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Women in the Dundee Jute Mills. Top: Winders in the Spinning Dept. Below: Weavers in the Weaving Shop. Spinners were regarded as giddy. weavers as responsible and steady. but here the weavers iust Ioolre exhausted: to. Smout. A Century oi Scottish Workin People.

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(‘hartism and Liberalism to 20th century socialism. and its eventual disintegration into disillusionment. (‘rediting the appallingly late advances made in welfare to the appearance of a collectivist state. he nevertheless exposes the Labour Party. even in its beginning. as having ‘nothing to do with participatory democracy. enthusiasm for socialism or hope for the future'. With the loss of political drive he suggests that we have lost a vital part of our dignity and self-motivation. and that ‘in the final

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analysis we have no-one to blame for our predicament but ourselves.‘

Fascinatingly illustrated. and written with a simplicity that disguises the depth ofscholarship A ( 'entury oft/1e Scottish People makes compulsive reading and looks set to become a new authority. It is social history at its best: minutely

, - researched. illuminatingin its - f analysis. and. in a broad yet tightly

controlled argument. places Scotland’s experience then. and now. powerfully in perspective.

' (Rosemary (ioring)

0 Sound Shadows oi the New World

. Ved Melita ((‘ollins £15) Blind Ved ; is now fifteen and this is the fifth part of the most remarkable of

autobiographies. In an earlier volume he likened it to the race between the tortoise and the hare

but that‘s where the Aesopian

analogy ends. V'ed has left India for America. land of his hopes and dreams. to study at the Arkansas School for the Blind at Little Rock. Confused. homesick and suffering from culture shock he is determined to throw away his white stick and lead a normal life. He abandons fear. falls down a man-hole. learns to swim and dive. works in an ice cream factory and-grapples with the unfathomable New World custom of dating. This is a most moving. humbling insight to the country where the one eyed man is king and though it is self-contained. as Mehta acknowledges. it has ‘a family tie to four other books’. Negligent readers have some back-tracking to do lucky them. (Alan 'l‘aylor)




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