'I'he 55th .‘\eatlemy .-\yy';ir'tls eereirinny' takes plaee in I ns ;\ngeles nn 24 \lareh. l'hree time nnminee \Iiehael ( 'airie elaims that pnteittial winners pass the tlay praetising their lnser's smile 'I’hat‘s the nne that stretehes lrnm ear in ear hut iiey er reaehes the eyes.‘ ( )iie man u ith mnre reasnii than mnst tn yynrry ny er the nutenme nl This years prneeetlirrgs is Klaus \laria Ilr'aiitlauei. lliseseellent \ynt‘k in ()IIIHI Hit (1 ll;:\ l‘CL'Il aeknnyy letlgetl \y ith a nnmiiiatinn as Best Suppnrting .\etnryyhilst ('u/mre/ l\’t’(//. in yy hieh he tikes the leatl rnle. is in the running lni‘ Best l'nreigii I ariguizge l'iliii. .\II\II'IttlIAlNII'Il Ili'aiitlauei matle his eineiiia tlehiit as lniig agn as l‘lfll. Ihe liliii in tiiiestinn yy as l/Ir' Sir/:hirrg ( ’nri/ir'i‘trmi. an eminently lnr'gettahle .'\Itl‘e'l'le;ttl espiniiage yarn mntlelletl lrnm the hestselliiig I leleii .\l;ieliiiies iiny el. Sueh \y as Iliaritlauer’senthusiasm lnr ilie riieiliuni iliat he yy .iitetl sey eii years helnie returning tn the sereeii in Hep/mini. the magnetie stni‘y nt a hrilliaritly tletlieatetl aetni yylin enllahnratetl yy ith the \a/is tn atly aiiee his eareer. l he intery ening perintl yy as spent in the theatre yy hieh remains ISraiitlauer's lirst lny e. ‘ I here yyasnt .in ahsnliitely elear tleeisinii that l iriatle at the time.' he explains. ‘hut I tlnn‘t regret it. Hie .\i1/:.’iiu'g(irriiii'iiin/iyyasaiiUIs e\pet‘leitee I guess. I‘m tiriI sir yynntlerliil. I spent the years tleeply learning the prnlessinii nl heiiig an aetni. l playetl I>nii ( ai‘lns. l'iigarn. Ileekett tttltl Riiltte‘tt, ll I llltLlIl‘I playetl thnse i‘nles then I yyniiltl hay e missetl nut heeause ynii eaii't gn haek tnthemf
Iliaritlauer has heeii iiiitler eniiti'aet tn the liurg lheatre lni si\ iiiniitlis per year lnr the past I1 years. He is eurrently play mg I laiiilet antl his trip In I .niitlnii hit” the ( lnr n! gluten premiere yy as slnttetl in helyy eeii stage enmiriitiiients. ('nineitlentally'. he has a tree tlay nii 31 .\lai‘eh aiitl \\ ill he at the ( )seai' slinyy. l he eereiiinny has prnyetl liieky iii the past as lie/i/iryln \y as naiiieil the llest I’ni‘eign language I’ilm nl 1053. It yy as that sueeess that hrniight him tn the atteiitinn nl I Inllyyynnt‘. eastiiig agents. '.~\ltei .l/e/i/irstn I r‘eeeiyetl sn many .‘\Itlel'le;tll nllers tn play lIL'Lty le‘\. 85 ( ieltel'.tl\ atltl the lllxe.l relusetl them alfl' llie niie y illaiiiniis rnle he tlitl aeeept \y .is an areli-seliemei aiitl .lames Huntl nemesis .‘ylas‘iiiiiliaii Iargn in \r'i'er .9in Vet erg-l gar/it lllxsl. ()rrtnt qlfr/t‘il appealeti heeause til the \Ittt'y it tells and the pLii‘tieiilar part nn nlter. Brantlaiiei plays Ilarnii Hrnr Illisert the errant hut eliar'iiiiiig husl‘aiitl nl ls’areii Illi\eii. a truly reiiiarkahle l)aiiish \yniiiaii \y hn tray elletl tn pre—yy ar lseiiy a in run a lariii and ultimately lell in lny e yyith hnth the enuntry antl eiiigiiiatie Iinglish hunter l)enys l-iiieh»l lattnn, ‘I kneyy snmethingnl I\'aren hetnre IlIL' lilm heeause I ltatl aetetl it\ the presenter nt a teley isinn
tlneiiiiientary ahnut impnrtant
4 The List 21 Mar — 3 Apr
Klaus Maria Br‘andaiier has yet to heenme a hnx nt'l‘iee star. With two nnminatinns in this year‘s‘s‘ Oscars for Out nl' Al‘r‘ie and (‘nlnnel Retll all this may change. Allan I Iiinter met the Austrian aetnr in LUIILIUII.
penple nl nur eentiiry antl she yy as niie nl the siihieets. She is a taiitastie e\atiiple nl eiriarieipatinn. l lei painting. her yy riiiiig. ey ery aspeet nl her lite yyas a mu k nl art. last yyeekl y'isitetl her gray e in ( ‘npeiiliageii
yy'liere she is hurietl near her tlng, She
yyas a great pei'sniiality f
I’art nl the appeal nl the Ft l iiiillinii tlnllar ( )iztn/ .I/r'ii'ir stems lrnm the superstar teaming nl Rm ihert Retllnrtl aiitl Meryl Streep. Bi'aiitlauer pinlesses tn hay e heeii uiipertui‘hetl ahnut eniiipetiiig \y ith sueh luminaries. ‘l‘m ll antl inn nltl tn he nery nus ahnut sueh a tliiiigf he states. ‘I kneyy .‘yleryl lrnm lniir years .ign at the ( )sears. l'tl ney er met Retllnrtl hut they \y ere hnth easy~giiitig aittl tii'nlessiniial. ( M et‘ the years ytttl [Heel L'Utlkl aetni's. IiiiI .Ilte thing tn tln is get iiiynly etl in the part. Ilrnr may hay e his tlar k sitle hut he is iint a liar and is alyyays ahle In say the truth, liliey hay ; niatle a tltal yy here she has a title and he \y ill hay e mnney
sn gnntl niies. giltetl iiiies.
antl tngetlrer they eseape lrnm
hlnntly I'iirnpe. I'lieetlueatetlaiitl intelligent nl l‘III'Hl‘L' yyanteil tn leay e at that time antl .\liiea seems a plaee
yyliere they enultl ereate a \eyy \Viii'ltl. I )l enurse. \\ hat tliey ei'eatetl yyas a \eyy I iiglaiitl. nr a New Syyeileii iii ltrnr's ease.‘ liiiriietliately prinr tn ( Mint . Um (I Ili‘aiitlauerenmpletetl\yniknii Lititrlliet‘lilttt. [lie/ig/i/y/il/I. litsetl nii a ( ierman nnyella hy Sieglrietl lett/ the stniy yyasniigiiially lllIL‘IltlL'tl as a pai‘ahle ahnut the W t'llttitt Repuhlie Lititl the rise Hl laeisiri. 'l nnly sayy a rnugli eiit at the Iluhhirig stage inl ns .'\llgele‘\ sn I‘m quite iiiterestetl as In hnyy ii’s tiii IlL'tl nut] he elatms 'I play the gillllillll nt an .'\IIIL'I'I\‘LIIItlL'\lI'ttyL‘I\\lIill\t|l (iermaii ni'igiii. l)iiriiig the yyai .1 y essel is attaeketl hy a ieiiegatle (iermaii suhiiiarine aiiil he laees the tlileiiiiiiant gniiigaltei the siihiiiariiie nr helping the penple lelt iii the \yater. I le gnes atter the suh and sinks it. I'here is a ti ial and he is elearetl n1 all eh.irges regai‘tling
negleet, lle liatl heeii master ny er
I lile and death and hnyy L‘UlllLl he hay'e
l resnly'etl that tlilemma‘.’ later he
inins the enastguartl and is in eharge nl a lightship. ()ne tlay three gangsters. hankrnhhers antl killers. sei/e the lightship and he is laeetl with a similar situatinn. 'l‘he questinn nlrespnnsihilrty' arises again.‘
.-\s part nl Brantlauers inereasing appetite lnr eiiiema he plans tn reunite yy ith lsty‘an S/ahn. ilireetnr nt ,lle/i/irstn aritl ( ~u/wre/ lx’i‘iII. ’l'heir latest prnieet is entitletl lltUIIl.\\('/I. ‘Nnyy \y‘e eaii elaiiri a trilngy .‘ Brantlauer inkes. ‘althniigh at the time (rl .lIi’p/I/y'lr) HI. enurse \\ e rieyer realisetl that there yyniiltl he three liliris. .lli'p/iiy/n \yas ahnut the pi‘nl'essinrial lile nl a eniiipinmiser and the priee y'nii haye tn pay‘. (‘nlniiel Retll yyas a lny alist; a hatlly‘ etlueatetl man yyhn helie‘, L‘tl that anything nl ennsetiiienee earrie lrnm the Kaiser. lrnm the hreatl nn his tahle tn lile itsell'. I lis tirst mnmerit nl lreetlniii eame at the pniiit nl siiieitle. llanussen \y as a real persnn. a stutleiit nl Sigmuntl I'IL‘IlLl. I le yy as an intliy'itlualist, a y'isinnary antl a snrt nl mntlern Rasputin. \k'heri yy e make Himuwn tlepentls nii aiinther prnieet hiit I think u e \lIUIIlkl start arnuiitl \nyeiiiher nr I)eeeiriher ghf
‘( )li. let‘s make a IIIUVIC
Ilelnre he eaii enriterriplate mnre eiiiema \ynr‘k lfir'anilauer is eniiimittetl tn turther perlnrmanees nl Ham/er aritl a speeial prntluetinn nl Ilugn ynn I lnlliiiaiisthal‘s lei/emiimii yy hieh will he seeri hy‘ the l’npe at the Sal/hurg l'estiyal. ‘Ynu ean‘t enmpare theatre yy ith einema. they are tyyn eniiipletely' tlil'tereiit thingsf he heliey es. ‘ l'heatre is an ey'eiit; y'nii hay e an autlieriee antl ynu ean hite them. earess them. prny‘nke them. ( ~inema is quite eliiiieal stull lnr an aetnr heeaiise there is sn mueh less titlltleiiee. I yy Ill git In the preiriierenl()iztu/Ql,ti'ri'r1krinyy‘irig that l hay e iin liii'ther' enritrnl ny er my perlni‘iiianee. ()l enurse. theatre is haril yynrk antl neeasinnally‘ ynii think ( )h. let‘s make a iriny'ie.'
.\ \VIII lnr liraiitlaiier nn :4 .‘ylareh \yniiltl untlnuhtetlly presage ari eyen higher prnlile nii the internatiniial liliii seliemeln the Suppnrtiiig ;\etnr eategnry he laees eniiipetitinii lrniii y‘eteran l)nii .'\meelie iii( Ut'UUH. William I Iiekey‘ in .lnhii lItistnii‘s [Wet/"s Hmruur. Rnhert I.nggia iii the enurti‘nnrri tlrariiafuggei/ lzi/gi'. aritl Izrie Rnher"s in RINIIIHIH' 1mm. ‘It is still the iiinst impnrtaiit pri/e.‘ llrantlauer agrees. ‘hut it slinultlii't he lnnkerl nn as tni r eniiipetitiy'e; we are iii it in spnrt: iii spnrt the hest really' is the hest. It the stnp \yateh is making prnperly then the Iastest llltt yartls really is the lastest. Ynu tlnn‘t haye that preeisinii in artistie matters; penple make mistakes. iutlgements are lallihle, let‘s say I‘m Very happy ahnut the nnriiiiiatinn. it‘s partieiilar‘ly territie tnrt U/()II('/ Ker/land ll yy e eaii get niie then that” lk‘ IL‘t'I'IllL‘Itiit.~
(hit (it amen ix mm \/It)lt'I/IL’t1/I/It' .‘l I“ I lat/r/i/iurg/i (I/II/ .-l /f( ‘. .Xtrtu‘liii'liu/I Street m (i/izygim. [Cd/It't/IIIQII/Ik’llh (If {/It' .<l\[/I .Ili‘iuli'niy .-Inim/\ iii/Hielrmui/i'ust hr I/ie [HM 7m 3.“— .llu/‘i‘li.