Gallery in the High Street. 0 BACKROOM GALLERY Underneath

the Arches. 42 London Street. 556 8329. Mon—Sat 10am—5.30pm. Some artists take more than their lair j Future exhibitions will be share of the rough with the smooth. In announced. Wendv McMurdo's case the rough was .1: . o eounne FINE ART4 Dundas Street. olhurricanelorce. Earlyin 1985. she {1. - . 557 4050. M0n_Fri 1()am_6pm. Sat and 14 otherintrepid artists tooktothe _-“


Recent acquisitions Sat 8 Feb—Sat 1 March. This exhibition includes work by Robert MacGregor. E. A. Walton. Marianne Stokes. Robert Noble, John Duncan and Joan Eardley.

O CALTON GALLERY 10 Royal Terrace, 556 1010. Mon-Sat

, 10am—6pm.

General Collection at British and

; European paintings and watercolours, 1700-1940 On show throughout February.

0 CANONGATE TOLBDDTH Royal Mile. Mon—Sat 10am-5pm.

Art, Laughter and the Bright Eyes of Children Until summer. The toys of the Museum of Childhood are wintering at the Tolbooth while their new home is being prepared for a summer opening. This exhibition displays some of the dolls. teddies and puppets from the much-loved collection.

0 CENTRAL LIBRARY George IV Bridge. 225 5584. Mon—Fri 9am—9pm. Sat 9am—1pm.

The Thirties Until 17 Feb. A rag-time selection of books and musical scores with names like ‘Just an Echo in the Valley”.

high seas on an adventure which resulted in the exhibition on show from 15 February at the Printmakers Workshop in Edinburgh.

Celebrating 10years in the rig supply business. the Stirling Shipping Company decided to hold an art competition with a difference. They would send a group of artists out on theirown supply vessels to observe first-hand the excitement and technological achievements of the business and above all. the torces at nature which dominate work in the North Sea. Their remit—to produce 3 prints each which would eventually be judged and exhibited as a group.

Alter agreeing to take part. Wendy McMurdo lound hersell on a 22 hour journey from Aberdeen to North East Hutton Field. where she would spend a week in the presence of the massive structures on stilts. Breathing llames like a warring party ol luturistic dragons. the rigs left her awe-struck with theirdrama and scale. butthe weather was an unerring opponent. Much ol her week was spent indoors out at the storms which never let up. ‘At one point it was so bad we had to leave the lield and shelter nearShelland,‘ she says. visibly shivering at the

trip was made a year ago), a larger Dutch ship was able to pick up Wendy and her colleagues leaving their little boat behind to battle yet another day. The rigs visited and the prints completed, prizes were awarded to tour at the artists. First (carrying a prize of £1000) went to Sue Jane Taylor tor her print the ‘Stirling Teal Boys' (Stirling Teal was the name 01 her supply vessel). The Stirling Shipping

| sea sickness. the artists sketched and

; photographedinpreparationlortheir

work back at the studio. The images

were strong and powerful - men in oilskins. decks slicked with water,

yards of piping and the giant bodies of the rigs themselves. Wendy’s visit could have been prolonged lorseveral

' more days as her vessel was unable to

I make the journey backto Aberdeen due c t h t I ' d

memory. to gale-force winds. Luckily(and she ; omnanv 3'8 0 9 300973 3 e 0" - ' Throughout the violent conditions i says this with relief even though this 5 the" "0118' 031700899. (Nice 335") 25:12:32]213225220331]

Development Iooksat the debate.‘A i

Woman’s Place is in the World.’

§ and between inevitable bouts of I l

Paintings. drawings and limited edition prints. (See panel). 0 THE MITCHELL LIBRARY Kent Road. 221 7030. Mon—Fri 9.30am—9pm. Sat 9.30am—5pm. Levels 4 and 5: Jacques Damase French Publisher Mon 10 Feb—Sun 23 March. Based in Paris. Damase has been publishing books and original lithographs by 20th century artists for many years. This exhibition. organised through the French Institute. contains over 130 ofthe colourful. highly individual products from this unusual private press. Many great names were published by Damase Ernst. Gustave Dore. Braques. Man Ray. Cocteau. Sartre and his special relationship with the Delaunays resulted in exciting collaborations. 0 PEOPLE'S PALACE MUSEUM Glasgow Green. 554 0223. Mon—Sat 10am—5pm. Sun 2—5pm. Glasgow's museum ofworking life. 0 POLLOK HOUSE 2060 Pollokshaws Road. 632 0274. Mon—Sat 10am—5pm. Sun 2—5pm. All the Tea in China Until Tues 1 April. A concept imported from France. the tea ceremony was intitially an informal affair for ladies However. as men were gradually admitted. the tea gowns became more elaborate and were seen by some as indicative of a loosening and decline of morals generally. As well as examples of the gorgeous gowns. tea services. caddies and ceramics

; are displayed in this exhibition.

so The List i; 20 Feb

; organised in conjunction with a

teaching programme at the Burrell. O PROVAND'S LORDSHIP 3 Castle Street. Mon—Sat 9.30—5pm. Sun

.2—5 m.

Annan's Photographs For indefinite period. Glasgow seen through the eyes of the Victorian photographer. James Annan.

Etchings and Prints at the Glasgow Cathedral Area Indefinite. A selection of Victorian prints which illustrate some of the Glasgow characters of the time.

0 THE SCOTTISH DESIGN CENTRE 72 St Vincent Street. 2216121. Mon—Fri 9.30am—5pm. Sat 9am—5pm.

Light Directions Until Thurs 13 Feb. A commercial look at how lighting can improve your home. Put the spotlight on those dark corners. Design Review Until Thurs 20 Feb. The 1985 selection of products chosen by the Design Centre. A section describing the criteria and methods ofselection included.

0 SCOTTISH EXHIBITION AND CONFERENCE CENTRE Finnicston. 248 3000. Two restaurants. five bars. open all day. Also snack bars and bank. Access via ramps.

Evening Tlmes Scottish Wedding Fayre Sat 8. Sun 9 Feb.

Scottish Spring Fair Sun l6—Thurs 20 Feb.

0 TRANSMISSION GALLERY 13—15 Chisolm Street. Tues—Sat 12—6pm.

v Glasgow Space Events Until Fri 28

Feb. An exhibition ofartists’ Video

and Film with some performance and cabaret thrown in for good measure. Contributions by David Hall. Kevin Atherton. Stephen Partridge. Jane Rigby. Steve Littman. Zoe Redman and Tom


o THIRD EYE CENTRE 350 Sauchiehall

Street. 332 7521. Tue—Sat

3 l()am—5.30pm. Sun 2—5.30pm. Cafe.


Peter Wilson— Paintings Until Sat 15 Feb. A riotous celebration of life and colour in an exhibition that should not be missed. A carnival mood perhaps. but on close inspection the

; colour strains the senses and the

claustrophobic compositions give expression to a fragmented society. Juga Night Until Sat 15 Feb. A series

' of images and texts from a new

publication by Matrix, whose aim is to explore all art forms and their relation to poetry.

Streetstyle - Dpen Photographic Exhibition Until Sat 15 Feb. Foyer exhibition. Selected by John Gordon Sinclair, star ofthe forthcoming film ‘Girl in the Picture‘.


O ASSEMBLY ROOMS George Street. 226 2428. Daily 9.30am—4.30pm with extended hours when the building is in use during the evening.

A Selection trom the Photographic Art Fri 24 Jan—8 Feb. A satellite exhibition of 25 photographs related to the main exhibition at Stills

0 CITY ART CENTRE 2 Market Street. 225 2424 ext. 6650. Mon—Sat 10am—5pm. Closed Sun. Licensed cafe. [D]

John Duncan RSA (1886-1945) Until Sat 22 Feb. Myths, allegories and fairies by John Duncan. Scottish symbolist. (See panel).

Woodworks Until Sat 8 Feb. An exhibition where touch is almost as important as seeing. Visitors are encouraged to feel the furniture. Tim Stead’s table and sail-backed chairs. Martin Raynor’s predominantly wooden 3-D scenes with a nautical flavour and Neill Morrison’s Fantasy Writing Table (which should be opened and examined) show the variety of wooden objects being produced in Scotland and the north of England. Braille labels have been incorporated to enable visually handicapped visitors to enjoy the exhibition.

Arts and Crafts Exhibition East Lothian Visual Arts Workshop Sat 15 Feb—Sat 8 March. Formed in 1968. the workshop of 200 members is a thriving organisation which promotes and encourages the study. practice and knowledge ofthe visual arts. The exhibition includes painting. quilting. lacework and ceramics showing the versatility of this group of East Lothian residents. Egyptlan Landscapes Weavin gs from the Ramses Wissa Wassef School Sat 15 Feb—Mon 31 March. Far from the workshops ofEast

