0 Art is listed by city first then by

venue. running in alphabetical order. Please send details to Alice Bain not

laterthan 10 days belore publication


0 ANNAN GALLERY lFll\\ ("I (fillllllI‘c-II \llt c1. XII “WT \, \Illll I ll".llll \l‘lll \lt ‘l General exhibitionl IlI\ .llltl

\MtIL'IL ‘Ill'lll\ M \‘lllIIL'llll‘l‘l.il\.

lll lllA

lll;llllI\ SullllsIl..l:ll\l\,

CART GALLERY&MUSEUM. KELVINGROVE STUD”. \Illll Nil Il'.llll .‘l‘lll \llllj .‘plll, I{t'\l;llll‘.llll. II)! \'llIlllll.ll\ tilll.IL‘\.tlL‘ ;t\.llI.lI‘IL‘ ll't'clllpllnllic'll‘plllltIllcl I‘llIIlL'\llI llltIl\llIllllI\ll‘llllkIIIlL'lllillllL'llIIL‘llL'N ("lllllmt lIl\-.-llt._;llr\. lIt-xk Antarctica:ContinentlorSciencel :l::l IIL'I‘

FirstWorld WarArtistsl lllll jll |.lll IIII.l‘.'L‘\l‘I ‘.\.lI \ c'll IIIl'l‘llL‘Il IIIL' \\lll'I\ Ill‘lllI l.lllI\ I‘il;lll~;v.\ll\plllll..s.llltil\l\l..l:

lll llunllllxlx.

lulxtt-l‘x .‘llt'l llll .l:tl:l:: lqt‘l lllllllt lll ‘l I’clt'l. \llllllfx Him :wl’ /’l'.l'?: \_'l lL'\ III\\Il|L‘IIIIIt'\I-.\'IL'I.1IRLXlI‘L'I'Ic'JIW

lIlL‘lll lll I Ilp \t-chtlllll «ll pl lll'l\ .tlIlI c.\l’l ( l.:llx-'l‘l.\

t'tlIIct‘l.llll .slli‘. .tI‘l‘ lllL‘IlltIL‘\ ::l.lll|llt'\

LIl'tl\\llI:'\.llL' .ll‘lllIIl I\_\ IIlL' lllst L“~L'I l‘IIllylllI IIllIl\Il ‘.‘..1l I .llIl\I. \Illll Ilpnti I'IlIIIL'. Academics and Revolutionaries l liIlI lllltl.l.lll \I.lll\ l.lll1<lll\\t't'llouc'lt'

I \I.11IL'\I lll lIlt- I.l'.\ I‘ltIl tclllllll. .lll \xlllItI .l\\\Il.ll \\.:\ ‘l'lllnI~ lll .ll' It

I .:t‘\‘c‘lll.lI*IL'llIlt'Illxiwlltml.cl.l\\lt'.lI .ll‘.tI I‘lt‘Ix‘lJI‘I‘. 7le llll‘lllI-‘l \t'lllllllqlll.ll \‘.tl\\Il.lIIL'll:\'lI I”. .l llc\\ filmy lll p.:llll:ll~_‘. Ill IIlL' L'\IIII‘l‘lllIlIIIL‘Um‘lIleI \‘lllal. I{t‘llllll..lllIlllI .l\.'l\ .llIkI.I.'.ll'.L'\ (IllIIIll\'\}‘L‘.lI\ Il‘l Illp 'lc\lllllllllll.sllo".iItc-ulllkxwi \It'lxxl‘lllql . \IlI\‘\ I'Illpr'. I ll‘VL'l .llltI I \I\\1II I)H\ll‘l\‘l \Illl\\ \\Il.ll lllm \xplt' llp.l;:.llll\l

Impressions ollsraeljl .I.‘.lI Min


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\IHII \ll Il'.lll: ‘l‘lll..\lll‘l.: 5pm I{L‘\I.

European SilverTriennale1968l llllI I I .I;lll \IL'.".”.1lIllIc‘ ( l.lIIL'llL'\ \ \xlt‘lq \‘l'llxswgpllwlllll Ll‘ll‘lglllltflldl‘. \lI\c‘l\lI‘llIIIllIL' Ill‘lll.lIIl\\L‘l I Lllllpt‘ CUTIOUSCUTIOSI llIlI I\.I.lll \ \‘tllIII‘L‘IlIlHlI fill \‘\L‘l\l‘IIL‘ I l ilk lllll llll‘tIlL'lc‘xilml Illlx‘llll.l\Im\\\llctIIll \.ll'l\‘t1\l'.‘\'lIl\llI IIlL‘ ::.:IIpl\ .llltI :lllc‘\\ IIIL‘ llI‘lpt‘lK ltlllpll lll .lIIlI l‘llll‘lWL'. I’l‘l/gslxlll PM" {HI lll:.:§.'lll.llll~ll.l\ lllllc‘IlmIlll

20 The I.l\t " I: .l.lllll.ll'_\

I llllllll\ I)L'\I\

Children's Projects atthe Burrell Collectionl lllll lj.l.lll. ( ~Illltll'cll‘s \xlll'Ix lll\.lllllll\lllt-tll.lll‘lllllpl.l\\c\.ll IIIL'IItlllL'II,

0 COLLINS GALLERY l lll\L‘l\lI} HI SllnlIlt'lMIc. I: Rlx‘IllilHlltI \ll'm-l. \Illll Ill

III'IIL"~.I 3m? .Tllll

I‘Illlll ‘l‘lll.\ll If llllll

Harry Callahan Retrospective 1941—1982‘l.l;lll "I .‘ll \ lll_lllll lL'Ill‘\l‘L'L'Il\L' \"\IIII‘III1IIIUI llllmll .\lllcllc;l\llllclllllsl llIllllll_:l'.lpllc‘l\. SL‘L'THHL'I.

0 COMPASS GALLERY LK \\ L'\I I{L'};L‘lll SIIQL‘I. LII INTI). \Illll Sill ll|.31l.llll 5.3llplll

Christmas Exhibition 1 ml 3v .I.lll I’.llllllll~.:\. I‘lIlIINc'L'llele'N \c'llI'l‘Illll.‘ .llltI ly'mt'l'lpl \. lllllll .111 l ~\ cl I‘IlI'..lllI,

O CYRIL GERBER FINEART l-l\ \\-g\1 I\)L“.IL'llI Sll'xt . III NW5, \Illll \ll‘l. zll.llll \Nllllll. The WinterCollection olSmall


Paintings and Drawingsl'nlll lIlltI-.I.ll1.IIl'lIl\Ill‘;tlllIllT}l\IlHlIl I‘ltll .llltlllltIlpclltlll}.

0 FINE ART SOCIETY 13-1 I§I\ lIluxnmI Sllcc'l..‘3:~lll:T. \Illll I'l‘l

‘l..‘~ll.ll'l 5,3llplll. Xll lll.llll Il‘lll David Donaldsonl IIIIIIII.I.1II Robin Philipson l”.l.lll llll cl». I).l\ltII)llll;lItI\ll. llll‘lllc'l IIL'ttLIl‘I I)L‘l‘.ll'llllc‘lll .ll ( il.l\_«.:ll\\ \c'IlllllI M .\l'. Il.l\\\lll‘I\ L'\IIII‘IIC\I.II IIIL‘ (lltlxglm I leL‘ .\l'l Sllclctx llllllI Il .Illll.I‘L'Il>l'c'lI lllll\k‘\IHIIlL‘ I tIlllI‘lll‘JII I’ll‘lL‘ .\l'l Smut-ll. I’IllIlpwll. lllll‘lL‘l IIL'.LKIUI IIL'THIIlllL‘lII .ll I tIllII‘lll'jflII \t'Illlllllll .\lI.\‘llt'll\Ill\L'\IllI‘lIll‘ll.ll 1le-

I tIlllI‘lllL‘Il I lllL' .\lI \«lplclx LlIIKI IIlL'll gllgxllWlIJxflll“ I IT.I.lll II‘I t‘I‘I.

I we! \‘l'llIL‘lIll‘lllJl 1w. lIlm IL‘LI


p.ll.lIIcIt‘.llccl\lll IL'dLIIllI‘L‘RllIlI ixllllllll: .llltI .llg I‘lllIl llll\\ .llictI "Ill Ihot-\Illlll'lllll.llslllllclllticxa Ill\I \Illl\\lII_L'UI .l lltll‘llnll I‘\ I)tlll.l|tlwll lll I’Illlllwm SL‘L‘I lllt‘ .\ll \llt‘lclv I tIlllI‘lllL’IIIl‘l tI.ll.-\.

O GLASGOW ARTS CENTRE l.‘ \\.l\Illll:IllllSllc't'l..7.1l \Illll Ill Ill.llll ‘llllll..\.ll ill flllll Moving Soutthileinthe Westernlsles Ill Kl .l.lll.('llI«ull l‘Ill llllzl.lle\w2 IIIL' \\ LNIL‘l'll I\IL'\ IT\ \Illl'tItl


0 GLASGOW PRINT STUDIO 13.x Illgl'ulllSllpcl.552llTll~l \Illll Sal lll;llll \ llllllll

Clayton Campbelland Nicki McHarg

Ill .‘.\,l.lll. \Ilmll IIIL'iIIll l‘llllI\ lw IIIL


\lll\_‘llp.llll l.l\lllll(.llllpllcllnllll \‘llltlsIl \It‘x/lllllllx In \lL‘le \IL‘IIJIL'.

O HAGGS CASTLE lllllfil .\II\IIL‘\\\


l Harry Callahan Retrospective: Collins Gallery. Glasgow.

From 1946 to 1961 Harry Callahan was, withAaron Siskind. jointdirectorot photography at the Institute of Design. Chicago. The Institute. known as the New Bauhaus. was committedto experimentation in photography. lt advocated ‘treedom lrom authoritarian indoctrination' and imitated the Bauhaus style in itslreedom otspirit ratherthan in its social intent. Callahan beganto take photographs alterhearing Ansel Adams lecture in 1941. His own work. very inlluential at the Institute. explores lorm and colour. multiple exposure. montage and collage. lo a very varied output his

style is direct. but unexpected. His approach is disciplined but inventive. stopping short of abstraction and he plays with the elements of space and composition to tease out something more than a pattern. In ‘Rome‘ (1968) where he juxtaposes planes and depth. a man. his so-called ‘casual humanity'. passes underan archway creating the proportions and balance of the picture. The man also creates the interest. the point of reference. Callahan masses shapes and space to discover. or as he put itto ‘intensify‘ the subject matter. to discoverwhat shape he has. what it is made 01 and how it relates to everything else around it. His pictures leel very complete. (Sally Kinnes)

I llll\ I'lllll\.lI I

I)II\L'. \IHII Sat Ill.llll ‘l‘lll. Sllll 2 5pm (IIlI\‘.'lI\\ \ lllllst'llll‘. lml t‘lllItIlqll From Cauldronto Cookerl llilI I\.I.lll. l)lwt‘t‘txllulll.lllll|ll I.l\IIltllIL‘tI IIl‘ll\\'Ill‘IlI.\\lIIIIt‘I.lI\\I1'ttlIIL‘\HI IlIL'lIIIledIll‘lI Il‘l t‘lllllilt'll O HUNTERIAN ART GALLERY Llll\\‘l\lI\ «ll ( il.l\:i«l\\. I IllIIlmtI \llcgl.3‘ll.‘-1‘I \Illll Ill .‘ltlll.,\.l:‘l Il\lll The Mackintosh House Gallery: I)I‘L'II.1\.1I‘H\L"I‘III\'Il‘\k'\IIl‘IIIIIIL'II If.

\\K\II\\llI\ II

“,llMlll {ll


II'T‘llI \llll.:.Illll\\llllll~ll llt'lllmllls.:lll1\llllltilm. .\ lt'ulllxll .lL'Ill‘ll l ‘3 lll." .llt‘Illlt't'l‘Ix IIlllTIL'IlIIL‘lI\\liIll‘ll:‘lll.lI lllllllltllc. PrintGallery-

The Christmas Storyl llIlI <3 llll \I.|\IL'lI‘llllIllldItx‘h I)Lll\‘l. \Illl‘lIL'YlItl.

.'l .l'lli llIIIL'I\l"I lll.lllll

RCITII‘IJIMII. \t'll u-lly

thumb I ll‘lll IIIL' lX'lllIJllCllI


0 HUNTERIAN MUSEUM I IlL' Llll\L‘l\lI\ lll ( ll.l\:'l~\\. “HVS. \Illfl Ill" lll.llll .‘l‘lll \ll

‘l. Ilkllll Iplll Tu lt‘t' ll.llll.li \IIIM‘IIIII lll IIIL'\LU1I.III\' IIllll‘tllxll (rllit‘pllllll llltIlltIt-sllIllgt'lsl.lll:1lll: llllllll .lpl.llll( llllkx I’.lplllt Il'L‘;l\lll'L‘\ In tho IfitullxtIc-ll Shark. Crystalsinlndustryl'lltlljslun

0 IMAGES GALLERY 71 I I} lltllgllltI I{UQlkI..“.“-1.\TII I.

l it‘llcml I \IllI‘lIllIlI lltl'IlliIt‘\ clt‘Illll:1\_\.\.llt-lt‘llll>lll\.lll\.llllI

0 MAIN FINE ART I IIL' \lllll <l ( l.lIIL‘l'\. I(\(llI‘\lllI.\IlL‘t,'I. SLlI Illlll 5pm. \llll -7 5pm

|. Lesley Main 1 llIlIx‘lllI l.l-l. \cu \\lllI\\ lllxpllctlm .l tl'lpllliIlp

1.:‘I\\“‘1 I llL‘

(.ll‘.illL'\. l‘Ill\ stink. [TitlllIlllLW Il_\ I)L'IL'I I Ilmwll. \I.llllt\‘ll I'IllllIIk‘. I’IllI IIllelJlll. \llltlx \Illll‘IH . Hr'lnll I").lI..lltI. I Illt‘k \llll IK'II .llltI \I.lll \Id llltI\,

O MARYHILL ARTS CENTRE ll \I;lIIllle.\1lppl.\I.:lxIllII.11‘3"“. Paintings by Dave Liddelnntl Sculptures by Andy Miller E: 0 METRO GALLERY T I 3 ( ll'c‘.lI

\\ L‘\IL‘I ll Rinlti. 3 “Illa 1“ tulip

lI .I.tll.

I’llll.llllt‘(i.lltIcll\l. Illc‘ Nat I" IIIJIII “plll Mixed Exhibition l3.l.ln lll-pl».

('lllllgllllllllall lllI\. :llllanlo .llltI \\.lI.'I\'lIIl’III\.

0 PEOPLE'S PALACE MUSEUM (lI.l\:itl\\ (ilL‘L'll. 7“ I“: I. \Illll \ll lllglzll *l'lll.\llll.‘. ‘lllll (ll.l\:ll\\\ lllilm'lllllHI \\llTI\lll;' My

One Singer. One Song—Theatre Programmes l llIlI l pl» IIIll\ll.lIL'lI \Ilpt'l llIil\l\ IV“ \\.l\ll1 lll.lll‘. \\..\\ lIlg plt't‘lllxlll lll lIIll‘Il.lIL‘\I I I’tlln‘lxlt'l Record COVBT ATLLII}. \ll( c'llIlL‘.I lilll'llll'uIll.



L'.llI\ rill. "Ilw. IK'L'JlllL' llIc‘lL'lhllIfJI} L'I.lI‘l*IllI\‘. [KHIlelIL‘HlIIIlIIll\IlltIllllI\ Il‘l \ultl ,Il‘l‘Illl Ix’ l§'\ lll lIlg I‘lfllx Glasgow atWarl llllI L'lllI I L'I‘ I IlL‘ k'l\ lllll \ltItwll IIIL' \L'L'l‘IIkI \\\‘IIkI

\\ .l' .llltI Illm lI .lllpt'luI ( ilmclm lIIll\Il.EIL‘~Illl[‘IIllIll:Il.ll‘Il\IllllllIIIL‘ llll. lll\.'\llt lIlt‘ ( l/llxlmll //t‘rlz/l/;llltl {Ilc‘ fizz/'1 II.lII|‘II\.:IlI\. ..:II'lll‘l‘.ll‘L'l\l

0 POLLOKHOUSENW'I’lll.~lI\\Il.l\\\ \IHII \.lI

\llllfi, ‘lwll:

\ptrll‘wtll lll IIlL‘ IIllllt‘IH llllc‘cllnll. [Ill\ \‘Illl'lltllu Ill‘llm'l-llllI.llll\IIIL'

\fll lll." \I.l\\.\.II( llIIcplllllltll

\ w lgl.llt'tI L‘l‘IlL'lllL‘l'il

Ix’lmli. ll 4.7".”

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