
Telephone Booking

Fringe 0131 226 0000

International Festival 0131 473 2000 Film Festival 0131 623 8030

Book Festival 0845 373 5888

Art Festival 0777 169 3470

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BED AND BREAKFAST Time warped theatre-by-the-sea O.

TEENAGE KICKS John Peel‘s life story on the right track 0...

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'~lli 1! .1l‘ w,~-"? WE Illw tim' 'llii'ri‘f. .! ‘rlt- l! l'!.li".'i.l‘i ‘.' .i i l, |r‘- iiii’f, ll‘i' .'~-l.i7~‘.i:

lll’l'l'idllll. 1‘ WHIP!" w in

STONEWALL Glitter and gay rights 00.

".h ililiriiili «l fwrw ‘.‘.’li.i! HMN'H liil‘. ‘.liii.‘. 'r’wli i miiiriii 1‘. fruit l’wl‘.

.l' lili'.“(l u< '1“: 'T‘Jllli'L‘, i>. [‘Lifll‘ : H‘i(ll'1f».lll'llr.ill‘~’\.'."l.l|lll7i‘x‘~'" "iiiwiii {MN 1 w ~Hii‘TiitH'l “Mi! 1"". iliilli‘i -'.‘-"' Iliw. .'.ll"lt‘ 3'

Ho- in: i E'iwr iv i aim. .'\ V‘I“ “1" iii .'.Iiv-. iE‘aw'ni AKA l’i‘l. lid. i‘lf~l.'.llllo‘ir' 1.. .lezri“.".‘ :li"."~ .i'1:i lll‘. Zintw'iwr‘. l'w? w H“ l‘rth- (ill {lir- l.ilt»~i .i'u: fiie‘ii ‘,i‘.i' {mifflw nutty lii‘liw “\l' .i' l .' m‘i'liilir‘ uiiitniilu'u ii: wiil Mil (ill Il‘w .ii' t".t.‘l‘ :r‘. Ilii-lavwvt Tllt‘llt‘).l ‘.‘..i‘.i‘il'iirl<;.‘ii ‘,t'llliii lliiitaiu KIMHH l i‘iffill". .it; Pl‘t?’ 1‘; wxvi-lli-iit llw 'l‘!l(illi lltli llilu‘ Hit“

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llli'ii'iullll‘f‘tidiifllli It‘tfi’hltlt‘ht’mT 1' ' ' ' ' mm: ‘.i\i.vlw'1'tli.i‘.i\i<il>imi EXITS AND ENTRANCES 2=.;'~ : ::'-' -- titlilli‘dit‘il l‘wi 'I~‘- it min. inn; aim. No business like show business. 0000 ' - - I : ~' u r ' ml,iuiiiiifv..t.i i‘ii:;i.'i‘:'iiiiniwmw'i " .' . "'I ' ' " i 1 ‘MM H ‘l‘vrfw In Athol Fugard’s insightful new play, we find celebrated South African . " . : ' a v u . I r‘x:::~’e*'”."~. ~-' ! "twat »‘«'.'::. '97. ‘3 actor Andre Huguenet (Morlan Higgins) reflecting on all that he has I z. ' I " " ' " - , . .‘ "1...: .‘N. sacrificed for his theatre career which is now reaching its end. ' I: -' . ' " I: 5‘ WW“. f '~' i.‘ 7N 7m“ 5w". Beginning with the playwright (William Dennis Hurley) stumbling aCFOSS :' I’ w t"- I :i' z :z» CHAV' IT’S A MUS'CAL his old mentor’s obituary, we delve back in time in his memory to 1956 : . : ;' .z ' r:' '. I: I o ' when Huguenet was at the height of his career, playing Oedipus and the ' :' .: H: : , , ~ .- ' ' t; ' w-rl : w IN.N|T . playwright was a lowly dresser with a bit-part and ambition. The story 2 x v : .7 u. '2' w ' r' a ‘= Union Jack thongs, vandalism and f . . . . , . . ,H , , , w r, . , , , , Lambrini ... ocuses on their budding relationship, based on Fugard s own relationship . . . , i , . with Huguenet. It then goes on to explore how their dynamic has evolved :, . I .1, ° , " ~,-' : , pr» " ' ihv [Muim it Much Ililtl show 1:; so? when they meet for the final time years later. ' ' ' ' " " n; the tux-.n n' [\ixzd Gammon}: Directed by Stephen Sachs. it's a gently humorous, slow moving and V'x' '. . a i . : ’2 ' 'l'Hl‘T'Y‘ut't‘fi “W” Jm‘k illt‘litit; .iir- reflective piece examining the toll time can take on your dreams and '.' i A"; «'2' 2 .m. ’11:".‘z

Mashed. bus at. in: .m» \Jl‘uliillfuhi and ambitions. When the pair reunite, Huguenet is uncomfortably reminded of .‘ ' n. " Lin-w.- x .‘ 01,-. ennui»: mi mwnploxmi im‘lit} his youthful aspirations which have fallen by the wayside as the playwright ".2:- r:' 1U; .4 '. ,' x we . impregnate mph other Elke Lamiwm expresses his passion for creating theatre that can make a difference, Vivi/'1. " ' ' " " " ' ' "‘ .niiiiuti rabbits: In. between lfl’it‘ivitl theatre about all South Africans not just Afrikaner whites. Huguenet 4:,- :,r,-'.'.r.«;' ' " ’3 " -’; ' and repeating the .zord "Ir‘r‘it". Destin; advises him to do drawing room dramas instead. It‘s a touching tale of one " 7:" (22:0 ' '29:: ' g I: ' ‘”

\htitv l-‘.idl‘u'\ tiltii‘flst 8M- irl man's exit, too tired to fight anymore and another man's entrance as he '2¥:{,' " g: ' 3:: ":J: rz' ’1 I 3 A Pregnant l‘\ in»: chunk. t‘litill‘t‘xl mi? realises his theatre might make a difference. Theatre is constantly evolving, ', .f '1 ’2' ’, .' " -':' ' w’: " r:

wt oi ,1 how wxi [\i". {NM-v each new generation wanting to make their mark, this play exposes this ’1 ° ,‘ ".4. :«z' g: 3.8-": If ’,-’:‘:m

Godwin“ .vxi vets aw: was. to twain cycle with perfect clarity, using these two men as a metaphor. :, .' “:3. z:' 1‘» :,~'.-'..-’,~:' ~',-::. ' ’g

“‘0 “WV-8 10 1‘0?" WW mm "'0' RN?“ Higgins' Huguenet is a giant of a man. played with passion and candour, ’: new? ",2 My: w my n9" ~ .it‘thli xitiiw .Lasov‘, Bf.ickv..itor an who becomes vulnerable in his dressing room as he is physically and ‘:.~':’ " 'r " ' ' K: ' r ’1

tmtxwon CON m: emf-used .im "t: emotionally exposed. A beautifully told story of entrances and exits, ‘. :z N z to resist the Pesto. E: dreams and aspirations. (Greer Ogston) I :' C :' I ' ' “hos: iwrxz“ (‘03 0 Din s I - a ." . - ' ' - - "- ' - '- " ' '- ' " ' " ' "

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