Wed 26: Bill Douglas Trilogy1 151 T Thurs 27: Bill Douglas Trilogy1 15 1 ". Fri 28: Persona ( IS) 11 The Seventh Seal1151".

Sat 1: Persona ( IS) 11 The Seventh Seal(1512.15."

Sun 2: Pandora and the Flying Dutchman 5.45s. 15.

Mon 3:Andthe ShipSaiIs Dn(1’111 5.45.11] 15.

Tue 4:Andthe ShipSaiIs 0n 1 P111 5.45.815.

Wed 5:The Assam Garden11'13511 Nightotthe Hunter11’1‘11tk The Seventh Victim (1’1 ‘1 1 ".311.

Thurs 6: Mask1 151(1. s..‘~(1.

o FRENCH INSTITUTE 1f» Raritittiph ('resee111.225 5.11111. \11-11111er‘\ L 1'. \11111111‘111111‘1's L155.

Sa122zJean RenoirSeminarhosted by Claude Beylie. authoroi ‘Jean Renoir: le spectacle. la vie'. Registration begins at2.3o. La Vie estaNou311’1i1 5. (‘1;111111‘ 111‘_\ 111' 1.1111 4. 111. Jean Renoir ou la tendresse et le dechirementtx lat-(114.45. La Grande lllusion11’1i15. 15. Jean Renoirdu ‘Carosse d‘or‘ au ‘PetitThéatre de Jean Renoir' ( 1 1111-111“. 111. La Direction d‘acteurselonJean Renoirtk 1‘11111‘111\1111111_\ (1ati11e11131117511. Breaks 1111‘1111341111111 the 11111" 11 i111 L'HIIL‘L‘.S1111111‘11111S111111\ttlILIWiL‘IIeS axailahle. 1111111sz1menthers. L175 [1(1II-IIIelItI)er\.

Thurs 26: Le Grand Meaulnes 4.311 ("5 11,

3311: La BeteHumainet1’1113pm. Thurs 5: Moderato Cantabile4311

1 .5pl,

. ( 'Ierlx Street. 1111"‘ (1 11pm. I’artial \1'hee1ehair ieeew. L2.“11(1.A\I’L1.5(11'111111Ll.511

1'11411 St1i11eitt L1.5111e\‘eept1a\t [)L‘I'IUI'IIIIIIIL‘L‘ 1711 ;11111 Sat 1.

1. A Chorus Line11’1i131exeeptstm1. 5.15. S,

2. RockyIV11’1‘11 1.451exeeptS11111. (1. S511.

3. Rocky IV 1 1’( 11 1.45 (exeept Sun). (1. 5.311.

17111111251111 Death Wish 3 1 1S1 3. 15 (exeept S11111.11.511. S45. See alsti 1.;1teS seetittrl.

0 PLAYHOUSE11‘1111 “111113553 351111. [1)] L3 111411 S11111e111 (111111 L1. 1 ).>\I’ 111p.

Feb 17—21: Desperately Seeking Susan

1 1513.511. See ;11\11 1.;1te\ \e1‘ti1111.

0 ABC(1ar11\111n1111;111.T\11tire1111. (15731141.1.1.1111(1.>\1’L1.111111111 111se111111t seheine11perates.

".45. Sat .11s11:.45.

1. Spies Like Usii’1i15.45,s,45, Sat 3.311. 5311. S211. S1111 S311. 2.Teenw01111’1115411.S411.Sat2511. 5.15..S.15.S1111S.15.

3. Backtothe Future(1’1115..1(1.s._1(1. Sat 2.55. 5.511. S55. S1111 S311.

0 ABC Sauehiehali Street. 552 15113. L2..111ehi111 L1.111(1;\1’ L1.

0 CINEMA S1111111gate.1{a.\t Kilhride. 11.15 523111211. [1)]eir1e111a 1 L2 (1111111’114111).-\I’L1.

1.Spies Like Usi'1’1‘11 S145. .Teenwoltti’1111.45.4.311.s.55. .Backto the Future11’1‘11 1.45. 4.45. .111.


. National Lampoon‘s European Vacation 1 151 111111111128 Revolution ( 1’1 11 Car Trouble ( 1S) 111111‘1111111‘111e111.


0 CINEMA Stuithgate. Iiast Kilhride. 1155 525111211. [1)]eii1ema 1 L2. (111111().-\1’ 1'11411LI. 1. Spies Like USII)(11 2. Cocoon11’1i1(\'111et11 111111115113 Death Wish 31 1S). 0 CLASSIC GRAND 1S .lainaiea Street. :4S411311. L31L11. 1111111151121 The Temptress 11S) French Erotic Fantasies11s1 151‘11111151'121S Blue Confession 11111 Sizzle1 1S1 Hard Upt 1S1. (‘11111111111111s111111111_3(1;1ri111ai|1. 0 FRENCH CINE-CLUB ( )i‘eanise11 111111111111'the1'rene11Instituteiri Se1111an11an111he.‘\111ai1ee 1*raneaise 11e(11as};11\1thisrieu 1'111e—1‘11111 \ereens liirus e\er1 171111.11 night in thest1111111 11‘111e111;1111111L‘S1‘1‘tti\11 (1111111111111'11111111111111aI 11‘1‘111111111L’1'. ~4\11et(1r1;1(‘11‘S1‘eIIt 1111;111.1)11\1aithi|1.(iIasgmx (11:. 1iaeh 111111 11111 he preee11e11 11); a 11rie1 11111‘1111111‘111111anti11111111111111} a (IISL‘USSIHII 111 I‘reiieh. 111eeir1e-e11111 is (1pei1 111 e\ er_\1111e. ;I(IIIIIS\111II IS L1.5111111‘111111—1111'111111'r'sai111L1 1111' IIIeIIIIk‘I'S. Further inlnrntatittn eaii he 1111tair1e11 11'11111 IIIStittIt 17raneai\.41.11111ani1 ( iartiens. (ilasgtm ( i 12 SR/. .11" 17.111111' .-\11ianee I’raneaise. 5‘1 S11uthpar1-1 .-\\‘ei111e. (iILISLl11\\'(1I: S117. 5.111431. Fri21: L‘Apprenti Salaud 3311. Fri 28: La Femme en Bleu “.311. 0 GLASGOW FILM THEATRE 13 I{11\e Street. 55311555. (1111‘ 11ar11pe11 .111 111111spr11u'111e1 eniiieperl'. Limes 11pm. [1)]1111applieatiun1111111x (tiliee. [1'1]\11s1111111111e. .\1atiitee\. L1..S11S11111e11t11141111.I‘veniiies. L3.211St1111er1t 111411 L1.511. .v\11 per‘1\.(111111();\1’L1. Fri 21:The Little DrummerGirl115111. 8311 83122: Kagemusha11’1i12..%11The Little Drummeroirlt151115.311. Sun23: Stop Making Sense11’1‘11t1. S311. Mon 24: Looking tor MrGoodban 1S1 .1 Stop Making Sense(1’1i1(1. sum. Tue25: Stop Making Sense(1’1i1tl, H.311. Wed 26: La Belle etla Béte11’1i1.‘~..‘~11. (1.S._111, Thurs 27: Desperately Seeking Susan 115111,.S’,.111. Fri 28: Desperately Seeking Susan 1 151 (1.1% 111. Sat 1: Polanski Talk and Chinatown 11S11;\111111\\i(1nL11111.111arit Repulsion( 1S1111111CU1de SaC(1513. Desperately Seeking Susan 1 151 (1. S3111. Sun 2: Rumbletishi 1s15.3(1. s. Mon 3: The Osterman Weekend1ls1 antITheJanitor11511. Rumbleiish (1S11»..\‘._‘~(1. Tue 4: Broken Mirror81 15111.1»111. Wed 5: Mrs Sofiel11’1i1.‘~.3(1.(1. sail. Thurs 6: When Father Was Away on Business1 1s15.,1(1.s.15. 0 GERMAN CINE-CLUB Sereertine 111 \Ve1h1es11a}eveninusattheSe11111\h (1111111111111:1111eatit111aI 11111111111153. "4 \‘11‘1111‘111(’I‘eseentR11a11. 1)11\1‘ar111111.(ilasgtm(112.1‘111‘1111'1‘ detailsavailaitie 11‘11111 the (inethe—Institttt155: :555lf1‘ie11‘ets at the 111111rpr1ees 35p. German Youth Week ( see paneIl Mon 24:The End DlThe Rainbow 5.

Class Enemy 7.30.

Tue 25: Introductory Lecture by Renate Mohrmann 5. The Last Days 01 CthhDDdtx

Wed 26: Night otthe Wolves 5. 1'e\t111 Strength ".311,

Thurs 27: The Little One 5 Ask Something Easiernsu.

Fri 28 Joseph‘s Daughter5. .-\111111,\\11111 lreetnaII \'1111t11\\'ee11 IIIIIIS.

Wed 5: The Glass Cell

0 GRDSVENOR 111i‘es 11111111. 1111111ea11.3.1114311S.[1)]\\'iti1pri(1r (111111111111111113 (111111111411Stu11e11t(1.r\1’L1.211. 1.Spies Like Usii’1113.45.5.45. S45. 2.Teenwoll11’1i13.45.5.4Z5S45. I'.\'eept 111-11 311 Pirates oi Penzance (1912.311.5._<(1.s,3(1.

17111111111311 Death Wish 31 1S)

See aim1.;1tesse1‘111111.

. Rerttielti Street. .11: S3111. 11ar11pe11(teeasiunallv 1.3.351 );\1’ (11i111L1.511111411S11111ente1111es L1.511;1\;11111111ett\;111\erti\e11. 1.AChorusLine(1’1‘11 S11111345,

2. Rocky IV 1 1’( 11 1.111. .155 1 N111 S1111) 11.S.:5.

3. DeathWish311s13.15.4.15(N11t S1111111.211.S..111.

0 RID('ai1rties1an1111111. I11“;11'\111‘11. 114211113.]1)]LZ(111111 1'114111).-\1’ L1.

1. RockylV1I’1‘115.45. 1S. Sat alsu 1. 1 :11,

2. Spies Like Usti’1‘111».15.s.15_ Sat ;11\(1.1.15.

111111115113 Death Wish 31 LS1

. \111111'111111‘1' Street. 55‘) 43511. [11]\1itha11\ai1ee(11111111‘11111111. .\1atii1ees.s\11ult (11i1111.1.511

(1.-\I’ 1'I1A111511]1. I'.\'e11111_~;\. .>\11\e.11\ L1511.



0 I’rineess Street. 1";11kir'k.11524 1.111115. [1)]1‘1111'111as 2645111111 pri11r 111111111';11111it. L1 (111111 (1.-\1’511p.

1. Spies Like U311’1113.45.1.\'111 S11111.5.15.S15. 2.R0cky1V11’(1'3..1111\11111111115511. 5.311. 3.Teenwolt(1’1113.3(1(\utstm1. 5.311.s.1(1,

0 REGAL \Uith Bridge Street. 11athuate.115111111511S11‘1. [1)]1‘111ema 2. L1 (111111 ();\1’511p.

141-1111111111 Spies Like US11’(113. 1"1'11111151'13S Death Wish 3111S13.


0 ABC \Vest 111111'1111aII Street. (ir'ee1111e11.114551S111SS5. [1)]1‘1111‘mas 2114.1. L1 (111111 511p ( );\1’ 1111111 (1pm F11]1‘

1.Spies Like Usn.1’1‘ Suiifi. 2.Teenwoltii’1i13.3545531.1(1.

S1111 “.111. 3. RockylV11’1‘111._‘~(1.5.s.i5. S1111 L 1;

0 ABC 1'itehlie111Street.K11111111‘11111’1-1. 11511.1 33:1SS L1 (111111 ().-\I’511p. 1.Spies Like Usti’1i13.l5.5.:(1.s. Sun“.411.

2. RockylV1I’1113.15.535.» 111. S1111 \

31Teenwoli11’1 11 3.211. 5.15.» 111. S11117.411. o HALDANE FILM SOCIETY

.\1e\ar111ria ( ‘1 11111111111111" 11111111111111

(entre. Stain Street. .-\1exan11ria. 1)111111ar111n\hire. I’iints are SL‘I'CL‘IIL‘LI 1111 a regular 1);t\1\ 1111111 een September and .\1a_\. .SUIIIL‘ \‘ttetlIIL‘iL‘S e\i.\t 1111‘ the see111111 part 111~ theseasnn 1‘1111111111111'11111 1111111 Mas at a speeial rate 111 L11 1‘111'1‘1'111Ly ‘1 SIIUWS. I)et'.111\ ax ailahle 1111111 Stuart Rankin.3511111111111‘11.-\\ enue. 1)11n111artt111.11.1S‘111“11“11.(ittest tIL‘I\et\. priee L1. are ;1\‘;111;1111e111 atIVai1ee111111‘ 11‘11111 .A\1an 1)a\'i\. 4‘1 1)1irnhain (‘reseent. 11:111111‘11. :\1e\ar1111‘ia. 115S115113511, Fri21:WeoItheNeverNever11‘17311. 0 KELBURNE1iILth11W R11a11.1’ai,\1e_\'. SS‘HUIZ.[1)]1‘1111‘111;t\.11\4. L1

(111111 ().-\1’ 111411Stti11entL1. 111111111 1114 L5.111 5 L11.(1111L“.

1. RockylV1I’1‘11“.45. 17r1;t|\115. Sat ;1I\11 I. 5. Sun 3511111111.

2. Police Academy 2: TheirFirst Assignment 1 1’1 1 1. s. 111 111511 (1. 15. Sat 11151111115. S11113..111111111,

3. Teenwoll1 1’111. “.45. 1911.1141545. Sat 111w 3. 5.45. S1111 “111111 .

4. Spies Like U81 1’1111S. I'ri. Sat alsu (1.S11113111111.

13111111111135 Death Wish 31 1S1

0 LASCALA 1 Iainiltnn Street. Salte11ats. 113114 (15.145. [1)] ( inertia 1. L1.511(111111().\1’ 35p.

0 LASCALA Saltenats.

1. Spies Like Ust'1’1‘11".55.

2. RockylV11’1‘11sQ5.

0 DDEON I111rns Stattie Square. .-\_\ r. (1311: 311411411. [1)] L1H” (111111111411(1;\1"1‘)p. 1111111191131TeenwolI(I’1i1_1.45.(1.. >115. S11115._1(1.

151111111113 Death Wish 311S13.45.(1. S. 15. S1111 ".511.

o DDEDN 1 1111111111111 Street. 11aiui1111n. 11(1‘1S QSRSHZ. [1)] eirientas l1&.1.1*ri S;11L2.511(111111().>\1’L1.411. S1111 11111rs L2.,1(1(111111().\1’ L1,.111, \11111 1'11 111111111prit 111411 L1.

1. RockylV(1’1;1 1.15. 1.45.11s311. S11115Q5. “.411.

2. Spies Like Us(I’1I1_‘~..‘»5.5.55. S111. S11115.Z5.3.411. 3.Teenwo|t(1’1i1.‘.. 15. 4. 15.11211. S.211.S11n5.511.3 0 RIALTO (111111'L’e Street. 1)1111111art1111.11511351123111 LI (1111111’1141111.-\1’L1.

1. RockylV11’1‘1.

2. Spies Like Usii’1‘11

15111111 111 IS Death Wish 31 1S1




Sat22: Blood Simple1 1S1 The 111111151 11.

. 1 1er1x Street.

Fri28. Sat1: Death Wish31 1S1 1 1.15.

0 ( iI'eeIISI11e I’Iaee.

Fri 28: The Rocky Horror Picture Show



0 11} re\ R111111.

Fri 21. $3122:

1.Amadeu3(1’111 11.15.

2.The Cotton Club( 151 1 1.15. Fri28. $311:

1. The Falcon and The Snowman (151TheMeanSeason115111.15 2. The Killing Field3115111.15_

1111'11\l_‘,11e11 11\1.1129