Working Girls 0. Three sloanes deprived of daddy 's benevolence have to procure jobs in this patchy sketch show. The format is fine. and is slickly esecuted with an L'Clcctlc L‘ltotcc (it tunes accoiripany mg each overly -lrequent. pace- destroying lade-to-black. But it's hard to shake the feeling of watching low grade .S’nuuk tlu' l’unv. Disappointing. (l’eggy Hughes) (' \m 6, 0845 360 /3.i4. until 36 Aug (mi! l8). Ill/mi. £8.50 [9.50

(l 7.5!) £3.50).

Arthur Smith 0000

veteran takes a different approach w ith a

The liringe

showcase of his and other cornedtans‘ artwork. This exercise in combining comedy and art is |)adaist in its execution. with empty cupboards. daft signs and a happy slapping video. Stewart's beaiitiltil reworking of 'I’lu- ()u'l (Hill the l’imvi (ll is the highlight. (.‘vlarissa Burgess) lnvtituu' 6/ /UI' l,ugii . 07966 08‘) 30}. until 36 Aug. llutn 5pm. [Inn Bridget Christie 000 And here comes Stewart's iiiissus as he indulges in her long-held obsession with ('harles ll. influenced by the fact they share the same hair and a love of oranges. lindearingly quirky and historically otlbeat. the set loses steam rather quickly but it's as herself rather than her ( iiiy l‘awkes or (ireat l’ire of London characters that

works best.

(Brian l)onaldsont [lit/iv lit-llv. 0870 74.5 5’08}. until 36 Aug (not l5). 5.50pm.

[7.50 [8.50 l [6.50 17. 50).

Wormholes and Arseholes

O. ltromise to ‘confiise the audience into

'l'otii Davies and ('hris Boyd

subriiission' with their postmodern banter. but with a shortage of solid material they fail to reach even this modest ambition. Lacking in confidence. the pair fails to pull off their easy stereotypes of ‘brain' and ‘brawn'. Some pre-recorded skits show sparks of ingenuity do offer a little promise. (limma l.enno\ l .Iurv'v Inn. 556 0476. until 35 Aug (not I). I‘ll. 9pm. [7 ([6).

Owen Powell .0. An hour of stand-up on the subject of Starbucks doesn't sound like ever‘y'one's cup of java chip frappiiccino. llui Powell's intense. nervy' quest to track the two closest UK branches of the coffee chain actually proves quirkily entertaining. His odyssey is a boflin's wet dream of pie charts and PowerPoint presentations with much of its gentle humour being derived from an almost religious /eal. (Allan Radcliffe) l’li'usuni'i' ('ourtviinl. 556 6550. until 37 Aug (nit! l4). 6pm. [8.50 [9.50tf7- [8), Gamarjobat 000 The Japanese mime and magic duo take their street jx'rformance act inside for an hour of slapstick. spoof magic. acrobatics and guitar riffs with Rock 'n Roll l’i'nguitt. The pair waddle about like a hybrid of l’ingu and Tommy (‘ooper and their non-verbal. physical comedy will get you. your granny and your tive-year-old niece giggling. (Suzanne Black) l'iltlerBlz'l.1.l"s Pasture. 0870 745 3083, until 27Aug (not [4. 3/). 5.05m. t‘lt).50-t‘l2.5i) i [7.50- t‘t I l. Stephen K Amos 0... Amos came out on stage last year and it‘s marvellous to see him increasingly weaving tender and masterful material about growing up gay in a British-African household. You're guaranteed a good time with this talented pro as he imbeds important stuff about racial issues into a seamless flow of quality.

(Ashley l)av lest l’li'iivuni i- ('nurtvunl. 556 65 50. until 3711444 (nut l5t. 9.40pm. 1/2.5tttl.l5iti1ll t/Ji.

Stuckey & Murray 00 A musical comedy act is a tough tightrope to walk at the best of times. and although the carriaraderie of this duo is impossible to lault. it proves that a song doesn't automatically become funny because it contains the word 'douchelxig'. One to avoid if you'd rather be spared the gory

details of the iiiari-meets-beast romance of

‘l 'nicorri l.ove'. (limma Newlandsi

l 'nili'rln'llv. 0870 745 3085’. until 36 Aug (not /.i'). ll. l5/mi. £8.50 £9.50

(£7.50 [8.50).

Jason Byrne oooo This beloved Irishman is one of the l-‘ringe's safest bets and here he gives its his take on relationships. where women are riionsti‘ous and men are idiots. There's a drunken tramp who is actually his sev eit- year-old son and we hear of his clowning embarrassment at the Royal Variety Performance. Sliv l’igv. ll'iili ll’igs. Hidden In the 'Iii'igv has relatively staple subjects but. as ever. lly'rne invests them with facial contortions. a childlike imagination and other-worldly descriptions. (Marissa Burgess) .'l\\'('llll’l\' Hull. 623 .9030. until 37Aug (not [5. :0). 8.40pm; .36 A" 27 Aug. 9.50pm. [/5 [l450tt‘ll £15.50). Vladimir McTavish oooo

\lc'l'av ish packs his iisual punch with this acerbic and energetic performance. A whistle-stop tour of Scotland's history is delivered with the perfect balance of riit- picking. fun-poking satirical vim and pockmarked with trademark asides. For its intelligence. his genuine enthusiasm for Scottish history. and his showmanship. this is compulsory viewing for a'body. (Peggy Hughes) The Suqu II. 558 72 72. until 36 Aug (not [5). 7.45pm. [a i [7).

Stan Stanley 00 Stanley‘s theme of embarrassment attempts to hold together thisjumbled set. with no transition between gags about his parents and standard jokes about Harry Potter and the War on Terror. His finale is a re- enactment of the show's best visual humour. which only reminds us that if these bits had been funny enough to repeat a second time. he wouldn't actually have to. ((‘ate Simpson)

( 'nili'rln'lly'. 0870 745 3083. until 26 Aug. 2. 20pm. tree.

Jim Bowes 00. Whether WMl)s can be launched within 45 minutes may be debatable. but a far safer bet would be to spend that length of time in the company of Bowes. An affable and enthusiastic host. he guides (is along the

journey from polite to increasingly

assertive complaining. explains the event that prompted the quest in the first place. and asks himself. and the audience. what this means on a grander scale.

(limma Newlandsi (' cubed. 0845 260 [254. until 27Aug. 8.15pm. [750-1950 ( {650—1850}.

Watson and Oliver .00 This pair‘s absurd sketches include Olympic ceremonies. last suppers and Jane Austen- sty le romps. which they infuse with musical flair. ()liver takes the lead as a beaming. stage school parody. while Watson uses her large. watery blue eyes to play the comedic underdog. Despite their charisma. the show falls short of a laughter extravaganza due to weak writing and missed punchlines.


(limma Lennos) l’lnivitni‘i' ('ourtviinl. 556 6550. until :7 Aug (not l5). 4pm.

£8. 50 {9. 50 i (7128;.

Andy Zaltzman COO Yalt/man has decided to create a utopia tising a flea cichs as a microcosm of humanity and his crowd are going to help. As a vehicle for political yet absurdist humour the structure works well. providing opportunities for potshots at governmental institutions. In places it’s endearingly shambolic. and ends on a slightly apologetic note as he abandons the fleas as a bad idea. but his material ultimately wins out. (Marissa Burgess) The Stand. 558 73 73. until 37 Aug (not l5). .t’.l0pni. £7it6t.

Cirque de Sabotage o This female three-piece act proclaims itself as ‘heavily character-driven. comprising sketch-based slapstick and silliness. wov en together with verbal dexterity and an extensive wardrobe of props and costumes'. True enough. but then so was the similarly-titled Beastie Boys video. and that had more laughs than this entire show. (limma Newlands) (’ntli'rlu'lly. 0870 745 3085’. until 26 Aug (not [5).

l3. l5pni. [7. 5018. 50 (£6.50 [7.50). Keith Carter “0 ('oming over like some (ireatest Hits tour. Liv'erpudlian (‘arter rolls out three of his longstanding creations (the addled Nige. the driver to the stars (ierald and electro-ponce ('olini adding Ronnie the racist to the mix but leaving loyal admirers feeling a little short-changed. His way with the crowd falters occasionally but this pool of life is worth dipping into.

(Brian Donaldson) l’li'usuni'i' ('uurtvunl. 556 6550. until 27Aug (not I}. 30).

5. 45pm. [8. 5(L t"). 50 t [7—« [8 ).

Skinner & Bell 0.. Having given up on Narnia. Dave and Dave hole up in Uncle Brian's country house. There. they inadvertently encourage a cow to ‘moo- icide' and discover a motley assortment of people and creatures. including a man who stuffs animals and a don't-give-riie-no-shit ‘talking' tortoise. (‘her and (‘harles Dickens make random cameos and while the humour can be variable. the scenario holds up well. (Hannah Adcock) Utulorln'llv. 0870 745 3083. until 26 Aug (not [4). 4pm. £8.50--[‘).50(17.50—18.50). Barry Castagnola 00 We all know people who sit in the pub and regale us with stories and have us laughing like drains. How funny do you think these people would be if you put them on stage fora whole hour with no chance to get another round in and maybe a bag of peanuts‘.’ The titular theme of Mont/m Man is tacked onto the end and some pointless video clips will have you calling time. (Gordon lildrett) Pll'UMl/lt'l’ ('uurty'uril. 556 6550. until 27Aug (nut 13). 9.30pm. £ll~£l2 ([9.50—[l().50). Paul Chowdhry ooo (‘how-dhry‘s world is one of discomfiting male nudity. racist jokes and l’unnrumu reconstructions: he turned down an offer to play a suicide bomber in a reconstruction of 7/7 because the £200 fee ‘wasn't enough to buy me a new identity". and revolving crises of self-identity. You may well chuckle for a solid hour. (Katie Gould) Buhv Belly. 0870 745 3083, until 36 Aug (not I4). 8.15pm. [9-[10 (Hi—[9). Trippplicate om Allow madcap ‘twins' Kirsty and Miranda to guide you through the finer points of being a Timel.ord. A barmy bonanza. our intrepid ‘superhumans' lip through the

timeosphere. with the help of stolen theme tunes. impressive Hus/ultint cvworthy dance routines. silly voices and slick slapstick. High-kicking. high octane. highly impressive chunk of funny with these linu'iri/ipi'rv' (l’eggy llughest l’li'iivuni'i' (‘uurtviml 556 6550. until 3" Aug (not l4i. 6 .‘(lpin {U 50 2/050

([8 {Vi

John Bishop .0 sparkly toothed Scotrser Bishop was a marketing man in a pinstripe suit. llut bored of the humdium routine. and keen to

make his kids proud. he bravely tacked it

Sis months ago.

in to go pro as a stand tip His open heart story of marriage breakdown. depression and daytime boo/mg gets overly heavy. but natural warmth and nice guy patter bring it back from the brink. ((‘laire

Saw ersi I’li'iiviuu r ('ourtvunl. 556 65 50. until .‘7Aug (tint l5). l/pni. “1.50 110.50 ([3 I‘ll.

Adam Hills 000 front row always seems like a great idea in

llantering with the

the sweaty confines of a comedy club btit in one of grandest chandelier happy rooms on the liringe. it’s a pointless. escluding esercise. lriv itiiig a Roi kv Horror -esqiie audience-stomping finale is even less pleasing and this Airssie‘s natural way with material and his crowd has been brutally sacrificed for a soft stand-up hour. (Brian l)onaldsont Asvi'tnlrlv (a George Street. 635 5050. until 37 Aug (not I5). 7.50pm. U4 [/5 (fln’ 1/4).

Jarred Christmas 000 the Hero Slum- is a befitting title for ('hristmas‘ latest venture as the Kiwi resembles something between ('lark Kent and the Incredible Hulk. lle throws himself into storytelling. gripping the audience's attention with red-checked tiiry. though at times his joke—lite anecdotes are too lengthy. The recurring theme strengthens a mostly muddled set but his super energetic climax leaves you on a high. (limma Lennoxi l’li'itvitlti'i' ('Uttt'lvrtl‘il. 556 6550. until 26 Aug (nut l3). 7. lit/mi.

[8. 50—11). 50 ([7~ l8).

Rhod Gilbert 0... Being stuck in a hotel room watching W/iui'v Iz'uii'ng (ii/her! (irupi' is (iilbcrt's starting point. as he trails off on various tangents about parental divorce. finding love. having a baby and the trials of growing up in a fictional town. Surreal. rambling and very funny. by his own admission he doesn't do comedy. he does misery; if this is true let‘s hope he doesn't find true happiness. ((iordon iildrettl l’li'uvuni'i' ('nurtvunl. 556 6550. until 27Aug Inn! [5). 8pm.

[I I-t‘l2 (£9.50 {[050}.

Tea and Cake .0. Afternoon tea with Tiernan l)ouieb and Lauren Shearing is an entertaining affair. Their well-written sketches are unashamedly unafraid to push the boundaries of taste and almost enough to put the delicate off their Lady (irey. They overcome awkward costume changes by adopting the Simon Brodkin method of disrobing in full view of the audience while the comedy continues and glimpses of their onstage alter egos reveal a murderous intent. Recommended. (Marissa Burgess) Utuli'rln'llv. 0870 745 3083. until 26 Aug Inn! [5). 2.50pm. [8—[9 (£748).