
You don't need financial worries complicating your already complex first term. You're looking for a sound start to the

academic year.

TSB Scotland can’t our grant but we can guarantee an understanding of the student needs —— how to

find your upfront costs of books, equipment and residence fees.

Open your Sound Start Account by

depositing your grant cheque and you will ' H the benefits of a lull banking service

Free £5 Sound Start record token.

promise to double

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bit: in Scotland.

Sound Start ofler only availa

Call in at your local TSB TSB Scodand plc. Registeiggvgtf: to $8 Scotland plc Freepo Ed Ice: rchard Brae H. St. inburgh EH4 O OHX use. 30 Queensferry Road Edinbu h E ~ . rg H4 2H5 Re . ' gistered in Scotland' . Number 95237