loo I" Witt a canvas ‘wall til (01' m” k at (l hf friends. Lye-ii M w in cdl . courage w‘ *‘ W lb! 11 a word a“ My it M * structures candy "gum mull-d topics as «van is m wn's triskaidekM .1 with M rw sharp tW in “at: laugh to the tune u! m every t“. (Peggy w Hunt-iv (W 556 6550. «and! 27M; 11F. WHO I [7.50 [8.501

“lot ~ . Am gun Willy brings in a shot whose first half is full ot m d—hfi m a lJy'etpool Australian with attacks and [Mummy-d roman“ in Hong Kong. Th. I‘shcll. A Falklands vetorlli. h cmksses to he, emotional sell lid launches into a fascinating ha “My-void slideshslu about likewismshiflinmis too elm. l“ it) matith lint-bit K1“ Sat-rem The Stand II. 55:: 7272. an. and 20 Aug. a ([7).

A m u d an

.00. lrreveruot. wiry. misc-hiatus a m to you dramatic ether. this was no he spent is wonderfully silly w. Th 08.. o four men ad on m ~ rates through sketchs so fresh hey ougll to patent them 1K ms t) W over the M d m- Kcyus' M stagger it out on Wars. Ilotlly brilliant and In.” M (Katie Gould) Mummy Run" Art Home. 087/ 750 am. until 26 Aug (Ito! lvt (Mtg-u. 1'7 (in).

link .00. Auteur: membersmlilflyltwkb‘d their hour in M's W’ My praying fithlidu N enjoy [klfly b: will item. if UIII'CW. W 0. not. ms events. and our mid-g we“ about the day he ejaculated Not-d. hot it impactiswhllilhm delivery. (All- uhflc) PM? (‘rmrty‘onl 55‘ 6550. mil 27,913.

8. 20pm {9 £10 mat-my». M M 00

The binder-w rm is but with u advice shop in no pl women on seduction antiques. You know a show is strung who k comic tires a a! in the front row to let her audience play out the sum *3 M Q. leaving a series til-Ito“ silences on stage and tube“. Liw. (Brian Donaldtanl (“i will Trva'ut. “I 14533. and 3A”. 2.4% 0—0

([7 ML

The at O“ m .0. Andy 09o. M: of this nude custody W invites a bray'thdMuhu funny ad M H h humu My ‘- W to ii is disparity. net “to Mad his with cowboy hulls H .d Illa boobed M W" m with everynififislhncfl'tub barmy. (Foggy Ho”) W Idlin- 'I'ei'r‘ol. (:68 163]. and! 274”. 9.15”. f9—[lll (13» (VI.

Th. m h 0“ Wait if smnewhat sketch narratives from a likable Boston duo. Topics include clerical abuse. unusual bicycle designs. lethal subway doors and


wit til-tun. Their vitrrint

appmach to storytelling is and. but an overly "wandering structure m to be ruined in. and the abundant guiding replaced with real material. (Sun Meaty) Underbelly; m7“ 745 .l()8_l. until 26 Aug. 6.35"; [Ski/(H18 [9). w I..- .. Bcllin performs cuiely in the guise of Rhian Davies. a fame-hungry Welsh girl prepared to do anything to get on the telly. Draped in this cha’acter. Bellin actually auditioned [or Big Brother. and secretly filmed her W. There's so much [intential M's Mingly never fulfilled with was infectious enthusiasm crushed by Chet. Wynn-s. W it features glimpses of trampled brilliance.

(Slit Bevan) Holyan Ttmfll‘l'ittllt. 335 97“. unit! 27 Aug (not 20). [.45/nn. [5 (‘4).

h 1'“. 00 As the its hair'ist launches his Presidential Wgn. not in the States but in Scotland. it's all too clear that it‘s Mind to the same t'iu'lure as Doug W's bid. Despite having some original/writ) ideas. when it comes to m this across in comedy. it all falls a hit flat. (In'an Donaldson)

Ana-Hyfi Hill Street Theatre. 623 3030. “I 27A". [.40pm. [IUfitl-[llfltt (auto;

W “an 000 mm tells us from the outset that she man do chit chat. and this sentiment mails. Prusclytisin‘ on politics. “on and other weifity topics. she W was close to mere soap- Vih the M admirable force of Engaging warmly with h m. ll! all he very funny. and when she's hottest. it can be pretty

but can is needed not to lose M this the way. (Peggy Huglrst The Sand II. 558 7272. until 26 Aug. 1””. £8 (UL

Sketch duo lea III-tun (a girll and Sarah Dean (Mt?) use make-believe and handicrafts to introduce us to conspiracy theorist supennarket workers. two posh kids role playing at ‘l)isadvantaged

ummmm 16—23Aug2CD7


Northerners' and an asylum seeking y'ampirc. With lltltttlslsltlllt‘tl riuri's

yy imples. riunchucks arid clipboards. they ping-pong through art intelligent set of surreal fun is itliout missing a beat. 'l'\' ayy ails. ((‘laire Saysers) I’lt'uytrnt (' ('ourty‘urtl. 556 6550. until 3!) :lug. [2.55pm. [7 lh‘Il’in ULSIN.

The Mercer Island Rodeo

00 Apparently. this Irish troupe are an aysard-yyirinirig sketch team. llest Irish sketch shoys yyith the word ‘Rodco' in the title is the only thing I could imagine they'ye won. The energy is there. btit slack yyriting lets it all doys ll. Still. there's plenty of hot ‘l/l l and paedophrlia action to get their student fans into a frcri/y. (Brian Donaldson) l'ntlt'rlu'lly; UNIV) 7-15 3083'. until 3/) :lug. 4.35pm. 17.5!) {8.5!} (£6.50 [7.50).

Gordon Southern 00. Perhaps you just had to be there for Souther'n's journey from Bristori to Airstralia y ia Wales. Perhaps he had a tough croyyd. But this set of lad laughs yy ith slightly frightening musical accorripanimerit fell vsitle of the mark. The easy banter rieycr‘ fitils ltltlt. ltoyy L‘\ L't’. telling iokcs en route to otherjokes. arid yy rtli a little more confidence on a good night he might _|ll\l fly. (Peggy llughesi (irltlt'tl Ila/[min Terror. 6018’ [633. until .37.!lug. 9pm.

[9' [/0 t [7 [8). stophon Carlin 000 and dissecting popular culture is a hurdle that has felled many a stand-up. birt the very dapper (‘arliri has some aces tip his sleey'e \A ith a seerriingly lard-back deliycry rey‘ealing extremely shreys d and highly amusing obseryations. 'l‘echriical glitches are handled yy ith deadpari and gtxxl-humoured ad-libbing. and he interyy eay'es ey‘erything from comiricingly derriolishing popular


conspiracy theories to snooker. llillcr and Jimmy Sayilc. (limma Neyslandsr (‘ Sum, 0845 26!) Ill-l. until 36 glue.

6. 50pm. {N I Hi I.

Field Study .0 .-\ y irtually laugh-free shoyy about three scientists analysing the mechanics of comedy is an irony lost on no one. The young trio try their damndest but there simply is no

material here \yorthy ot tlic name .is they mug their ysay through an hour ~s tortured

c\pcrirricrilatron r llrran Donaldson i

l’lt'rtsrrttt t (int/turn." ‘f* ’i‘ ‘4 '. rurirf .‘0 \rre. ‘3‘,”Itr. :\ ‘I' :‘I "l 3' 3M Howard & Hunt .00 Hrs in;

.intlrropomorplu/cd pcts. thc duo of llaycrstoc k and (iold \s c'.t\ c .r funny talc of NC“ relationships. hrssy tits and dog breath \lirrit’s ttlic cart \sorld is turned on its head yyhcn llt\\\.rtd rtlrc poochl and his mastci \ic k moyc rrrto lrcr mistress Janos tl.tt \ubtlc .irirm.il .ic ting complements c.tsy pct humour. and the result is \y.trm. limits. and purrrrtcc tly balanced comcdy it In mods \\ ilsorit (irlrlt'tl li'irlr'ruur lt'i rut, NM l“ i i. until .‘7' lug. / l‘pm. l\ 2‘)! ' 3M

Tom Stade O.

persona and .i tendency to gig

\ grating storicr :‘lc .rl .llltl repeat your oysri punt lilrncs docs not the meritorious conicdrari tttakc It's c.isy to imagine \ladc cracking his ‘outragcous‘ gags in the nut ‘Nlt [rt it'll l’rt scttucl. ideally aboard .i loyy rcnt cruise ship It's tougher to lirid anything to in ommcnd tti this unpleasant .ict csccpt tli.it ll crids ptlttctually. (hunt llcalyt Ilu \i'tlllt/ ll. 55‘ “31‘. until 30 lug. III l‘lmt. .‘N (1“!

This Sketch Show Belongs to Lionel Richie 00

see a bouncy comcdy troupc critoy trig

lloys loycly lo

thcmsclycs his! a slr.rmc they seem to be haying morc lllll than thcrr croyyd 'Iliis surreal collection of \ rgrrcttcs csplorrng middle class sc\ua| pctycrsroris. .t lionel Richie obsession .trid pcrisioncr hooligans rs quirky. fast paced and often \er'y funny. llut too marry in rokcs lease the cr'oyyd lcelmg .t bit left out ('tackrtig dance routmc to ‘Haucrng on the (‘crlmg' though. r('l;urc Sayscr'sr ( "irtlt-ilu'llt. US?“ 345 ~WM}. [ml/l 3/) .ltt'.", .i. ill/int. 13,5!) 195!) I l ,fim‘ll l.\'_ ill).

Victor 0... Victor legit is a /calot ol the l'edcr'atton .'\j._‘.‘tlllsl ('opyrrght lltt'll. \lt'iltllihl Itt ltts Ilitssrolt to slt‘lll the tide of Korean influenced l)\ l) piracy With a smart script and near flayy less deliy cry. the subtle details are embellished ys ith some gory l'.\ and a

tyy rst or tyyo in its tale Worth getting your hands on a copy.

(llrran l)orialdsoni I’lt'irsrrnt (' ('orr/‘tirml. 550 655”. until 37.\uu. //un. 17,50 t.s' So i to (it Tanyalee Davis 000 ill our. bill describing herself as loss to

She may be

the ground and kind of racy' It'llccls that that there is definitely nothing small about 'l'anyalcc's personality llcr sell deprecatrng humour pr'oy rdcs a fair lt-ys laughs detailing the trials and lribulatlons of her life story. and although at times the anecdotes are more cathartic than comic. it makes a refreshing change from the usual stand up fayr'e (limma \eyylaridsi I’lt'rryrtnr'w Home. 55/) 0551/. lllllll 37.1luz. h’.-l.‘i/nir. £8.51) 19.5” I l 7 133'). Martin Soan O... imagine a shoyy that encapsulates the

It‘s hard to

l‘ringe more than Soari's. 'l‘hc coriiedy yctcrari's offering is one of the burrrirest you're likely to see. Aided by Sally Day. there's a plethora of quick changes and looriy props yyith the lirglilrglit being the Sooty seattcc; ltayc the tissues ready for you'll be laughing and crying simultaneously. (Marissa Burgess) The Stand. 558 72 72. until 27.4142. 2pm. £8 ([7).