w Red Ferrets, Traverse, Edinburgh When the nucleus at the Scottish Theatre Co-operative split last autumn. the tall-out produced unexpected results. Three oi the group decided to move in an entirely new direction, away Irom ‘straight' theatre and into cabaret. ‘We wanted to try something more accessible and inlormal than most theatre,’ explains James Marsh, one of the resultant Fled Ferrets, whose combination at music and satire is at the Traverse this month.
Hoping also to help address the depressing laclt at a thriving constant cabaret scene in Glasgow and Edinburgh, the group have lound themselves so lar lighting against a vicious circle. ‘lt’s a constant scramble to find a venue to put cabaret on,’ says Marsh. Atthe moment several venures are manlully providing space lor cabaret, but the lact that alervative comedy outside the Festival is, at best, sporadic, is something that he, togetherwith many, linds difficult to account lor. ‘lt‘s very hard to put your linger on the reason, especially when you've got groups at the standard oi the
Forvenue details, unless otherwise specified, please see Theatre section.
0 BRASSERIE DOMINIOUE Briggait Centre. A newly-opened cal‘e theatre where you can eat. drink am be entertained in a l‘in-de-siecle setting. There is a jazz pianist playing most evenings in the bar downstairs. while cabaret is offered to those eating iii the restaurant upstairs (meals from about £5 a head). (‘omedy will be on offer later in the month. at present the acts are mostly music (all starting around 8.30pm): Fri 6: Madeleine Sings the Blues (blues jazz); Sat7: 'l'he Tenement 'l‘wins(liolk jazz. gentle music):Tue 10: Derek Archibald (pianist);Wed 11: Soil Sounds and (ientle .lazz (Alec l)algleish. jazz trumpet player):TItur812: Madeleine Sings the Blues (blues jazz); Fri 13: Tom the Man (5 singers in harmony): Sat14: Jeannette Burns (singer);Tue 17: Derek Archibald (pianist); Wed 18: Soft Sounds and ( ientle Jazz (Alec
Merry Mac Fun Co- one at the best in Britain-and they can’t lind space to play. Itwould be unrealistic to think we could open it up — but I hope when people see us they’ll see there is a market lor cabaret up here.’
The temptation inthe end is to up sticks and move to London, where an established circuit otters, plenty ol space to play— whether groups succeed or not. It's an urge the Ferrets want to resist, the notion that success can only be measured in terms oi London even torming the basis 01 some of their sketches. They don’t regard their viewpoint as particularly Scottish, however. 'lt’s not something that taces just Scotland alone,’ says Marsh, ‘But the whole of Britain— outside London.’ The group write all their material and music (despite their name considering themselves no more than vaguely left-wing) and this too they have lound more testing than their earlier incarnation: ‘It takes more balls,’ says Marsh, succinctly. ‘You really are putting yourselt up there. You can’t try and hide behind somebody else's writing.’ (SH)
Dalgleish. jazz trumpet player); Thurs 19: Jeannette Burns and Madeleine Maedonald (jazz/blues singers).
Sugar and Spite 'I‘ue 3—Sun 8 Feb. 8pm. £3 (£1.50) and 3pm also on Sat and Sun (shorter version). (‘heap 'I’hrills. an all—women group in a witty look at the image ofwomen penned by male playwrights past and present.
0 CALTON STUDIOS (‘alton Road, 556 7066.
Navy Lei Club Every Wed 4 Feb. 9pm—221tti.£2. New regular Wed evening nightclub. Named after Mayakovsky‘s magazine. the club will incorporate two or three
cabaret acts into a disco. described as ‘just right ol‘(‘ambalachc and just left of mainstream.’ The organisers promise free entry to anyone with a .‘vlayakovsky-style shaved head.
0 NETHERBOW THEATRE Pomegranate Perlorms W'ed Iii—Sat leT-‘eb. 8pm. £1.5()(5()p). A medley of songs and poetry presented by Pomegranate Women's Writers (iroup in the theatre gallery.
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The List (1— 1‘) February 21