produaion devised by Women In Sport. Phone Evans. Nicole Wallach llogaii no painting group mcmbcm in which 031 557 1265 for details. and Karen Dietz. Eleanor experience required to

;b 4 ; -~|; g] .- ~‘ Ballantyne.Foramixed joinin.

l:n:i):rttr}::v:c::0 (NU!) 4 audience. (‘reche 0Women Live bll'l‘he i’leasance. b.3llpni. Free.

5 'I'ributetoSarahNoble. A

CABARET o Blacktriars Wynd ""‘mc ‘“ "W '“L‘il'

TH filmmaker. whodied

. scomsh Singalong Netherbow Arts(‘entre. . , 1 Assembly Room 7.30pm. £2 (£1). See Wed 0 Blacktrtars Wynd d 7.30pm. t1.5(l(5()p)_ 3June. Netherbow Arts Centre. Discom“ ‘Pl v I H (mm and join in with o The Province otthe Cat 7.30pm. £2 (£1). See x, W W) ‘f “‘;"f"‘“' u . ~ 2 - . Assemva Rooms. 8 m. Wed3. ‘t ' mum" -" Scotland sf\ational . _ 3 . . P . Awmamm OfChOirs. L2 (it ). Sec lue ZJune. oATerrtble Beauty ., . Maclash Inch Assemny Rooms. 8pm. . I | I I .~ " t: v - A v. . £1 (50p). Edinburgh .Mld R°°"'es"~‘“.”""-‘ . . . . . . (onimunity(cntrc . _ _ . I Rumm ls mpm “CC The MsFitszwarding ottthe blues with cabaretinapicttsh 73mm]. Fm“ Sec SM 3“ . Oncema BlueMoon pmerth “mksth My “I B. ,I . ‘1 . Broch. See Wed 3. Cabaret. Mm: Wilkiellouse Theatre. a workshopped W filfltufift]? n U“ . . . .Tf‘e BrochAgscmbh. 7pm. £1.5(l(5()p). See productionofa new tRL'L‘l “In” 5 min” MC”). Mac hum “mum gigsm [he [ld'nburgh . i - '- Wed 3. play-readingfollowedbva 0” in” 5m“! “um l' d' "H l‘ t‘f l ~. -. s s , ,. Rooms. bpm. £1..‘()(D(lp). . - . . ' collectionot boeti'v and 9". “m 51”” p Ln 1 u mm“ ( “pt'd' ( Y( ha“ Th .N.0_m,m.m mm,“ . discussion. Bill Dunlop‘s . v lt’ttOt'n’tilthn iitflflll Wth2er hccn likcncd [0 (‘aburct Q It iUt if new p1,“. focuwg on thc song. ~ , .- , I. .“ 'TOU.1C.S‘lS.l e . t. .' rlgll‘s..l]()l131n& .. \lnltdlrL and N11“) drc a tntcg'flnin 1 rcyuc' 'in tlYCSUfJHnlCS ( ()nnOHV i,'r\l 0f campaigns. benefitsand \vj1dt'uur-piece new wave . é‘ . 1‘ , dc T H ' May Bookshop. bnllptii. .g ‘_ . .‘ obltquelookallifeiii oMaclashSouthside ‘m ,0” an“ [5 H R“ l' it~ i l othcrissticsolptiblic fulk band. {mm , I wquwww rec. cat mg n nit icii concern. Refreshments Edinburgh bigin “"1”uminBritain (omniunity(entre in P “h c t iiewcollectionotpoetry . .. Th], . I . ' fromthe vantage pointof 7,3()pm_5()p(35p)lscc . e mv'nceo e 3 ML. Maura.”Snub!” ayai a c. Brittan). a picmh broch‘ which 8,“ w M“. Assembly Rooms. 8pm. Kcnm Sm“ ' [m if “m formsthe backdrop fora £2 (£1 )' 5°C TUC 3‘ Kcrr-ti‘rcwlnldtm ( 0 Edinburgh Fringe Film 0 Soccer Sevens (‘olinton *fir‘ijV‘p" mngsand s . . H '0 , 5 KIDS Edinburgh B‘Mk“ Festival Assembly RUOHIS. \1'1ingp'1rk 4 1§pn1 S C C lcs' . prlng ls ere' “cc” 5 . s . . (‘UHCL‘UVLN . . -. . ' ' ' ' c . . - - occerSevens St Marks. . . . lllam. free. See Sat all. Free. Under 12s “it” hPm. t~1--‘“(50Pl. Powderhu”.4'15pm’ 0 Ettlnburgh Writers

An evening ofmusic Workshop Ry ries Bar.

communitv fun football . . . .. - . . w .d g - . . oTennis Coachtn Session n . z - ,- ' ,_ IM- Ms L ~- . - .-. ,. 1 sponsored by Laings. This 9 “M” "'m— SPrmt— .The musionist South bpin. 7>p. Stoiics. songs

cwm is mainly just for fun (‘riltglockhart Sports whatever the weather! Quccmkr” Commmmv and poems from some - . -. . ,, . (CHITC.(()t|n10n Road. Music rangestrom , v . - localtip-and-coniiiig btit finalistsfromcach . ~ (emu. 7 in m “CL. c . . .. l ..| , .-H . .t , “)iim- “00 Brahms and llandel.to ‘. p ‘. . .‘ writers. 0 Spring Fling Competition “W tJ‘mP‘“ “’mPL L . o ' t ° R ~ . .~ . - - . ( heck ticketavailabilttv . W § . . in the finals.“ Saughton "en eenng un (IthtHkln. to traditional 3 ' _‘ - Entries A selectiottot ' k S. H) “Olymod park 6pm. Scottish songsand on 031 331 -l 13). A magic 6 C'"“°~‘“’ Sim”? Hm? pdsr (t)? ‘th Free. well-known music'il Shuw {mm 10c Dec” competitions will beon ' 9°. '5. 939 ' o . Two-“"8 Run-rm, . show throughotitSpring Assoc'at'on Demonsuahon “6mm”. 6 m Free numhus' . .. ;~- '2 'C“ tre. . p '. ' P oBlacktriarsW nd llmg - Photograph} and it?" k m: L" . Scomsh Keep F" s 0 y ~ - . ‘. )2- ~ ,. .. (l m. "rec. . . . . . .\' ‘th ‘rbow Art. (‘ ‘tltl' ‘. ( h'ldrm.” “mm!” .D p ,Kee n ASSOC'aM" Demonsmtlon oUrban Orienteeringl.eith oLoose Tubes Ross 7“. L ., . S .L‘ (Roval ( ommonwealth an” 9 ' p be“ T . i H . _ . . . ...~llptii. L- (it ). Scc Vlcd - . worksho s]. .k K. . "T10 0 0““ la - Links. “lam—3. 15pm. lheatre. 7.30pm. l‘ree. l’ool.1)alkeith Road); 9 d“ “m 7 F , . . . . . . . . . (‘. t . 7 y F .. P'“- “L. Free. Ihoughttul. highly Adu" Painting" Ln rL' “- )pm. ' r“: mUS'iCP'll ’()()Llflll1"tntt (Nethcrbow Arts Centre ' urban Otlemeem‘g him M mc‘rpzn;ytrim thc‘fumrc ; . . ) . . PrincesStrcctGardens . l . s" . OThetltUSiOHtStl.'itli {yelilitrjitllnitiris;Ir} (“PP W‘WCTICV MiirkCll- . Tea Dane-e -TheTommy . women L'Ve caba'et “f Big Band Jazz '5 hcrc' (‘onimtinitv ('entLre. ' mam—3.15pm. Free. Masha" Tno Assembl} Assembly R‘mms' 8pm' (’Ct ym” {We "Ckcu lilam. Free. ('heck ticket

R‘mms- 3P'"- 50P £2(£1). Openingthe early.

' 2'2" 31554 4 d... .1 .‘h . g . . t W . . . , t\ iilabilityoiill. .come andTwcanoeing 3 ("K u U“ r“ mun“) Womanivc b7cvcnts.a “The 3'9 0' 09W 47mg“. 1.“).

(‘raiglockhart Sports Imght of cabarct' Those Assembly Rummixpm’ 0 Beating the Bagwash ~. . i. . .. r: - THEATRE appearing IncludcThc 9-5“ l“ 5‘” A mg“! “‘ Blues p- rt if I) -. it \‘ill- ,- ( smu- H dm' I “‘8' IN . . Dance worksmp MsFitsfl’ina P. Phillips. cabaret with the line-UP ~. . . ( ~ m -. of many opportuiiitiesto . Blacmnarswynd PummcnoTown “a”. Widdcrshms Khmm includingTom Leonard‘ Fayre. ~pm. l.ree. Scc Sat "y Wm hand at a new Ncmcrh‘m' Amccmrc' 7P‘“- “99- organin by Dance Theatre Sallv the Red Ferrets Two Plus 3” 2PM" upcn'ltlgan. 7.3()pm'£2(£1).0|d H 'I'wo Make Saxdohnnv ("WWW ll Pm- 'I'own Theatre a new large ~ . . - . .' Tenms coacmng 3935")" company culled from the (‘ri'ltllllt‘khiirt Sports local community in a new gm)“. . ' I o Sileas Assembly- (‘L‘NTC- “lam. til-CU play written and directed . Rooms. 12.30pm: l-ree. ' Btu-‘h UP >01” “11152”th by Edinburgh playwright Edinburgh‘s famous harp i CCHU'C- Donald Campbell which . c'imbing (-usllchmu duo play the clarsach and 2 takesa warts-and-all look Fret Limited plume“. the electro harp. and sing at Edinburgh s Victorian Apply in. ringing)“ 557 in Gaelic and English. THEATRE 0'“ TOW” Hashim bv the Drake ' J°hn Kenny-Tmmmi“ ' 0 Love and the Queen Fclkmxhip ' 3(iutiallery. 2.30pm. 0 The Province of the Cat Mother's Leg Assembly . Soccé, Se'vens St Marks_ i-‘ree. Assembly Rooms. s’pm. Rooms. 8pm. £1 (50p). Pmdcrhu” 4.15pm 0 Grand Union Orchestra £2 (£1 ). L'tiited Artists First in Edinburgh Fr“, Sec wcdg Assembly Rooms. b‘pm. present a new and comic Playwrights' Workshop‘s H ' ' £2.5()(£l .50). A dramatic play by radical Scottish seriesof workshopped cycle ofsongs drawn from playwright. (ieorge prodtictionsof new plays- .women Live workshops the streetsaiid the (iunn. in which two men. reading followed by (,0 ThC pleasancu mam. dance-halls and finding themselves on a discussion. A play by Free kaghopS run communities of deserted beach in Merle Ferguson described thrm'lghuut ‘Ihc day contemporary Britain. (‘aithness at l logmanay. as ‘an entertainment for WOmcn “my. Danée, Music ranges from encounter and dispute womanists.‘ Relamfion 3"“, Caribbean. to jazz. to with elements of the past 0 The Province ot the Cat Aromoatherapfi 1-4pm) l improvisation. and present. With plenty Assemny Rooms. 8pm. Mama“ Ohm. Scottish fiddle music. £2(£1).See Tue ZJtine. Nati'onal puma” Gal-lens ROCK Kins «. wresckcrsigixsnd d .nmim 0 New Shoots Assembly 0 Soccer SevensJaek Kane ..~ .. r ~ A. .,.;. -. (5‘12; ,8" WNW MU” I'm" Bmme ‘ltélll- £3 (£1 ). (‘CWC- 4-15Pm- “06- Donald Campbell. author olBlacktriars Wynd, which uses led bv Maureen Eight “Ml handy “WC “01111111 Fmthi‘“ for lht‘ songs and drama to recreate 24 hours in the street in Henderson and Sallv U‘P-f'lld-Cllmmtl “MM-1.35. Victorian times. First performed at the Lyceum Theatre in Evans; Assertiveness SPORTS {idfnhurgh blinds. 130p 0"“ "l a 3'03 M00" 1980. the play is now given a new touring production bythe (2.30—4.3(lpm) 0 Canadian Canoeinc Sh. Bani.( apital (‘Y(‘and Wilkie House Theatre. newlytormed Old Town Theatre-a company based atlhe Introductory Riwr Form “litm- “00 “"03?! Ingtjther fora 7pm. £1.50(50p).'l‘hc Nelherbow Theatre, but drawn trom all over Edinburgh. and assertiveness training led Run by lhc Dink“ great night of music. Bop recently~formed Wilkie aiming to present large-scale popular Scottish drama by Laila Kjellstrom:~ t‘lCHUMhiP- “\PP'." l” sh Barn have been House Youth Theatre through collaboration between volunteers and prolessional Painting (2.30—4.30an advance by ringing U31 “Cildlmmtl\Wll-rccciwd Proudly present their first directors and writers. 888 Wed 3,Theatre. led bv art therapist Sue 557 348“.

:10Thc List 29 May— llJune