' www.|is‘t.co.uklmusic'

Colin Clyne Scot III)“ haxed iii ('alilornia \\ ho \pcnt part ot llll\ war traiellin}: at \ea. a iiiaioi' llhplfullull tor his wins. .8! Ifru/M. .i’J/i /.]!)§_ ll; [3.11115 I),.i’!)/mi_ {Nd/i) Kharma 45 ltlcctrii indie rock lotit piece \\ itli an energetic \titllltl and L'\plt)\t\t' ll\t' show / mi tIu' I’ringe. (ii/uric! lit/IIIII'I’. 087!) I/i‘l!)l!)!)_ Mixing. 7pm. £05!) Gaughans on Guitars l‘ather/xon duo exploring a \\ idc range ot llllhlt‘ul ltlt';i\ on too guitar» Si HI'II/(’\, .i-I/i I405. If) .Ilug. 8pm. HUI/N).

Chris Bradley and Aphrodisiacs Douhle hill ot country rock \kllll ait alt. and indie m l\l. I 'niIt'rIu'Ili; (/87!) 745 _i’I).\’.t‘. II) xlug. ‘llmi. IN.

Lau (treat tiaditional trio with a unique conteinixirar} \ound. .8"! Bruit-s. 34/) I4I)5_ I.5 d‘ If) xlug. 9pm. (/3 III”).

The McCalmans traditional \iingx reflecting contemimrar)’ Scotland from the award winning. uorld touring lirithh group. SI Ii’ru/es. 340 I405. Io Aug. 9pm.

Colin Clyne See 'l'lttl II). S! Brit/m. 3-”) I405. I!) A" I7Aug. (LN/pm A’- /r\' :lug. II/mi. (NI/(i).

Stephen Fretwell Willi more than a hint ol Dylan. Scuitthoriw'x tinext export ll:t\ a

mice to melt men the litil'dext ol' lictinx. I" on the I'I'INQI’. Iii/qu Room. (/87!) In!) !)/!)!), l7xlug. 7pm. 1/35“.

Paul Steel l'i/Iy. px)chcdelic pop limit the man on a lltl\\lttll to reclaim the term singer \ongwriter. 'I‘nu IIu- I-‘riuge. (‘uIm/‘ei lit/mire, ()48’7!) INN/III“. I7.'\ug. 7pm. [5. Deaf Shepherd l‘iery lolk lllll\lL‘ lroni one til the genre's leading Scottish acts. SI Ifru/ex. .i-I/i I405. I7 l‘hlug. 7/5/71”. [/3 It‘lm.

The “no Tall Girls - Sophie Bancroft and Christine Hanson (itit‘geoltx ian/t'olk t'i'oiii tno of Scotland's most inventne and dixtincthe tinixtx. X! Brit/m. 346 I405. I7 I‘lxlug. N/mi. [II/([8). Simon Bolivar Youth Orchestra of Venezuela ()ne ol‘ South .'\iiierica\ mo\t t'amoux t'\[\0ll\ led h_\ the d_\ iiamic young conductor ( ill\lil\ti lltidamel. I 'sIu-r Hull. 4 79' JOIN). I7.vlug. «\‘pm. [8 U7.

The Wrigley Sisters ()ne ot' the hottexl. lrexltesl duos on the traditional l-Ulh \cctte. S! Brit/cs, 346 I405. /7.-lug. 9pm. [/3

I {II/l.

Das Contras l-‘it'e ~xix piece \\ ith a Latin temperament aiid a rock‘n'roll heart. I’IuIerIu'Ili'. 087!) 745 3!). 'a'. I7 'lug. “pm. [8.

The Outside Track ()ne ol~ the moxt netting. daI/ling next hand\ on tlte traditional llllthL‘ \cene. Si Brit/m. 346 I405. I7 It‘slug. [0.45pm. (“Hun


Martin Carthy ()ne of folk muxic's greateu lllllu\;llttl’\. comhining \kill and stage presence to make him one of the genre\ hest loved figures. S! Brit/es. 3'46 I405. IS A" I9.-lug. 5.45pm. [/2 I U“). Colin Clyne See Thu l6. SI Brit/4's, 34f) I405. /()~It\'.'lug. 6.30pm. {SIM}.

Best of T Break The best unsigned Scottish hands and artists from T iii the Park's T Break Stage as voted for by you. 'I' on the Fringe. Liquid Room. 087!) I (59 0/00. I8xlug. 7pm. [6.

Union of Knives Glasgow three-piece team dark clectm beats. atmospheric melodies and emotive vocal hamtonies. T

on [In III/tea: ( iiIuin t \I‘I/(IIH' I)\"‘I) If)” I)/I)I)_ IIK’lug. 7pm. £05!)

Adele Ne“ \tltllll London lolk/wul \lllfJL’f \Ullg\\rllt'f \\ itli a \inoke-lillcd \oice IIr/irt '\ ('i'IIur liar. UH?!) lh‘) I)/!)!) /.\'.-lug. 7pm.

Deaf Shepherd See in l7_ Xi [mi/m. _\’4(i I405. I7 I‘l.liig. 7.I5/tm. 1/3 11/“). Dame Evelyn Glennie liitcriiationall} acclaimed tor her e\citin3_'. energetic ix-rlormancex the [X‘ft‘ll\\tttlll\l rt‘llll‘th to lidinhtireh in recital. I'qu-r Hull. 4 ".i‘ 300!) IN lug. Rpm. [N 135'.

The TWO Tall Giris - Sophie Bancroft and Christine Hanson See l'i‘t l7. SI Ii’ru/es. 340 I405. I7 I‘llug. 8pm. III/I13).

Les Bofl & Suite 69 Discotheque (iarage rock hand [ll;t}'llt;1()(l\ trealdwat rock‘ii‘roll & I)J\ \piniiiiig (itlx l‘rench pop I'IuIcrIu’IIr. I).\’7I) 745 .i'IIh'i. /«\’.'lug. 9pm. IN

Alasdair Fraser 8. Natalie Haas Hauling: teainxmi'k and drix mg. dancing; l'll)lllllt\ from the hrilliant tiddle player and the “tilltlt‘l'llll _\tillttf._' American cellixt. SI Brit/m. 346 I405. INA/lg. ‘Ilmi. II: III“).

The Outside Track See tiri I7. Si Brit/m. .Uo I405, I7 /.\'xlug. III-15pm. I") (Hi).

Colin Clyne Sec ’l'liti II). S! Ii’ru/ei. 34/) I405. I!) d" I7.‘lug. (Lil/pm A" I«\' .lue. ///mi. [N I UN.

"5'35": si'fig‘fifi'rx.z,t ' - a <2

"L :r. it Wit-'54,

Martin Carthy SL‘L‘ Stll l3 SI “I'll/(w, .i-I/i I405. INA" I‘).\iig. i-Iipm I/3II'/!)). Crash My Model Car + The Orange Lights ltllpt't‘\\l\'t' pit\\lttll:tlt‘ pop lt‘otii the hand littllltlL' lit)!" the lee til l e“ l\. a\ leaturcd iii [he ()I‘ Suppoit lt'illlll'tW

lortiici’ Spiritualixed letlltll\l _l;t\tttt llai't Pl:t}lll_‘_‘ epic _L'llll;lt' \Ulll. 'I'o/i the l-riuge. (‘u/wn-i lit/(titre, (mm [m I)/!)!)_ II) tug, 7pm. to 5!).

The Wailin’ Jennys

Deaf Shepherd See in I” \I In "t \. "I’i III/5 I~ I" lfl'J. ' I‘]”’.'. .‘I: ! .‘ III: The TWO Tall Giris - Sophie Bancroft and Christine Hanson \cc to t" \' Ill/(I. \ U!) II!)< I" I‘IlIIe \rrm 1"" in»

Monica Queen .md Son of Thom I in: ol NotlatidK ttlt‘\' inteiexting' .llltl 'ltt“.tfl‘_' \oicc\ il \ou‘\e heaid lielle and \ehawn” then )oiiK e heard \lt‘lllt a Queen \iippuii

trotit acoii~tic etiitatixt/xiiiz'c' Son ot 'l'hoiii I ml. ’I'i'/I\. UN 7' 11" i!" "

Figure 5 and Sergeant I-antaxnt dmhh- hill ol homcgrimn talent l-iyiiic * u llll their \ttininne eiiitai pop and Sensor! 'tl' their cioud plcaque indie pop w'ind I m" the I‘I'Ill'g’t. (t/l’ti/f'.’ lit/nun; II.‘ ‘II I“! I)/I)!), 3!),luq, "pm i‘

Guillemots ()tiiik}. titttlti tintiiiiite'ital hunch draw “W on J“ eclectic ianz'e et iiilluencex to create their t‘\[‘t'lllllt‘t‘l.tl pop \Ulllltl. I on I/‘(' IIiIigi'. (but I l! I'iiltz'i. (mm moo/oz) m l'ig, '. i'II/mi 1/ ‘5“ The Creation l‘tatt/ Jtl\t'l llil.\tll‘.-\ greatext choial lll.t\lt‘l]llt'L‘t' led hx Roget Norrmgton and lt‘allll’lll‘.‘ a claxxic line tip ol \tlltll\l\ IKIieI Ill/ll, A/rqi' JUN!) Jilluz'. .N'lmi. IN Ii"

Kenny Young 8- The Eggplants lli’ooltlyii'x \iiii‘eal and Incomparable indie lolk'ii'i‘ollerx SI lint/m. .i-I/i I405. .‘II .VI lug. N/mi. («VII/ii

Malinky .\iicient Scotx halladx. cracking lllllt‘\ and original \oiigui‘iting lroin the line Scottish quintet, SI Ii'ruIi-x. ‘4!) MIN Hist/4g, ()pm. 1/3 I I I”).

St Jude's lnfirrnary and The Starlets lidinhui‘gli haxed indie rock hand coinhingr intelligent lyrics and a dark undertone \\ itli a touch ol the \'el\et l'nderground. 'l‘lie Starletx are pure. dream} irrexixtihiliu

I 'IIIII'I'IN'IIV. (/87!) 7-15 Ail/NJ). 3!) lug ‘l/im. IX.

The line-up for St Brides this year is as diverse as ever, drawing perfromers from all

corners and this time its Canada's midwest. The area is a fertile ground for earthy music with a foot in the past and one in the future and these

three female singers are no excepetion. There’s minimal accompaniment

here, the odd banjo guitar or harmonica which suits the trio of voices just fine. Spiritual and warm tones, songs filled with colour and spirit. I ACOUSI/C MUSIC Contreta>St Brides. .346 7405 20 Aug. 7. 75pm. I“ is.

Foo Fighters, Nine Inch Nails amt

Silversun Pickups llte wt ma plax tlieii o'il) \t‘iittixli :‘t" wt "1-

w'itiviei t t"l.tllll\ to he our ot the

l‘lt't‘t‘xl and li~ t In the lll\' ~'\ at 'lt.‘ l'c\ti\al \\"l‘ l‘lll and tree ll \tt‘ "'\ \iippwi' / lung. \' ~,,«‘.-r,1» ~.’ \IiIi/III".’ “N 'I' I’NII’I‘II " l I"

3“ i \1)

Willy Mason ('uti'itn ltl‘ ' 'tl 'olk

'c'tltttttM t‘t‘.l wt l)\ Let t\ t' " "um the popular \tiiiiie \vi-ciita'i / -~ 'I'i [III/[Iii] [\it'

'I..y,- III

l'I’li't II\ ‘I' '/ I‘I’Iu' "

Clive Carroll Itn- 'aleti|~ ' "'\t

ltllllll l lot ct. 'll ‘iu " ' U! [lil!\: 5‘ c!\ l n ivii- ‘Iil \' I sin/1m ‘/ l’l". ’l‘p- ‘I‘II’I’

Kenny Young 8. The Eggplants \‘c \loii I“ \' Ii’w I). x‘ 1/. I II" l:It_' an: 1‘

Haftor Modboe Group l". wteil II‘ it// hut \Kllll .: "oil to \lt“'\‘..'.l 'l:v~

‘I) "~

\lll.t\llt‘\lllt' itioiild I “JIM” II\ I).\' 'II

1;; :Ii.\‘i‘_ ‘/ \m; Up)”. A

Ed Miller See \ltitt Ill \i' Ii'IIiIiw. il/i IIU‘ .‘U .l.‘ lug. ‘1 ill/III! INII/n

i.’i‘i‘,»~§;"l~ " gran 1-: rev-r?” TVfafrvi' 5:

D I -i' ti_~: t' E-J. III/‘v tag-gig} r "--

Scouting for Girls lightheaited. clieei\. piaiio led pop etiaiaitteed to make \ou ~iiitle I I'I/ IIII I Inter. (ii/Hire] \IIIIiIIH'. “hm/l If)” III/III. .‘..‘

lug. '/mi. I"

Stefan Grossman :\iiettt'.i_1'itig' peitoiiiiei and inteipietei t Rat‘llltlt' and l’iluex. (ilt‘\\lll.'lll l\ xyiionx lltt‘tl\ v. till the acouxtic giiitai e\pcrieitce \/ Ii’i/iIi'x. ‘va III/3". 33 A‘ 3 " lug. '. I Vim II.‘ I I III). Interpol .\'e\\ Yolk tout piece laiiied loi their dark. iiitenxe \Hlllltl and \plllt‘ tingling ll\t‘ pt'tlt‘l'lll.tllt‘t'\ Inn IIu' Iiii'gi' (ii/:3 I' it Itilligi'. I).\',"I) Ili‘III/IM). 3.“ lIIL' 7 ill/Hit. II«\'.5!), huh/()1)! Kenny Young 8: The Eggplants See \lHlt 3” \I “III/(W. .‘,4(l I-Illfi, 7/) 30 .lIIL'. VII/ii. IN I If);

Brechin, Wilkinson, Martin A late ix-itoriiianee limit the iiitilti lll\ll'll!t|t'lllitl trio. l‘l‘lllL‘llll' together iiiaii} axpectx ol Scottixli toll. tiaditioii in unique \t}|e_ XI Ii’I'IiII'x. i-Ih III)". .7.) lite. ‘I/mi. INIHi)

7:“."Ix’f-“w‘” “7', 117:7“ :37 ' m Li‘tJLLLLU‘cJ; it (is

Kate Nash lalex t)l lt't'lldt't' ltlc \t‘l In the “mud til electric lxc}lm.iid. gletitle

guitar atid priiiiitixe hip hop heat\ limit the London ttt'\\t'tttllt‘t. l in! [he I’I'IIIQI'. lit/qu Ii'imm. I).\'7I) IN) 0/1)”. 3" .lug. 7pm. II!)

Hot Club de Paris Scotixe trio latitetl lor tlieii aiiiiiiated lixc \liim \ and their catch} guitar indie pop. ( 'quurl iii/IIIII'I‘. (IN-7i) I/i‘) III/ll) 7i,\ugl 7,”), IN,

The Shins ll‘altt' lt ow pl ix tlieii pit-ti} L'tiitar pop. I on the l'l'lllifl (um [ctr/miter (IN/7"!) I/i‘l (HUI). _’_i' 4114:], 7pm 1 Ii i!)

Stefan Grossman See \M-d 22 Si Brit/m 31" I405, 33 it" 3 i luv. 7./5/mi. [I] II III).

Kenny Young 8. The Eggplants See \‘loii 2H 8‘! Ii’i'uli'x "46 I4!” 3!) 2/) .-lug. N/mi U" I Hi). Orpheus/Oedipus Rex two (it

Strax iiixk} \ linext plL'L‘C\ teaturing hotli hallct and opera. I'inrr IIu/I 47.1’ 20!)“, 3" Aug. «\‘pm. IN 37

Burach .\ tititt \tnp 75 tittttltlex (ll groox in‘ tune \et\ and tantaxtic \(illfJ\ VI Brit/m .i'J/i [4/5. .7." xlllL’. ‘l/mi. [XII/i).

1"» 1/1 A‘i‘} Ell/:7 THE LIST FESTIVAL MAGAZINE 55