oScrimshaws .‘s \y llstill Street. (ilasgnyy (i: 553 5:5: Mnn» ‘l—nptn. liut lle\il‘lc. in summer will he npen till midnight tut ck l‘ltt\\ dry : \Vnnien til. Men I. lit l’ertns lrnm l_25.

'l’hisis(ilasgnys‘sinnst image-erinscinus salnn \sith miirnrs shaped likedistnrtedparallelngrains mnunted nn nietal easels and trained liy letters lrnm the lliel‘ttn ttlpltal‘cl. ll hall as much creatiy ll_\ gnes inIn actual hair design. this neyy enterprise .set tip liy hairdressers (ienrgel nne and lIilly Macinter cnuld he an interesting place. ‘Mnst (ilasgn\\ salsnnsdecide nn a theme and hammer it In death. hut we are alyyays lnnking lni‘ new ideas‘. say s Hilly \shn spnrts a lilack \ynnlly hat

and a yy ased ineustaclie, l he pair are

certainly LIllll‘llltIIlS thissumnier theyare planning a ll ip tn Mnscnys tn reynlutinnise Snyiet style.

olrvine Ruskll West Nile Street. (ilasgnyy 1:] ll“: linit l-l. (‘larkstnn lnll.('larkstnnli‘SVSS Ill llnthys ell Rnad. l lanultnn lSli (ilnl. Mnn—l-ri “ama5pni. Sat ‘lam—lpm. (‘ut ck lilnyy dry: \\ttlttc‘ll L135“. Men Lill.5ll, ( ‘nlnuring tk cut lrntn £155“, l’erms lrnni IL“ 5“. (seepanell

oRainbow Rooms lst l-‘lnni; Buchanan Street. ( ilasgnyy _‘-1S 5 it It l. 15 Rnyal l’xhange Sn. 2]» 345 l. Mnn—l‘ri “am-5pm. Sat ‘lani—lpm (‘ut A; l‘lnyy dry. \Vninen Mid—I l.


Ulnllnr' l-l5.5lltlependingnn c\pcricttce nl the stylist. Men LS5“. Special standliy rate lrnm H il salnn isn't ltusy. \‘yatch nut Int 15’; \‘.-\l titltlctl lit all prices. See tllstt \ltttlel sectinn. ( )ne nl the city ‘s mnst l‘l'L‘Sllg‘ltlllSc'lll‘tlltlllls

oPeter Macari .‘Crw \y‘nntllamls Rd. 3315421 Ll. 15am-5pm. l‘hurs till

n. 15pm. ('lnsed \Ved alternnnns. (in k ltlnyy dry: \Vnntcn L55”. Men tit Vegetalile cnlnuring 115. Streaks Ilsill.

.\ peculiarin nl this salnn is that ynu lie nn a lied l‘L‘llllltl a curtain In hayc ynur hair \sashed. ' l'here‘s nn

dey inns purpnsc licliind it‘. l’eter assures me. 'it lust takes the steam till the ltccls.‘

oRitzHairStudio «in l lannychtrcet. l‘dinlturgh 235 N75 Mnn—Sat

W. 1llami5prn ( ‘ut t\ lllnyy l)ry:

\\ nrnen lrnni Willi. Men lrnm U). children I tip tn 5t L5.5ll. 5 ' Willi, l’ilnyy l)r_\ nnly t5.5ll.

‘Mainline trendy salnn liehind darkened glass lrnnl. lint their unintinndatingapprnach (nnnenl the cupheniistic '\\'here did Madam last line her hair cull" t allnyss a yy ide range nl clientele. 1 hey dn llat tnps. using scissnrs andcnmli. ennsidered In lie Innre accurate than the spirit Icy el. cutting in small sectinns.

\sni king lnrysartls. l lnyy eyer the Iteys trend is apparently In aliandnn height in hair in laynur nl'a Hat and syycpt lnryyaid style. Radin l and chart nn lllrrll.

o Cheynes .-\ AM Day llttll'tlt'c‘sSL‘I‘. 57 Snuth Bridge l’dinliurgh 55nllllltS' Mnn-l-ri ‘l;iIn~lipiii, Sat “am-4pm.

The Long HairClinic. Glasgow ‘Wetreathairlike antique lace - gently. with lots ot should be heaven to live with nothell to lookatter.‘ Forget carelree coitture ~ Essanelle‘s Long Hair Clinic lays down strict rules tor devotees and the prolane are punished with split ends. Hair should be washedthreetimeswithtwo ditterent shampoos - blue tor the roots. orange tor the ends and receive the

“The List 21 Mar— 3 Apr

hallowed 100 brush strokes every morning. Metal slides. elastic covered bobbles. blow dryers and tongs are delinitely out, but plastic caps. woollen hats, thermal heat and Sea Kelp tablets are in. The clinic‘s glossy catalogue features many bizarre twists and unlikely knots and includes a wedding section - ‘Aisle Style‘ - in which heads become exploding hothouses ol llowers.

Wood‘s Barber Shop. Edinburgh (estab. 1890) hasn‘t changed in style loryears with its gas tire in the tiled hearth and an aquarium lull ot disinterested tish swimming aboutto Radio 1. It is part of the place‘s appeal thatthellattop boys. who go along tor skilllul handling oltheirshaven style. are as much at home there as OAPs and children. Nextto a tlattop. a sham head above an unlikely purple and pink flowery robe. sat a pretty 3—year old. a wrigeg presence with developing page-boy bob, perched importantly on a large box placed torheronthe barbers chair. Beyond, the white-haired head ot a middle-aged man emerged from a Frenchtablecloth ot a red and white checked robe. For my own (timid)trimthe barber reassuringlyaimedto cut ‘keeping the length‘. I left having parted with $31.60. a few blond curls and. unexpectedly, my string otbeads which I suddenlytelt loosen and escape...

(‘tit and style: \Vnmen £7.5ll. Men £7. Kids LII. seninr stylists £9.45 ck rises. tnpstylists wits ts LSU5. (MW student discnunt nn seninr A: tnp stylists). Image cnnscinUs salnn \yith pltntnsarenlspikey'—ltaired. hi-tech. liut they alsn aim tn cater lnr all prices and all ages.

oMelvin and Friendstlacastle Street. lidinhurgh :35 W55. ltles. \Ved ck l’ri llam—5..‘~llpm. Mnn till 4.3Man 'l'hurs till n..‘~llprn. Sat till 3pm. See panel.

oPanache William Street III» “151 Mnn—Sat kltitti—(i..illprti (_ ‘ut and lilnys dry: \Vnmen l‘rnm till. Men l’rnm LS. MW price increase Irnin 35 March. Mainstream

oCharlie Miller 13 Stalini-tl Street. lidinliurgh In 555“ l'l'ue-l’ri Vain—5.3(lptn. Sat S..‘sll;iiii-5prii (‘ut ck Blnyy dry: \Vnmen £1 1 . Men Lill. Designer amhience \yith l'resh l‘lnyyers part nl their style. Maga/ines include the lace. Snme nt the city'\ mnst stylish cutting. they ntl'er a range nl techniques (\yeay e cut. scruh dry) and named styles including “the lid. l'he 'l'endrilled lid and ‘l’uck'. (‘hart music nn tape



oCity HairStylist In} West Nile SI. (ilasgnyy333 4213. Mnn—Sat stllam—445pni. Nn appnintnient necessary. l)ry cuts L2-L35ll. Sharnpnn. cut ck lilnyy dry t4. ligyptian-hnrn Mr Saliha has been in the hitsines's tnr 25 years and dnes the fastest shan hack and sides in tnyyni ‘lt nnly takes me nne and a hall minutes. hut I spend a little mnre time In keep the custnmers happy. i tnade a big mistake redecnrating the stinp - it scared snme nl my regulars away hut nnys it's a hit dirtier they are cnming hack.‘ Nn pnp music. iust cricket .scnres nn the radin.

oRoman S3 (‘amliridge St. ( ilasgnyy 332 5575. Mnn—Sat Warn-5.30pm.

n Fridays till (rpm. l'nisex, (tit ck hlnyy

dry: \Vnmen Ui.5ll. Men H5“. \Vet cut (nn shampnnt If» l’erni plus cut 6; lilnyy dry filli.5ll.

('heerlul. airy salnn \\ ith traditinnal harliers chairs and lirightly cnlnured cartnnns nn the walls. l’npular \y ith the S'lV crnyyd and used as a setting in ill“ Scntland‘s teleyisinn play. "the l lnly ( ‘in ‘.

Charlie Miller's. Ediugh

o PelerVezza ns‘ \y‘nntllantls Rnad, (ilasgnys 333 It)”. Mnn—Sat ‘l—55llpm. l)ry cut t355. ( 'ut ck ltlnyy dry {n.5ll. Sltaye if. ()ne til. the Very leyy places lclt Ill nl‘ler a traditinnal shaye \s ith hnt 1(I\\'L‘l\. l’etet' Ve/XLIK cttttsttts ttlsn haye salnns in (fathcart and Kilmarnnck. OKing's 54:1 l'it'etlel‘lcls' Street. tidinliurgh Mnn—l‘ri Wain—5.3Man Sat Vain—1pm. (’ut (men nnly l t_3.5ll Mr King is a third generatinn liarlier \yhn started as a snap liny in Stnckliridge in Win ( snaping as an apprentice t’nr snme 5 years). He ‘dnesnae linther \y ith all this nindern stul't- lilnyy drys. tints and the like’ and has .stnpped dning shayes as he was dning 'tnn many nlnthcr penple‘s unyyanted nnes'. l'he nld style \ytttttl panelled lNIt‘ltets lititttlts are at the hack nt the shnp. ltey'nttd the ltristle ltrttshes and shaying snap he still has ntl sale. (lietttele. including many lrnm the legal

l prnlessinn. are all ‘regulars'.