0 m: almto with into. about mm In and around Edinburgh and em tor children and young people. Please and details not later M10 1m berm publication.


Activities and Fun

0 BARGAIN BOOKS 202 Sauchiehall Street. 332 5518. Postman Pat will be visiting the shop on Thurs 18 Sept at the following times: ‘).3()—l().3()am. 11am—12noon. 2—3pm. 3.30—4.3(lpm. Lots of his books will be on sale which he will autograph.

0 HAGGS CASTLE 100 St Andrews Drive. Pollokshields. 427 2725. Saturday afternoon activities begin at 2. 15pm. with their usual historical emphasis. Free. No booking.

Sat 6: Fans 7—10 years.

Sat 13: Storytime and Painting 4—7 yrs.

0 INSECT ZOO 7 James Street. Bridgeton. Glasgow. 554 8486. Mon—Fri 9.3(lam—4pm. Meet some unexpected and interesting specimens— a red-kneed or pink-toed tarantula. or a jungle nymph!


0 ART GALLERY ANO MUSEUM, KELVINGROVE 357 3919. Mon—Sat 10am—5pm. Sun 2—5pm. Prizewinners trom 82nd Annual School Children's Art Competition Until 26 'Oct. Since the beginning ofthe century the museum encouraged children to draw in the museum and an area in the south balcony was assigned to them every summer. The idea developed into an annual competition for children (from age 10 upwards) to draw a subject of their own choosing from the Kelvingrove museum. Pollok House. the People‘s Palace Museum or the Museum ofTransport. O HAGGS CASTLE 100 St Andrew‘s Drive. Pollokshields. 427 2725. Yesterday's Children Until 28 Sept. For 4—12 years. An exhibition of the toys and playthings ofchildren through the ages. with a chance to try 5 some ofthem out. 5 Mary Queen of Scots A semi-permanent exhibition in this 16th century castle focusing on the ill-fated fated queen.

EDINBURGH Activities and Fun

0 MUSEUM OF CHILDHOOD 42 High Street. 557 1265 ext 211. Mon—Sat 10am—6pm.

NB The museum is no longer 0an

on Sundays.

From the first teddy bears to E.T. via

train sets. automata and clockwork.

this is a huge and delightful collection oftoys and all thing pertaining to childhood.

0 ROYAL LYCEUM THEATRE Grindlay Street. 229 7404.

Open Day Sat 6 Sept. 1 l.3()am-4pm. An Open Day for the whole family. The Royal Lyceum Theatre Company invites the public to see all aspects of mounting a complex production and opens up parts ofthe theatre the public don't usually see under the stage. backstage. the dressing rooms and up in the fly tower. Technical demonstrations about scenery-flying and fit up demonstrations will be held and questions invited. as well as exhibitions and displays ofcostume, wardrobe and make-up. Meanwhile outside there will be a street fair, stalls and sideshows. Creche facilities available. See also Theatre section.


The Commonwealth Pool is closed until December. but all local swimming pools have extended opening hours. They are also open on Sundays as follows.

Dalry Caledonian Crescent. 9am—12noon.

Glenogle Glenogle Road. 9am—12noon.

Infirmary Street Infirmary Street. 2—6pm.

Leith Junction Place. 2—6pm. Portobello Bellfield Street. 2-6pm.

Portobello has recently re-opened its

refurbished children‘s teaching pool and every Sat and Sun 2—4pm there

will be play sessions for children with

rafts. toys and inflatables available on request at no extra charge. Entry fee to pool; 20p kids. 35p adults.

0 TOY LIBRARIES WRVS, 44 Albany Street. 556 4284.

A number ofcentres all over Edinburgh make available (at a nominal charge) all manner oftoys and books for the under 55 and handicapped children. Contact WRVS for locations and opening times.

Fl lm

O FILMHOUSE Lothian Road, 228 2688.

Saturday matine’es at 2pm: all seats £1 and bookable in advance.

Sat 6: Lady Hawk (PG) (Richard Donner.US. 1985)121mins.A young pickpocket meets a hawk who leads a double life at night he becomes both a wolf and a beautiful woman! A lavish adventure story set in the Middle Ages.

Sat 13: Splash (PG) (Ron Howard, US, 1984) 110 mins. An unusual

encounter between a young boy and

a mermaid which is unexpectedly ( repeated twenty years later. Funny and enjoyable. For 1 1-12 yrs approx:


O The Wild Ride and Other Scottish Stories chosen by Gordon Jarvie

(Viking Kestrel £5.95). £5.95 may

not seem cheap for a children‘s book but this volume ofshort stories should well reward the investment.

1 In the introduction Gordon Jarvie

3 explains that he has put together the

sort of collection he was looking for

himself as a child. As a schoolboy in

Edinburgh he sought in books less of

the Scottish history and folklore and

more of the contemporary and

realism. His choice of some 18

stories by 14 writers, including lain

. Crichton Smith, Bernard

j MacLaverty, George Mackay

Brown. Joan Lingard and Mollie

Hunter, were not all written for

young readers and some are quite

adult in their approach, but they are


Tourist Board promotion

all suggested for 1() years and above. There is a wide range of both subject and treatment: Grumphie describes an irascible and irreverent pig groomed to near-perfection by the dedicated Tam and Wullie. whose supposedly curly tail has a mind of its own while The Kitten powerfully and lucidly describes the cat-and-mouse game between the slow-moving distorted mind ofa hired man and the kitten he ; is trying to drown. The 8/01 and Sunday Class both get inside the mind ofa child pitted against a teacher. They are lively and imaginative and the stories are convincingly and unsentimentally told. [I is an impressive and interesting collection. likely to provoke further reading and fascination with fiction.


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0 The Stowaways Roger McGough (Kestrel Kite. Viking Kestrel £3.95) Kestrel Kite is a series specifically designed for beginner readers and this is an attractive easy-to-read hardback. with large clear print and good. lively illustrations on every page by Tony Blundell.

MUSEUMOF CHILDHOOD —-" “" I‘ZDINI’AIRUH' " -' 42 High Street (Royal Mile). lidinhurgh Monday to Saturday: l()anr(ipm (October to May: 1()am<‘ipml During the Edinburgh Festival. Sundays: 2plit’5pnl

Admission Free


A joint City of Edinburgh District Council/Scottish

‘l‘he LIST-D 9158 Sepiemgr 35