3F y v_._. ...- 4.9.537: .:,.':.o:‘i. . g .'aa‘§5§":31a‘ttfiihifififiefififiésifiif-‘if‘l‘43:i:13:2 l l t 5‘ ' K .i‘ li‘ ~34" i‘.:."‘~i~‘lij,i?s 342' Qif’ll‘l'. . 9‘}: ' I " \ :‘ila,‘ilk';"¥"i‘|"i-‘f " L I ‘I l; -' .. ~ . . . » " "’ . >2 "- .c“ 7twel~+§3€$~13t§§fifgf“9.7: It“ .‘~'”~3""3r"~".’s "‘a?t-.¥?§“r“'~'r~2.“fi'7' ,.,_~;'.‘rs.' Psi-1??“ '.p- .”'-'. :2, "’.. " ', _‘.‘ v- (.1 'V’o "~ u' _- s 1“ ivi‘:“ ._ 3S}; 45.": "v .1: " ‘:~ . . A 2'? . I!“ {as} .>":.%.,‘ 3 :57 93-4}. _ '. v I $ : ~,‘ .0.» -V;~ i. : ,g‘wrtu 1t, I“; w', ,m.‘ _'. .— .- V. ' f} ,3 " 3:, Ears-V77: :Li‘n‘: I ': i}; I JV '3 lib;: II [~- 25: '3‘ . ' “if”; .- :1 '"’ 1 ' ‘- - - ~ I ' is'fff, aw." .-: 1- i , d . ' ' - It was, by and large. a fairly Brothers Quay entitled The Cabinet undistinguished period. but this ofJan Svankmajer. and Alphabet. an 5 story oftwo boyhood friends and early and disturbing short story by f their contrasting experiences from Davrd Lynch who was later to make 1 the Twenties rightthrough tothe Eraserhead. Intriguing stuff. austere post-war years displays an Edinburgh: Filmhouse j atypical lightness oftouch and a ' L'Afmée des Umbres (Army in [he : characteristically fleet of foot ShUdOW-V) (kiln-Pierre Melville. political cvasiveness. Glasgow; (iFI‘ France. 1969) Lino Ventura. Simone O Alchemists oi the Surreal, Signorct. Jean—Pierre (‘assel L Programme Three (PG) The final Ventura. a peacetime engineer programme ofa very worthwhile turned wartime assassin. is captured season includes a tribute to the great i by the gestapo. He kills a guard. Czechoslovakian animator by the l escapes and begins to track down the

o This section aims to provide a review iilm's mad scientist and who carries on

at every illm to be seen in central the domestic rituals at his former lite

Scotland overthe n'ext lortnlght. For i even though his brain has rotted away.

programme times see individual 0n the same level, the military

cinema listings. personnel are seen as boorish, stupid, U - Universal, suitable for all ages. sexist gunireaks and the scientists as, PG - Parental Guidance suggested as by and large, devoid at any scrupies in

some scenes may be unsuitable tor the pursuit oi their work. Only the


threat, leading their lives as

i _ we _. H unthinking, instinctive mounds oi ilesh

I " I like the creature, called Bub

,' ' - s ; appropriately enough, studied by the a:

younger children. lemale researcher, black pilot, and

15 - No-one under the age oi 15 drunken lrishman have any sort oi admitted. overview oi the situation and thus

18 - No-one under the age at 18 escape the iinai (literally) admitted. gut-wrenching assault bythe zombies.

However, occasional lapses in the

! writing and the odd slice oi ham in the acting does tend to undermine the oiten

i uncertainiy paced dialogue-heavy

l sections at the iilm. It works much

better towards the end when eiiects

i pervert Torn Savini was presumably pumped iull oi drugs and let loose with several tons oiiresh tripe and oiial to produce some oi the most downright

O A.K. (15) (Chris Marker. France. 1985) 74 mins. Chris Marker‘s film on Akira Kurosawa shooting Run is both a discovery of the Japanese master‘s obsessions and a treasury of perceptive comments on the film-making process itself. Edinburgh; EUFS

o Ake and His World (Allan Edwall. Sweden. 1984) Martin Lindstrom.

Loa Falkman. 99 mins. ldyllic v ' V. , . _ .4,» _. ._ unbelievable scenes at entrail ripping recreation of a Swedish childhood v Day at the Dead (18) (George A. 3 about the zombie apocalypse in the 3'" “my '0 b? w't"95§ed' .

and family life. Part of the Nordic Romero, US, 1985) Lori Cardllle, Terry i lirst place, until the huge steel doors orehounqs V"! be "mng me" season. Edinburgh; Filmhouse Alexander, Joseph Pilato. 100 mins. In ? separating them irom the undead depraved "me “93' . h R

0 Aliens (18) (James Cameron. US. his 1968 Night at the Living Dead, 3 hordes outside get opened and poetic i IT'the‘end, the problerln Will omero 1986) Sigourncy Weaver. Carrie house in suburban Pittsburgh was justice is dealtout by the latter in the J“ at; '3 “A?” a? 3 °‘ five'e' d Helm. Michael Bichn- 137 mins. attacked by ilesh-craving zombies alter ; most stomach-ehumihgiy graphic at I a" S 3“ ence- he 80"“? "318 Revived from a 57 year snooze in - an unspeciiied ‘accident’; 1980’s § lashions. ads and Iasses who chortle into their deep space, Warrant Officer Ripley sequel Dawn ol the Dead saw the i Romero's zombie trilogy is shaped by comets“ as anrhgrsyetl’)?” gels '

is cajoled into joining a marine zombies assailing a huge shopping i two distinct aspects oi the director's 30:38 t:tutwou dn t eoa he to splo a YCSCUC miSSion ‘0 the Planct U3 436~ mall; and "0W "'8 third in the trilogy E personality: he is at once an ultrabiack a 83 re on America. "H gm": ear mm“ for the original alicn' A lakes "3 "Merllfound t0 3 Florida ! social commentator and satirist, and at age’ " they mund one '" the"

. underwear. Conversely, the sort oi pseuds who might acclaim Romero as some sort at American Hogarth (which he isn’t because he’s not that good)

: nerve-shattering sequel that not only bunker where the last people truly alive the same time a gleefully black matches its PFCdCCCSSOF: but Canni'y “Old out against the "Vlng dead Who humorist much inlluenced by the sort oi SUI P115565 i’ Glasgow: ClnCm'd- Sakm- outnumberihem by at least 400,000 to horror comics which American parents

i Edinburgh; Domionion. Lothian; one. A representative group at the once tried to have banned and which , . , Regal. Strathclyde; Kelburne. despotic military, deranged scientist, termed the backdmp to, his earlier, 1'07”:'ffhzeggra'aéemz'e"'“And RIaIIO, . and benumbed neutrals spend much at lacklustre Stephen King compendium “" is": M , no" ' mt°u1§e)'

' Ne" “"9 “Maw” (P0) (KW . the running time debating the situation i Creepshow, Hence, the zombies are a “"9 V e a'" s a "‘89 'l '"0' “Oman” German?" 1958) “’8 and displayinuthe tensions in i bleak critique oithe apathy and “""sm‘"

mins. This selection from the Seven micmcosm that may have brought downright ignorance to the nuclear . Decades, Seven Films season of i i Germanmmsaaesimm the rates. i i


an; List 31 Oct 13 Nov »____.