e The Open List is a tree listings service tor all cultural, educational, political and other events that do not tell Into The Llst's other listings categories. Please send details not leterthan 10 days belore publication date.




0 introduction to computers and inlonnation technology Glasgow College of Building and Printing. 60 North Hanover Street. A 12 week MSC sponsored evening course:

Regular readers oi the Open List might

have noticed the recurring appearance

at the Edinburgh Salisbury Centre in the

listings. Last year it oliered workshops

in such diverse things as Tai Chi,

myth-dancing, mediation, healing, and

searching tor angels. in this issue’s

listing there is a voice workshop, a

' Hatha Yoga Day, Tai Chi, a Women’s

event, a workshop held by the Rev

,' Gordon Strachan on ‘Christ and the

l Cosmos’, and a talk by Peter Caddy,

- one oi the co-lounders ol Findhorn. It's

an unusual place and it certainly

E cannot be accused oi lack ol variety.

3 So what exactly is the Salisbury

g Centre? It is one oi the results oi the

work oi the late Dr Winilred Rushlorth,

subject oi the recent ‘Something is

Happening’ exhibition at the City Art

Centre. AJungian psycho-therapist, Dr

Rushlorth used Eastern meditative

techniques (she was herseli a

Christian) to help her patients. She was

also interested in education and human

. potential, and her ideas attracted the

interest ol, among others, Prince

7 Charles and Princess Diana, who

visited herto ask her advice.

As well as setting up the Wellspring

Foundation and Sempervivum as

; charitable Trusts to continue her work,

5 she set up the Salisbury Centre in 1973

5 as a small sell supporting charity with

a tour aims; to be a centre ior meditation

3 and spiritual growth, to provide

; laclllties lor healing, to utter classes

; and courses demonstrating a holistic

é approach to mind, body and spirit, and

i to cooperate with others who have similar aims. Thirteen years later the

Salisbury Centre is still going strong

and is just starting its Winter

Programme, a mixture ol weekend

workshops and regular weekly events,

including Zen, pottery, dream groups

and Yoga. According to Maggie

Thompson, one oi the members oi the


38 The List 1()— 23 January



classes will meet on either 'l‘uesdays or Thursdays (w and 8.30pm week beginning Mon (wJan. £15. L‘B-ill Free. Contact Margaret Barrowclille 0-11 332 Will).



0 Introductory Shiatsu Massage Course Sat and Sun ll)am~5.3(lpm. £20. Wear loose comfortable clothing and bring a blanket. Advance booking required. Contact Macrobiotics International. c o l’. Gillon. 5 Steels Place l'il l 10. 4-17 3580.

‘core group' the dream classes are particularly popular; ‘Dream therapy has been taking oit, especially with the exhibition. People are beginning to realise that dreams are important. I leel that we are sitting on a Jack-in-the-box.‘ The Salisbury Centre does not see its role as sitting back and waiting tor people to contactthem, but likesto maintain contact through schools, insitutions and the local social work department. Maggie Thompson again: ‘We’ve also been working with women on tranquillisers lrom Pilton. That was a step lorward because that was mixing what we're oiten'ng with people who would not normally want to come through the lrontdoor because we look, sort oi, a bit odd, and it's breaking that barrier, what with the tact that we are

' vegetarian, and do things like Yoga and

meditation. They were nervous at the 2 start, you couldn't see the room tor . a cigarette smoke! But it was a lot more E


relaxed by the end

01986 Yuletide Celebration With Kale llollingberry. 'l‘he Salisbury Centre. 2 Salisbury Road. 667 5-138. 10am—5pm. £8. £5. Voice work.

I movement. myths. ritual and singin.y l


1 Glasgow

lor the season.

0 Salisbury Centre Dpen Evening at Chanting and Singing All welcome. Bring musical instruments. drums etc. 8pm. Address as above.


Edinburgh 0 lyengar Yoga Day with Jody Higgs

'l‘he Salisbury Centre. 2 Salisbury Road. 667 5438. 10am—5pm. £8. £4.50. Bring your own lunch lo share.

0 Matterol Heart :\ lilm about ( '. .l. .lung. The l’ilmhoUsc. 3pm. Doors open 2.30pm. £1 .2(). See also Film index and listing. Also on 'l’uesday.

MONDAY . 13 Glasgow

0 Basic Massage Course lan Holland. (icvenings‘ 8—llipm. £22. £1 1. 128 Bysz Road (i 12. 33-1 5846 to book.


oi the day. Their children had been looked after, they'd


3 Holland. 5 evenings. 8—1ilpm. £2ll.£l(l. I28 Byres Road (il2. 33-1 58-16 to book.

Centre. Clairbraid Avenue. G2“. Free. AcourseinMassage'l'herapy. ._

_. ___--_____ ___7 Edinburgh 0 Edinburgh CND General Meeting 11 St Colme Street. 7.30pm.

0 Advanced Massage Course [an

0 Relaxation and Fitness (ientlc exercise lor older people. .lohn (irant. l lam—12.30pm. (iairbraid

by [Edith Irwin. 'l'hree evening and

two lull days. £2.5(lperevening. £l() per lull day. £25 lor lull course. Concessions available lor unwaged.

5 7.30pm. Samye Dzong. 'l'ibetan L; Buddhist Centre. 14 lo Dumbarton

; zone policy'l'alkbyCllr[)ickie I Alexander. [Edinburgh University !

Road. 014.954 8692.

l l ; Edinburgh l

o The District Council‘s nuclear-tree

CNI). Chaplaincy Centre. Bristo

had a meal, and they could do their own '

exploring, whether it be pottery, music, writing poetry, whatever.‘

The kind ot activities that the Centre arrange might seem outlandish to some, and would have seemed so to even more in the early seventies when the Centre started, but Terry Gower (another core group member) detects a slow change in attitudes; ‘I think people leel a lot more relaxed about these sort ol activities now—they are now a part oi everyday lile . .. meditation has become a lot more accessible.‘ As well as the activities within (and outwith) the house there is the building itsell. An early Victorian town house, it was iormerly used by Blackwood Publishers, and later by a Suli group who subsequently moved out to the Borders. At one time Sir Walter Scott used it as a studio. Now the aim is to make it an integral urban

Square. 7pm. I

house using appropriate technologies, lrom the organic garden to the computer-run heating system. There is a link-up between the Centre and the

Centre tor Human Ecology atthe University and the Lothians Energy 3 Group to plan luture devlopments.

So how does the Salisbury Centre see : its luture? Terry Gower hopes to have

f more one-day workshops, to enable more parents to get access, and wants . the Centre to get more involved in the

community; ‘We are very much into

bringing more people into the Salisbury Centre and going out into

Edinburgh to meet individuals and groups. There are a lot at people in ; Edinburgh, we leel, waiting to use this place.’

Anyone who’s interested can lind out more about the Salisbury Centre by l sending an SAE to the Salisbury Centre, ) 2 Salisbury Road, Edinburgh tor their | current programme, or ringing 667 5438 between 3pm and 8pm.