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"The orIgIn of thIs remarkable outburst of Intellectual vigour III Scotland 1\ ml: something of a Puzzle but we know what It achreyed It laId the toundatIon of much or what we now take tor granted III modern thought"


The key poIIIt about the doctors who trained In Edmburgh was that they were not hIdebound by tradItIon they were the children of the lznhghtenment and they belIeyed III the Importance of source they were the beginntngs of what was to become a shInIng lIght In North Bntatn. an oasis of good sense and natIonal experttnent the Edinburgh

Medical School

III“ CLIFFORD ON "I‘HI‘. I’AIN’IIERS: One of the things that's Interesting about the ScottIsh Enlightenment Is Its concern wIth what It meant to be a Scot III a rapIdly ehangtng world and Its deep Interest III the IndIyIdual human bemg. We are now lIyIng In a tune of equally rapId change and It's Interesting that representatIonal patnttng Is nIakIng a comeback People and Scots people at that are back In Art

ROY I’()RII2R ()N HU'I"I'()N, 'I‘Hli (IEOLOUIS'IE . Hutton saw that Nature all the tune restored what It destroyed. replaced what It used Nature had perfected recychng Huttons moon of the ecosystem reads lzke a tantasuc mix of scIence ftctIon and (ireek mythology Hutton should be made Patron SaInt of the (ireens.


The towenng time of the Scotush Enhghtenment. Hume made hIs mark as a hIstorIan but more IndelIbly as a philosopher Hts theory of causatIon was more

than Intluenual. It reoriented the course of the western phrlosoplucal tradItIon. hIs agnostIeIsm astomshed and Impresed hIs contemporanes and amUsed them since he lIyed In EdInburgh's New Town In St l)ay:d's Street


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PROFESSOR TONY jONI‘S ON ARCHI'I‘I:(:'I'LIRI:: The New Town has more or less been swallowed up by the modern CIty but there Is stIll a lesson the New Town of the Enlightenment can teach . that we need a ngorous architecture to ege people a sense of belonging to the future wIthout uprootIng them from their sense of the past


Quite suddenly with the publication of “The Wealth of NatIons" we're In the modern world a world we can all recognise today. Adam Smith has Introduced us to econonue man. And he's set the stage for the smal setences and all the great econonusts to come alter hIIn And he's set the agenda for all future governments.


The Encyclopaedla BrittanIca Is 318 years old thIs year and It symbohses the 18th century Idea espeeIally In Scotland that knowledge was useful. It was no longer to be the preserve of the unn‘ersItIes and the upper classes the mIddle class wanted It too. Nobody took advantage of this new mood more qUIckly and more elfecnvely than the Scots


‘So that the law In Scotland might be made clear to stangers and Englishmen.' booed \"Iscount Starr; Lord PreSIdent of the Court of Session In the I680's. ‘let me say that It Is derived from custom and practIee atnyed at In particular cases' Stan and others

belIeyed that the law should be made free from relIgIous constraint and exrst In a

coherent framework . . . and that-It should be wholly dItTerent from EnglIsh law In Its workings.


I-..\'I.I(I'H I I-.\.\II2\ I:

2:333:53 "Try looking at the huge Georgian buildings of the New Town in the way they appeared to people at the time. , . try thinking of the squares and terraces as InachInes tor modern lIyIng. as avant-garde as anything Le CorbusIer attempted In

'3 France. The danger was that thIs rage for modernisation and matenaltsm would produce a

reaction that the reign of a Scottish Ayatollah would follow that of a modernIsIng Shah"

(Sceptics please note all the celebrants above are non-Scots)

Ten programmes to be played on Scottish TV across the first two weeks of the Festival

The List 25 July 7 August 5