limlgcts \loray lluntct and .luhn l)tiL‘IiL'I‘l} Il;l\c‘ .I \c‘l_\ \llc‘L‘L\\IllI curnclly \\ riling partnership \\ hich llIL'IlltIL‘\\\ rrttttg Itll tclc\ isitinis 8711111111; [11111112 I heir Ili'\l ratlto \Cl'lcs \\.1\l‘.ItII\ nitsliantllctl. lull ::i\ cn lhcrr crcafn c talcnl and \\ II .IlItlllilIIL'llg‘lilT.ltlltlltllliilll;1lllk‘k should I‘c .II‘IL' I.) rcclcalc lhcii pcrcnnial l’tlllll‘lllL‘ll lc~tital l-Iingc ~11c~c~c-~\.Bodgers. Banks and Sparkes. R4 Sat 5. 11.30pm. .\Iw tcncu trig accttiaintancc \\llI1 Illc llli( 1\ I01 Incl [ht/H t/ll't'H .Illtl \it'll \ till/11’ II 111/1/ cllitor. l)crck .Ialncslin. \\ lltl\1IL'tI the corporation tut llatnagcs lollim Ing II l't'/\x111/111g'\ crucl lll‘c‘\ .ll 'SII‘ Ytil‘l‘tti. lIc “till. illItI \\ .l\ a\\artlctl llaitlagcs - til lp .tntl Ililtl 1n 13.1}c‘‘lli‘c'_\ .\rchci.c\pcttin hcing llcccctl. acl\ rxctl IIllIi to L'.I[‘ll;1ll\L‘t‘lllil\.I\\L'l\;llltlle'c'l‘ talking. IIc has hccn tloing lli\l that c-xc-i \lliec‘ .mtl DerekJameson. R3 .\Ilin T. Taillatlt \lttittlll I‘c \\cII “with listening to, l’clcr liilmk‘x production til . I U/n’x111i11111'1' \1'.’/1."\/)1'l’1111.tttl I‘ITII \\;t\ a landmark in thcatic and \\ ItIL‘l_\ acclainicll, .\Ilitc I'cccntl_\ lic tIII'L‘L‘lL‘tlf itl'lilt’ti I IIIIIIctI lt"l (i-I I. \tt‘ippctl to a Ittt’\\c‘l lul c\\citcc and l\ onc ol lhc most compelling and itnaginatncnl clinlctnporart llircctors. In. 1 [711111111 11/./ 1111'111’\ u 11/1 .\ll1/111/i/1111'11/t1. R3 Sun I». 4.15pm l’lL'l\ I’lm I tght and \ctl (’hatllcl discuss II|\ production I Ihc result «it \Iililc‘ tcn scars l'c\c.ll'cll and rchcarxal I til IIIc l lllltlll cpic \\ hIcII is thc lonng hook in tlic \wrltl. The Theatre Going Public. It? Sun I3. 5.45pm. \\ III hat. c I‘cctt an arc (II a lcll \\ ing tlrill among contcntporart \\ l'llcl'\ lllkc Irma I ItII'c. Imam ' lit'cntnn .llitl l)a\ ltll tlgar. I Icl'c \\ rilcrs .Iolin .\1c( it'atlt. ( ‘hrislophcr llatnplon. .\Iichacl l’t‘a} n and 'I'I'c\tit‘ ( il'lllllll\ look ;11 Iltc Ilalttl'c til contemporary political thc.ltrc. 'l‘hcrc arc ncu Illiglc‘\ lur Ratlim (‘Iydc atul Scotland: tor thc lortncr. It} l’at Kaltc ol Hire and ( "it . lor the latter ‘.-\|ha' one til lhc tunes in ('Iassical .\ltl. l‘ccut‘tlctl It} the SSH and launched on tIlc Jimmy Mac Show .\lon 14.8.45ptn. Popular lolk group the Mad ‘alrnaizs hcgin a \cI’Ic\ til \i\ pl'tigt’;tlttlttc\ on R2 “ml ‘1. .\fxllpm \sithgucxls including The lioxxol lhc Itiugh and Silcax. life “at social and political lliclltc\ in l'uropc \\o\ c their \\a_\ ilttticaltarcl is c\p|til'ctl III Continental Cabaret Chanson. a nu“ S-parl \crics. R3 Sat 12. l lptn. l-‘t'oin cabaret to Ia// \\ ith R2\ tn“ 1\ designedexciting\chctltllc ' accornrnotlating big hands and law on .\Iontlat \ lroln " .\pril “pm and .’\lncrican lClItlT saviphonist Sonnx Rollins is lcaturctl in a "-part \cI‘ics ol lunch time ia//. R3 \\ Ckl ‘1. 1.05pm. l‘rotn i.i// to lltc ( ’lttli tlL' l'irancc. ( knitl‘t'stlgc. R ( It .Ic tnakc this the name tor their Ii\ c broadcast in AlnightAllright. .\at 5. llllliam. ()thcr high points include Rhythm ; and Blues. R2 liftth 10. “pm. a ncu series presented It} Paul Jones. White Suit Blues. R3 \Vctl V. "fillpnt \\ ith



I larr_\ 'l‘owb as Mark Twain and Itasctlon 'l‘\\ain\.rltli‘l'num's 1111/11’ .It tier/11c 1 music by law musician .\likc Westbrook l and a disquieting piece. In the Midst of Silence. R3 III 11.8. lllptn. the ‘tlisturhing' poems of Irma Ralushinskaya fur“ hich she \\ as sentenced to 7 _\ cars imprisonment in 1‘172.Sanluel Beckett‘s Silth birthday I\ marked by ;l \cl'lc‘\ HI Itttll' pl;l_\\ till R3: All that Fall Sun 13. ~..‘Il[)lii and Embers lites ".FHpInI 1957;11ch 195‘) recordings \\ ith l’atrick .\Iagccl


0 Sword of the Valiant I Stephen

\\ ccks. IR. 1083) Scan ('onncr}. .\IIIL‘\ ( )‘KCCIL'. illl‘c‘HiI‘ l Itt\\;lt'tl l(iutltl I Ionic Videos) Dismal word and sorcery atlxcnturc. .\ humble \tltlit'c I‘L‘UiIIIL‘\ Sir ( iau airt. L'IIIMIII‘UIHl1Ul‘IL‘IIIIIIi.IIIItILIL‘L‘L‘Phll challenge lrotn the play 1111 ( ircen Knight; hc Itasonc _\car toutirawl a riddle antlcscapc a date \xith certain death.

.-\ patchy script and starch} tlll‘cclltilttlttlilllc lttilllpt'ti\c1lil\ joke}. iu\ cltilc iurnhlc that cuikcs unkind memories 01 the Pythons' qttcst tor lIIcir l Iol_\ (it'ail. :\\ the all-pmxcrlul ( irccn Knight Scan ('onncr} nastcs I11\1llIIL‘ hut ncxcr

0 Turk I litil‘ ( ~lat'k. l 'S. I‘IbSI llllitilli} llnlton. Robert l'rich ((135 MN) I llllltHl \\ ill stop at nothing in his battle \\ ith ( ’in Hall to \ccttl'c insttcc and a rcawnahlc pension lor his elder brother. a lircntan seriously iniurcd in a daring rescue lronl a burning building.

.\ laltcrtlay attempt to emulate the


cinctna ol l-‘rank ( apra by

celebrating the \ ictort oltllc intli\itlual mcrthc bureaucrats is \|]‘)Ikl()\\l]il]tilill11\‘\l‘§(il](\\L‘l-l‘|()\\l]

plotlinc and uncertain handling. .~\

Inst opportunity.

0 Darryl Hall and John Dates Live at the Apollo (.lclt lit‘ictt. .lohn .ltipxtili. .lohn ()atc\. I’S. IIISSI l R( ’.-\ (‘olttnthial l'tlll'c'tl highlightxlil lhc'xinging IIIIII'tIl'c‘\\L‘I‘\ in action at the theatre that launched rhythm and blues. .\\\I\lCtl In original 'l'ctnptations IIIL‘IIII‘CI'\ l)a\ icl Rullin and liclllic Rc-titli'ic‘k lhcir rcpcrloirc includes lllc \\ at You [)0 life I hings You I». .\I_\ (1111. mi tau-1t Time You (in .\\\ a}. .\ll toItI. \cx cn tracks arc packed into a modest running time. 0 Protocol 1 I Icrhct't Rim. t‘s. It)in (ililtlic I la\\ n. (‘hris Sarantlon. ( ‘Iill l)c Young I \Varncr l Ionic Video) .\ \lti\\-\\IIICLI cocktail \\;iitl'c\\ Itiilsan assassination attempt on a \isiting \litItIIc-l-axtcrn dignitary . I lcr clinxcqttclti Ittctlia cclcltril} as all all-.\tncrican girl earns ltct'a ioli in the diplomatic L'tii'ps \\IIL‘1'L‘I1L‘1' old-mirch innocence causes much commotion. especially when they try to trade her to the grateful sheik in return tor a military liaxc. (IUILIIC isa \tinningancl anlc

coinctlicnnc hu'. this remake ol Mr Smith goes to Washington 1\ a bland.

llull_\ concoctionuithascntiinenlal

pro-American centre 01 pure mush.

GLASGOW Performance

0 BRIGGAIT CENTRE 72 Clyde Street. 552 3970.

Gregory Nash Group in Toeing the Line Sun 6 Apr. 8pm. Plus music from the jazz band Crazeology. l()pm—midnight. Bar. Cafe. Tickets £2.50 (£1 .50) available by post from Briggait Centre or at the Glasgow Arts Centre.

This will be the Briggait‘s first offering ofevening intertainment. If a success (and this seems very likely) the centre may become an important venue for small-scale dance companies. much-needed in Glasgow Scotland for that matter. Toeing the Line was put together in a

democratic choreographic style by

three dancers and two guest director.

i A collage of movement with music

(from Piafto Sade) the dance questions and probes all those social rules and codes of behaviour which so many follow in order to be accepted. The design. set in a tennis court is by Rebecca Neil. wife of Micha Bergese. Orkney will be the group's next stop.

0 GLASGOW ARTS CENTRE 12 Washington Street. 221 4526. Community Dance Performance Sat 5 Apr. 7.30pm. £1 . UB40 free. An informal evening of work by various community companies. The programme will include a short piece by members of Gregory Nash‘s Easter Course group. See classes for Community Dance Weekend.

0 THEATRE ROYAL Hope Street. 331 1234/332 9000 (credit cards). Box office Mon—Sat 10am—6pm (7.30pm on perfeves). Bar. Buffet.

Scottish Ballet in Napoli Thurs 3—8211 5

Apr. 7.15pm. £14.£l 1.£8.50.£7. £5. £3.50. £2.50 (cones for ()AP and under 16). The classic story of Gennaro. a Neopolitan fisherman

who triumphs over evil in the guise of

60110. the wicked sea-sprite. Scottish Ballet is the first British company to mount August Bournonville‘s work in its entirety. The casting is as follows: Thurs— Linda Packer. Christopher Guillard. Fri Christine Camillo. Christopher Long. Sat Elaine MacDonald. Robert Hampton. As an added bonus. the company are issuing forms for a free competition with every ticket bought. The prize a holiday for two in Italy courtesy of Citalia. the specialist Italian travel firm. The ballet continues its tour in Aberdeen and Edinburgh.

O THIRD EYE CENTRE 350 Sauchiehall Street. 332 7521. Box office Tue—Sat

l()am—5.30pm. Sun 2—5pm. (Tickets

6 also from bookshop on perfeves).


Castro Floxo and The Dalriada Dancers Sat 5 Apr. 7.30pm. £2 (£1.50). The folk dances oftwo countries. Scotland and Spain are brought together in one evening. They have in common colour. traditional costume and perhaps even bagpipes.

Classes 1

- cuscow Ants CENTRE 12 I Washington Street )opp Holiday . Inn). 221 4526. i

Community Dance Weekend Sat 5. Sun 6 Apr. 9.30am—4.30pm each day. ; Cafe facilities. £5 for course of 1 classes and workshops. The action is hotting up in Scotland‘s community dance scene and this is an

opportunity for those already involved or interested to get

together. Special guest will be Christopher Benstead. composer

and percussionist for contemporary dance. His scores have been used by Ballet Rambert. London Contemporary Dance and Extemporary Dance. He will be taking movement and music Classes and workshops each morning.



Bristo Square.

Axis in ‘Trlgon' Thurs 10—Sat 12 April. 8pm. Tickets on the door £2.50 (£2). Price includes a glass of wine at the interval. Tom Yang. ex-director of Basic Space. joins the Axis trio Lyn Denton. Grace Mangen and Jean Douglas

0 THEATRE WORKSHOP 34 Hamilton Place. 226 5425. Box office Mon—Sat

' 9.30am—5.30pm. Bar. Cafe. [D]

Toeing the Line: Gregory Nash Group Thurs 3 and Fri 4 Apr. 8pm. £2.50 (£1.50). Contemporary Dance Theatre from the Greg Nash Group

(Sec (ilasgtm) Classes

0 SALISBURY CENTRE 2 Salisbury Road. 667 5838.

Sacred Dance A weekend workshop with Ingrid Mann ofthe Findhorn Foundation. 12/13 Apr. Sat 103m—5pm.Sun 10.30am—5pm. £20 (£15). Price includes lunch.

All levels ofexperience welcome. This workshop will be followed up by a series of weekly classes at the Salisbury Centre beginning May.

0 YWCA 7 Randolph Place. Information from Roundabout Centre. 5561168.

Chinese Folk Dance Class Every Tue 4.30—7pm. Free. Open class. all welcome but not suitable for young Children.

._ ___I The List 4 7 17 April 35