hix Iitlinhurgh-haxetl partner. Allan ('amphell. takex the uppuxite line:

‘( iraham ix alter eummereial xuuntlx uxuall_\ . hut I tend tuwartlx the mure perVerxe. lhe hantlx I luuk intu are a relleetiun ul nu taxtex iti muxie. And it I wanted tu make an} mune_\ un them. I wuultl he hetter putting it in a huiltlmg xueiet_\.‘

('amphell'x imulxement in muxie hegan in the late xe\ L'IIIIL'x when. xtill an Iinglixh teaeher. he hegan prumuting xume ut the mute ratlieal elementqu the then hurgeuning punk xeene: .lu} l)l\l\1ttll. I he ( ‘ure. Iiehu and the Bunny men. .-\ ( ~ertain Ratiu he t'eelxa lew ull. \uw xueeexxlul in luxuther enterprixex. he uxex Supreme lnternatiunal ax a w a} tu plug tutla_\ ‘x ‘uittie muxie. 'l eannut aetua|l_\ pla_\ .m_\thing. xul puxh l'rum hehmtl. I want tu luuk haek with prule w hen a hantl getx nutieetl. antl leel I wax rexpunxihle lur hringing them intu the puhlie L'_\L‘.i

.-\ll thix philanthrurw euxtx (‘amphell eunxitlerahle nerxuux energy and time. I he Sei'eaming Nuhutliex ha\ e their lirxt reeurtl. Burger King. a hlunt antl i‘uwtlt appraixal ul iunk luutliex. uut thix munth. .-\eeurtlmg tu t aniphell. the Sereaming \uhutliex are \ eijx euntent tu remain unknuw n: ‘It ix almuxt impuxxihle tu get them tu tlu anything tugether hall the hantl mixle a \lelutlt' \laker mterx iew I arrangetl tur them. and II the_\' l'eel unhapr at a euneert the_\ w ill happin wantlerull the xtage. llut I xtill enitwetl making the xingle.‘

l‘ii\ e tearx agu. during the I’uxteartl‘x liextla} . the limitatiunx ul the intlie lahel were uhxeuretl in uptimixm. 'l'utlax there ix a mure hartl-heatletl appruaeh tu thix metlium: ‘I tlu nut want tu get xtuek in xume intliex ghettu. heeauxe I am alxu luuking lur a eummereial hand. I tlun‘t hax e a lurmula. nur ix there any kind ul eurpurate image. But I tlu want Supreme tu he a euntinuuux thing.‘ Supreme'x nex‘t releaxe. .x'ehetluletl lur Mareh xhuultl gu xume way tu enxure thexe itleax heeume reality . (amphell ix planning a .luxel K eumpilatiun alhum. a paekage almuxt guaranteetl tu xell well.

IiVen in the wurltl ul intlepentlent reeurtl lahelx. a wurltl nut nutetl lur itx laek‘ ul euluur antl eharaeterx. une wuultl he w hth unpreparetl lur the man hehintl Seutlantl‘x un|_\' hlaek muxie lahel. Alan ( )mukuihe talkx lllx'L‘ llix lllL‘ tlt‘peiltle‘tl tlII ill '\\'L‘ tlream ul heing rieh w e ha\ e gut tu Cttttte gtmtl. littt telling _\Ut1. 'ettx we have ex er_\ thing xew n up in thix venture. Apart lrum the wealth ut talent un uur huukx. we haVe nuthing. .-\ntl it the ru_\ alts eheqtiex tlun‘t eume thruugh. w e gu hungr_\ until they tlul' ( )mukuihe ix talking l'rum hix ul'l'iee. twu run-tluw n ruumx ul’l' litlinhurgh‘x l’rineex Street with mure tapex'. reeurtlx antl nu tluuht exxentiall} impurtant hitx ul paper .xeatteretl lrum eurner tu eurne r than yuu euultl lintl at li.\ll‘x l IL‘Ltthtlttt'lerx. \Vhieh ix jtlxl ax well. heeauxe pennilexx thuugh he ix. ()muk'ujhe hax xume prett_\ grantl itleax lur the luture: ‘( )ur amhitiunx are huge we want tu expantl xu we ean releaxe ant lurm ut muxie. nut


iuxt hlaek muxie. 'l‘here ix a trementluux amuunt ut' muxie uut there. and I want it tu he heartl. I‘xentuallt we want tu huiltl uuruwn prexxingplant. xtutliuxantl tlixtrihutiun netwurk.‘ lluaxtlul xineeritt like thix ix rare in an} huxinexx. In muxie. une eannut help leeling ( )mukuihe ix kitltling. llut ()tttukullie antl the li\ e utherx appear tu mean it. llix linaneial tlireetur. l‘iuna Shephertl. gax e up heing a nurxe tu wurk lull~time lur' \qu e. antl alter enitw ing the lirxt lew munthx ‘it wax lun antl gamex‘. the} are heeuming mure prulexxiunal, ( )ne reeent pulie} ehange hax heen tu eeaxe prexxmg llin eupiex ul reeurtlx. antl euneentrate unl I’x antl xinglex.

()mukuihe (33 l xtartetl tip \Itw e in ()e‘ltil‘ei l‘lhl alter an earlier attempt in I‘M? tailetl. l'hen he releaxetl a muxieal utltlit_\ ealletl (Iii/text lx’it/i a xung xu tlreatllul. ()mukuihe reluxex tu talk ahutit it:

l hat xung wax aw ltll. I)un't axk me ahuut it.' he mutterx tlarklt. \uw he euneentratexun untlixemeretl .»\meriean xuul. reggae and lzurupean ia//. .-\lter lh releaxex. he planx a prutligiuux three reeurtlx eaeh munth. taking lllll athantage ul hix knuw letlge ut hlaek muxie tu unearth lureign artixtx whu want their xungx heartl in the l'lx'. I'ehruart xeex a .limm_\ Seutt xingle. Mme intu Suul Part 4. and an alhum ul ;\lriean muxie lrum a Swetlixh hantl. \'ariet_\. uhxeurity. hut with a eummereial xuuntl: '.limm_\ Seutt ix an intli\ itlual with immenxe talent. hut w hu hax ne\ er hatl the hreakx like muxt peupleuiiuurhuukx'

( )niukuihe'x puxiti\ e attiiutle hitlex une prex ieux hruxh with xueeexx that lelt a naxt_\' taxte in hix muuth: ‘l'itrriiiig l’uint h_\ ()li\ er ( 'heatham. xultl at leaxt .‘lllltleupiex. hut he nearl_\ eauxetl ttx tu lultl. One minute he wax Hit \luVe Reet'it'tlx. [lie next he w ax un anuther lahel. \‘x'e tlitl nut knuw what wax guingun ('heatham thuught he wax un xuiiie maiui lahel. hut we are nut. We are an intlepentlent hlaek lahel trying tu prumute guutl xuul muxie,‘ l'he enthuxiaxm e\'utling lrum the ulliee lulluwx _\uu intu the xtreet. with ()niukuiliexwurtlx ringinghehmtl: "Yeah we all wurk tugether. antl exeryme hax a xa_\. Whether the_\ get lixtettetl tu ut' nut. ul eutit‘xe. ix anuther matterl‘ lt wuultl he hartl tu imagine antune elxe heing heartl at all.

It ix alxu hartl tu imagine that xu mueh guutl muxie ix ahuut tu he unleaxhetl un the text ul Britain. Shuultl they he w arnetl‘.’ Ruth the natiunal and independent ehartx will he xuhieetetl tu a harrage ul muxie that rangex lrum I’reeiuux‘x xweet xuul muxietu Supreme'x tungue—in—eheek I'tielx' tit \IiHe'x hartl-etlgetl hlaek rh_\ thmx. \Vith xueh a tli\‘erxit_\ ul lahelx. it alxu pruxitlex new hantlx with a ehanee tu get xumethinguut un reeurtl. It euultl iuxt xtart the hall rulling again.

Virgin. l.ixten liar. l'he ( )ther Reeurtl Shup. antl mam ul the xmaller reeurtl xhupx all xtuek at leaxt xume ul the ahux e mentiunetl reeurtlx il xuu want tu gix e tuur earx a treat. 'I’r'V it.

Top: Multiple images otAllan Campbell whose Edinburgh based Supreme lnternationalare shortlytoreleasea compilation albumlromthoselaves oithe raincoat brigade Josef K. Middleman 0moko guiding lightotScotland's onlyblack recordlabel Move in his ottice oft Edinburgh's Princes Street. Bottom: The Precious Organisation whose signings include Kick Reaction and the popularWet WetWet. From lento right: Andrea Miller (Press and Publicity).Jim Mitchell (Accountant). Ken Donald (Illustrator) and ElliotDavis(Head otCompanyl. Right: Graham Wilsonthe Opeldrivingboss ol Glasgow's Stampede and organiserotthe SubClub.

