Bennett direets a flute masterclass ior promising young players.

0 RSAMD Opera Athenaeum ‘I‘heatre. RSAMI). St (ieorge’s Place. 32 41111. 7.15pm. liree. See 'lue 25 ior lull deseription,


0 Organ Recital .Nleliyyan llall. Bristo Square. oh" 1111 1 ext 4577. 1.111pm. l’ree. Spend a lunehtime in the eompanyoifylorley Whitehead as he plays musie by Brahms and I)ripre.

0 Die Fledermaus (‘hiireli Hill

'l'heatre. .‘ylorningside Road. 'l‘iekets

by post lrom Mrs. J. Wightman. 31 North ( iy'le l)riye. istlprn. lixtra date: Saturday 3‘). L5. lidinburgh ()pera ( ‘orripany present a eoneert yersion oi Strauss’ liyely operetta yyith loeal soloists and the lidinburgh (1pera(‘horus 0 3N0 L'sher l lall. 1.othian Road. SIS 1 155. “fillpm. lixtra date: Sat 1 \lar.(}1asgoyy.£3.Sll £8.31). 'l‘he popular young Ameriean eondtietor and pianist Andreyy litton eonduets a programme in yyhieh he is also the solo pianist. perlorming Ray el‘s l’iano ( ’oneerto in (1. Away lrom the keyboard he takes the orehestra through their paees in l’rols‘oiiey‘s Romeo and .luliet Suite No I. (‘opland‘s the Quiet (‘ity and Symphonie l)anees irorn West Side Story by 1.eonard Bernstein. A liyely end to an interesting programme.

I ' | Glasgow

0 Harpsichord Recital l’ollok llouse. 1’ollok (‘ountryl’ark Ztloll l’olloks‘hayys‘ Road. 'l‘iekets at door. 3pm. Free lsilyereolleetion ). Morton and .1anetta(iould present an iniormal reeital oi musie ior harpsiehord in aid oi the fund to restore l’ollok llouse‘s square piano. 0 3N0 ( 'ity 1 lall. (’andleriggs. 55: 59M. 7.3(1pm. £2.31 1718.411. See 1"ri ZS. lidinburgh ior' lull deseription.


0 Edinburgh Royal Choral Union 1 'sher llall. l.othian Road. IS 1 155. ifitlpm. £3 7 in. 'l'he premiere ol .lohn .‘ylel .eod‘s Sitiltztt .‘ylater promises to be the highlight oi this eoneert. yyhieh also ineliides the 15aure Requiem. 'l‘he Seottish (‘hamber ( )rehestra proyides the aeeompanimerit and soloists are Berriamiri [axon and Jane .‘ylanning. See panel. 0 Die Fledermaust‘hur-eh liiil 'I‘heatre. Morningside Road. 'l'ielsets by post irorn Mrs J. Wightman. 31 North ( iyle I)riye. 7.3t1pm. £3. See l5ri 2S ior lull deseription. 0 Harp Recital ()yerseas llouse. 11H) l’rinees Street. 'l‘ielsets at door. T..‘~tlpm. £4 ineltiding bullet. llarpist Sasha .‘ylaels'enzie plays Renaissanee and Baroque llarp musie on VLtTlUUS sorts oi harps irieluding the Baroque triple harp and the (‘eltie harp. 0 Society of Recorder Players St (‘eeilia's 1 lall. (‘oyygate 'l'iekets at door. 7.311pm. L2 (£1.25) ineyyine. Musie ior r'eeorder orehestra and eonsorts. o Waddell String Orchestra St Bernard's(‘hureh. Saxe (‘oburg Street. At door. 7.3(1pm. Free. .‘ylusie right through irorn l’ureell to the present day is on the programme

18 lhe list :1 1'eb o Alai'


oi this eoneert giyeri by many oi Edinburgh's iinest young string players. Apart from or'ehesti'al yyorlss. ineluding Britten‘s l’lay liil l’i/Xieato and BartokK Rumanian l)anees. there are solo items by llaydn. Silk. Beethoy en. Baeh and Raehmariinoy . just to giye a leyy exarriples.

0 Edinburgh University Renaissance Singers St Marks 1 ~nitarian (hureh. (‘astle 'l'erraee. 'liielgets at door. Sprir.£3(£1).’l‘his small but highly talented group oi students and others eonneeted yyith l.tlllil‘tll'_L‘l1 l'niyersity periorrn a programme ol rrrusie irorn Renaissanee times lor Holy Week and liaster. ineltiding l’alestrina's .‘ylissa l’apae .‘ylai‘eelli.

0 Scottish Sintonia l.or'etlo seiiimi 'l'heatre.Aliisse‘llitir‘gli.llh 1155 (1'sher l lall ) and bo5 25b5 l ,oi'etto Sehool). 7.3(lpm. {2.511 i L] .511), (‘onduetor Neil .‘ylantle. \\ hit r‘eeently earne seeond in the leetls (‘onduetor‘s’ ( 'ompetition. takes his highly regarded lorees through Wagner‘s prelude to 1 )ie Meister'singer'. ( ii'ieg’s popular A minor l’iano ( 'oneer‘to with ( ‘olin Kingsley as soloist. and Beethoy eri‘s 5th Symphony.

o Flute Masterclass Reid ( ‘tiiieeii llall. ’l'eyiot Royy. Bristo Square.

4 7 33%. 111.311am 1.511pni and 3.;(L 3.311pm. £15 to take part; £111 to listen day. William Bennett giy es a inastet'elass in the iiiti ieaeies and teehniques ol iliite playing


0 Fifty Years On: The Saltire Society National library oiSeotland. l'r'ee. An exhibition eelebrating the liliieth aniiiyersary oi the Saltire Soeiety. yyhose work is par'tieular‘ly noted lor its eneour‘agement ol Seottish iiitlSle. See l‘.xhibitions.


0 Friends oithe SNO i leiiiy \\ ootl llall. (’laremont Street. .132 “314 (SN()). 7.311pm. l‘l‘leiitls Ll (iilL'sIS £3. (ilasgoyy (ir'iends ot the SN() prresent Seottish Brass playing musie by Bartok and Villa lobos.


0 Edinburgh Contemporary Arts Trust ()ueen'sllall.('ler1\ Street. 5.1-1 ill-l (12(‘A'l') and l'ielx'et ( ~eritr‘e. 31 33 Way erley Bridge. Spin. 13.511 t 1-2 i. As you yyould expeet it‘s a programme oi eonteiripor'ar'y musie with the premiere oi 1 yell (‘ressyyell’s ( )iir l)ay Begins at Midnight and ( ieoilr'ey King's: Piano Sonata. Also on the programme is Serbian ( 'abar'et by theyoung Seottish eomposer' .1iidith Weir. See panel.

possibly eoneessions lor' hall


0 Lecture Steyenson l lall. RS.-\.\ll). St(ieorge'sl’1aee. 3.1341111, 3pm. Free at door. Shortly to be leay ing Seotlandior1.osAnge1es.John (‘urrie oi.1ohn (‘tirrie Singers lame

‘giy'es a leeture on 1 laydii's ( 'reatioii.

to be per‘lor‘med by RSAMI)

students on 'l‘hursday.


0 International Lunchtime Concert Assembly Rooms. ( ieor‘ge Street. 335535.1i1’t\()'1'rayelt, 1pm. L3. Beethoyen is the leatured eoiiiposer‘ in this regular series promoting international talent. I he artists are lgor ( )istralxli (y ioliii t and Natalia Xertsaloy .i ( piano). lhe \Vttl'l'sS are perhaps in antieipation ol better yyeather Sonata in 1‘. Spring Sonata. and the Sonata iii (‘ niinor‘ ()p .111 No l.

a Friends oithe SNO l’or‘tr‘ait ( ialler'y. ()ueen Street. 1141 3.13 “:44 (SN( )1. “Rilpiii.1-‘r'iends L:(it1estS LI .511. An inloririal eoneert ol elassieal to yy ell knoyy ii popular musie with a party alteryyards tor artists and lriends. li .\oii‘re not an ‘otiieial‘ lr'iend already . then you ean ring up to lind out about ioiiriiig.

o The Merry Widow King's theatre.

l e\ en Street. 3:" 12111 (llehetson sale ir‘om .‘yloii 31 ), “filtpiii. lzxtr'a dates: Me 1; Wed 5; l'hur'sti; l'ri 5; Sat 1S all at “Hillpin and Sat S matinee at Ifitlpm, 1-2 H. the Southern light (1pera ( ‘oinpany present a liy ely prodiietion ol 1*ran/ lelialiSl.t\iitll'1TL‘ttl‘L‘lL'ltilltllltil nostalgie memories ol a spar‘lsling Vienna.

.TUESDAHL G | a s g o w

0 Lecture ( hai tei' Room. llieatr'e Royal. 1 lope Street. 3325331. figillpni.1.1.511.l'iriendsolSeotiish (tpera present a pie—run leetiir‘e on lstirt \‘y eill‘s lhe Rise and l‘all ol the (‘ity ol Mahagonny.


0 The Merry Widow Kings '1 lieali'e. 1.eyeri Street. 32‘) 13111 (li‘om .\londay 24), 5.311pm. l‘Xlla dates: Wed 5'. llTUTS o: l'ri 5'. Sat is all at 5.311prii and Sat S matinee at Ifitlpiii. LC t-l. See .‘y’lon llor lull




0 The Rise and Fall of the City of Mahagonny I'lieaii-e Royal. 1 lope Street. 331 13.11.15pm. lixtra

dates: \lar S. .15. g at ".15prn; .‘ylar _“1'.it_‘.15pin.Ll51L l_1S.5ll. l’ai't ol the series ol si\ 311th ( 'entury masterpieees mounted iointly by Seottish ( )per'a and ( )pera North. \lahagoiiny promises to be a stunner. lhe opera eombines Ber‘tolt Breehi‘s timeless politieal allegory Willi ls'irr't Weill‘s siiiiiiilating musie. a 1111\1111L' ol oper'etta. ragtime and r‘ey ire. See panel,

0 Organ Recital t ‘oiieei-i llall. (ilasgoyy l'niyersity . 35‘) SS55 ext 551 , fiflltpm. tree at door. Yes. Stuart ('ainpbell eontiniies his series ol the eomplete organ yyorlss ol .1.S. Baeh. 0 BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra ('oneert llall. Broadeasting l louse. 15113115. 5511prn. l'r'ee at door. lloyy

they‘re still going on

olten ean you hear a eoneerto loi‘ rnariiirba and y ibraphone‘.’ ( 'ome to that. hoyy many oi them are ther'e'.’ We ha/ard a guess at itist one and this is a rare ehaiiee to hear it.

lleather Corbett. iamed ior her dexterity and athletieability‘ ior playing tuned pereussion instruments. is the soloist in Milhoud‘s ( ‘orieerto ior Marimba and Vibraphone. Also on the programme is the more lamiliar Symphony No 4 by Beethoyen and an oyerture by Atrber. entitled lhe Bronze 1 lot‘se.


0 Heriot Watt Music Society Magdalen (liapel. ( ‘oyygate. 'l‘iels'ets at door. 1.15pm.17i‘ee. lsobel.\liera.s giyes a r‘eeital oi Seottish musie lor yoiee and elarsaeh. It's part oi the l'niyei‘sity's regular reeital series.

0 St Margaret's SeniorSchooI Choirs and Orchestra ()ueen's l lall. (‘lerk Street. Box oliiee at St Margaret's Sehool.liastSiillollsRoad.73(1prii. {1.5111 £1 ). (‘horal andor‘ehestral eoneert ineluding yyor‘ks by Baeh. Mendelssohn. lluiriper'dinek and Raehmaninoy.

0 The Merry Widow King‘s 'l’lieatr‘e. l.eyeri Street. 3:" 13111 (lr'om Monday 24 ). ifytlpm. lustra dates: llitll‘S o; 1‘r'i "1 Sat S; at ~’..1lliiiii. and

Sat iS matinee at 2.311pm. L2 L4. See Monday 3 ior lull deser'iption.


0 Cello and Piano Recital ( ioneert hall. ( ilasgoyy 1 'iiiyer'sity . .131) SS55 e\t V1. 1.15pm, l‘r‘ee at door. 'l'lte iiiial ltineh—hour eoneert oi this aeademie term at (ilasgoyy liniyersity'eelebrates the

pupil teaeher relationship betyyeen Donald l'oyey tl’rolessorol \ltisieat l'dinbur‘gh 1 "iiitersity in the I‘L‘lls) and the eoinposei‘ lsobel 1)iiiilop in per‘ior'manees oi his lilegiae Variations and her Suite lor' ( 'ello and Piano. l’layers are l’enelope ly'nex and Alexander Wells.

0 RSAMOChoraIConcertt‘iiy i lall. (‘aridler'iggx 333 411115.311pm. L4 (baleony'); 13 (area 1; 1 .' priee eoneessions. Sttlttists \lar‘gat’et Marshall. l’hilipl angridge and Stephen Var'eoe ioin the Aeadeiny (lion and ( )rehestr‘a lot a pei'iormanee ol 1 lay dn‘s ( ‘r'eation. l’rineipal oi the Aeademy . l’hilip

ledger. L‘ttlitltlets,


0 The Merry Widow King‘s 'l‘lieaire. l.eyeri Street. 33‘} 13111 (lrorn Monday :41. "Stiprii, 1:\'tr‘a dates: Hi 7 and Sat S at 7.11 1pm. and Sat .S’ matinee at ZSiipni. L2 L4. See Mon 3 ior lull deser'iption.

0 Albany Brass Ensemble Reid ('orieer‘t llall. ley iot Royy . Bristo Square. l'iels'etsat door. 5.45pm. t3 (£1511). A seleetion ol rnusie tr'om yai'ious areas oi the repertoire ior brass ensemble. ineludirig works by l’r‘aetorius. .1.S. Baeh. l’endereeki and \laleolin Arnold. It's part ol lidiriburgh l'riiyersity 's ( 'elebr'ity (‘oneert Series.

- Isobel Dunlop Memorial Concert ()tleeliS l lall. (iler‘k Street. ooS315o (Queen's l lall l. 'l ielset ( ~entie. .11 33 Way erley Bridge and Sheena AleNeil Aliisie. 5 Bar'elay lerr'aee. 7.45pm. £2.5llarid Ll teone L2 and £1.5I1). 'l‘yyentieth(‘enttiry ('amerata present a eoneert ol thth