0 Ella aims to provide into. about events In and around Edlnburgh and Glasgow lor children and young people. Please send details not later than 10 days belore publlcatlon.


.stteet. liittleelnn.551711‘l'1nlnitt eentieglnninis 511p. ‘tnnthtl ltie-slits'Spnngle(‘hiltlren‘s

( llttl‘sfillllllill5‘l“l'l‘\‘5 ITSL'JISI.

t iteisskillsirnrntint—esellngtn itiegltng ‘i niith lhe.itreT..Illpm 1.1—1S\tunsi.Siittirtliisst‘hiltlren‘s lli lllltt .intl .-\i‘ts A; ( ~i';ilts ll'nn nnnntn 1»1j\e.'irsl.l);inee

I)tllli_ t\

(Lip lll"ili.'lll.tll\e‘ttl111111 (5

t tl'~

ScottisnBalletSiepsDutis l;llllll_!lll \‘sitli the ( entie lt‘l 11‘.e\\et‘1\s 'lhe). \s 111 he uni king is tlh the eiretis grntip inn \1. etlnestlnss l starting 1‘1 l-eh. .llllI ‘-\1'Il ih; \ ntitlt l he;itre. l‘his

\s 111 leml in .1 er imhinetl prntltietinn tn I‘e pet lt ii inetl l I;intl l5 \l;:reh ;it the llnlpliin .\i ist Cllllt'. llie iheine is lletnest l‘llltlel eentre lnr lnrther tIt‘lAll‘x.

6' GLASGOW ARTS CENTRE \\.isln;i::tnnStreet.-71115311,

\lnn S.it‘l.,‘\ll;iii‘i 5pint\

1:511 l‘lpni. l‘lltlllll'IL'S .‘slnn lit “in: l _“Illllll. ('hiltlt'en‘sterm nieinheiship 1-3


l'titlns 1.15 11131111111.\‘tht'tIVK'llltI (iinnp. Stittiitliiss‘l,_‘~ll 1..‘~llpin. l'he eliiltli'ens intisie pt'nteel lllL'l‘JtlL‘S the lnllnssllltt gi‘ntipsL,ltinini'()rehestr;i. lIinss l’nsemhle. \‘s'nntlssintl ( irntip. Itinini tintl Senior Stringtirntipsnntl Reenitler ( itnttps


IIIIL‘StIth\\41..5II lupin. ;\ntlerstnn \snt‘kslinplnt‘ T, ‘sll llu‘sllpm.

(‘liilfiren‘s Ihentre ehiltlt'en lritl.i_\s \niith lhentie tip tn In _\e‘;ll'sl. Saturday Club

ll‘;iin 13.311pm .\it el;isses lnr eliilnren inelntle ;irt. tlrnniti.

\seh ing, piippets. mntlel making ;itttlet.ills.

0 GROSVENOR CINEMA .>\shtnn l.;lllL'.



(Killeslsitlst‘liih131174.311pm,511p, (inmes. ezirtnnns. :.illles. pi l/es ;int1

;it1\‘entttre serial, (1 l»l_\e;irsl.

0 HAGG‘S CASTLE inn St .'\iltll‘e‘\\’s l)ri\e. l’nllnkshieltls. 42“ T15, l'he lllL‘tIlL‘Mll L‘itSIlL‘ itteltitles tin lSth eentiirs' enttgtge in the grnnntls. l'ree \snrkshnps tintl iietis ities lnr ehiltlren Lire held here (nr ntitsitle. weather permitting) es'ei'}. S;ittirtl;i_\ iilternnnn L11 2. 15pm. \n hnnking. Sat 22 Feb: Storytime/Drawing 1-1—11 _\‘e;irsl 1 nts nlgrnphie senpe illtistrtiting ;i stnr_\' \\ hieh has heen TL‘LtLILlltllltl.

Salt Mar: Dressing up and Dancing is years) ('rinkle the erinnline. Snme lili/iihethiin-sts1e tliineing ilressetl in tlntihlet Lllltl linse nr lnrthingiile illltl l'tllls.

0 INSECT ZOO l)nlphin .'\I'ls ( ‘entre. Tlttllle‘S Street 554 MM». \lnn l'ri IIILllll «1pm ( times iire llexihlel telephnne lirst. ('nnttiet (inrtlnn lrs'ine. 'l'he Unttll—ltll hs the /nn-ltill. O LlLLlE ART GALLERY St;it1nn RULILI. \lilngns'ie.‘15113351..-\rt;int1er;ilt L‘lilSSL‘S Silllll'tlilySII. 15 1111111 ;intl 1115 1pm. T 1-1 _\'etirs LS lni' 111 weeks. \n pnhlie Lll'e' ;ihntit nn Saturday mni nings tn tlistraet the art—happy ll'tllll painting and tlr;i\s ing :is they \\ ish in the gallery

0 Thumbs uplorGeologv

\xiiteh niii lnr me- nptinnstie thnnsntir sign ill flle x\ll (i;illei_\ illltl \ltisetini.

1\el\ingin\e.intl the lltintermn


Exhibitions 0 11111 S1 .-\Iltll’e\\s

l)ri\'e. l)lllltll\SlllL‘lt1S.AZTJTJS. Mnn Szit lllzim 5pm.StinZ 5pm.

In Search otKingArthurt'nnl 37s leh. lle tlnesn‘t enme 11 Int trnm ( ~:imelnt Lllltl this is the lLlSl elmnee tn enteh the eltisis'e hern hel'nre he slips haek intn legentl.

Mary Queen otScots .\ semi-permunent exhihitinn tlesignetl primitrils lnr ehiltlren \sithxt ell thntight ntit ;ieti\‘ities lnr them ittsaniItg them in the times.

0 POLLOK HOUSE :llhll l)tllllll\\llil\\\ l{tt;tt1.(132112T4.

All the Tea in China I hill 1 .-\prll lIgigs nl'histnrs‘,’

1 Theatre

0THIRD EYE CENTRE3511Sutiehiehiill Street. 35‘: 575:1. IIUX nll‘iee ltle‘ Stll Illilllli 5,311pm. Sun 1 5pm ('l‘iekets LtlStl l'rnm hnnkshnp nn perles gs). IDI 11".]

Cooking with Tony and Derek Sill 1 Mar. 11;itn;int13.311pm. L1(.-\tltilt {1.511).1hntir.\ntsnmtiehenrtlnn hleti. mnre like ezitight—nn—the—hnp \s hen this pnptilar enmetls team stir things in the kitehen. :\ Iillllll_\' shms‘. O TRON 3S l’;irnie Street. 553 «Iltifi S. annllieel'tie S;it_\'nnn ltlpm. IILii‘tsitlt lnntl.

The Overcoat 1S :3 l-eh. Spin Lllltl matinee Sat 22 l’eh 5pm. H.511 inemhers.1-5511nnn—memhets.

l niiertlressetl in the enltl, .-\k;ik_\ Akitkies ieh hti_\s tin nserennt. htit is nserenst \s hen Ills snltittnn is tintlerminetl. l’erlnrmetl h_\ 31 _\'ntingsters l'rnm the 1:;ist 15ml nl (iltisgnss.

EDINBURGH Activities & Fun

0 CHILDREN'S CREATIVE DANCE CLASSES lllL‘ilITL‘ Sehnnl nl l);inee illlLl l)r;im;i. lllti St Stephen Street. 5:: INS \‘s'etls. (1—S_\e;irs 4 5pm.

1) 13_\'L‘;1TSS-Itplll. littight h_\ lnriner Bullet anhert snlnist. \liirilsn Williams. 13 per el;i,ss. L 1 .511 lnr 3 nr

01986 EDINBURGH FESTIVAL FRINGE SCHOOLS POSTER COMPETITION l ilSI ehitnee tn tlr;i\s' tip the Design nl the l’nsternl the l‘ringe. lhe enmpetitinn is npen tn ;ill iit seltnnl in Sentltintl tip tn the Lige nl 1S ('lnstng kltIIL‘ ZS l’eh l‘lSn l‘tirther tleltiils lrnm the l-ringe ( )ll’iee. ISO 1 liin Street. liklllll‘tll'glll 1‘51 11 10S. 31h 535‘).

0 NATIONAL PORTRAIT GALLERY Queen Street. 55hS‘131 .‘\lnn SLit Illillll 5pm. Sun 2—5pm.

Figures of Fashion l'lrnin l lL‘LttlllllL‘S tn 15nntttntes is the idea ml the ll'ee gtiitles illltl aetisits' pLieks \\ hieh \\ 111 he ;i\';iil;rhle tn ;in_\ sniing \ isitnr tn the gallery lrnm 3 .‘\l:ireh. \s hieh gis'e Ints nlitlezis lnr things tn tln tllIkI see in the gallery

The Mad Hatter‘s Competition l'nn les tn this ezin he ;is etirintis ttS _\tlll \s'ish. l’ntir liishinniihle pt-nple l'rnm Sentttsh histnr} \s hn \\ ere ;it the \liitl lliitter‘s l‘eii pnrtj. Ielt their hits heliintl (\s hilst the tlnrinntise slept ). l'he peane e;in Llll he lntintl in piettires in the l’ni‘triiit ( killers and the} \sntiltl like :t [test llill tlesignetl lilSllltHlL‘tl tn stilt their elnthes iintl persnniilits'. lllel'e are n\ er tlllll \tnrth nl pri/es tn he \snn. tn he pt‘esentetl in The Mad Hatters Tea Party llllll'S 3T .\l;ireh. 2..‘~llpiii in the l’nrtrnit ( i;illei‘_\fi \\ here entries \s‘ill gn nn tlispltis' until the entl nl April. 'l'here will he three age grnnps: I'ntlerS. S 11 ~\etirs. I: 15 seats. ('lnsirtg tlzite 33 .\l;ireh. ( 'nntiiet lhe

Tony and Derek ham it up at the Third Eye Centre

litltieatinn Department. Natinniil (lLtIIL‘TlCS nl' Sentlitntl. 'l'he \lntmtl. 55h 8921 lnr ltirther details.

Ililt'lllA/t' twinkle lit/[e Hit/{er I ir/it'rv Ira/is /It"t//ll't'/t'l‘ xrinit’t/ii'rie'l/iilri'r.

('1) 11ml (‘rlllllilt’ :lesie/ie/s m

.1 (levels It.“ {his \Ji ft

O ROYAL LYCEUM THEATRE WORKSHOPS .Inhn \ltittliests t h.ill nl the "l'nn_\‘ Lllltl Derek L't‘llle‘th tltinl. lzin \‘s'nnltlritlge :intl ( ‘nlin \liieNeil l'rnm the l._\eetim \\ ill he inking thentre \snrkshnp el;isses \shieh hen e inst re—st;ii'tetl nn Stit ;iltei nnnns lltls term runs until I]. \liireh (llltl elzisses Ltl'L‘ npen tn nitsnne in lllll time e‘tltle‘dllttll helween :lg’L‘S ill

12 1S It is part nl the l "pstnge thentre sehente nllei‘etl lire: nl ehiirge ilSPLITI01lllIL‘l‘lldllUtlLll YntlthYetirlnrthe1‘1S5nsensnn. N13 l'lle‘e‘l‘tlSSL‘S1111\1el'ltt\klll I‘L‘ llL'ltl L11 lllL‘ l\'1llL“S lllLHlll'e. l e\eltSll'ee1. l’nr ltirther tIL‘l..llS ring lune ()gtlen—Smith. 13111114.

0 ROYAL MUSEUM OF SCOTLAND (‘hiimhers Street. 235 “534.

.\lnn Szit Illnmv5pm. Sun: 5pm. Ynting \ltisetimnigiinises lntsnl pnptilairtintlereiitis'e \tnrkshnps lnr ehiltlrennn Saturtkns. ltnnking stzirtsnn Siit 1 Mitreh lnr Strictlylor the Birds! Create some feathered triends the next Sgit unrkshnp nn 15 Mnreh. lnr S 14}e;irs_\Vni‘kshnps ;ire lree. htit :itlttlts mnst sign it hnnking lnrni. Bniik .it the lnlnrmtitinn Desk in the Main ll;ill Sat22 Feb: Stars and Space '1 he seenntl ehiltlren‘s ei ineert is iiginn taken h_\ l);i\ 1L1 ltetllnrtl ts hn enmpnsetl and art ;in_geil the innsie lnr the lilnts 'l‘he Killing I'ilL‘ltlS nntl ltllllltlSl hegtin ) x\l‘stlllllL‘ l’ieginners (npening in Sentliintl nn 11 \pril 1. l’he Senttish ( 'ligimher ( lrehestrgi pertnrm. hnt ehiltlren eiin inin in and there \s ill he Ll eninpetltintt thirng the enneert tn lnetis the intisienl mintlISnngsh}l);i\itll$et17nrtl ineltitle ~'l'he lentneles nl the Dark Nehnlu‘. the pneni ht Arthur 1 MN) (’ltit'ke SCI 111 ITIUSIL‘. lllle' entteet'ts itl‘e spnnsnretl hs l'he Senttish l’nstul Btlitltl.

0 SALISBURY CENTRE L Siilishnrx anl. nhT 5-1.1.S' 5 Drama Class \Vetlnestliits 4.311515me 13 _\e;irs t upprns' l. {1‘25 lnr 5 \seeks. LI: 511 lnr 111 weeks.

0 SPRING FLlNG: Painting Competition .‘\ pieee nl the tietinn tl\ tiilnhle tn es‘erynne isthe painting