George Orwell once described Penguins as ‘very nicely got up.’ Nothing too showy or vulgar, and above all ‘tasteful'. It’s a view confirmed after touring Sally Wood's modest but informative exhibition of twenty-five years' worth of the ubiquitous imprint housed in Edinburgh University Library. It takes the Penguin story from its conception by Allen Lane in 1935 to 1960. These were the golden years when it truly had, in Lane‘s estimation, ‘a sense of dignified llippancy’ when, with no substantial rival, it established its reputation as a cultural institution. ironically, Penguin might have been frozen at birth, had it not been for Woolworths, who disregarded the scepticism of the booktrade and placed bulk orders.

When war came it was so accepted that the government granted a generous paper concession which ensured that the familiar orange and white covers found their way to the PENGUIN BOOKS



remotest parts of the globe. So successful was the distribution, and so inlluential, that Goebbels issued pirate copies, printing lacsimile covers but swapping the original contents for Nazi propaganda. Penguin could have been paid no higher compliment.

One by one the various series emerged: Pelican, Puffin, the desirable King Penguins and the prestigious Classics. Some, like the ill-fated Ptarmigan, lluttered briefly and were forgotten. Nevertheless there was something indelinably ergonomically ‘right’ about them all that even today, while other paperbacks lookforlornly fora home away from the draughty shelves of second-hand booksellers, Penguins never stay put for long. (Collection of Penguin Books 1935-1960 is at Edinburgh University Library, George Square, Edinburgh until 30 June 1986. Open Mon-Fri, 9am-5pm. Free.) (Alan Taylor).

breachofcopyright.Becarefulvvbat l Madhurlalfrcy(£12.95Hardback and £7.50 l’aperback. (‘ape) may not

you do with Brussels sprouts and bacon (at least in print).

Richard ()lney also features in the next recommendation. \vell. his hands and editorial control do. My favourite is in the excellent (iood ('ook series produced by Time Life concerns and is entitled Offal (£9.95 Time Life). This is the book that adds real meaning to the term

gastropo rn. An obvious gift for Italian restaurateurs in Edinburgh must be

Marcella liazan's‘ Classicltalian

i C00kb00k(£7.50 Macmillan). I

appreciate that Italian domestic and ; restaurant food are two different

things but this book does beg a lot of

questions. Apart from that. the book is not only a fascinating read but the recipes tempt marvellously.

A book that could inspire one to get married. ifonly to put octagonal plates on the present list. is Anton Mossiman‘s Cuisine 3 La Cane (£7.95 Papermac). More informative than his Cuisine Naturelle. his insistence here on fresh ingredients and a Japanese style presentation reflect the current fashion in caring (and expensive) restaurants.

Like Richard Olney"s book. Eastern Vegetarian Cookery by

appear the most obvious gift ('0;-

loved ones until. that is. you start ' reading or using the recipes. This is

more than an anthology of recipes

I from the very varied cuisines of the

liast; not only do you look at onions

v and carrots in a different light but

you very quickly have lots to ask

' your Pakistani grocer and ('hinese

supermarket operative. 'l’alking of things Chinese. a very useful book for both the novice and

experienced \vok user is Lo Mei


Iiing‘s Step by Step Chinese Cooking (£12.95 (‘entury). 'l'his well-illustrated book not only encourages but gives confidence. and this is important in books about foreign cooking styles.

A pure delight. and through the summer of 1985. a refuge. is (‘laudia Roden's book Picnic ( £8.95 J. Norman Ilale and £3.95 Penguin). Mrs Roden is a lady who has taken an academic interest and a mother hostess interest in Middle Eastern. and in this instance open air food. adapted for our fickle climate. Full of anecdotes and imaginative ideas for eating outdoors it can be read with pleasure on the greyest day. (Ian Wright)

O THEATRE ROYAL Hope Street. 331 1234/33.? 9000 (credit cards). Box office Mon-Sat 10am—6pm (7.30pm on perfevgs). Bar. Buffet [D] Scottish Ballet The Nutcracker 23, 27, 28. 30 Dec and 3. 6. 7, 8. 9.1(),11Jan at 7.15pm. Matinees 24, 27, 28, 30, 31 Dec and at 2.15pm. £2.50—£14. Conc for children and OAPs at all performances. Student and UB40 Standby from 2pm on day ofperformance. The Sugar Plum Fairy et al. return to Glasgow and Edinburgh in Peter Darrell‘s ‘Nutcradfiefi The dancers of Scottish Ballet will be joined by two guest artists, Alexander Sombart. principal with London Festival Ballet and Marcello Angelini. principal with Northern Ballet Theatre. The Claras and Fritzes will be performed by local children from each venue on the tour.


._ 2AE§E_L_I_ST_,




0 THE PLAYHOUSE THEATRE 18-22 Greenside Place, 557 2590. Box office Mon—Sat 10am—6pm. Bar.

Scottish Ballet The Nutcracker 18, 19. i

20. 21 Dec at 7.30pm. Matinees 19 Dec at 2pm and 21 Dec at 2.30pm. Conc for children. OAP. UB40.

o wrune HOUSE Cowgate. 447 9230. '

The Lighthouse featuring Axis Dance Company, Dolphin Club, Tom Yang and Lindsay John and the Lighthouse Jazz Quartet. Sats 14.21 Dec 8pm. 16—19 Dec at 7.30pm. £2 (£1 .50conc. OAP, Students, UB40) on sale at the door. Cafe. Baron Sats only. An unusual evening of music and dance (see panel).

Lighthouse Workshops Choreography/movement workshops on Wed 18 Dec and a percussion workshop on Thurs 19 Dec. Both at 2—4pm. £1 .50(£1). All welcome.


Visiting Axis during rehearsals seemed like a good idea at the time, but it proved difficult to get a word in edgeways. Too much chatter was not the problem. It was more their keen determination to get on with the job of putting the final touches to their performance at ‘The Lighthouse’. Wilkie House,may seem an unlikely

lighthouse, but Axis intend to transform

the small galleried theatre space into an illuminating experience. Their debut performance began as a basic showing of dance, but has grown and blossomed into ‘The Lighthouse', an ambitious project of their own devising

which will include not only their own work but also that of other dancers and musicians.

Tom Yang, ex-artistic director of the now disbanded Basic Space and Lindsay John, creator of ‘Creation’ and ‘ChromoZone’ will be amongst the guests joining Axis.

As always the choreography is original and it is likely that creative sparks will fly.

The group have been very busy getting their act together and will be performing a total of nine works over

the six evenings, four of which will be premiered. (Alice Baln)



The List 135.; 933.1337
