottish spokesman. vvon't have any prohlcms here -~ he got over 20.600 votes last time and had a majority ov er the (‘onservatives of almost 7300.
[L] Labour f9]Conservative [QSOP/Liberal Alliance :_S:.S.N.P.
The List 29 May —11Junc 7