Bill Bryden‘s modern day passion play. ‘The Holy City', about the second coming of Christto Glasgow was originally inspired by a painting of shipyard workers nailing a man to a cross made of rivets and girders. Mass unemployment and the decline of industry on the Clyde are at the core of this 19803 version of the Gospel according to St Matthew and in this climate. the Special Branch view the strange man who rides a donkey down Sauchiehall Street as a dangerous political subversive. David Hayman in the lead role gives a brilliantly

persuasive pertormanceandseems oRunningBraveili \ l l \

'1"‘~‘il\’ii"‘" tl"'.llll:s'lt’ (ltuniinl .l’wl‘ilii :‘l',‘\lli\

\\\'ll iitqiiiiiix l’i'ltil‘ll'. «'f \Ii'_ 1 \li l-s‘.\lii~~\t-it :ii:_

: lst'iiwii

ill\ii‘.iiit'\ lli iiiwiwii l irg'x'ni’l Ll.t:ll:llt oThe Slugger'sWifeill., \.<ii ~- l\. Tl“ \lit liizt ll l lx’pl‘.\'t'.i 1 lg \liilll.:‘. \1 :iiii: l\’ii'. iRl ,\ ( tiliiiiii‘iul taiipiitwiiitt' t‘litiiliii: Eli; “iiii:i\‘. li‘!l‘. :irtt mumlxi\t’liiilliili:'.ti.:ii~1.g‘lic‘ [minim lliitt ilit ‘. i'lis l;i ilit'ii ‘iwili llit'iiim'ilgiih‘x.iimiiix inixxgwin'iit'xxMitt i‘cmtx'ii lllL'll iiiiiiiatz-yp

\iip\’.igii:pl\ ‘t::\'lli\t.’t.illlv‘. \\ii'.;i \gil\iiiii~ii.ti;;tti~i \~~iz «\t'tiiinpiiiiitiiitgi Utiiiit'. ll iio tiiitl lllli‘liltfltilll t l ( alt“ I lot lltlllel \llllxt'i‘tli\\llllllll\iqtllinl\ miiilgt‘liiiiiIli.iii\iii\*\~iifgl\ moi l‘iiitlt'iipt‘lxxiilitwiittii tillki

lliit't‘iii \l.:i'iii RI“,

\imil \t‘iio

totally unaffected whether he is breaking bread at the Last Supper or cracking a joke with his disciples. The supporting cast is also strong— Rikki Fulton as the ageing hack brutally chastised by his editor for reporting a miracle resurrection; Jan Wilson as the anxious mother of a disfigured boy: Fulton Mackay as the sceptical Hughie —the list could go on. Powerful images. a frank and occasionally very funny script and some atmospheric rousing tracks from The Home Service band make this an exciting and curiously moving production. Tobe screened on Good Friday at 9.45p (BBCl ).

0 The Burning Bed Iv l'

ll ., l\\ l " 1‘ .il ‘l ' ll ll§‘\l ~. 1'. "l "‘ "‘ Il \l: It ‘x



\l: \i

\I‘ .1 1 ll Mull”... li .l Lil :‘I ’1 'li ii? l.l.: l Vi“

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o The Open List is a tree llstlngs service for all cultural. educational, political and other events that do not tell Into The Llst‘s other listings categories. Please send details not laterthan 10 days before publication date.

FRIDAY 21 Glasgow

0 Introduction to Co—Counselling Si l'iiiit'li‘x ( L-iiti‘c. 13 Siiiitli l’iii'tluiitl Strut-f ll) liiiiii‘ ltiiitlniiit'iilnl t‘tiiii'w

ltl lullmv [cl llii'lMiixi Ruliiiimii 33-1

:53: INT lllillL‘ «lgliiilx

SATURDAY 22 Edinburgh

0 SingingforSpring—Kate Hollingbery l'lic Snlixlwiii‘x ( L‘llllL'. 3. Nilisliiiis Riuiil rm“ Sills Llll LN ch‘illlllllL‘. lllll\L‘ll1L'lll tlllkl\lllk'L‘ Stilllc'xullll L‘lltllllllllltlllillllllllinMllliill lli'iii}; liiiit'ii lil\ll.'lli-‘.

0 Spring Equinox Celebration l llL' Nilisliiii'x ( L'iilic

;l\;ll‘ll\L‘lc Spiii. I)illlilllilll\. \1iisit‘. i’ .lllkl \gici't‘tl


SUNDAY 23 Edinburgh

0 Morals and Politics \l ( film (fiitlimli‘nl hpiii. .\ ltillx li\ 'llL‘ llixlitiiiiil [liii llillll iiii lllL‘ pixictitxil lllll‘lll'dllillhlil l'liiislitiiilit‘licl.()iit' iil lllL‘\L'l'lL‘\lll lslll\\L‘llllllc‘il ‘(liiixlinii llc‘llLWlllfH“.lllllilltllllc‘tHL‘l lliciii.iiii;ispct'l\iil ( lll'lflhllllk‘llcl. l'tit'li ltillx l\ tick'illlllltllllL‘tl l‘\ lllll\lL‘ \llllLl lw lllL‘ t'lii ill. My tilw Siiiitlm Aii. '

- SelfManagemeanrogramme— Terry Gower llic Salisliiii'x (L‘iili't‘. .7 Sulixliiiii. Rinitlwili“ 5135. Llll Lt» ('iiiiiiiiiiiiit'iiliiiii l.lll\. lll.lll;l:ll1}; \ticv . t'l'c‘Llllllf; ilic l'L‘;llll\ \tili \ktllll Llllklllltllltlb'lllflll\ll'{c'L'\\lllll1Llllkl lllL‘xlllilllilll lui k'l'L‘ttlHL‘ tl;iil_\ ll\ iiiu,

WEDNESDAY 26 Edinburgh

~ The Complete Teachings of Mahayana [)llill‘Illtl ~\liitls (ii‘iiiip. lll (ilc-iimii‘ii ( 'i'cxt'ciit. ‘Rllpiii, lfiiiii‘ \\'L‘Llllc‘\\l;l’\\ Ll‘l l5. \ lillll‘ \\ L'L‘lk Ullll\L‘ Ulll\l\llllf; iil lilll\\ in \L‘llllll \lllilc‘lll\ til ( 'liiijg};iiii lliiiigpu lx’iiiptit'lio


0 Mixed Weekend Retreatt il;l\gtl\\ Hiitltlliist ( L‘iiti't'. 3.“) Sauchiehall Stiu‘l. l‘hi‘ iiitii‘; le'lilll\ i iii}; 333 USN ;iiitl ;l\l\ ltir \'iiiitil;i\ ;iii'.i.

SUNDAY 30 Edinburgh

0 Heavenly and Earthly Hope Si (tilcs‘ (Killiuliul. tipiii. .\ talk in (illlc‘thl‘lllf; \lticiiiillaii Ull limtcr Lllltl tlic Kiiiutlniri ill ( iml ;l\ the l;i.\t ill the '( 'lii‘ixiiaii llclicx'iiig' \ci'ics.

MONDAY 31 Glasgow

- Masks and Movement—with Malcolm Knight'l'lic ( i;ii‘ict Muxk :iiitl l’iiiii‘ici ( 'ciitit‘. ,1‘) ( )t;i};ti Street. (ill. 33" MRS. till. 5 tin} lllICl1\l\L‘ \Hll'l\\lllip iii the ll\L‘ «it lll;l\l\\;tl1t1 lllHVL‘lllL‘lll. .'\tl\ Mice lttlitklllll ttlltl Ellltlt'iiiisii i'ctiiiii‘ctl,


FRIDAY 21 Glasgow 0 Scottish Medical Aid for Nicaragua

\lcl t-ll;iii ( i.lllL'llL‘\, 53llpiiii Speakers iiit‘liiilc lllc‘ lllHIllL‘l' 01:1 kitliiuppctl \k‘lllllillL‘JCllk‘l', :i i‘cpi'cxciilutiw nil lllL‘ Siiiitliiiixlu Ytiiiili Kltixt'iiiciil. ;iiitl Ll l'L‘CCllll‘» i'ciiiiiictl \iiliiiitcci‘ lllll'\LH

0 Justice and Peace in the Parish: Starting up Christian Peace Groups (t‘llllk‘l‘cxltc‘. l4_1_§ltic‘lt\\c‘llSll'c‘c‘l. “Kl lpiii. \\ til l\\lll ‘p lill' pence ttt‘ll\l\l\.


0 Cafe VictorJaratnincixitmt-(kilo. iiiitlci‘Si.liiliii\. l ltllllttll l<lltlkl.t\[1lll [111 late i\ll iiiltii'iiinl owning (ll iiiiixic. viii}; {THEM} ;iiitl L‘Hll\c‘l'\tlllilll.

SATURDAY 22 Glasgow

0 25 Years Hard labout—The Labour Movementand LabourHistoryin Scotland 1961—1986 lllL' \lilclicll l.ilii‘;ii'_\,ll.»15;iiii 4.15plllc t3 Sllc'dle'l’V \lll'llltlll [liit‘liuii \11’. Dr ll;1llll\ll l'lLt\L‘l l lc‘lcii l.lLlLllC. \Vni'lxsliiips llll [ tll‘lllll' 1 limit} tlllLl \Viiiiicii. l‘llllL‘ttllUH and HM“ NlL‘tlltli o CND Book and Record Sale Mulclliiii(hillcricx ll;iiii 4pm. l)tiii;ititiii\\wluiiitcxiii Ilictlnv

0 Scottish Medical Aid for Nicaragua Mulclluii ( iiillci‘icx. afillpiii.

l‘lllll \ itlcti iiiglit Lillkl liiitik L'Xllll‘llliill.


0 Campaign Coffee Cale l llL‘ ( )pc'll Mimi. «1le MM lllllf;\ltlL' Rimd,

‘lttlll It‘ll]; ( kilo tlllLl Displa} . ( '«illcc .lllLl Biscuits.

0 Fundraising Disco \liimy l louse Sliiilt'iit l'iiitiii. litilxitititl l<lltlkl

The List 21 Mar - 3 Apr 37