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48 The List 21 Mar 3 Apr




While buyershacks and sartorial spies fought and clawed their way from tent to tent during London's six day fashion event last week. the Glasgow School of Art staged its own annual exlravanganza —a mixture of street styles. theatrical costumes and 'body sculptures'. No swirling cashmeres or toy breeds tucked into minks here —the set designed by third year student Stuart Parker resembled a car scrapyard with paper torsoes swinging from the overhead scaffolding and the show opened with an energetic dance bytwo manic mechanicsin

iii ;i iliittx xxuliiiil x iii;ii_~;i‘etle 7 ill] iiili'iutiiituniitt flitlt\e‘HL‘-t\tl eiiiit'tiiiiilitriiiit ll;ixiitii\xxhieh ixiir‘Ai'if \ix xeiiiwii. iiiit ii steak Hf it‘iltttl\L‘\PL‘k'tk'xi.\\;1\Lthk'ltfth egissei‘iilexxilh llltlfx‘lhlx'ilx'ff'tx'\;lflxi;l xxee hit til e;ii';ixx;ix , xx hilst the iiiil‘s steak lhtii'iitu Slt'll\\;t\llitexi1”th;l he;illhx tttitiiil ei‘e;iiit_x ;ihii<iiitl hiiltei'.

Sitt't‘ets’.’ ( 'tlx‘xWx'V.) t )x'x'l‘rll'le‘xl tee—ei‘e;iiii'.".’ \ixpe. ( ‘ieiiie hi'iilee txxiee pleiise. lhi'ee tiers trl t;i\te\ ~ ;i sharp li‘iiit piii‘ee. ii ei'e;iiii ilftxi euu x;iiiill;ispiketleiistui'ti tiiiipetlxxith x‘l'l\[‘ e;ii‘;iiitel iiiritiiiitiiii.

('l;iie ;iiitt li‘eite. the lxxti \1\tx‘f'\ xxhii iiiiiitlx rtiii(ii'eeiisiii'eixhxiiiiislx ti‘xiiig lti iiiitlge tl\ ;t\\il_\ hunt the ehilli ;iiixt ehips nieittnhtx - the menu ehuriges xxeeixlx thtiiieh unlike \lx'tl [,;itteiii\.(‘l;iirexxixit‘t h;iit;iiixiiiie iiit‘tit‘tiet'lll}; \tL‘xllx \\ L'll—xhitie. .\tlti Ltt .ihiitit LiF—l“ hit" lxxit. its xer xxiii'lh hliixxiii}:theeiihtui‘e hri}

Iiiiteh iixixiii—jllttpiit. Hiitiiei‘ ti. 1tt-i 1pm, tiiitlieeitsetl - i‘th ttth' xtttiriixxiixxiitefl


produced some snappy black and yellow cotton outfitslabove centre) apparentlyinspired byJudyGarland's film ‘The Pirates'. set in South America. Derek MacLean‘s silk and vetvetcoatrecalledtheJapanese warrior. while Alan Dougall's award winning black and white checked design gracefully swept the stodge out ofHarrisTweedAmanda Fahey's printed cotton stockings may have commercial potential. but I am not convinced by AlistairMcAuley's seventies mimicry with velvet remnantslleftl.

Paul Simmons costume designs (above right) closed the show. ‘I made trousers patterned with insects and a cloak with little severed heads because there are too many abstracttextile designs and not enough humour— fashion is supposed to be fun.‘ he said. (Lucy Ash).

paint-smeared boilersuits. Given the school's avant-garde reputation. lwas puzzled by the conservative soundtrack which seemed a mishmash of party music overthe lastlUyearS—what about the up and coming Glasgow bands?

Mostotthe designers werefrom Printed or Embroidered and Woven Textiles. butthere were contributions from otherdepartments andthefirst yearfoundation course. All creditto Alan Gallacherforhis grey Harris Tweed dress with a black print—the subdued elegance made a striking contrasttohisbrotherlan's wondertullytastetess bend-the-church-steeple wedding dress (above left).

Caroline Scott‘sknitted outfits in buttermilkblue and time with printed silkscarves used squares imaginatively and hermortarboard style hat finished the look. Ian Morrison. a firstyearstudent.

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