0 Wanted for Mission funds: used postage stamps (with

. margin).cigarette coupons. 5 trading stamps. (‘o-op stamps. tea stamps.

3 lemonade bottles. gifts for

i bingo prizes. Mr William Cameron. 68 (‘hancellor

f Street. 334 0414. Hon Mass 1 offered for all benefactors.


0 French Tuition by native speaker. 11 and () grades and conversation 942 4285. O Violin ‘cello and piano tuition. all grades to LRA M standard. Theory chamber music coaching 954 9817.

o Computerand Maths

; tuition. all levels and all ages (no computer needed).

Reasonable rates. () or H

T grades. 334 8065.

0 Wanted Native Italian 'I'titor. Box 53


2 o Painted Ettects on walls. ceilings. floors.

? Marbleising.woodgraining. f muralsetc.2041582.


0 Painter & Decorator Free estimates. tel 346 1083.

a Bold DesignS/Artwork or line illustrations for


publications. (‘hris McKinnell. 5 St Mary‘s I’Iace. Stockbridge. 332 0636'.

o Kelpie Carriers \\ on tell about \iititlel .lna's portrait or l';ilI1c'l-lll-I au's delicate seiilptiire'.’l ook no lurlhei. Phone 1 Ianilsh on tilt“ 33‘"),

O Knitweartfnique hand-knitted jerseys oil-the-peg and to order by Madeleine 'l'emple. Helter Skelter. 33 West Nicholson Street. Edinburgh.

0 The Astrology Centre 12 (‘hapel Street. Edinburgh. Consultations. 'l‘uition. Books. Gifts. (fomputer Calculation. Service and Advice. For details contact 0316670164.

0 Cakes Home baked for all occasions. 'I'el Sue Finlay. 667 7384.

0 Garden Design ‘l‘et ('laire 5569891.

o Weeves Woadshow Disco All Functions

lJp-market mixing DJ. 'I‘el: S'I'EVE after 6pm

(14] 63‘) 7628

('ommunity Workshop. 204 Dairy Road. Edinburgh. 'I‘Cl 3460772.

0 Volunteers needed by Friends of the Earth. 53 (ieorge l\' Bridge. Tel 225 6906.


0 Volunteers wanted for (iorgie 'Dalry gardening project. (‘ontact

o Weeves Woadshow Disco All Functions

Up-market mixing DJ. Tel: STEVE after 6pm

(141 63‘) 7628


0 Russian Writerseeks winter sanctuary in Scottish countryside. Must be low rent. Contact the (ilasgow office ofThe List. 332 3393.



' oYoung Couple seek own flat. Anything considered. PhoneJoanna5571743.

ARTICLES WANTED 0 Old Clothes bric-a-brac for

Bits and Pieces. Sue Rhyder Shop, 26 Barony Street. Edinburgh.

0 Community Circus requires

donations of musical instruments and other equipment. Can collect. Ring 229 3287.

o Tartan Clothes lor special occasions. ladies' and children's costumes in kit

form or ready made. Send for free brochure. Iissy Roberts. 10 Rtitland Square. l‘idinburgh. 22‘) 4374.

O Albion improvements for your home and garden. Woodwork. landscaping etc. Jess ('hristian 062 081 622.

0 Maxblack reprographics. 'I’ransfer onto copyprool materials from line or continuous tone originals. long or short runs at wacky prices. 557 3256.

o Astrologer Bit‘thcharts prepared by experienced practitioner. 'l'yped interpretation plus persona consultation (if required).


0 Cuisine-Creatorexcellent. personable cook ;t\ .lllill‘lk‘ L‘\c'1lllt‘2\ l-dinluileh. weekendsanywhere ool “(fillieyesl

o Babysitting

(‘hild Adult l’et Minding Service in your own home. (‘alt TLC Homeminders 557 2222 weekdays; 661 4044 Evenings and weekends.

o Carte Blanche Couture ()riginal Designs for ('ocktail and Evening Wear. Julie Shedden 447 1066. Fiona (iraham 22‘) 5917.

o ZYW Extra Virgin Olive Oil. ‘The world's most celebrated Olive Oil' The ()hSt’ft't’f. £5 per bottle. £2.75 per ' 3 bottle. 225 l‘)l5or 225 3213.

0 Public Relations/Press Liaison Sales Promotion l‘undraising ewrything li'oni writing leattires loorganising c\cllls. lixperieneed prolessional seeks new L‘llk'lllS. Rita ( Al'o\\ Country Home Public Relations and l'tllltl Raisinu 3 ‘5 356" day . 660

.52 l 2 c'\ c‘\.


0 Italian Lessons (‘ontact Elena 447 2333 (evenings). O Violin Tuition (‘ontact Jan Karel. 6 SciennesCiardens. Edinburgh. 668 3501.

0 Recorded Piano Accompanimentul e\alninatioii pieces loi‘ \ssocialed Board instrumental and \ocal'\. oll c;l\\c'ltc'. 1-4.50 iiieludingpost and packing, l’leascspecily instrument and ( irade lequii'ed. S.-\I: lor lull details. .l (tough. ll

\le|\ llle l’lace. lidinbtil'gh. 2366-15").

0 Yoga (ieneral classes suitable for beginners, (ientlystretch and tone the body and learn the art of relaxation. YW'CA. 7 Ratidoph Place \Ved

5.30 6 30pm. 'I'hurs 0.30—1 lam.

0 English Literature ll (irade and A Level. 'I‘el 226 5228 after 6pm.

0 German Tuition by experienced teacher £5 per hour. 'l'el (Berry 336 7643.

0 Clarinet tuition Giles Hamilton. 165 Rose Street. EH2 41.S. 225 5481.


o Datelink Scotland's ('onipiiterdating system. In I086 tliscoycl‘Datelink. l~iree brochure. 48 ( ireat King Street. Iidinburgh 553 2586. 4 Ro\ al 'l‘erracc. (ilasgow 332 3016.

0 Great Beal'\c‘c‘ls\ tc‘tltl} lor l1c‘\c‘l‘-c‘l1tlil1f_‘ picnic. (not necessarin ill the \Vootls). Ho\'3(i,



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Classilied deadline for Issue 9 is Friday 31 January 1986.

The List 24.1an— old» 45'