"EFYLIs‘r" ‘—

Midnight revellers. beware the wrath ot

the hags ot Hallowe'en spurned by

slippery lashion; witches are no longer

in vogue north oi the border. ‘Nobody

wants them in Edinburgh.‘ says one

bemused shopkeeper.

Angus McCoIl claims Score

Commotions on Hanover Street stocks

the biggest range at gruesome masks

in Britain. The extravagant may opt lor

Alien at £13.95 but less attluent horror treaks may choose plastic ghouls with tlowing locks (seen in our photo) very reasonably priced at 98 pence. We

asked a group at children aged tour to ten to give us their verdict on a

selection at masks trom Glasgow and Edinburgh.

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McColl's battery operated tlashing goblin, £5.95. was much in demand.

‘lt'll give my Dad a nasty scare.‘ one

live year old girl remarked with relish. Less popular were the clinging rubber skulls and Draculas, £1.95. ‘I can't

breathe and I can't see where I’m going.‘ someone complained. While all the children loved the melting man, £9.95, and Frankenstein, £8.10-l liked the blood on his mouth —younger brothers and sisters iound them suitocating and “a bit scary’. The touryear old twins in our photo loved the plastic masks, 35 pence, trom Rainbow Joke Shop, Gibson Street, Glasgow, although they thought ‘the teeth were a bit iunny‘.


We at The List have noticed something strangely iamiliar about the lashion currently being demonstrated by young ladies in this part oi the world. Their iondness tor wearing tight, black ski pants and baggy, Oxlam jackets has led us to a startling conclusion —they look like Max Wall! While they do not go in lor MrWall’s iunny walk, which he made lamous belore John Cleese even thought oi the classic Monty Python sketch, the similarity is there.

The realisation oi this strange phenomenon was prompted by the exhibition currently on view at the City

at Edinburgh Art Centre in Market

Street (see panel story on page 28). Among the exhibits on display in ‘One City a Patron' are these studies at Max Wall, in his guise as the eccentric concert pianist, by Nicholas Monro. Since this stage at his career Max has, at course, moved onto win much critical acclaim in his straight acting roles; and particularly his performance in Beckett's ‘Malone Dies'. Anyway don't just take our word about this similarity— see tor yourseli.