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4The List 16— 29 May

Some ofyou have taken your courage in your hands and phoned in with your Dial-a-Crit entries. There‘s still a week of Mayfest left. so ifthere is something you want to recommend. or think should be avoided at all costs. then phone TALKABOUT on 041 2480055. There are still prizes to be won. This week we are printing a selection of entries we have received so far. The first comes from Margaret Morrison of Edinburgh. who has this to say about Terrestrial Extras at the Tron:

‘Two visitors form outer space. Check. Programme destination Washington DC. Check. Ofcourse landing by light of the Irn Bru sign under the leaking skies ofGlasgow. Check. Detour in Brigadoon country. Check. Rapid Mayfest with on target one-liners - crash course in earthling biology at the Central Hotel. but culture shock induced strength and pattern. Check. So aliens travel on to US ofCelluloid. Hip hip.‘

Nosferatu at the Strathclyde Drama Centre is given this review by Peter Skelley of Blantyre:

‘Intro music was slightly monotonous. though it did project an air ofcoldness as well as bringing pictures of long. stone. cold corridors to mind. The actor portraying Dracula was outstanding the type of character you would wish to pull awayfrom if he ever got near. He made my flesh actually crawl. Well done.‘

James Devlin of Barmulloch didn‘t think much of Robert Burns at the Citizens’:

‘I can only say that David Hayman is a very good actor. but I didn‘t enjoy his stab at directing this. As far as the unpublished material is concerned. I think it was better unpublished. ()r at least I can

understand why it wasn‘t.‘. . A longer and more varied crit

comes from Douglas Paton of Glasgow. who describes a night at Dowanhill Centre:

‘Rotating Dancers proferred Ritual Bedlam. comprising a group of 12 young people who came along to workshops all week'and put

together a great show. guided by the

two girls.

The group Rattling the Cage performed their own blend of light—hearted funky jazz-rock as the background to the girls dancing. and performed a set which was highly energetic and visually exciting. After that Two plus Two equals Sax came on. A very tightly clinical sax foursome. who interspersed their own style ofwittiness between

l i

numbers ranging from Glenn Miller, 5

to Ragtime to Jazz and standards like i

the Pink Panther theme. It all went down very well and the bar atmosphere added greatly to it.‘

Patricia Murray of Bearsden enjoyed Writers Cramp at the Mitchell:

‘I went to see Writers Cramp last Friday and it was hilarious. The laughs came fast and furious and no doubt I will be going back to see it again at the end of the month to catch the funny lines I missed the first time around.‘

Lastly. Stewart Laing. an art

teacher from Ayr saw Caravaggio at j

the OFT: ‘IfI had to choose a title to head my crit ofthe film. it would be

something like ‘Rent Boy Ripoff' or .

‘The Eccentricities ofCardinal Jarman‘. He (Jarman). seems obsessed with‘thc Catholic Church and wastes no time in defaming and ridiculing it. The audience sat in stunned silence after 93 minutes of the film. without any response whatsoever. because had the film been an advert. Mr Jarman could be
