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lll\ltllHIl\ In Illalxe enrtii‘ai iwn» \xe l\lltt\\ . hut there are Innex \\ hen

needx lllll\l

Magazines and periodicals publishing Scottish verse.

- Chapman likllltll'lti} [lentil-y. (‘nnIrihuIinnsare \\elUtllIL' and \hnuld he sent. IngeIher with a SKI". : In Ni Mnray Street. lilaelx‘t'nr d. l’erthshire l’l l4 l()lfl Suhseriptinns are L5 lnr lnur ixxuex. £9.51) lnr tun years. Quarterly

0 Edinburgh Review l:ditnrl’eIet‘ Kt‘;1\iI/. Send enntrihutinm In 45 l’leasanee. lidinhurgh l- l l.\‘ “l l. Suhxeriptinnx enxt Ll: perannum. lilLllVltltlLll enpr L135. (_)uarIerl_\.

. Lines RBVlBW liIlllIII l l'L'Hll' l{ti_\ lL‘. 'l‘he editnrial artd [‘lll‘ll\lllllg‘ address is l'.tlgelieltl Rnade l.natthead. \litflnthian l‘ l lZl “St. .\n annual suhxeriptinn l\ L-iJI l. Sn issues per

o Cencrastus l'IlllIll\ ( tenu Parker and ( ‘airnx ( ‘raig. l’uhlixhed at 34 Queen Street. l'dinhurgh lfl l: l.l.\.

“l‘era \eah In the Ianen! LIN. l!\ l

l'lhttlleltetl material aeet titlpallletl

l‘_\' a SI-\l’ is \i'elentned. :\lln\k eight \xeeltx lnr repl_\. LlSll indix‘idual enpies. annual \uhseriptinn t7. Seawnal.

o The Glasgow Magazine litlhnr Hamish \Vhy te. l’uhlixhed h_\' 'l‘he .\lari\eat l’r'e‘\\.3.‘\l;1r'i\e;It Rnad. (il;1xgti\\(i~ll~l\l),liltll\'lIlIlLll

enpiex Ll ~\t‘awnal. Ruttinurs nl'itx death. \& e trust. are gt’ealit exaggerated

0 Verse lzdited h; Rnhert ( tau lnrd. llenry l larI and l)a\ id Kirilneh. Send enntrihutinnx and S:\li In St

l lugh‘s ( ‘nllege. ( )xlnrd ( ).\'2 (il .l‘. £4 per annunr ()uarIerh 'l‘un nt Ihe ediInt's are ( ilasu'egian and hnxpitahle In pneIr} lashinned \nrth UlN‘VLtllUI'Il.

0 Stramullion a Senttixh lentinist puhlishingenlleetix'e. ixputttng tngether an anthnlng} nl gineIr'_\ In he puhlished in the autumn nl lilhfiv 'l'he} are lnnlnng lnr ettilll'll‘tlltil'\ nl new nr puhlished \xnr'k h_\ Senttixh \Httilell. l’nenrs \hnuld he I_\ ped nn .-\4 \lteeh and \L‘lll \\ ith a S.-\lz In Stramullinn ( ‘n—nperatix e limited. 43 ( ’andlentalter Rnxx . lxdinhurgh lilll 2(_)ll.

One of Scotland's most renowned poets —Sorley MacLean (from Christopher Barker‘s Portraits of Poets ).

Top: Andrew Greig KathleenJamie


0 Kathleen Jamie and Andrew Greig will he reading lrnnt .il Name In l'nur llt'u/‘l (see reView nn hnnlxx page) at the 'I‘hird li_\e ( 'entre. Saaehiehall Street. (ilaxgnw. (Ml 333 7531.nn Sat 34 Jan at 3pm.

0 Edwin Morgan will he reading l'rnm his wnrk at (‘urnhernauld 'l'heatre. (‘urtthernauld lllfitfifilflVnn 'l'ue Zillan at 8pm. £1 . 'l'here are lrequent pnetry readings thrnughnut lidinhurgh and ( ilasgtm‘. l’nt' details enntaet the Scottish Poetry Library. 'l-WL‘L‘thlltlL‘ (hurt. l4 l llglt Street. (815.? 28%. Open ’l‘ues and \Ved 11.3llam 2pm. 3.7M 8pm; 'l‘hurs

3 8pm; Fri and Sat 11,.‘stlairt npnr And keep an e_\'e nn /'/1I'/.1'.\’/\()pen seeIinn. 'l'he l’netr_\ l.llii‘;1l'}itl\tlllit\ it large L'UllL‘L‘llllll til pnetry litittlx'N

onthe Books page, p38.

Counting the Costs

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(Thanksto an Edinburgh publisher) Some recently published poetry books are reviewed

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33 January 7