THE GILDED BALLOON, Cowgate, Edinburgh. Forget cltches, abandon preconcepttons and try and tmagme a perfectly servrced space that has everythtng that's best about a bar, cafe and brassene and yet manages to create a umgue fusron of ITS own. Sounds tmpoSStble, sounds expenstve? You'd be wrong on both counts. thh coffee and crotssants all day, a menu that Includes crepes, burgers, vegetanan dlShBS; a wrde selectton of drtnks tncludtng Castle Eden Ale and Stella Artots, not to mentton space, art, a fountatn and flagstones, and It's qurte clear that The Btlded Balloon lS hellbent on subverttng conventtonal attttudes. Salvatton IS at hand. Prepare ye for the new age.

DIVA, Park Terrace, Glasgow. The style rs seducttve, the flavour contmental, the place Dtva. A comfnnatton of pastel shades, cool marble and gltstemng chrome gtve an Indeftnable atmosphere to thts brtght new ltght on Glasgow's bar and restaurant scene. Savour the gastronomtc deltghts of French classrcal and nouvelle cursme lwrth a tempttng ltst of over TUB wmesl Ill the dtscreet mttmacy of the spltt level restaurant. Or try the Island bar for a long cool glass of Stella Artors, and choose from a menu of Dtva burgers, pates, salads and conttnental pattssertes. For anyone who's anyone, there's somethtng dtvme at Dtva.

BUSTER BROWN'S, Market Street, Edinburgh. Stnce l979 Buster Brown's has managed to stay well ahead of the pack of dtscos tn Edtnburgh by keeptng a ftnger ftrmly on the pulse of what makes a good mght great. The newly refurbtshed Buster's IS the same as It ever was, but a whole lot better. Better ltghts. better sounds, better decor. DJ Bonnte McKeown IS a master of hrs craft and tnsttncttvely knows how to set the floor on ftre. thh an vnpressrve selectton of dnnks, the best Internattonal beers tncludtng the mtghty Stella Artors, Buster Brown's wrlt be lost and foremost for the forseeable future. Get htp to that top and bop ttll you drop.