Fringe 0131
lnternationalFestivalO13‘l'4732000 BookFestival08453735888 ArtFestival07500461332 -A
Activities & Events
Costumed Performances Daily throughout August. lidinburgh (‘astle. Royal Mile. 225 9846. l lam. noon. 1.30pm 8.: 2.30pm. £1 1 (£9; children £5.50). Hear about history straight from the mouths of those who were there from kings and queens to peasants and soldiers (we assume they will he played by actors. because we‘re not sure our stomachs could take actual reanirnated corpses).
Garden Guides Dally Tours I)aily throughout August. Royal Botanic Garden. 20a lnverleith Row. 552 7 l 7 l. £3. Daily tours with the benefit of an experienced guide‘s wisdom. Tickets available from the Botanics Shop. Palm House Reception Desk or liast and .\'oth Gates.
FREE Life on the Lion lloly'rood Park Education Centre. 1 Queen's Drive. 652 8150. A variety of workshops up lidinburgh's own
dormant volcano through July. such as a
chance to meet birds of prey. hunt for the Holy (irail or dodge lava flows. We were joking about the last one. Please
Our toon cavalcarle
phone to lind otrt what is on each weekend.
The Edinburgh Military Tattoo lirom Hi I Atig. ('astle lisplanade. lidinburgh ('astle. Royal Mile. 08707 555l l8. .\lon l-‘ri 0pm. Sat 7.30 & l0.30prn. El} £47. Here come the drttrns. here come the drums . . . 'l‘her'e's no ignoring the pomp and grandeur ol this annual lidinburgh institution. whatever you might think ol the politics behind it. Military bands from all over the world. and the larrrotts nightly lireworks. all set against the imposing backdrop ol lidinburgh ('astle. Booking essential.
FREE The Edinburgh Festivals Cavalcade Sun 2 Attg. Princes Street. 2.30pm. Procession ol' lloats from all aspects ol’ the liestival. See preview. Ceilidh Club Mon 4 Aug. The Lot. 4 (irassmarket. 225 0022. 8pm. to. ('eilidh dancing. l'urious liddlers and callers to lead you through the steps. It’s the
Roundhouse (‘eilidh Band this week. and
don’t worry: we think 'lttriotts' rel'ers to the speed they play at rather than any unresolved anger management issues. FREE? Arthur’s Secrets Wed o Atrg. llolyrood Park lidtteation (’entre. l Queen’s Drive. (r52 8150. 1 5pm. Take a (ranger-guided) wander tip Arthur's Seat. Meet at llolyrood Park Information ('entre.
a? rise Wild in the Woods Wed o Aug.
('or‘stor‘phine llill. Queenslcrry Road. Davidson‘s Mains. 447 7 I45.
The warning signs have been building for weeks: large parties of Italian teenagers in rucksacks occupying whole stretches of pavement, posters of
l.30pm 3.30pm. Join the (‘ountr'yside Rangers tor a walk in the woods. then indulge in some woodland activities using natural materials and resources. Please bring sturdy lootwear. warm clothes and waterprools. l'nder los must be accotrtpanied. Please meet at the car park on (’lermiston Road North. Truckfest Scotland Sat 2 iv Sun 3 Aug. Royal llighland ('entr'e. Ingliston. (ll 77.5 7bSbbl. 0am (ipnt. [l0 U5 (£6. L5 in advancei. Rar‘ghl Scotland's largest
truck festival with plenty ol entertainment
l'or all the lamily. This year‘s special guest is Rab (' .\'esbitt star and large vehicle enthusiast (iregor l'ishcr'.
From Kyoto to Carbeth: Poems & plants from the hills Sat 2 Aug. Scottish Poetry library. 5 ('richton's ('lose. (’anongate. 557 28%. l lam lpm. £5 1L5). Meet at the library then head up to the hills (Arthur's Seat) with writer (ierry Loose. ‘looking l'or plants with the eye ol a poet'. Booking required. Second World War Scottish Soldiers Sat 2 Aug. National War Museum ol' Scotland. lidinburgh ('astle. 225 7534. l2..‘~0prn. l.lilprn. 2pm & 5pm. Included in admission: U I it"): children £5.50). Military rc—enactment ol Scottish soldiers' e\ploits in “AV”.
vaguely-familiar looking comedians obscuring bus shelters and funny dressed people eating fire on the Royal Mile. As any self-respecting Edinburgh resident knows, the final Horseman of Impending Festival is the commandeering of our main shopping thoroughfare by marching bands, Ladyboys, and excitable dance troupes on the backs of articulated lorries. The Scottish Sun Edinburgh Festivals Cavalcade is a great, big celebration of everything this city does best during August, with well over 80 floats, bands and street performers, as well as local community groups and entertainers mingling with the crowds. Last year, mini motorcyclists, town criers, and the ever-reliable Ladyboys of Bangkok rubbed up against all-singing Victorian
zombies. It’s just so Festival!
I The Scottish Sun Edinburgh Festivals Cavalcade /oav0.s Vl/avor/oy Brit/go. 2.30pm, Sun 2.’ Aug. Soc www. edinburghcava/cade. com for ft lit/tor info.
78 THE LIST FESTIVAL MAGAZINE (it .Jril- / Aug; 9008
FREE An Electric Shock of Delight: Sir Walter Scott and the Waverley Novels \Vriters' .\ltrseum. lady Stair‘s (’lose. l.awnmarket. 52‘) 4001. t'ntil Wed 7 Jan tnot Sun).
l0am 5pm. An e\ltibition to celebrate the 500th anniversary ol' the publication ol' T/rc ('om/i/uiitr oft/1c lilac/v Ate/II.
Bond Bound: Ian Fleming and the Art of Cover Design (‘ity Art ('entre. 2 Market Street. 52‘) 3903. t‘ntil Sat l3 Sep (not Sun). Mon Sat 10am 5pm. £5 (£5.50). \Vhat'sh thish'.’ An esshibition evsharnining the way artishtsh and deshingnersh shaped the look or the wor'ld'sh mosht larnoush shpy 1’ l5ashinating.
FREE A Decade of Dance Dance Base. l4 lo (irassmat'kct. 225 5525. l'ntil Strn 24 Attg. 'I'imes vary. An e\ltibition that esplores the representation ol dance through the relationship between photographer and artist. with a locus on .\ l‘actor llancc. l’url oil/re lit/rit/mre/r /'r'vli\'(l/ Hitter.
mm: Extremes: Life in Subarctic Canada National Museum ol' Scotland. ('hambet's Street. 247 4422. l'ntil Sttn 5 ()ct. 10am 5pm. A collection ol objects collected by Scottish lur traders in the lS50s and (Ms l'rom the tribes living in the ('anadian subarctic. and lurther' objects purchased recently. We're guessing. l‘rom the use ol' the phrase ‘l'ur tradcrs' up there. that this probably ain't one lor the squeamish.
I .a'EE Faking It! 300 Years of Banknote Forgery Museum on the .‘ylound. The Hound. 245 54o4. l'ntil Sun 5| Aug tnot Mont. l0atn 5pm; lpm 5pm. ‘l'his summer‘s eshibition at the Museum on the Mound is all about banknote lorgery. l‘ind otrt who laked the lit'st note in Scotland. discover what became ol the artist with a talent l'or‘ iliterally l making money. and see it you can spot a lorgery from the real thing. Katie: Imprentit: 500 years of the Scottish Printed Word National library ol Scotland. (icorge l\' Bridge. (r23 3845. t'ntil Sun l2 ()ct. Itiarn Spin; l0arn 5pm: 2 5pm. livhibition celebrating the achievements til. Slit) years ol printing and publishing in Scotland. grace: Scotland: A Changing Nation National \lttseum ol Scotland. ('harnbers Street. 247 4422. t'ntil \Ved .il the Want 5pm. A major new permanent exhibition charting Scotland and its people born \\‘\\'l to the present day.
Festival of Spirituality and Peace Strn .i-Sun 24 Aug. Various venues. 473 2000. Times vary. Prices vary. 'l‘his multi- laitlt. rnulti-laccted l'estival returns with a programme ol' workshops. concerts and talks. 'l‘his year. speakers include Arun (iandhi (grandson ol' Mahatma l. Valerie Hemingway tdaughter-in-law oi lirnest. now works l’or' liarack ()bamai. Nobel Peace Pri/e w inner .\lairead ('orrigan Maguire. and Martin Bell. the thinking lel'ty's .\lan l‘rom Del Monte.
Food & Drink
Jolly Toper Whisky Tastings 'l‘hu 3| Aug. ’l'hc 'l‘olbooth 'lavcrn. lo7 ('anongate. 55o 5548. 7.30pm. {l7 £20. long-running bi-rnonthly whisky tasting session at one ol’ the best-stocked bars itt town. typically including live malt whiskies at cask strength. 'l'ickets must be booked in advance: call (ll .5l 550 .5864 or email chw stu w mcadenhead.corn to
:REE Edinburgh Farmers’ Market livery Saturday. ('astlc 'l‘crrace. 052 5040. 0am-2pm. .\lorc local. quality produce than you could shake an ethically- sourced. organically hew n breadstick at.
fitiEE Martha Rosler Library: Anton Vidokle Hi i Aug. Stills. 23 ('ockburn Street. 022 o200. Spin. Anton \'idoklc. artist arid l'ounder ole-llu\. kicks oll this series ol talks to accompany