(\Vilhatn not \l.t\ l. liocchcrint. :\rnc anti 1 laytln arc thc choscn k‘ttiiiitttsc't'S

O Messiah Kcly tn Stcycnson \lctnot'tal ( 'hutch. 1%clntont Strch 11o\ otttcc I: Witt: I Ht 1 l’ut‘tltcl “pin. t3. t 1.1 I. .-\llhouglt yy c tnay assoctatc lhc \lcsstah yytil‘. ('ht'tstntas tnnc. yy hy not .i pctlottnancc ot: l’altn Suntlay 1 his pcrlotntancc. hy t‘cptcscntattycsol yat’tous ( ilasgoyy chotts. is lhc Sth annual pt'csctt'..;ttoti ol 1 lantlcl‘s popularoralottoantiyycll ltnoyyn local soloists loin ihc chon antl ot'chcstta tor yy hal pt'otntscs ttihc yct anothct'succcsslul annualconccri 0 3C0 ( ‘tiy 1 1all. ( antllcriggs 11o\

51111111, i ‘5“ 1.5

tillch‘55_ 5‘1lil_ __

Scc Sat :3 l'tltn'tutgh lot lttll tlcsct‘tptton antl nolc l’ctct l ltllll’\l 1;11\C\111c placcol \ltlsultol chttla. playing \lo/at't 1’tanot ottcctios \os



0 Meadows Chamber Orchestra ()ttccn‘s l lall. ( ~lctlt Stt‘cci. 11o\ Ulllk‘k'.llkil‘\Lll(ic'1111ki.:l.2; \\.tyctlcylitttlgc5.»15ptn.1-1511 (H.511). l’clct l yanstontluctsthis ncal t‘littlill‘cl o'chcsita in \lo/at'is Symphony .\o 15111 1th. ltppctt's ('oncctto lot l)ottltlc Siting ()tchcslta .tntl l-Iccihoycn's \ tolin (‘oncct'loyytth \lattcltc lilttnltcnstyn


EWI— Glasgow 0 Holy Week Concertt iltng'ttV»

(sillit‘tli'al. litl\ttlllcc ‘5: Fl’l‘l l l tcltcl ( t'illlc'l. Spin. 1.1 t L1 5111. (appclla \oy .t. tlcst't‘tltctl lairly .ts Scotlantl's lcatltng 1\’cnatss,tncc choir. pt'cscnts tnustc lot' 1 loly \\ cclt in ( iittsgoyy ('atltctlt'al tscc also Sat 2"}. t )n this occasion .-\Ian 1 in cnct tltrccts tltc choir in l lugo l)tstlct ’s ('hot'ttlpassion.a ntatot'lllihccntut‘y sctti'igol thc 1’asston. Sttnon (‘t’ooltall sings .lcsus .tntl .\ngus Stntth thcl yangclisi. .\lsoon thc ptogtatntncarcpassionlttlcyyot'ltslty othcr ( ict man It lth ( 'cntut‘y (icl‘lltiitl. /int'ntnct'inant‘.. lll‘liillllttlhl1{L'tltl sotnc ol yy hich yy lll hc tcccty tng thctt litsi 1 1s pcrlot'tnanccs. lScc photo).


0 Cello/Piano Recital l 1cttt'y \y‘tma

1 1all. (‘latctnont Stt'cct. 553 5‘1ti1

l liclxct (t‘litt‘cl. 551113111. 1-} l L1.5lll \cil .lohttslottc lccllol antl \latgat‘cl \Valtclortl l pianol play music hy liccthoycn.l“t';tttc'octtt'.1’aganini antl l‘t'anclx.

I Glasgow

0 Competition Stcycnson llall. RS.-\.\ll). 51 ( icttlL‘L'\ 1’lacc. 1§tt\ ollicc553~11111l)ay itntc. l't'ccat tloor 11 you \yontlct yyhat slt‘ing playct's do all tct'ni. thcn this is a

ct titli‘t ‘SL‘i's

chancc to hcar sonic ot thc rcsults ol hours ol yyorlt anti ptacttcc It‘s thc (ioycrnors‘ Rccital l’ri/c ('ontpctition lorslrings,

o The Rise and Fall of the City of Mahagonny 111c;til'c Royal. 1 ltipc Stt‘cct. Bth ollicc 551 1154, 5.15pm.

'Cappelia Nov rein to Glasgow Cathedral to give two Holly Wee

13;} I


contrasted Passiontide music on Monday 24 and Saturday 29 March (see Listings)

l‘\‘li';t tlatcs: 1 hut's I“ l 5. 15pm 1; Sat 3113.15pnt). 3.5ll L1S5ll. Scottish ( 1pctacontinucthcircut't'cnt pt'otluction ol'1\'urt \\ cill‘s tnusic yyitli liht'cttt» l‘y lit-rtolt ltl‘ccllt. (Scc pancll.


0 Competition .s‘tcy-ciixtin llall. RS.\.\11).St(icot'gc‘sl’lacc.Bo\ ollicc 332 ~11lll. Day littic. l’rcc at tloot.Stut1cnts gct togcthcr lor thc linal cycnt in thc 1{S;\.‘\l‘s Spring tct'tn lot‘ thc l’iano Duct ('otnpctition.

0 Facade '1'hit'tl 1Cyc ( ‘cntt'c. Sauchichall Strch. 331 “521. 5,.1111‘111.t-:lt.l.slll. l'hc RS.-\.\ll) 1'ill\c‘lttltlc‘. tlil‘L‘t‘lL‘tl l‘y lttlg‘ai’ \‘y'illtatns. play Walton‘s l-acatlc.

yy t'ittcn hy ihc cotttposcr in his youth lot' t'ccitct‘ anti si\ instt'utncntalists to satirical poctns hy litlith Siiyycll.

0 BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra (‘onccrt llall. lit‘oatlcasling 1 lousc. Box ollicc Ni 1.“*1Stfi,.“ll[71111t‘lCL'Qll tltttli. lltc linal SS( 1 ( .L‘llllL' ( ~tlltcL't‘t to hc tccot'tlctl lot‘ lulttrc transmission this scason.

(ht istophct' Scantan captains thc ot'chcstta in a progt'atntnc yy hich Aaron ('oplantl‘s ()uict (‘ity (not inspit‘ctl lyy (ilasgoyy 1 anti l)y tit';t1t"s Silcnt \Vtttttls. (11(ngl)L‘L‘1‘(iyltlSllllC NU 1cotncs ncxt. lolloyyctl hy thc linal yyot'lt. thc ( 'cllo ( ‘onccrto in 11 tumor hy l)yot'a1\. yy ith soloist .»\lcxantlcr Baillic.

0 East Kilbride Music Club \tllagc 1hcatrc.1fasl Kilhritlc. Boxollicc liast Kill‘t'itlc JSNN, 5.45pm. £3.5ll (L3) .‘ylartin Burrcll lclarinct 1 anti (iary Mcrccr t piano) ntaltc tip not surprisingly t'cally thc But'rcll .‘ylcrcct‘ 1)uo yy ho prcscnt a colourlul anti ttnaginatiy c programntc ol

ptotntscs a gcntlc lirst hall

music l'or clarinct and piano.


0 Wind and Percussion demonstration Springyycll 1 lousc ( ‘cntt‘c. :\rt1tnillan 'lct‘racc. (iorgic.

11am 12noon.17rcc. Musicians thtlil thc Yonatlah ( ‘otnpany gty'c a tlcntonstration ol yytntl anti pcrcussion instrumcnts. particularly suitahlc tor thc llLr 1h agc group.

W Glasgow

0 The Rise and Fall otthe City of Mahagonny'i‘licatic Royal. 1 lopc Strcct.1%oxolticc331 1234. 5.15pm. [ixtt‘a tlatc: Sat 3‘) i 3. 15pm).

£3.51) {15.511Sc‘c‘ltlcstltty:5Ltiitl pancl lor lull tlc‘sct'ipliott.

0 Celtic Harp and Song Kristen Nogues(Brittany) and Sileas (Scotland) 'I'hit'tl liyc ( ‘cntrc. Sauchichall Stt‘cct. 3.13 5521. 7.3(lpnt. £3 (£1511). Authcniic lircton harp play ctl hy a young ltcrl'ot'mcr yyho giycs a ‘startling cxhihition ol stylc yyhich oyycs as much to 1)chussy anti Ray'cl anti othcr classical contctnporary cotnposcrs as to hcr natty c hct'itagc'. Scottish (‘lat‘sach tluo l’atsy Sctitlon and Mary Macntastcr play a y arictl rangc ol music. (Scc also \Vctl 3o Iitlinhurgh and Folk scclion ).

FRIDAY 28 FRIDAY 4 Edinburgh

0 Edinburgh Harp Festival ’l‘cy'itit Rtm l'nion. Bristo Stiuarc. Box ollicc 22S 1155 l l 'shcr 1 lall l. Variotts tlay tintc antl cycning cycnts. Scc l’ollt listings for lull tlctails.

FRIDAY 28 Edinburgh

0 Edinburgh Harp Festival Dchating 1 Hall. 'l‘cyiot Royy l 'nion. 'l'cyiot

Royy. Bristo Squarc. Box ollicc SIS 1155ll'shcr11alll. 7.311ptn.

{3.511 £3. .-\ sclcction otat‘tists inclutling Kt'istctt \ogucs. ottc ol' Brittanys top harpists. and thc tltto ol‘Ktttic l lat'rigan antl Hamish Mot‘rc arc in this onc concct'i. hut thc star turn tnust sut'cly hc Wat—Man lain lt‘otn ('hina. noyy hasctl in l)untlcc. who is thc only playct' ol thc ('hincsc classical tnstt‘utncnt callctl thc chain. in Scotlantl, It‘s a sort ol' pluckctl string instrutncnt. hut to lintl out yyhat it sountls lll'\C. you'll hay'c to go along. (Scc l‘ollt listing).

0 St Matthew Passion St Mary \ (‘athctlt'aL l’altncrston l’lacc. Box UlllL‘CLllthtttr.235l12().l“$511111. {5.511 l L: ). .>\ ( iootl l’il'ltliih pcrt'ortnancc ol liach's Si \latthcyy l’assion. contluctctl hy l)cnnis ilioyynhill

. BDAY 29 .


0 The Rise and Fall of the City 01 Mahagonny 'l‘hcatrc Royal. 1 lopc Stt‘cct.11oxollicc551 12.1».3,15pttt. {2.511 £15,511.SL‘L‘yl‘llL‘Sklith:51111t1 pancl l’ot' lull tlcscription.

0 Holy Week Concert t ilith’tHV ('athctlt‘al. 11oxollicc5535‘1o1 ('l’icltctocntrcl. Sptn. t.‘~l£1,.'lll. 'l'hc sccontl ol ('appclla \oy a's conccrts lot 1 loly \Vcclt in :hc ntagnil‘iccnt sut't‘ountlingsol (iliisgttw ( atltctlt‘al. .lohn Statnct's ot‘atoriolhc(irucilixion. popular sincc its l'irst pcrlortnancc ncarly lllll y'cars ago. is thc tnain choral yyot'lt on this liastcr cy'c. ( )rganist .loscpli (‘ullcnc lortnct‘ly ol 'l'rinity (‘ollcgtz (‘atnhritlgc and St .-\ntlt'cyy ‘s (athctlral. (ilasgoyy . yyill accotnpany thc pcrlortnancc as \Vcll as giy‘ittg a short rccital ol organ music hy Bach and .‘ylcntlclssohn prior to thc conccrt at amillptn. iScc photo).


0 Children‘s Concert Rttyal Must-um o1Scotlantl.(‘hatnhcrs Stt'cct.11o\ ollicc. at tltttit‘ lit'si ctttitc. llt'st sc‘i‘VL‘tl. llttltl. l‘t'c‘t‘. liltc last oltltc Scottish ( ‘hatnltcr ( h‘chutras concct‘tsspccially lorchiltlrcn

tny iting you to hloyy your own ka/oo. thc instt'untcnl in tptcstion hctng thottghtlttlly proyitlctl.

0 Edinburgh Society of Musicians 3 Bcllortl Roatl. 'l'icltcts at tloor. Spin. l‘it‘cc. It‘s an inlot‘ntal cycning tonight and anyonc yy anting to pcrlortn may do so in an impromptu

0 Edinburgh Harp Festival l)chating llilll.iliL‘\'1tltRU\\1.111(111.lk'\1t11 Royy. Bristo Stptarc. Box ollicc 33S 1155ll'shct‘11all).“fillptn. H.511 (LC) (it'ainnc \cals lt‘ont 1t'clantl plays Irish music on Irish harp and Ahct‘iahcr iron: \Valcs. a trio yy ho can pt'cscnt y'arious L‘Hiitl‘llltilltttlsHl harp. hagpipcs. y iolin. ct'yy‘th antl hurtly-gurtly play \Vclsh tn'tstct along yyith that ol othcr ( 'citic countrics, (Scc 1’ollt listings 1.

o StAndrew Amateur Orchestral Society RL‘1L1(5UHCC1’1 1 la”. lcy lUl Rt)“. Bristo Stltlttl‘c. littX’ ollicc at tltltlf._t'..“ll[1111.t:lLll..\plL‘Li\;iHl sclcction ol' tnusic lot a spring cyctting. 'l‘clctnttnn‘s \'io1a( ~oncctto

. in ( i (soloist l’aulinc \Vhttlcy'l. thc

The List 21 Mar— 3 Apr 15