Anderston Quay took yet another step to becoming a Scottish Wapping this week. At the same time as he denounced New International’s
. ‘concentration camp' operation, , Record/Mail publisher, Robert
5 Maxwell, was erecting barbed wire
' around the Scottish plant and hiring a
private security lirm complete with
dogsto protect itlrom unspecilied
f break-ins. This move came alter all
stall had been sacked lor the third time ' and then invited to reapply lortheir
jobs albeit with dillerent companies.
2 To date, print union SDGAT ’82 had ' reluctantly re-negotiated employment
tor its members although voting 7:1
against crossing NUJ picket lines.
Midday today (Thursday) is the
deadline Maxwell has set lor i applications to the two new companies;
The Scottish Daily Record and Sunday
. Mail (1986) Ltd and the British Newspaper Printing Corporation
(Scotland) Ltd. Maxwell has said that
he will not re-instate union ollicials David Robertson and David Sharp. At ‘ the time at going to press it was
unknown how many journalists had
re-applied tor their jobs but there were 3 tears amongst otherjournalists that
3 some may have done so. Maxwell’s
; apparent willingness to produce
= newspapers lrom Anderston Duay with ‘ a combination ol ex-Record/Mail and
non-NUJ stall is bound to create ill leeling and it may well be a tear at what
1 this may lead to that is the reason
; behind the security arrangements.
Journalists at the Record and Mail are still calling lor proper negotiations without preconditions which do not
seem likely at the present time ’ although both the TUC and Neil Kinnock 3
. have been approached to mediate in
the dispute. In lact, the Labour party is still coming in tor criticism tor its relusal to condemn Maxwell more
criticism ol Rupert Murdoch’s
methods, Maxwell has shown himsell i just as willing to use new ‘anti-union‘
i laws to achieve hls ends. The idea
{ behind setting up new, tragmented
companies is to make ‘secondary action’ illegal. David Sharp, deputy FoC at the Record/Mail told me that
I lully, although it must be said, not trom ' union stall on the Record. For all his
I Daily Mirror reporters and teature | writers are contracted to dillerent ( companies making united industrial
action impossible within the law.
At the present time, journalists at Anderston Duay have maintained a united lront and have been particularly
unwilling to retract their views that Maxwell is threatening the Scottish identity at the papers. Roy Jenkins, MP has called tor Maxwell to sell the papers, but he seems unwilling to do so. As long as this stalemate continues there seems no prospect ol the Record in its present torm being on the streets lor a longtime.
An exhibition and auction organised by three Edinburgh undergraduates to raise money lor development in Alrica could also give contemporary Scottish art a lilt. ‘New Art, New World’ which opens in London on 14 April leatures important new work by British, European and American artists, and gives Scottish artists like Bruce McLean, Steven Campbell and June Redtern a major showcase.
Since mid-1984, organisers Jay Jopling, Charles Booth-Clibborn and Greville Worthington have looked to combine their interest in contemporary
I art with their concern lor conditions in
Ethiopia and elsewhere.
Their lirst idea was a lund-raising
, magazine on Scottish art. The success
01 Band Aid convinced them they should raise their sights. When the art establishment responded to their next
? idea, a sale at specially commissioned 2 work, with ‘lantastic idea, who are ’ you?‘ they realised they had to talk to
AIRICA l~'( )( )‘l'I’RIN'I'S: Rl( ‘I IA RI) I ).\'(i
the artists. Winning over major dealers like the
Pace Gallery in New York opened up channels lorthem to ‘knock on artists’ doors, botherthem and be enthusiastic,’ says Jay.
The dealers’ endorsement persuaded artists the auction would not be a career-damaging knockdown atlair. The decision to hand the money overto the Save the Children lund convinced them it would be wisely used.
Sixty- eight artists, including Karel Appel, Julian Schnabel and Antony Caro, have produced pieces lorthe exhibition. ’This project belongs to the artists,’ says Greville. Butthe organisers have given themselves a lew treats tor their ellorts. ‘We have had to go through certain people, but we have selected the artists,‘ says Greville. ’Living in Edinburgh, and knowing a bit about Scottish art we decided to ask young Scottish artists to contribute.’
NUS-1.157»,- '-is‘'i .\l.)l!)\"l\.)l\\".)'l().\
They also chose the exhibition theme, ‘New Beginnings.‘ ‘ltrellects the new spirit in art, and the hope lor new beginnings in East Alrica,’ says
; Greville. ‘ll we had asked for pieces on
Alrica, it could have been a dreary, depressing, pessimistic show.‘ And
- they are staging the kind at exhibition , they want. Admission will be lree and . the venue will be a car showroom in
central London — ’we wanted to extend
; beyond the usual commercial art 1 world.’
They hope to raise more than £150,000, most at it in the auction on 20 April, held live at Christie's, London, and hooked up by satellite to Christie’s, New York. And there’ll be other income trom the catalogue, a run ol100 Richard Long silk-screened
E prints, and 8500 Katherine Hamnett
The Trust lor Long-term Development 3
in East Alrica is seen as long-term, but alterthe exhibition it's back to school = to linish linal exams. As Jay puts it:
‘Alter this, sitting tinals will seem easy}
Publisher Robin l lodge. Editors .‘s'igel Billen. Sarah I lemming. Glasgow
Editors (iraham (‘aldyyeIL Luey Ash
Design Simon tisierson. Publications Manager Sally Kinnes. Advertising Edinburgh Joanna Watson. Suzie Paterson. Advertising Glasgow Eleanor I larris. Circulation .Iane Ellis. Accounts Richard ( iray. Typesetting .Io Kennedy and Ileyyer 'l‘exi. Production Editors John R. MaeVN'iIliam. Paul Keir Production
Assistant .-\Ian(iordon. Editorial
Assistantsliz Wilson. .Iohn
PerImanArt Alice Bain. l.uey Ash Books Alan 'I‘ay-lor. Classical Music ('aroI .‘ylain. Film AIIan Hunter.
1 'l'reyorJohnston. Folk/Jazz Norman ('halmers. Kids Sally Kinnes. Media ; Allan lltmter. Sally Kinnes. Open
3 Richard Norris. Rock(Edinburgh)
Alastair Mabbott. Rock (Glasgow) Andrea Miller. Sport .Ianet MaeLean. (iraham ('aldyyeII. Theatre Sarah I lemming. Photos llilary Paton Graphics ( iraham
Johnston Camera l)arien Printing (‘0.
Cover Design Simon [isterson.
Published by The List l.ld. I4 l liin Street. [{dinburgh. 5581191 and 13 Bath Street. (ilasgoyy 332 3393.
£15 per
year. LS l'or o months. payable to ’I‘he
l.lst l.ld. Printed by Duntermline Press Ltd
_-__ _ _______7
Issue no 13 4—17April1986
crrqmumuuauu “ll”! uncut-unseat
I)£l\'ItI BU“ IL' tllltI I‘,tItIiL‘ ( )( itllllIL‘II ill Absolute Beginners.
A [ISO/1H8 Beginners 'I'reyor .Iohnston talks to label] 'I'emple. direetor ol the next British .\IiisieaI.
Victoria Wood
l)ayid l lousham on the IlAl-"IA ayyard \\ inner.
Japan's greatest IiIm-maker speaks
to Allan I lunter
l-‘uII guide to e\ ents this I'orlniglit.
Iheal re S (‘IassieaI \Iusie I I I'Vtilk I3 .Ia/x I4 Roek Iii l-‘ilm 35 Art 30 Sport 1‘) Media 34 I)anee 35 Open 3o Kids 18
Backhst 37
Lucy Ash on some Seottish ( ‘oyyboys 38
Books -— .Ioan lingard and others.
NighlIiIe (iiying it .Iiye.
l'iood — Indian.
Travel 77 Barra and another ehanee iii
a tree Paris holiday.
'l‘helistJ lite,le