FILM L1§T____.-.

Care Bears 2: A New Generation (U).2. 2.40: Sun 3.50

2.E.T. (U)

3. The Jewel of the Nile (PG) 2.50

Tues 15: Echo Park(15) 2.30. Police (15)6.8.30 l Wed16; Police(15)

; Thurst7:SweetDreams(15)2.30. 3 (NotSun). ; Police(1516.8.30 i erc SauchiehallStreet.3321592 Fri18:SweetDreams(15)2.30. Police 1 £2.30child£1.lOOAP£1. . (15) 6. 8-30 1. Police Academy 3: Back in Training Sat19: Police(15) 2.30. 6. 8.30 (pa) 1,454.45, 8.45 Sun 20: Death in a French Garden (15) 2.511(1)) 130,445,815

6.15.830 ' '3.TheColorPurple(15)2.7.55 Mon21:DeathmaFrenchGarden(15) , 4. RunawayTrain(18)

5. 9%Weeks(18)

O CANNON GRAND 18 Jamaica Street. 248 4620. £2 (£1).

From Fri 11: Electric Blue: The Movie (18) & Mondo Topless(18)

From Fri 18: Private trench Lessons (18) & Make Love with Me (18) Continuous from 11.30am daily.

0 CINEMA Southgate. East Kilbride. 035 52 31020. [D] cinema 1. £2 Child/UB40/OAP£1.

From Fri 11: 1. Police Academy3 : Back in Training (PG) 6.30. 8.20. Sun 7.45: Care Bears 2: A New Generation (U)£1)

2. Rocky |V(PG) Sun 7.30 From Fri 18: 1. Peter Pan (U) 6.30. 8.20. Sun 7.45.

2. Police Academy 3: Back in Training (PG)

0 GLASGOW FILM THEATRE 12 Rose Street. 332 6535. Cafe/bar open 30 mins prior to evening perf. closes

9pm. [D] on application to box office. [E] No smoking. Matinees. £1 .80Studcnt/UB40£1. Evenings. £2.20 Student/UB40£1.50.A11

perfs. Child/OAP£1.

Fri1]:Witness(15)3.30.6. 8.30

Sat 12: Silverado (PG) 3. Witness ( 15) 6.8.30

Sun131Vagabonde (15) 5.30. 8

Mon 14: Ghostbusters (PG) 3.30. 6. Vagabonde ( 15) 8.30

Tues 15: Vagabonde ( 15) 6. 8.30 Wed'16: Desperately Seeking Susan (15)

Thurs 17: Vagabonde (15) 3.306. 8.30 Sat 19: Mask ( 15) 3.30. Vagabonde

Tue 22: Mishima ( 15) 2.30. Death in a French Garden (15)6.l5.8.30 Wed 23; Death in a French Garden (15) 2.30. 615.830 Thurs 24: Falling in Love (PG) 2.30. Death in a French Garden ( 15) 6. 15. 8.30 CINEMA TWO Fri 11:Alamo Bay(15) Sat12:Alamo Bay (15) Sun 13: Echo Park ( 15) 6.45. 8.45 Mon14: Echo Park (15) Tues 15: Scottish islands (U) 2. Man oiAran (U) & Short 5.30. 8 Wed 16: Rue Cases Negres (PG) 6.10. 8.20 Thurs 17: That Sinking Feeling (PG) 2. Sunset Boulevard (PG)6. 10. 8.20. Fri 18: Sweet Dreams ( 15) 5.45. Burning an illusion ( 15)8. 15 Sat 19: Burning an Illusion ( 15) 3. Sweet Dreams ( 15) 5.45. 8. 15 Sun 20: Sweet Dreams ( 15) 5.45. 8.15 Mon 21: The Brothers (PG) & Short 6. 8.15

Tues 22: ThatSinking Feeling (PG) 2. Oueimada (aka Burn!) ( 15) 6. 8. 15 Wed 23: Mishima ( 15) 6. 8. 15 Thurs 24: Local Hero (PG) 2. Mishima (15)6.8.15 N.B. Filmhouse Bookshop now open Mon-Sat 12 noon-2.30pm & 5.30-9pm. selling posters. magazines. books. postcards and all film-related ephemera. Worth checking out. 0 ODEON Clerk Street. 667 7331. Bar 6—9pm. Partial wheelchair access. £2.70 (‘)AP£1 .50 Child £1.50 UB40/Student £1 .50 (except last

. . .. t. n. 15)6.8.30 performance Fri and Sat). ( . . . 1. Care Bears 2 (U) 12.30. 2.10. Sun The Purple nose of calm (PG)

only 4.40

Down and Out in Beverly Hills (PG) 4 (except Sun). 6. 10. 8.25

2. Romancingthe Stone (PG) 2.30 (except Sun) 6.35 and Jewel 011118 Nile(PG)4.40 (except Sun). 8.45 3. Enemy Mine (PG) 1.30. 3.50 (except Sun). 6.05. 8.25

From 18 July: Pinocchio(U)

Cinema 2 July 17 only: Rocky (U). Rocky ll (PG). Rocky lll (PG) and Rocky IV ( P(} ). Programme begins at 2.30pm. Tickets £4 (£2.50)

July 22 8. 23 only: Ghostbusters (PG)

10.45am only.

0 PLAYHOUSE1-eith Walk. 557 2590. [D] £2 UB40rStudent/‘Child £1 . OAP 10p.

No cinema performances this'issue see Rock and Theatre Listings for programme details.

0 ABC Clarkston Road. Muirend. 637 2641. £2.00 OAP£1. Family discount scheme operates.

7.45. Sat also2.45.

I 1. Police Academy 3: Back in Training (PG) 6.40. 8.50

15 The List 11— 24 July

Mon 21: The StarTrek Trilogy (PG) 1. (Tickets £2.50 (£1 .50). The Purple Rose at Cairo (PG) 8.30

Tues 22: Les Diaboliques(15) 3.30. 6. 8.30

Wed 23: Cal (15) 3.30. 6. 8.30

Thurs 24: Amadeus (PG) 3. 7.30

0 GBOSVENOR Byres Road. Hillhead. 339 4298. [D] with prior notification. £2 Child/UB40/Student/OAP £1.20.

From Fri 11: 1. Romancing the Stone (PG) 2.40. 6.40. Sun 6.35; The Jewel otthe Nile (PG) 4.45. 8411. Sun 8.35

2. Care Bears 2: A New Generation (U) 2. 3.45

Programme retained from Fri 18. except Care Bears 2 Mats.

See also Lates section.

0 OOEON Renfield Street. 332 8701. Bar open occasionally. £2.75 OAP /Child £1.50 UB40/Student concs

£1 .50 available as advertised.

1. Down and Out in Beverly Hills ( 15) 2 (NotSun).5.8.10

. 2. Romancing the Stone (PG) 2.30

(NotSun).6.35:TheJeweloitheNite | (PG)4.35(Notsun).8.40andCai'e

' Bears 2: A New Generation (U) 10.45am. 12.30. Sun 4pm.

i EnemyMine(PG)

] 8.20.Sun6.05.8.20

I From Fri 18: Pinocchio (U)

0 BIO Canniesiand Toll. Bearsden. 942 01 12. [D] £2 Child/UB4().’OAP £1.

From Fri 11:1. Police Academy 3: Back in Training (PG) and Care Bears 2: A ' New Generation (U) 2. Romancing the Stone (PG) and The Jewel otthe Nile (PG) From Fri 18: 1. Peter Pan (U) 2. Police Academy 3 : Back in Training (PG) 0 SALON Vinicombe Street. 339 4256. [D] with advance notification. Matinecs. Adult/Child £1.50 OAP/UB40 50p. Evenings. All seats £1.50. From Fri 11:Jagged Edge ( 18) 2. 7.30 From Fri 18: Remo: Unarmed and Dangerous ( 15) 2. 7.30 I


0 ABC Princess Street. Falkirk. 0324 23805. [D] cinemas 2&3 with prior notification. £1 Child/OAP 50p.

1. Police Academy 3: Back in Training (PG) 4. 10(Not Sun). 6.30. 8.45 and Care Bears 2: A New Generation (U) 2. Sun 3.30

2. E.T. (U) 2 (Not Sun). 5.35. 8. 10 3.Backtothe Future(PG)2. 5(Not sun). 5. I5. 8

From Fri 18: Peter Pan ( U)

I REGAL North Bridge Street. Bathgate. 0506 630869. [D] cinema 2. £1.50(‘hild/()AP 80p.

From Fri 11: Police Academy 3: Back in Training (PG) 7

From Fri 18: Peter Pan (U ) 7


0 ABC West Blackhall Street. Greenock. 0475 86885. [D] cinemas 2&3. £1 Child 50p ()AP until 6pm 50p.

1. Police Academy 3: Back in Training (PG) 3.35. 5.55. 8.30: sun 7.30and Care Bears 2:ANew Generation (U) 1.35; Sun 4.45 2. Backto the Future (PG) 2.05. 7.30: Sun 6.51)

3. E.T. (U) 7.45; Sun 6.45 From Fri 18: PeterPan (U)

0 ABC Titchfield Street. Kilmarnock. 0563 37288. £1 Child/GAP 50p.

1. Police Academy 3: Back in Training (PG) Care Bears 2: A New Generation (U) 1.15 2.E.T. (U) 2. 10. 3. 10. 7.50; Sun 7.30 3. Back to the Future (PG) 1.30. 4.30, 7.45: Sun 7.30 From Fri 18: PeterPan(U)


Alexandria Community Education Centre. Main Street. Alexandria. Dunbartonshire.

New season details available now from Alan S. Davis. 49 Dumbain Cresent. Balloch. Alexandria (56356) including details of films and a special offer offree guest tickets for

those enrolled by 31 August. The 1986—87 Season beginson 12 September. the year‘s 16 ' programmes and two additions 3 include Subway. Purple Roseof ] Cairo. Witness and A [I ()fMe. ] Applications for membership.


priced £10. should be made to Stuart Rankin. Rosebank Cottage. Arthurston Road. Jamestown. Alexandria (55150).

O KELBURNE Glasgow Road. Paisley. 889 3612. [D] cinemas 3&4. £2 Child/OAP/UB40/Student £1. Family of4 £5. of5 £6. of6£7.

Due to refurbishment now reduced


From11:E.T.(U)2.7.30:Sun7.30 j 2. Police Academy 3: Back in Training

(PG) 5. 8 and Care Bears 2: A New Generation (U) 1.45 (Not Sun)

From Fri 18: Peter Pan (U)

2. Police Academy 3: Back in Training (PG) 5. 8

0 LA SCALA Hamilton Street. Saltcoats. 0294 63345. [D] Cinema 1. £1.50 Child/OAP 75p.

1. Police Academy 3: Back in Training (PG) 6.55. 8. 10 and Care Bears 2: A New Generation (U) 1.30 (Not Sun) 2. Rocky lll (PG) 6.30 and Rocky IV (PG) 8.05.

O ODEON Burns Statue Square, Ayr.

0292 264049. [D] £1 .99

Child/U 1340/OA P 99p.

From Fri 11; Police Academy 3; Back in Training (PG) 4.6.8: Sun 6.30. 8.30 and Care Bears 2; A New Generation (U) 11.25am. 1.25;Sun 4.30.

From Fri 18; PeterPan (U) 6.8.15:Sun 6.8.15.

0 ODEON Townhead Street. : Hamilton. 0698 283802. [D] cinemas j 2&3. Fri/Sat£2.50ChiId/OAP£1.40.

Sun—Thurs £2.30 Child/OAP£1.30. Mon—Fri until 6pm UB40£1.

_ From Fri 11: Police Academy 3: Back in g Training (PG); Sun

; 5.10.8and Care Bears2zANew

: Generation (U) 11.15am. 1.15.N0t

showing Sun. 2. Biggles (PG) 2. 10.


; O RIALTO College Street.

Dumbarton. 0389 3762763. £2 Child/UB40/OAP£1.

From Fri 11: Police Academy 3; Back in 5 Training (PG) and Care Bears 2; A New ' Generation (U) Mats only. 2:

i Teenwolt(PG).

From Fri 18: 1 .Peter Pan (U) and 2. Police Academy 3: Backin Training




CINEMA Nicolson Street

: 0 Sat 12 July: The Song Remains the

Same(PG)11pm. 0 Sat 19 July: Enterthe Dragon (18) and The Big Brawl ( 18) 11pm.

I cnosveuon Byres Road.

0 Fri 11, Sat 12 July: 1.,Genesis in Concert (PG) and URGH! A Music War (PG) 1 1 . 15pm. 2. Ghostbusters (PG) 11.15pm.

0 Fri 18. Sat 19July: 1. Psycholl (15) and The Thing ( l8) 1 1 . 15pm. 2. Broadway Danny Rose (PG) and The

Purple Rose at Cairo (PG) 11.15pm.