tirtliilllfllltl a enaeli tn l.tilltltill so that penple ean ltilili} tlieir Ml’s almnt the Animal Seientit'ie l’rtieetltires Bill. a Bill lltal. aeenrtlin}; tn the .-\\'S. pruteets [liti\L‘ \k liti alitise animals in lalitiraturies. lint tltiL'\ nut prnteet tlie alitisetl :illlllltll\. l'.\lllil.'llt'tl emt iii the trip will lie Lil anti tlie enaeli \N'ill lie leax in; (il{l\}lil\\ at l1pmttitraxeltltmntn l.(illtliill m erniulit. l-tir ltirtlier

inlti lititikings enntaet the Senttisli .'\nti-\'i\'i\eetinn Stieiety 331 Shah.

THURSDAY 27 Glasgow

0 The Socialist alternative to Kinnock \lileliell llieatre. \ltiii llall. 53lliini, ;\ Siieiiilist \Vtirlxers l’art_\ iilll‘llk‘ meeting. with l’atil rm: til the Hail} \lirrtir. anti litin} ('lill (ll tlte S\\'l’(‘entral ( 'iininiittee.


- Dunoon and Holy Loch 25th Anniversary l >an iii lealleiiill}; tirganisetl li_\ l)lllliitill( NI). l‘rains men It i lllil‘A lrtini ( ilasgtm tn (intirtielx. (iei the l l.il5 letri li'tilli (itiiiriielx tn Dinintin \\ liei‘e Dirnmin ('Nl) will lie meeting \tiltinteers at 11.35am.

TUESDAY4 Glasgow

0 Militant— Reds or red herrings? Mel ellan ( ialleries. Satieliieliall Street. Spin. l'ree. .\ [itll‘llt‘ meeting tii'ganisetl lit the Sneialist l’art_\' til (it‘eat liritain.


0 Hope learnt in Central America the .‘xltiininusitle l’eaee ( irtittp. 'l’lte ()pen l)tmr. ilil \ltirningsitle Rnatl. lilfiil ll illpin l’ree. .-\ talk by Paul Baker. i‘eeentli rettirnetl thilil the Central .-\ineriean l’eaee Mareli.


0 Alternative Deience: Non-Nuclear options and arms conversion the (‘enire itir l ltinian lietiltigy. l5 Bilc‘t‘lc‘tle‘lt l’laee. awiilplli. l'il'c‘e‘. x\ lallx its” Dun}; Roget‘s til SANA.


FRIDAY 7 Glasgow

0 St0p the Strip Searches in Armagh International Delegation ( ilzlsgtiw \Vtiinen in lrelantl ( irtiiip are part til the lnternatitinal Delegation guing tn Arniagli lnr " ii \lareli. events will ineltitle a pit‘ket tiill\ltlL‘ the jail tin Stintla_\ alternmin. 'l'liere may still he plaees lett ring the \Vtinien‘x (‘entre 333 23M. 'l‘lie emt will lie £45.



0 Jumble Sale ior CND ( ‘larltsitm

l lall. (ilasgtm . 2-4pm. .-\n_\' kintl til jumble wanted. Fillg Martin Baillie 63835.9“.


0 Sport is listed as diary: by sport, then by day, then by event. This is a tree listings service. Please send all details not laterthan 10 days belore pubUcann.


o WestoiScotland Archery Championships l3l\ltttpl'l};g\Splil‘h (entre. 14“ lialnttiiltli Rtiatl. L)atn (rpm.

ADMINTON _ -- Saturdayt/Sunday2

0 Scottish National Junior Under 14 and Under18 Championships Meatltmliank. l'tlinlitirgli. .’\Llllll Ll ('liiltl Slip, Sat ‘l..‘~llarii Spn. Sun Sc‘llii-llilllk lilain antl l5inals at :i‘lll.



0 Murray lM v Perth Nteatitm hank “.leiiin. l)l\' 1 (Men).

Saturday 22

o Birds&BeestalkirkSiii-ling l'nii'ersit} fiiilil. l)i\ li.‘\leni

o Edzell v Bruins R.-\l- liti/eli 3pm. l)i\ 2i.\ieni.


0 Seahawks v Buster Browns .'\ltlll;lLlLilll Spin. l)i\ ll.\leni.

0 Norton House Hotel v Birds & Bees l.;l\\\\;ltle‘ 3pm. l)l\' l (\lc‘tl l.

0 Falkirk V Murray lM ( hasten :\rena 3pm. l)i\ liMen).

0 Perth v Paisley Bells Swirls ( ‘entre .‘ipin. l)i\ li.\leni.

0 Duniermline V Dundee l)tinlei‘niline l l8 Spin. l)i\ Z i .\leni.

o Cumnockv lnverclyde ( minim-ix .-\e;itl 3pm. liix I t \len i.

o Gearv Maclin Electric .’\lt_‘\'illitll'.’l l’ark Sl’ 3pm. l)i\ Z t \leni.

0 EKiibridevMagnuminlm Wright M 3pm. l)i\ ZtNlen ).

o Cavalry ParkvAltered Images l luli Rtmtl l l5 1.15pm. l)i\' l \Vtiinen.

- Royal Deeside v BoroughmuirAces

In Heather Wallace. Scotland have an excellent chance oi producing a native champion in the Fortronic Scottish Dpenthis month. That isthe view olVic Spence, Directoroi international Squash Management. He ieels that Heather from Aberdeen looks good to go allthe way inthetournamentand becometheiirstScottish Champion since 1971. Heather meets the English girl. Pauline Nicholl intheiirst round. Hermain competition looks like coming from numbertwo seed. Rae Anderson and the highly talented Carol Kennewell oi Australia. who was one oi the surprises oilastyear‘s championship. Uniortunately. the quality oi competition is not so high as in recentyearsduetothetiming oithe Spanish Open. but this will not stop it being a very competitive event. in the mens section, England‘s Ashley Nayior, the number one seed is everyone‘s iavouriteto win although

Spence says that a player to be looked out ior is Grant Miller. England‘s up and coming star who seems set to “go places'. Scotland‘s World Team will all be playing. including ourtop player. Mark Maclean who. according to Spence. is ‘playing out of his skin‘ at the moment and should certainly have the crowd on his side. after beating Jonah Barrington recently. The Fortronic Scottish Open will be held at Edinburgh Sports Club. 7 Bellord Place between 28 February and 2 March with the finals being held in the Dyce Skean Dhu. Aberdeen. on Monday3 March. Theiirstmatches will be at6.45pm on Friday 28 February and successive rounds beginning 11am on Saturday 1 March and 4.30pm on Sunday 2 March. Tickets available from SSRA. 18 Ainslie Place, Edinburgh EH3 6AU. Bookable in advance—Main Courts (Numbers limited).


lorry {\CRILl .iptn. l)l\ l\\ eineii. o All Biacksv Dundee lint-castle l is 3.15pm. l)i\ l\\'tinien.


0 Birds & Bees v Buster Browns Stirlingl'nnersitx “pin l)~\ l (\ieni

o lnverclyde vTeam Legends (ireeniiek M i n. illpin. l)i\ o BruinstearMiamier \( l)l\ :lxlc‘ll l.


0Seahawkstaisley.\i-tinati.in: Spin. l)l\ ll.\leni

o Penthalkirkltellxst"Rpm lm l (\le‘lil.

o EKilbridevCumnockluim\\train Si flipin, DH 3 i \leni

o Maclin ElecvMagnumiiti l\'.inv- SC}. lSiini. l )l\ f l .‘xlen i oAlIBlackvaurraylM l\iie‘e.t\llt‘ llS.‘. lfiiini. l)l\ l \\tillit'll

o Paisleyv Cavalry Park limit-ail st“ 3.45pm, [in l \Viinien

Friday 28


0 Scotland v Wales Under 15 Girls international Hells \i‘i ii is( 'enlre. l’ertli. “tint.

.-\tlti|t Ll ('liilt: Stir»

Monday 25

0 Steve Boyle v Mikey Baker llillllll.lliil lwi l‘illllxli lizrlittmiuli' t1tle..\lli.inj. lltilel. l‘iitill‘ii'llVit' " (ilasijmx. \leni'wiswt ‘w' \liill -\\' \n'mi‘t interestetl in litllllll‘,‘ Iliet ll'l illi‘ iilitinetlieSecretaivilll "


Edinburgh 0 Tuesdays. Thursdays and Saturdays 7.30pm. l’iixxtletliall \lLItlllllll.

lieaxerltall Rnatl. ti jll\lilllll. ii. in

(irtinntl. ine pinui .ininie.


0 Tuesdays. Thursdays 7.45pm Saturdays 7.30pm. \iiaxtiie'tl Statlnini. lx’titlieielen. l-l \ll. int Pl'iiL'l‘LliillllL'.


Saturday 2


l’RliNlll l{l)l\’l.\lii\( oCelticheartsi elit :. l‘iil'llL';il'l\.llll\l~llit‘l‘lfit'lt‘ l‘tliex lie.it('eltiellie‘.\tilltalea itiz'e\'ei~

lii\\.ill'tl\lllt‘(ili.llllill\ill\llll‘ill.g lllxl ('ellielan’xinas \xellwiiitlerii iliu l'ltllliill;ill\\;l\\;iel~.c‘tl \\ii.:t~' 'l “l;- result. a eraelxine inateli lll

o Clydebankv Motherwell l\lll‘i

o Hibernian vaerdeenl am: it» :w Minil aster Rnatl liaxiitzw happy litintinu ertiiintl lill lllt' l Min

in tliepast antl liml.‘ ill-re Ereinv w itL'Qllll. with .i \klfl ‘.il.:l ll tliei .-it-' eateli llearis. litintiee |_ llllt"it"

0 StMirrenvDundeel mt. \iii‘e? at,” l-‘lRSl l)l\ lSll ).\ OAirdrievPartickThistle liitltliillle'ltl .‘ipni.

oAlloavDumbarton l\)’e'tletillttll lurk 3pm.

0 AyrUnitedvForiarxnmt-rxu inn. .ipin.

- East File v Hamilton Accies lira. .i. \\

' 3pm,

0 Morton v Brechin Cityt itiil‘le‘lt

lliel i\i l “\l i' 35