This month's Glasgow GFT seesthe start ofa specialseason offilms by Roman Polanski. Atthe sametime one ofthecinema's mostperverse sons. and one ofits mostsuccessful figures. his strange and uncomfortablefilms are eulogisedwhilehis personal indiscretions are reviled. With his long-awaited big-budget production of Pirates. starring Walter Matthau. due for release at some time this year. now is asgoodatime as anyto casta reflective eye overhis pastwork.

Born in 1933 ofPolish—Jewish parents Polanskigrew up in Cracow. and during the Nazi occupation. having losthis motherandfathertoa concentration camp. wasforcedtofend forhimself. Theseterrible experiences. and the atrocities he witnessed. have undoubtedly contributedto his preoccupation with fear and evil. 1954 to 1959 was spent at the Polish Film School at Lodz. where he made several acclaimed shorts. then after a brief period in Paris he returned to Poland to make his first feature. Knife inthe Waterin1962. A psychological. triangular love story. probably his subtlestfilm. itwonthe critics' prize at the Venice Film Festival and brought its directorto international prominence.

Three years later, and Polanski was in London working on hisfirstEnglish language production Repulsion (1 Mar). with Catherine Deneuve. a claustrophobic study ofayoung woman's escalating paranoia as she incarcerates herselfinasmallflat. A brutallyphysicalmurderandthe image otgrasping hands coming outofthe walls are two ofthe mostmemorable ingredients ofthisgenuinelyunnerving experience. a sort of imploded Kafka. 1966broughtanextremelybizarre tale of weird characters. Donald Pleasence and Lionel Standeramongthem. flung togetherin an island mansion in Cul—de-Sac (1 Mar). which. like the film before it. works as a sort of metaphor forthe absurdity oflife in animbecile universe and displaystheinfluence of Beckett. Pinterand Bunuel. Unlike Dance oftheVampiresi1967). an attemptata parody vampire movie which oftenseemstoo straightto be funnyandwascutbya puzzled MGM.

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her In the ( llsmpies. I'dinhureh: lilmhwase

o The Janitori lfiiil’eit-r hates. L's I‘l‘\l l Sieuurnes \\ ea\ er. William

I Iuit ll': mins. Building ianitiir IIurt II‘L'\III\\L'L'HIIII‘IILIIILI

Iautw ledee tit an unswls ed murder tn eateh the interest til I \‘ news

rerun ter \\ eater with whum he has heeeine infatuated. I)rear_\. elttttered murder thriller. (ilasenw; (il‘l

o Kagernushail’tiii.\l\ira lsurnsawa. .lapan. I‘lh‘fl) Iatsuit \asalsad: iflll mins. In teudal Japan a Initlsuhhestandsin forthe dead leader «it a w ariine samurai laetiiin su that the newsut his demise ean remainaseeret. (ilasettw;(il"I

o The Killing Fieldsr 15) t Ruland .Iulle. t‘t\'. IVSJI Sam \Vatersitn. Ihwtnr I Iain}; S \enr. Bill

261'it'list.“.leh i»\

Pole's fortunes took another


But bythistime Polanski‘sreputation tookhimto Hollywood asthe well-chosen directorof Rosemary‘s Baby in 1958. and he brought his dark imaginationto bearon Ira Levin‘s novel ofcontemporarydiabolism. scoring his biggestcritical and commercial hitthusfarand opening the doorto considerable artistic freedom. While he was considering future offers however. his pregnant young wife. actress Sharon Tate. and several close friends were brutally slain at the couple‘s home by crazed followers ofCharles Manson. An understandable period ofinactivity followed this terrible blow, broken in 1971 by a bloody Macbeth. a cathartically violent meditation on fate. seemingly an exorcism ofthe demons ofevents passed.

To his great credit. Polanski continuedto work and in 1974 produced Chinatown (1 Mar). regarded by many as his best film. with Jack Nicholson as a private eye wading into political corruption in the LA of the 403. which continued his fascination with the nature of evil and featured him in a ghoulish cameo as an assassin.

Forhis nextproject Polanski cast himself in the lead. but 1976’s The Tenant (like Repulsion an exploration of identity in a domestic setting, was a disappointment). Ayearlaterandthe

I’atersun. I42 mins. ()sear-winnine tl'Uc lilL‘ tlfiimit (ilaseiiw ; ( irtiss entir o Kind Hearts and Coronets ( Pt 1) (Rtihert IIamer. I'ls'. I‘M”) I)ennis I’riee. .IthII I it‘eenwtttttl. .-\lee (' iuinness. Ill5 mins. 1. ‘elehrated eumeds til manners in w hieh the suasels‘ murderuus I’riee ses'erels prunes the tamils tree in assist his aeeessiun to the title Duke of ('hallnnt. I‘Idinhureh; IiI‘ I’ilmsue o The Last Holiday it ltIIenr} (ass. I'ls'. I‘l5lll .»\lee(iuinness. Isa} \Valsh. 8‘) mins. .\II\IZII\L'III:\ inturmed that he unls has a shurt time tn Iis e a timid swung man splashes nut un a trip [If an expensis’e hntel and finds his life transtnrmed h_\' the aetiuns UI his unsuspecting fellow guests.

.-\n twer—nhs'iuus exereise in iriins


unexpectedturn. when hefled America on bail afteradmit‘ting partial guiltin the rape ofa 13year-old model at Nicholson‘s house. Thus. exiled in Europe. he could not come to Britain to shoot Tess in 1980. and was forced to make do withthe French countryside instead. Dedicating the film to Sharon. he saw Hardy's heroine as an innocent suffering the injustices of a cruel fate. andthis personal slanton classic material linkedthefilmwiththe earlier Macbeth.

Polanski‘s cinema is indeeda bizarre landscape, weathered into its curious forms bytheturbulentwindsofhis experience. and one which remains uniquelyforeboding when comparedto the picture—postcard familiarity of much ofHollywood'scurrentoutput. Suchisthe unpredictable nature ofthe man and his warkthatPirates might seeawhole new aspectofhis artistic expressionto addtothe strange and violent body of his work to date. Ont MarchatlDBDam GFT'sKenlngles willgivea lecture onthe Polanski oeuvre. whichwill befollowed bya showing of Chinatown. Laterthat afternoon seesarare double—bill of Hepulsion and Cul de Sac at 2pm. A fine programme ofdelightsforthose withmorethanapassing interestin Polanski's cinema. Do go. (Trevor Johnston)

with a seript hs Ill. I’riestles. last IItilitla_\ is eraeed its a earelulls' mudulated. deltl_\ understated eharaeter studs lw' ( iuinness. I5,dinhureh: I-.I ' I7ilmsiie

o The Little Drummer Girl t 15) ((ietit'ge Rut I Illl. I ‘5‘. I'IHII I)l;llle I-Leatun. Klaus IsinsId. I)a\id Suehet. 13H mins. Is’eatun is a mmur leaeue aetress reer uited h} the Israeli seeret sers iee tn assist them in the slasineula trip I’alestinianttper'atixe in this turgid. elnhe-tri tttint: intriene fruin the I e ( um- IIt)\ el. (ilasettw; (it"I

- Looking foerGoodbari lhl lRlL‘Ilttl‘tl Ill‘tttlls's. I‘lfifi) Diane Is'eatttn. Riehard ( iere. I‘m mins. .\

repressed ( atllulie sehtii ilk-ugh” ,e

attraeted In a mute hherated lifests le

and haunts the singles hars hs‘ nieht. Brutalls el’leetne. sttrdid

melodrama with a lirsI-elttss pertnrmanee h} Is'eatun. (ilaseuw; (il’l

0 A Man Like Eva ( 18) t Radu (iahera. \V. (iermans'. HHS) I’\ a Mattes. I.i/;iKr‘L't1/L‘i'.H‘lmins. .~\ lietiunalised ptll'tt‘alt DI the late ReinerWerner Iiisshirtderasheshut one tilllls masterpieees. Ilerr I5. is remarlsahls plated h_\ a wuman and the rest «if the lilm is handled with the suit of meludramatie eusttt tit whieh the mart IlllllM'II wuuld haVe unduuhtedls apprmed. I‘dinhureh; I‘I' I'ilmsue

0 Maskl 15 l ( I’eter Itugdanmieh. I'S. 1985) (her. I’rie Stulz. Harry (‘arey .Inr. 12ft mins. 'I‘he true stnry t‘l‘CaIilurnia s1 tuth Roeky Dennis striels'en by a rare hene disease that eauses extreme t'aeial disfigurement he is determined tn live life to the full and is aided by the strong suppnrt uf‘ his uneons'entiunal hiker mother.

A moving drama. similar to The Elephant Man. that tells its sturs' with grace and preeision and without an exeessnttearierkmg. Ifdinhureh; I’ilmhituse o The Mean Season l l5 l l Philip IltirsnsI'S.1985)llllminsIsurt Rtissell. \Iariel I Ieminewas. Riehard.lurdan. \liami .lnurnal t'L‘pttl‘IL‘T Rtlssell lttlelles itllitt an apparentls mutiseless killerwhu expluits him as a means nl east puhlieits lur his unsaniurt aetis ities; dupliealinea presiuusseriesiil murders.

(ilasettw ; ( iriissenitr

9 Mickey One ( I’( i l ( Arthur I’enn. I'S. I‘thi Warren Beatts . I Iurd Hatfield. “3 mins. .-\ niehteluh L‘lilet'lttitlet' etiesmtt the Hill. Hugged h}. the menaeesul 'I'he( lreanisatittn he punders the meaning nt'his existenee. ;\rthur I’enn's hlend tit tilm limit and Iiurupean .’\rt \Ius'ie \erees un the pt‘etentiittls. hut his despair at the disinteei‘atitin ul Ameriean sueiets was later tn he tle\elttpetl in Night \Itwes. I'idinhureh; I‘iilmhuuse

0 Mrs SOIIBIII’IIltIiiIIian ,-\rmstriine. I 'S. I‘lNII Iliane KL‘LIII‘II. \Iel ( tiltstin. l I I mins. Repressed warden's wile Is'eatun shitelss turn nlthe eenturs I’ittshureh when she takes :‘lieht with Lharinine eundemned murderer ( iihsttn in this eleeant perin pieee redtilent wt .1 genteel Bunnie and ( lsde. (ilasgiiwfiIiI'vl

o Moderato Cantabile t I’eter ill-rink. I'ranee. lllftlll .leane \Iiireau. .Iean~I’aul Belmttndtt. ‘lll mins.

I Is'pniitie Itl\ e sttirs hased (in the .‘slareuerite I)urashunls and featurine an aw ard—w innine perlurm‘anee It} .Ieanne \Inreau. I’dinhureh; I’reneh Institute

0 National Lampoon's European Vacation 1 .\m} I Ieelserline. I 'S. 1955) ( hers (hase. Wt mins. I he dreaded ( irisw ald elan head hu‘ I'urnpe in this lamentahle transeiintinental w alse. ( ilaseiiw; .\Il(i(Sauehiehall Street l.

o Nightofthe HUTIIBTI I’(i)((‘harles I.au_ehttin. I 'S. 1955) Rnhert \Iitehum. Shelles \‘v'mters. “3 mins. Mitehum‘s de ranged preaehe r \L‘Ltl'elles Itlr sitine Ititltlell gold. the seeret (ll w hieh is held It}. twt) ehildren. .-\ disturhine thrrine til