Leaving aside allthe current retrospectives ol1986. think backto '84andthelirstllush otsuccesstor Frankie Goes To Hollywood (playing live atGlasgow'sSECConJanuary22) and itallcomestlooding back. Two enormous hit singles. both exciting rejuvenating dance tracks. Relax (banned) andTwo Tribes(video banned). the endless remixes olthose two songs. the ubiquitous. nay. inescapable ‘Frankie Say. . .' T-shirts (where arethey now?). then a sensationally-hyped debutdouble album entitled Welcome To The Pleasuredome. Andthen. torquite sometime.silence.

lnayearoltastax exiles-an experience MarkO'Tooletorone wants neverto repeat—Frankielound themselvesholed up inlrelandtryingto write songsthatcouldlollowupthe initial huge splash. then holidayingin Ibiza. still with little inspiration. onthe pretextoldoing studio workand ending up in Holland with producerSteve Lipson. wherethingstinallystartedto cometogether.

The resultoltheirlabours wasthe second Frankie LP. Liverpool, a storming allairshowingthatthey wanted to be a heavy rock band after all. Well am. With TrevorHorn listed

0 New York Piglunkers i‘lll’} \itii‘i‘is. \la\\\ ell Street. lll..*lliirri. I am etiri\ irieetl that their 'l ltithlitise' siiigle \tltllltiS like l'raiiltie ( mes [u l ltillswititl Hurrit let that ptit xtiti till thtitigh. heeaiise the iitfier i‘eeiir'tieti tr';iei\s are grind and the\ pla_\ e\eitiiig. iiirtm ;lil\'L' lix e Siltt\‘\\. 0 Detente \\ a_\ litii. .-\_\ r. llpiii.


0 Deal Heights Cajun Aces (in he etiiitiriiietl ). l he \L'lltlL‘ (tiltl .lailhiitisel. ( 'altiiri Rtiatl. 'l'he stiiiiitlsiil the i.t‘lli\i;tll;l sxsairiris. straight lt‘tirit tlai‘lxest l'.tiirihtir‘gli.

o The Alice House l he (1mm. (tmgate. \itie‘li—rir'aisetl lxtiiiihtir‘gh r'iiek haiitl. pnssihl} tltiiiig ltrig thiiigs thisyear‘.

0 Driving Sideways l'tip Hi the \\ alk. St .laiiieseeiitr'e. Sprti. l‘ree. Blues. 0 BillyJones [ma I)ar'iile_\. \Vest l’tir't. ‘lprii. i't'ee. I’iip ltilk

0 Block Brothers Preset-x tilltill l lall. \‘iettir‘ia Street. ‘lptii. i'r'ee. (‘mer‘ Spriiigsteeii. /./. Imp. little i‘ie‘at.

FRIDAY 16 . Glasgow

0 Batlish BOYS Rtititttip\. Satiehiehall Street. lllfwllprti. .»\rititlierptiptilar iiitlie haritl. hest ixlltHVll liir their thistirie” sirigle.

0 Mary Kiani \\illi\ \‘ii‘girtia Street. Resitleiie}.

O The Straight Men Ri\ er'sitie liiii. (itirhals. ‘lprri. RL‘SlLiL‘llL‘_V.

0 Chasar \ietr’ii. RUS} tli. Start Hi liillll-Itllll' Itir‘ } et aritither‘ ilea\_\ irietal haritl. (‘hasar ha\ e heeri


artitiiitl ltir' _\ ears. hax e an exeelleiit tlr'tirrtrrter. ha\ e released their rm ii eassette alhtiiii. and are titfteru ise

ttitall_\ htiririg.

30 The List 9 22 January

only as executive producer. not a note i

wasrecorded ormixedwithout

Frankie‘s linal say. laying to rest at last

the popularassumptionthatthe band

were merely puppets of Horn and

record label boss Paul Morley. 1 Although Rage Hard. the lirst single

to be released trom the LP. did not

scalethe massive heights oltheir

previous successes. Frankie Goes To


0 Goodbye MrMackenzieii me i eiiriliiiiietll. \liiiai. lliitiseSttitlerits i l'iiiiiii. l hilt riititl Rwatl. Stiitleiits aritlgtieststiiih. l et's hiipe 'iiTISillle emiiiestill. as ii'.l\ ( ilasiwm griitiii haa Hlle'ill the i‘es‘. .iiitl ll‘it‘Sl

atterititiii gialihiirg\iiiglestiieiirrie tiiit tit ( ilawmx iii a \\ hile \x iili l he Rattler, \\tirtheatehiii.jliiistiiie.

o BreaktastolChampions iile (‘a\erii.('ti\\gate. l lllli\\ il‘eh. OTheBlgWheelt’lmxris.lhgh Street "(‘lTl. l iee

. Chasar i he \ie'il'i'. i{il\\iil

iiemt irietal. SATURDAY 17 ' Glasgow

0 Painted Word/Rutkowski Sisters

'1 hirtl i:_\'e ( ‘eri‘.r‘e. ‘liiiri. Speeial eaharet pertiiririariee. \Vhieh will see the Paiiiteti \Vtir‘tl \t'tirkirig with a string quartet again. The RUIkOWSki Sisters. Deirdre arid Ltitiise. used to be l‘rtmtpersons with Sunset Gun.

and a gig \lleil as this \\ ill he a swirl ehaiiee It‘ appieeiate itist htm grunt the} are assiriger‘s.

0 Hue and Cry ()tieeii \iaigar'et i’ririiri, l’itiiriiitiiig their stiperh single ‘I Rettise” \\ hieh \\ ill hiirieliilh ilLtVL‘ \Hllle' tiL‘SL‘lN L‘ti \tleeess \\ e'ii mirth seeirig l:\ e ititl. as the hatiritiiig sparsitx t‘i \tlllle‘ (it their wrigs lll.ti\‘e'\ theiri highh r‘eetiriiirreiitletl.

0 Detentel ath ttiii. hirihill. ‘liiiii. l‘ir'ee. .-\t this rate. the_\ .H he pla_\ iiig the phiirie i‘ll\ iii .\iiehter iiitiehti lle‘Xl \\ e‘eix.


oBald Cormorantl tii'tlliaiiile-t. i \\ est l’iii't. .‘Sprii. l iee. See Sat ill

0 Bluetinger lriet ti\e‘lll.( ti\\j_'ale RA‘B. r‘tiek ~ii~ riill.


Hollywood are still doing respectably well. Their ambition now is naturally to conquer America. a country that didn‘t take to them lirst time around. Will they have to make the transition to lully-tledged stadium rock before then? We'll keep you posted. In the meantime check them out at the SECC. (Mab)

0 Lazer ( ‘lim its. l liin Street ‘lrirri. ir'ee.

° Makossa i’ieser\aliiiii Hall.

\iettii ia Street. ‘liiiri. l'r'ee. See i’l'l ‘l.

SUNDAY 18 Edinburgh

oTam White and The Dexters i’i‘ese'i'\.rtitiri Hall. \ietiiiia Street. ‘lrirri. l'r‘ee.SeeSiiri ll.

0 Snake Pete Party l lie r '..x e‘l'll. (inmate.

o BillyJonesl Hl'ti l )al llie_\ . \‘Vesl l’tirt. ‘lpiii, l’iee,

LipMachine. See Fri 9. Edinburgh.

MONDAY 19 Edinburgh

0 The Dave Howard Singers (in he (Ullill‘lllk‘ti). lhe Veritre (tiltl .lailhtitisel. ( ‘alttiii Rtiatl l ltir‘tiite \\ ill he stirrs il'this tltiesri‘t entire till. hai‘iiig heeii irrightil_\ irtirir‘essetl h_\' the i'lVe‘ til SH Di i5 \iltth i'\ e heard. .-\ irratieap ( ~ariatiiart \\ ith a Hat-trip and write pretti strange uhsessitiris. haeketl h_\ a er'a/etl tli'tirii rriaehirie. 0 Mood Six lihe ( )iiiiiri ( 'ellat'. 'lhe \iissitiit. Vietiiria Street. ‘l..‘~llprri. .ltitlgiiig lr'tiiit the l l’. a laii'h r'tiri~til—the—riiill haiitl

0 Siiak l’r'eser'x atitiri l lall. Viettii'ia Street. ‘lpiii. l’ree.


0 Goodbye Mr Mackenzie \tipiiletitls. Mei‘r'ylee Rtiatl. ‘lpiri. .-\ritither' ltieal gig hit” a iriiieh irripr'tix'etl live haritl.

Ha\iiigetiiii_\etl reastiiiahlestieeess with l he Rattler” thes will he trillim trig it up \\ ith ‘i’aee tii lkiee~ (litiiiet'tilli ) iii the lltli ttiti tlistaiit ltitiire.


0 We Free Kings ( it) he etiiitii-metli. lhe \errtie (tiltl .lailhtitise l. ( ‘alttiii Rtiatl. litlirihtii‘gh's raw and tagged t‘iillt i'iielter's. \i have attraetetl the interest «it [til less a persiiiiage thari the might _\la\. l leatlr'titirri hiriisellf Star'tliirri heekurr».

0 Charge i’l'e‘SL‘lN atiiiii ll;-.||. \iettiria Street. ‘lrirri. l‘r'ee.

WEDNESDAY 21 Edinburgh

0 BlaCkEIVlSltiiheetiiiliririetll. l‘he \eiitie (tiltl .lailhiitise l. ( alttirr Riiati. ( )r‘ ( 'tilher‘t Harriiltiiit as he‘s kritm ii tti his iiitiiii and manager. Best reriieirrhei‘etl ltir his stiripiirt sltit wit the Sigiie Srgtie Siiiitiiilx (ixhiil’l i tittir'. \sheie he eaiiie aei‘tiss as a eiiiss i‘eHKL‘ell little Riehartl .liiki .lairies Hrtm ll. haeketi in a heaU ritelai il‘ttllti. (itlSL‘C. - Loo Acka Bop Huston lseaiit'ti. St | .larrteW‘errtr‘e. ‘liiiii. i‘lt‘e. see\\eaii. I

Glasgow l oThe Bhundu BDySl'trix \ltirr'ss. \iaxuell Street. lllfillprii. [up /.lllli‘;ti‘\\e;lll haritl. \\ hii ha\ e tlil'e'ttti_\ l'e't‘el\eti (‘iisllfl e l'eSlTUHSL'S lt‘iirii .ititlieriees iii Seiiilaiitlm er the last _\ear'. 0 Frankie Goes To HollywoodBerlin Sl‘( ~('. ".Fllriiri. LS, l ( i l l I are still giiiiig i‘lll I \uiiihlii‘t (‘lli iirtiiiet llll seeirig theiii plat l:\ e agairi alter iiilS itltll'. lier'liii reeeiith hatl a riiiirrher titre hit. and tie-spite liS siiiiiiii'ig rtiethtieiit} . the_\ \Hii (‘ltli‘.li‘i'. \llii he hetter thaii the heatlhirers


oTheGuana BatZaiithe Free Kings Rtrriiiitirs. l tithiaii lx’tiatl l’tiritilai psiehiiliilli haiiti l he lKiiigs’ irieiital il‘ih shittiltl hiipettilli glitltiuii \\eii 0 Union Street the ( axe-iii. ( imitate 0 BillyJonesl l‘i\i l )aiiile\ . \\ est l’iiit. ‘liirri iiee l’iiii hill»

060 Ferrlil’iesei\.itiiiriHall. \iettiiiaStreet “(iiii iree