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CARRIAG ES, Crown Street, Aberdeen. If you have ever found It hard to analyse what makes a good bar
LATOUR, Main Street, East Kilbride. Latour, the CALDWELLS,Farmeloan,Rutherglen.Caldwellsrn
recently openetl bar/brstro/ restaurant to East Ktlbnde's Mam Street IS a truly cosmopolnan undertakrng. Chrnese owner Tommy Pang has developed a fully tnternanonal flavour for Latour's by offenng French brassene style decor, a Turktsh Chef and Greek cursrne. To complete the astonrshtngly global appeal of the place customers can choose from a wrde range of frne champagnes. Moosehead Canadtanbeer,andtheBelgranmasterptece Stella Artots. You'll fund the menu offers Greek fare as well as curnes,steaks andawrde vaner ofsnackswhrch are served all day dunng opentng hours. There's a lot of space, good servrce and pnces are very reasonable.
Farmeloan Rutherglen rs the lrvmg proof that small IS beaunful. In a very lrmtted area owner Danny Hughes has managed to create a bar that has a lot of character. A rarsed. secnoned off seated area offers those eattng a haven from the pleasant general hubbub of the rest of the barAverywellappornted barhelpstogtveCaldwells a relaxed fnendly atmosphere. Thrs bar has an excel— lent reputatron for us cheap and appetrsrng lunches. Customers can choose from a wrde range of pub fare — the pres and ptzzas are partrcularly recommended. As drunks are also very reasonably pnced It's easy to under- 5tand why Caldwell's IS developrng a loyal followrng.
great — you'll hnd It even harder at Carnages because a great bartt certarnly rs. Perhaps It IS somethrngto dowrth the subtle lrghttng, horseshoe shaped bar and sportrng prtnts. Then agam If mrght be the enterpnsmg manage- ment. the vaner of cltentele. or the engagrng smrles and helpful attrtude of the bar staff. Carriages doesn't rely on grmmrcks. lust good food, good dnnks and good management. Thrs IS a deservedly popular bar wrth an excellent small menu and a good range of wrnes, beers and sptnts. In shon, II IS an Ideal spot to drop mm for a ptck-me-up or a long, refreshmg glass of Stella Artors.