gintlnr'ierntil lllll\le. IIIL'IIILIL'\ Iniegiipex illlti \Il‘lll};\.

WEDNESDAY 14 Glasgow

0 Nailan I ItlII Ii.” . \VlilitIItittiIx I{lltlkl I \Litnie I MICIClIH\IJCLKH\IthtIIIhC CCUIICtlIdIlAthIHlHJIlH\IlUlHCIH.H

0 Limited Edition Itillmlill tin (anglnxl‘rme\.553-1I_” I \enin: I’nlktinllelninlrxlihiex


0 Reverend Brothers \llilte lm. Shirred eith I \enine (ileett .inll lillrerrttixie.

0 Iain McIntosh I tillll‘tlllill I lilk (Itll‘. ( )xlmlrt'fte I IllIL'I. \ lir'Ix I’I.iee. helllpnr tlfill. I he ne\\ lll;tll.l_\_‘L'lltL'lll til I I-( ' gel the \e\\ Yetir‘ IllltIL‘HK .2_\ \\ till the I‘lll‘lll.ll' \L‘IIIIIIIL'IIIJIhI.lIltIWllElL‘I..l Illlll I;t\tlllllIL‘ min the IllII\ eltilweene. .inlI lirteiil the eruhrrtnglrxn L‘IIL'HII‘Hlll the Sixtiex Settliin I l‘II\ I{e\ H .il.

0 Royal Oak IllIll\ Street. I'\eriirt_~;. I llIL' I‘.ll

0 Bob Hownslow and Friends ( til-en I’r‘ee.('ti\\_::tite I \L‘llllltl.

THURSDAY 15 Glasgow

0 Chordasini I'HII\ ( ‘lnlwtnlinn I’I;:ee. \piii l. '.. I.lll I I.irtI:e till lilIlIIe. .lt‘IlllIltLlIItlll\tleill\tlllti I)tiri.i|tl \Inel )iitrenll l'n eliilnr ()iitilttx Suits

0 Red Neck Mothers IHIIHIHlIl lint. (illI\_LIll\\ ('tmx 552.11“) Iwentng. Iiltrewintlllitintrx.

0 Bopcats \\ lllIL'l'\L'lII\. l \Ve\letrt Rixitl. I \enine. Ix Iitlslxeleeis \\ ith .i llll\ til piiplilnr


0 Rab Noakes I’Hltee l «ilk ( lot». is \Xirk I’I;iee. \..‘~llpni LIFH. \\ lIIl \liprmil lr'lirn ,l.inel Rtissell .tnlI (‘hr‘islirie Ix'xlltl. innititisxineer wngm‘iter.

o Shetland Fiddlers \\ e‘\lI ntl l ItlIL'I. I’ltilllehlllll I’Inee. I'm-nine. RL‘L‘IIILH \ernpe and him.

0 Royal Oak IllIll'lll.tl_\ Street . 5"— lift» I \enine. \Ill\le‘ in Me niehl I‘.l\L‘lllL‘llI Ixir. IIlIllI llltll \e‘\\ltlll\.

0 Women‘s Traditional Music Session Green I r'ee. (km elite. \3llriiri. .'\li§illle' \\ till it sting; til .1 time \xelelinie. IL‘IIILIIL' IllII\ lllll\lel;lll\

L‘Hllle‘ tllll HI IIlL‘ L‘IH\L‘I.

FRIDAY 16 . Glasgow

0 Nailan Illll‘llllIII Illir'. ( iltixgtm (hiss. 5514M”. I'm-nine I'ilItIIe zintl .-\eetiillilin \lllll. Ill\Il llIILI Seiitlishttinex.

o Beggar's Mantle stmiikt‘ninei. I)er‘Ii_\ Streel._‘~3~l 1W1. I \L'IIIILL‘. \VL‘L‘Ix I\L‘IiI \IIIll.


0 Peace Ceilidh \\.lll‘tlIL‘IItlII. (‘hester‘ Street. ‘lprii. Iinr. L3. \\ ith IIIL‘IIIHIIL‘ .\ntl.\h.irrirliek('eilitlh Brinti .IIILI .t singer ill tun.

O \tir‘th Ben ( l;l\ I’lnlllir'rn I . ertltinll Street. I \enirre. ( )ILI IllsIllHllL‘tI IllII’\IL'\.

0 Tim and Steve lllml ( Mk. Iritir'nini} Street. .‘VI‘Vo I \ening. Itite Ixir‘nnllwriexmth guitar.

SATURDAY 17 Glasgow

0 Kells Iieh lll I’.ir I\ I write I Ititel. ~\;itie'lii.-Ii.ill Street. Ixenin}; I{e_~;tll..r.ieut1\l1eeIeetiie

0 linttletieltl linnti ( ~lirrtliernnlilll I he.ilre. “.JFrini. L3 l Ll ill). I he III‘ILIIIIIt‘II\ItlII\ lxiitli.

. SCOIIIBC I .1 I .tllle'l'L‘. I'ill\ \Ife'e‘l lull ( ’lj.lle Street l. l\.irill ti lilItIIe. I‘ll\I\L'l\ lfl

3.3llprrt. I\\ll

lL‘WtIL‘llL'L', o Steep the Feet Itilltliirlll lint.

(rI.t\:l‘\\ (‘rlixx 553 11‘". I \enin};


0 Miro .intl Christine Kydd and Janet Russell I’Ienmnee lhe.ttre Iinr. I he I’Ie.i\;inee.\._1llprri.Ljdlllientrtiltil rriti:i_\ \irieirte lriini the I.tLIIL'\ ltlllI \\ IIlI lll\Il lllllL'llItlI\ truth the lither‘x, 0 Royal Oak Inlrr‘nnii} Street . 55' l‘lfiti. I..ite I‘.ll' tlIILI I;ile \L‘\\lllfl\.

0 This 'n' ThaILetlltnI I Ililel. I{tix;iI

I errtieq. I'\L‘lllll}_‘. I'iilk .inll ('liiintr'x



0 Paisley FolkClub.\itlgtm.ln l Intel. Illneixhnli Rinill. 5pm to I ill.

0 Second Fiddle smirk ( m llel. I)erIi_\ Street. .ii-LIVII. I‘\L‘lllll§_‘.


0 The Sirens Yliungs I Intel. Learningtlin 'I'errnee. 9pm. I’ree. Wonderful :r CLIPL‘IILI lemzile threesome It'tlm (ilttsglnk

0 Royal Oak Inlir nuirx Street . 55“ jlflr Se-xxilin lIKl\\II\ItIII\.

MONDAY 19 Glasgow

. Shades Iiilllllltllll I‘i;tl . I iItl\__'ti\\ ('rth. *5: II“), I \enirte,

0 Irish Session Stage I)tltll’ Iigrr. (initials Street next In ( ‘iti/enx' IIlL‘llIl’L‘.~13‘lllll13..Illlllll} XILCIIL‘. Ieeenlltiix litIlIler‘ anti liientls

0 Bopcats \\ irtler'xerllx ( ir'e;il

\\ extertl Rlliltl. Iwenine. Ihr‘ee til IIlhIxL‘IL‘L‘l’N


0 Reverend Brothers the ( iteetl l'iee.

Cronkite. I'\ertin}_‘. .-\eliti\tie lll\IllllllL‘llI;lI llltl\le, Sessiiin IlII Iitlll. o Nobody's Business II.lllllL'l’lll.tll\ liar. ( 'lmente. I'\‘e'lllll}_‘. Shin}; lillies nitll tritixietiltIi\er‘\ilin\.

o Fiddlers Arms t rr'.t\\ltl;tt Ixel. I-Nerilr‘e. ReeliInr‘Senttixh llltl\lL‘ \L‘\\I(lll. [5.11 till I Il‘lll.

0 Gill Hewitt Ruxnl ( l;iI\. Inlii:ti.ir_\ Slr'eetfifiwllrli. I'\erilrt}_'. Slings \xith5—xtrirtelniiilii.

Glasgow 0 Steep The Feet lnllmnili Iint‘.

(iltiszjlwx ('rmx. 55: ~11“? I'\t‘lllll};. (rI.t\f_Il‘\‘. lll \tlllll

0 Nailan \ ietlir‘m Iini . Stlielmell Street. I \eiiine. I-itItIIe ;irill neenrlhmn lllll\le.

0 Covers \Viriteiseills ( ir' \Vester n Rim]. I \enine. \Ithle' lilirri the \I\IIL'\.


0 Bannermans Bartmxgiie. I'\e'llll‘.L!. .\\wi IL'kI tr;ilIitiiin;iI lllll\lL‘ in the I‘ilL'IxIlltlIlI.

0 Kenny Grier Rmnl ( ).lI\. IllIll lll.ll\ \IlL'L'I. i -

:‘l‘li. I \e‘lilllti. ( illlI.ll' .inllslingis. ni.nnl\ lulk



0 Naitan l IllII tin . \\ lmllldntlx Rllllll. I \L'lllllLI. I'ItILIIL‘ .irilItie‘eiirtIilin .il the

eentr‘e HI it traditional lll\Il'lllllL‘llI.lI \L‘\\ltltt.

0 Limited Edition 'l‘nllmnili Ii;ll'. til.l\§itm ('r'lixs. 552 41"”. [averting

I'lllI’x lIIILI entirttr‘x I‘ItlL‘\.


0 Sileas I-tiinlitir'gh I’elk ( .Illl‘ ()xlilitir'rte I IiiteI. \iiir’k I’|.iee. t\..‘\llprrr. LIN). \Inr} L.II\I I’tit\\ tin'ri\ .tllLl \llL';II\. lllll\‘.e IIllIII - Seutltrntlunllalumni.

0 Rmet'etltl Iiilitheis Shiite linr'. Shiite. I eith. I'\L‘lllll_L‘. Sirteirteiin and under the trililex. IlillllIL' Il'l\Il llltl\le.

0 Royal Oak IllIIl'lllLll_\ Street. I',\L'lllll};. I the Imrnritl general \e‘\\lll[], \

0 Bob Hownslow and Friends ( ireetl I r‘ee. ( km ~ante. I'm-nine. (rlllltll' .inll



0 Hamishlmlach Sittl‘l'tllI-xLIlll‘. ()llllirr I’Itree. \[llll LI. I';lI\IilII \\lIIi ti IllII’\ etiitni, \\ eII l'llll lll. \ leeentl. - Red NeckMothers l'nllmnili lint. (iItI\_fltl\\(Ill\\.SS:'1IHH. I'\ L'lllllll. (‘litiritix Iihiex.

- Bopcats \\llllel\tllll\. ( titan

\\ exter‘ri Rtitttl. I*\eni:t:. I’mh I‘ll\I\llIL' lllll\ie. .\ I‘ll llI e‘\er"\ thin-.1


0 Women's Night t lit-en lie-ex ('tmgnte, “pm. I r‘ttthlilitml lllll\lt \L‘\\l\lllIIl;tII‘l'lll:\Illl1L‘IIlel .illwrlx (II lll\Il'lllllL'llI\ tIIILI \tllL‘L'\. trillir'rrinl .lIILI Illll.

0 Royal Oak Inlir'rii;ir‘_\ Street. 5.“ I‘lqli. I \enine. I .tte I‘ll .intl \L'\\Illll. o Shetland Fiddlers \\ e\t l-ntl l IilleI. I)LIIIIIL'I\IHII I’I.iee. I’\L‘llllltl. Regular tum ;intI \L'lttlk‘. .\|| \quelirrre


As we hear news of the death of Alex Campbell. anothervoice lrom the early days oi the lolk revival prepares to give two concerts: in Glasgow 10Jan and Edinburgh 9 Jan. Like Alex. who also recorded overtwo dozen albums. Jean Redpath has incorporated her art in her life. Since the days with Stuart McGregor and the genesis of the Edinburgh University Folk Song Society. she has taken Scottish folk song into the hearts and homes of millions. especially in North America which has become anotherhome.

Not with an ‘art' voice norwith a heavily accented ‘traditional‘ delivery. she brings a quite remarkable vocal skill and expression to bear on a phenomenal numberol songs. ltwould be dilticult to name a Scots song not recorded byJean.

Now a permanent fixture during the Stirling University Summer Schools in Traditional Music. she also lectures in the States and is deep into the awesome task of recording all oi Burns' 323 songs—to the melody intended by Burns himselt. So lar she has five albums down out ol twenty. the guru being the American musicologist Serge Hovey who has spent a lew decades sleuthing through libraries and

iiollowrng clues in the Poets letters and

-w journalsto establish the authentic setting lor each song. Hovey's arrangements lorthe accompanying instruments sometimes irritate by obscuring the modal nature olthe

melodies in ill-sorted narmony or counterpoint. albeitwith theirown beauty and although some ot the songs are unremarkable there are many gems and the whole venture is to be greatly applauded.

Whether unaccompanied or backed by hersimple. ellective guitarJean retains her ability to imbue each song with a vivid sense of uniqueness wrapped round with her charm and wit. She swears she was earnestly asked. alter a Boston concert. who was Lady Modygreen? The solution lay in the ballad Jean had sung ‘They hae stayed the Earl o' Murray/And laid him on the green'! She told me once ol the time when all the singers were poor together in Greenwich Village and. in the back ol a car heading out to some party. one olthe guys said to her ‘hey Jean— listen to this; I've just written it‘. He came out with ‘Don't Think Twice It's Alright‘. How many Bob Dylan songs will be being recorded in 2187? (Jean Redpath is also leatured in Scottish Television's two alternative Burns Night programmes: Tree Oi Liberty on 23 Jan [a documentary about Redpath and Serge Hovey] and Home Thoughts From Abroad on 25 Jan). (Norman Chalmers)

'I'he list L) 33 January 27