8pm; Sun 7.30pm.
3. A Nightmare on Elm Street Part II (18) 2.30pm, 5.30pm, 8.25pm; Sun 7.50pm.
0 KELBURNE Glasgow Road, Paisley. 889 3612.
1. Crocodile Dundee ( 15) Weekday times not confirmed. Fri 5pm. 7pm. 9pm; Sat also 3pm.
2. Crocodile Dundee (15) Weekday times not confirmed. Fri 5pm. 7pm. 9pm; Sat also 3pm. Children's Sat afternoon picture show 1.45pm.
0 LA SCALA Hamilton Street, Saltcoats. 0294 284244. [D] Cinema 1. £1.50 Child/OAP 75p.
1. Mona Lisa (18) 7.30pm.
2. The Golden Child (PG) 6.25pm.
0 ODEON Burns Statue Square. Ayr. 0292 284 244. [D] £1.99 Child/UB40/OAP 99p.
The Mission (PG) 2.30pm, 7.30pm; Sun 7.30pm.
0 ODEON Townhead Street. Hamilton. 0698 283 802. [D] cinemas 2&3. Fri/Sat£2.50Child/OAP£1.40. Sun—Thurs £2.30 Child/OAP £1.30. Mon-Fri until 6pm U840 £1 .
1. Crocodile Dundee (15) Mon—Thurs 2.55pm. 5.25pm. 8.10pm; Fri/Sat 12.50pm. 3.30pm, 6pm. 8.50pm; Sun 4.40pm. 7.40pm.
2. Heartbreak Ridge (15) 1.50pm. 4.40pm. 7.40pm; Sun 4.10pm, 7.10pm.
3. A Nightmare on Elm Street Part II (18) Mon—Fri 2.35pm. 5.35pm. 7.25pm; Sat 5.35pm, 8.25pm; Sun 5.25pm. 7.55pm. Labyrinth (U) Sat mat 2.15pm.
0 RIALTO College Street. Dumbarton. 0389 62763. £2 Child/UB40/OAP£1._
1. Crocodile Dundee (15) 5.30pm, 9pm: Sat also 1.30pm, 3.30pm.
2. Crocodile Dundee (15) 7pm.
11).) _ . 3 I
Friday 13—Thursday 19
See under Week 1 Ior details 01 ticket prices, opening hours, lacilities etc.
Provisional programme details only — not coniirmed at time 01 going to press. 0 ABC Clarkston Road, Muirend. 633 2123.
1. Crocodile Dundee (15)
2. Heartburn (15)
3. A Nightmare on Elm Street Part II (18)
Possible opening: 9% Weeks (18)
0 ABC Sauchiehall Street. 332 1592/3. 1.The Golden Child (PG)
2. The Mission (15)
3. When The Wind Blows (PG)
4. Heartbreak Ridge (15)
5. Heartburn (15)
Possible opening: Ferris Bueller’s Day 011(15)
O CINEMA Southgate, East Kilbride, 332 0606.
1. Crocodile Dundee (15)
2. Top Gun (15)
O GROSVENOR Ashton Lane, Hillhead. 339 7814.
1.The Mission (15) 2.15pm (not Sat), 5.15pm, 8.05pm; Sun 8.05pm.
2. ARoom With AVlew(PG) 2.15pm (not Sat). 5.15pm. 8.15pm; Sun 8.15pm.
Children’s Sat 111m show 1.45pm. 50p. 0 ODEON FILM CENTRE Renfield Street, 332 8701.
1. Peggy Sue Got Married (15)
2. Crocodile Dundee (15)
3. Short Circuit (PG)
5000 leafletters are required to help deliver A MILLION LEAPLETS TO A MILLION HOMES. Starting date: April 2.
YES — I’d like to help with the Leafletting
Marathon C] and/or I’d like to join Scottish CND D Name Address __ .__ -- . ________.- .._ _ .._ ..._ Postcode _.__ _ Please find enclosed £ __ _. - for membersz and i __ donation D
“I: 041-331 2878.
'(‘k’ f<~r '1' 21.1111 :.r-~'-'11,'.
mm Adult £9 E] No people at same address £12 L] Student £3 E] Unwaged and pensroner £2 [.1 Youth CND (21 and under) 12 2 (Tick one).
Please make cheques or postal orders payable to: Scottish CND' and send With completed form to:
. SCOTTISH CND, 420 Sauchiehall Street, Glasgow 62
O SALON Vinicombe Street, 339 4256.
Crocodile Dundee (15) 2pm, 7.40pm; Sun 7.40pm.
12 Rose Street, 332 6535.
o FRIDAY 13:
The Sacriilce (15) 2pm, 5pm, 8pm. 0 SATURDAY 14:
Macbeth (15) 2pm. The Sacrilice (15) 5pm. 8pm.
- SUNDAY 15:
Salvador (18) 5.30pm, 8pm.
0 MONDAY 16:
The Second Awakenlng oi Christa Klages (15) and Sisters (15) 2pm. Salvador ( 18) 6pm, 8.30pm.
Silkwood (15) 4.45pm. El Salvador (18) and Salvador (18) 7.45pm.
Sophie’s Choice (15) 3pm. Salvador (18) 6pm. 8.30pm.
Salvador (18) 6pm, 8.30pm.
Studio 1 Cinema, Scottish Council for Educational Technology, 74 Victoria Crescent Road, Dowanhill, Glasgow (312, Members £1, non- members£1 .50.
Fri 13: Le Vieux Fusil 7.30pm.
O GROSVENOR Ashton Lane.
1. Blade Runner(15) THX 1138 ( 18) Fri/Sat 11pm.
2. Diva (15) Merry Christmas Mr Lawrence Fri/Sat 11pm.
Provisional programme details only- not conlirmed at time at going to press. 0 ABC Lothian Road. 229 3030.
1. The Golden Child (PG)
2. The Mission (15)
3. Heartbreak Ridge (15)
0 CAMEO Home Street. 228 4141. When The Wind Blows (PG) 2.20pm (not Sun). 4pm. 5.40pm, 7.25pm. 9.10pm.
0 DOMINION Newbattle Terrace, 447 2660.
1. Crocodile Dundee (15) 2.15pm, 5.15pm. 8.15pm.
2. The Mission (15)2.15pm, 5.15pm, 8.15pm.
3. A Room With A View (PG) 2pm, 5pm. 8pm.
0 ODEON Clerk Street, 667 7331. 1. Crocodile Dundee (15)
2. Short Circult(PG)
3. Peggy Sue Got Married (15)
Lothian Road, 228 2688.
o FRIDAY 13:
1. Blrdy ( 15) 2.30pm. Salvador ( 18) 5.45pm. 8.15pm.
2. Vagabonde (15) 3pm, 6pm, 8.30pm.
1. Jason and the Argonauts (U) 2pm. Salvador(18) 5.45pm. 8.15pm.
2. Vagabonde (15) 3pm, 6pm. 8.30pm.
0 SUNDAY 15:
1. Fundraising Auction (Admission Free) 2pm. The Name 01 the Rose (18) 8pm. (Tickets £3.50).
2. Salvador(18) 5.45pm, 8.15pm.
0 MONDAY 16:
1. Salvador (18) 2.30pm, 5.45pm. 8.15pm.
2. These Was a Lad (PG) 6.15pm. 8.30pm.
1. Trouble In Mind (15) 2.30pm. Salvador (18) 5.45pm, 8. 15pm.
2. Sid and Nancy (18) 6pm, 8.30pm. 0 WEDNESDAY 185
1. Trouble In Mind (15) 2.30pm. Salvador (18) 5.45pm, 8. 15pm.
2. Sid and Nancy (18) 6pm, 8.30pm. 0 THURSDAY 19:
1. Sid and Nancy (18)2.30pm. Saivador(18)5.45pm, 8.15pm.
2. Red Snowball Tree (PG) 3pm. 6.15pm. 8.30pm.
e EDINBURGH FILM GUILD Filmhouse, Lothian Road, 228 2688. Sun 15: The General (U) 5.30pm.
Fri 13: The Wicked Lady (PG) 6.45pm and Sunrise (U) 8.40pm. Pleasance. Sun 15: Winchester 73 (PG) 6.45pm and McCabe and Mrs Miller ( 18) 8.30pm. George Square Theatre.
Wed 18: Barbarosa (PG) 6.45pm and The Lite and Times oi Judge Roy Bean (15) 8.25pm.
0 FRENCH INSTITUTE 13 Randolph Crescent, 225 5366. Members £1 . Sat 14: Le Bon Mariage (15) 4pm.
O CAMEO Home Street. When The Wind Blows (PG) Fri/Sat 11.15pm.
Provisional programme details only- not conlirmed at time or going to press. 0 ABC Princess Street. Falkirk. 0324 31713.
1. The Golden Child (PG)
2. A Nightmare on Elm Street Part II (18)
3. Heartburn (15)
Possible opening: Crocodile Dundee (15)
Provisional programme details only— not confirmed at time oi going to press. 0 ABC West Blackhall Street. Greenock, 0475 86885.
1. Crocodile Dundee (15) 2.25pm, 5pm, 8.05pm; Sun 7.05pm.
2. The Golden Child (PG) 2.40pm. 5.15pm, 8.10pm; Sun 7.10pm.
3. Heartburn (15) 2.20pm. 5pm. 8pm: Sun 7pm.
0 ABC Titchfield Street, Kilmarnock. 0563 37288.
1. Crocodile Dundee (15)
2. The Golden Child (PG)
3. Heartburn (15)
0 KELBURNE Glasgow Road. Paisley. 889 3612.
1. Crocodile Dundee (15)
2. Crocodile Dundee (15)
0 LA SCALA Hamilton Street. Saltcoats, 0294 284244
1. Crocodile Dundee (15)
2. Running Scared
O ODEON Burns Statue Square. Ayr. 0292 284 244.
Crocodile Dundee (15) 1.30pm. 3.45pm, 6pm, 8.15pm; Sun 6pm.
The List 6 — 19 February 17