Which one is it, lwondered, turning
3 into the quiet hilltop avenue oi
suburban houses. When I saw the lull-size burnished eagle guarding the door and the pint-size train shunted to the edge 01 the path, I realised that I should have known. 01 course. It a sign carrying the legend ‘George Wyllie Lives Here’ had been nailed to the nearesttree, itcouldn't have been more obvious which one was his home. In his eyrie, perched high above the town, the Clyde and looking across to the hills beyond, George Wyllie was putting the iinal touches to his new exhibition ‘Americana -A Sculptural Parade ot Brick-A-Bat' (Glasgow Arts Centre). On that overcast day with snow still on the hills and the Scottishness at it all, America could not have seemed larther away. But was it? In George's
'= basement a dozen yellow cabs lrom
Manhattan were parked in a pile, the Staaten Island Ferry was moored in his
g spare bedroom and an odd Y oi wood
like a large divining torit was waiting in his garage to be transtormed into an Indian. Just across the water, the missile base atthe lion Loch had been
‘ on Amber Alert since the Libyan
invasion. No, America was closerthan you think. Making a name tor himseli as a
sculptor oi zany, wondertul objects
which include an ‘all-Brltish slap-and-tlckle machine (now property
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oithe People’s Palace), a planet tickler (because we treat the earth so badly) and many a shiny palm tree, George Wyllie has in the past been called ‘the guru ol the sculpture movement , an original sage' and ‘sculptor extraordinaire’. People may now dub him prophet or soothsayer oi the
sculptural kind. For it is ironictiming indeed that brings George’s new work to Maytest this year. Postponed trom a 1985 showing at Third Eye Centre its delay has sharpened the tongue in Mr Wyllie’s cheek.
In 1982 George was given a travel grant to visit Europe and he visited America. The desire to see this vast, seductive country lurks within many at us. Wyllie iirstwent to New York to call on iellow sculptor George Rickey and then rode to the prairies on Am-Trak, the modern Wells Fargo on rails. What he iound there —the pioneer spirit, the political isolation and the wealth — led to the ideas that are stamped in this exhibition as clearly as the brand on a cow’s hide. Most oi the work has been iorged trom rough metal orwood into quirky homestead-like objects which do seem to have a lite at their own. A
cowboy throws his lasso
Hollywood-style, another plunges
3 down a vertical slope his horse
straining, three red lire engines get their ladders in a twist and the yellow
§ taxis look like something Barney
v. ::»¢ ..2 r»"*.3-'*'”: .s ‘ '., ' ‘ '. 1. .. .ffi a "1" a wct~d if” ' ‘ 'w ': r“' -‘ 41‘ . .f .'W. 2': 57$, To ki k off The List Mayfest Special Alice Bain went to see actor, writer, sculptor and well-known ticker about town, George Wyllie.
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Rubble might have driven. But these sculptures, as American as the haggis is Scottish, have a more serious side. Wyllie asks questions about the notion at liberty and the naivety oi the American way. ‘A little old lady with no money and a naive outlook is OK but naivety in the lorm ot a man over tilt tail, built like a redwood is a ditterent
thing'. Healthy, wealthy but not wise.
Since 1982, when Chris Carrell ol
3 Third Eye asked him to pen a
catalogue, George Wyllie has become something at a writer. Not to mention pertormer. Last year, along with actor Bill Patterson, he won a Fringe First ior ‘A Day Down a Goldmine', a theatrical event about the precious metal, born ol
the exhibition oi the same name. At
Maytest George will be taking on the main role himseli, a challenge which he’s visibly excited about. (See Theatre).
Whether as actor, sculptor or writer, George Wyllie is bound to ‘tickle your tancy’. His style, which he describes as ‘sculpture ot the absurd as in theatre at . . .’ is one most people can appreciate. When you visitthe exhibition (as you must) don’t pass by the little book which accompanies it. 6-packs and strawberry shortcake teature amongst the politics and rockets and the iinal line leaves you wondering ‘Are the Founding Fathers sleeping comlortably?’ (Alice Bain)
Publisher Robin Hodge, Editors Nigel ; Alice Bain. Books Alan Taylor.
Billen, Sarah Hemming, Glasgow Editor Graham Caldwell. Design Simon Esterson. Publications Manager Sally Kinnes, Advertising Edinburgh Joanna Watson, Suzie Paterson, Advertising Glasgow Eleanor Harris. Circulation Jane Ellis, Accounts Richard Gray. Typesetting Jo Kennedy and Hewer Text, Production Editor Paul Keir Production Assistant Alan Gordon. Toby Porter. John MacWiliiam, Art
Classical Music Carol Main. Dance Alice Bain. Film Allan Hunter. Trevor Johnston. Folk/Jazz Norman Chalmers, Kids Sally Kinnes. Media
5 Allan Hunter, Sally Kinnes. Open
Richard Norris. Rock (Edinburgh) Alastair Mabbott. Bock (Glasgow)
‘ Andrea Miller. Sport Graham
Caldwell. Theatre Sarah Hemming. Photos Chris Hill. Hilary Paton. David Banks. Graphics Graham Johnston Camera Darien Printing
Cover Design Simon Esterson.
Published by The List Ltd, 14 High Street, Edinburgh, 5581191 and 13 Bath Street, Glasgow 332 3393.
year, £8 for 6 months, payable to The List Ltd.
Printed by Dunfermline Press Ltd
Issue no 15 2 - 15 May 1986 ‘" r’_ mum SEh'SltAi. WEEDS.”
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The Busker by Paul Cox. One of forty illustrations for a book Impressions of Glasgow by Hugh
l l i
Cochrane. published by Britoil. The 5
book is not for sale. but will be available in libraries. museums. art galleries and hotels for the use of visitors to the city.
Trevor Johnston talks to director Derek Jarman.
Lucy Ash meets a group of unconventional architects.
5 Listings
Full guide to events this fortnight.
Theatre 6 Dance 46 Classical Music 8 Folk 10 Jazz 1 1 Rock 12 Film 36 Art 43 Sport 49 Media 50 Books 51 Open 48 Kids 35
14 Competition: Be your own critic. Plus Pubs, Cafes and Restaurant Guide.
Maytest Special 15
Transport 16 Map and Venue Guide 18
Feature: David Hayman talks about i
directing Robert Burns
Maytest Diary: Complete day-by-day guide to all three weeks’ events
The List 2 — 15 May 1