Please note that evening sessions begin at approx 8.30pm unless otherwise stated.

REESE— Glasgow

0 Cilla Fisher.ArtieTresize;mtlGary Coupland llnrttl xt-t L‘llllL‘. ~\ittt lllL'llLtll Sti‘t'ct. .133 "5 Nl ~1l

fifltlhm L? l Ll ‘llnll unto!

l tt\tllllll\' \k'lll\\lllllk‘l\l\k'k' [Mitt-l ll 0 Tolbooth Bart ilmtm (mm. l \\'lllll:‘_. \tllltbvtlltl llltl\lL‘ lll tltt‘ l‘illl


0 Ewan McColl'Peggy Seeger'Whistlebinkies llttllitl‘clltt l tl\\ll l ltill

T l .. .TWlllghlllpl‘tlllll‘,‘ll.llll

l.‘ “l _:l‘ll‘. [I \ll (lt‘lllltllli‘lt‘lll‘

l ICC. l .l\l _\t‘;ii\utittpctitiwit lltltl it tlcittpittutl l‘lltllllL‘ ltnppiitz, ll‘tttll. o Invitation concertt tt-urut- snout-t- l llL‘tlllk‘. “fill ltlpm. to lit lvjfilli \t‘ltllllL' wt lllk' ( il‘L‘lu'lHlllL'ttll L‘tlllk'k‘lltllll lllk‘ lili'\l lllll‘l'l'l.tlll

".Fllitittt mitt‘tgt't tit l;tl\L‘ tttwitt‘j» lttl' tltt' ptiltlitnttiitt ml tlic llL'\l l\lltl\,ll‘,'tillk'ktx‘ll'llk‘Ll‘llllle'lll \l\l'\' , t l. .tllll( tttl/tl.ll.tllllllL‘l tltilt‘iittt‘i til fytL

o Lothian’s Morris Men \\ int- lair.

t‘tilltt‘ttwitwt llt'tlllltlll ilsiiitunlwtti cttt, lltistlt‘tiittlSlttttiittigKt pilitlli Litttl titrtl \‘_'_ tlt‘l llcititct «llk' tilw

\tittinxtmxltww\lxillixttttls k'tllltlllL'kl ltx lll\ :lit‘tlt. l>ciil llL‘ltIlll\ ( nith News \ll'ttltilll illlk'LlLl ‘\\\;llllll ruck. l)ttll‘lllll \i‘tst'qiitrt' l’tippthtwt‘ Kill I titiittlt't l’mt l'ltlllkl. lll\l;tltl pt'ilitllt .tlltl K;tllll\ll lit‘Kt'll. \tll'lllllllll‘l'ltlll l‘ll‘t‘l lt\

11‘ ~1piti lit-p \tllllll :t sittin-

. \\tt'\\\.ithll p lttttt"lit lu: , I” ll 1 l l I] K H H ttlll‘k'tllllli‘tllltll\tll‘lll\lt‘llt‘ll\\llll\‘ titlllx k tilltt‘

0 Happy Hourwith Danny Kyle lt-x lt‘l

lx’mtitt._‘. 11* \t‘ttt ( liutti‘wltiitlxmttl

o Clarsach Society Ceilidh s .ltnt-

llitllx‘. \lllt‘ll( it‘xt‘ctit. illlllllll.

lttll.’ll l~tllttittr hlli‘fll 'w‘;l\\.llll ' l l k \tl‘l‘Mttittticnt. l .trt-xmllt c-ilitllt \'\llll \ll 'vwlmtttr twltwiit Imitttl Lilli l \llll4l'llll‘ , H (C fl” [m H \x I) lws'nitttnt'lt lh-lxittitullnll, \lllilllllllt'\lll.ill\\'tlttl\llll.lll‘. ° auo on e 0 \ll‘\‘ .tl. t. ; \ J { ll] 1 ) l ll‘lll _,;iiti. l l’L’L' lllk'tlll‘ iticiitlwis 0 Highland LinewrthAdamJackt )ltl \ \ll my 37‘ *w m1: llltlll. l\' l ' ll lltx'tt;itl;titiititl\xiltlt‘cilitlltxxitlt \\ ztptlA llw'tg l‘itttt‘csflttptt ‘l\‘\‘\\lnl"tflt‘_ll 'it ~\. 1k l \ Llllk'\l\:c‘lllflgllzlltlllllll.‘tll‘1l;[[][\o‘l\ " lll'lll.(iittttl\lllLllllS.lltltllt‘.l‘;tlllt .'r, y, illl. .., \y l\‘\ ‘3.

sittijiittz. silt-t‘t‘lit-x \tltl txtit't llL'ttl .tlltl atti’: t'iitltit.

\t illl“.lll‘, titty-«wit oThe Lunatic Fringe—One Man Band Competition l).tll~. l‘ \ ‘H Attttt


ti tlk‘lt‘lllllllllllttl‘ ti» lump llllll:'\ L't'lllt' LllllllL‘llll

l , ,

it .ixt tilllllldllxx'.lllllllillllWx'llll\’\‘~llll\: \gumt. l \\l\‘.t ll”: 1. lltt? iilTl‘xll \ \s(lx'llllJllll\\v\-\'\l\'l _\\\llk'\. l l :tyl :flil. lw 'pttil lll\l\i ~tl.:titl ( .giiltpiliwttttiltlttm\l l l)\ lllx’l \\.l l-{\ l l \ll\ \l i ll lllgxtwtRimStitilt-tttl lllt‘lt,

\lill‘t‘ll fill 7.30pm (it‘iit‘gcSquare‘l‘hczitr‘t- "1‘sl llttuittp llltl Siti‘ittgucll l lllll\tf l‘l'L'SL‘lll

\ lt llll{l.\\ \ .\l ll .8 \pr‘ill 7.30pm ()tiu‘n‘sllztll

l.( )Nllt )\ \Vl'lfil l .\l;\l,l: \'()l(‘l' (‘l l( )lR \pwitwiml l~_\ .\l tttltnvc t\' \ui'twit

i i \l \Rt‘llZH —— \(ll//; ///(,‘/// /(////.\ \l’Rll.(i

\pr‘iH 7.30pm (margeSquare'l‘ht'utrc l\l\ \lt‘l’ll \ll ll \\l ): l)l'.\’l)l,l‘ \l lx’.\ lllSl’l \ t\ lx‘l ll:l{lti_\l)()()\.lllll lllRR \\('l \[wttwtptlltt l");tttl\til \t‘tttlgiittl

\pr‘iH 7.30pm (‘ltatttthcrsStru‘t \Ittscum

.\t'titt\tigKnitteditiltnt't‘ttttt‘t‘t‘t l) \\t R \l{\ llllti l)l‘('l\’ l‘l,\l\'l lx’

\l” 'I 5 ) “30pm , I 5h?" “4” Scots song in harmonyisthebusiness , W N (m l‘> \l .\l..\ll\.\ < >R< lll S l R.\ thatlakesFilecoupleCillaFisherand l (itlt‘xt Mum“ ll'ttlll lstilmtii ( Him” ArtieTresizealloverthe world—they I \lll titt-tttiliitttpiitst'ttiittitntitiitl’t‘cwittntltiit aresoonmlml't'”boommlmme Bermuda FolkClub—andtheyare now \pr‘il 0 7.30pm (icm‘gt:Square'l‘hczitre allowingthemselvesthe support of

Gary Coupland, who adds accordion sythesiser and piano to Artie's guitar and small pipes. The Third Eye Centre. Glasgow has them on 21 March and the Black Bull Hotel. Milngavie on 23 March. ‘Fite's got everything and Artie's corner ol the Kingdom is thick

l‘liitlgcittll’i'iittcrslti\it;ttltiit(tutu-it lll \l lll ltilllS: l-(tl \l)l\’\ ll.\l{l-l;\\l):(‘()l'/f\ t l\ \ llll{\ .\ llt’lxl l l :l)()l l’lll\ l’l'l’l’l ’18 l\l\'\lttc'l.\’l()_\'ll ’l'it‘kctsl'rtiml SIIICR ll \l‘lutmtl ('.\,\’()_\'(;.\'l'li \ll‘SlC

l 1.. 1'. ll ».l_ 11'.,;l, lgittilt'.\litilwiltt.ii


____w _ _, l

18'I‘hcl,ist21M;tr—— 3 Apr

0 Royal Oak llllll'lllttl'X Street. 1‘ l‘lfiti. l'\L‘lllll}_‘. Sittgnr‘tttmtl ttrttl (‘l'ttc‘lxl


0 TolboothMusic lttll‘tmlll lldt'. (rl.t\};tt\\ (tins. l'\k‘lllllL‘. x\t‘tttl\ll( titsti‘tiittcittx.iittlwttu


0 Concert tor Central America l’L‘lllk‘llllx ltl\\ll l lttll. “.Rllpml lltir'. LI. l'sttttl Ulllk‘N \\ lll\llk'l‘llll\lk‘\. l;ittt\\‘;ill\ct'. lli‘ittit \lillt't‘.:ittl (‘lttir‘lic Stittitt‘ .tlltl t'tiritpt'ic. l tinny l\'t lk'. .tli' lllk' l‘tlllx wt lllt' l‘t‘l lttl lltc'l'\ t1l\ my tltcii lllllL‘ lkl ixtiw titwitcs tn ltclrt St‘wtttxlt \lgtlit‘nl .\ltl tit \it‘;ii'.t;:ti.i. lltixgs ext-rt ll;tll lltttll' li'mttt\t \ittlit".\\.\t1ti.ti'c‘. o Sileas amt Kristen Nogues lllL‘ l-t'rgttt‘lt lll\llltllL‘. R.llltlttll‘ll ('rt'st‘cttt. 335 54in» follpttt. L255 (t_:l \c‘t‘ Pilllk‘l. 0 Maggie and Liz Cruikshank Rmnl ()lll\. llllll'lllillN Stt't't't. “WNW l-xcnitt: tltctcxwic rtcwr'xttclt tlL‘MtlL‘tlShlt'l'V.

l . Glasgow

0 Cilla Fisher ltlltl Artie Tresize lllk' l‘llttt‘lx lltill l lutcl l'lllll\ ( ‘ltili. \ltlittrnxiglttNS\ll-1‘5.Spot. l’tllltlltll l)tltt. ( li pct'ltgtpstlttn pltix l‘llL'. \t‘c'ltdllc'l

o Setanta l’ill\lk‘\ I talk t 'ltilw. .-\rtl§;«i\‘.;irt l ltllt‘l. lllnt‘lxltnll Stt‘cc‘t. \Sfijl‘ltt, t_ll51lt Ll lllk‘llll‘k‘l‘\ll

eron the ground than recording studios, and the local Kingskettle kids are blasé about doing second takes torthe Singing Kettle albums. a huge success, as are the TV and live shows where they get a hall lull at children singing their heads ott. Borrow a lew or take your own along to Glasgow‘s Woodside Halls 2.30pm on 12 March where the Singing Kettle will be alighting torthe attemoon.