Janey Godley 000 "I he tttttxl outxpoken teiiiale xtand-tip in llritain‘ likex to think ot her \lltm lexx ax a routine and more (ii a tnloriital chat among triendx ('ertainl}. tlte tact that (iodle_\ ‘x reininixcencex take iii \llLll c loxe-to-ther knuckle xtibiectx ax child abtixc. murder and gang \ iolciice. inearix it'x occaxioiiallx dtllictill Io xecond-gttexx \\ here the punchline ix going to appear ('oiitpelling t:\llatt Radcltllei I’lI'IixIrnI 4’ Home. 55/; 655/). until 37.}lue. 7pm. 1‘1 {Ill

(17. VI 1H 5”).

Daniel Townes O. 'I’hix chai‘iiiing londoirbaxed .'\II\\IL"\ xet ix btiilt looxel} around hix detention and deportation tioiii art l.:\ airport tor an apparent!) negligible llll\tlelllealltttll'. an encounter that otterx him xoiite conxiderable mileage. With the air ol oite ot _\otii ltiiinier palx. ’l‘oxxnex hax laid-back banter that iiiight‘xe been axked to xit

doxx n and drink tip belore an hour \xax allo\\ ed to paxx. I.\lark lzdmundxoni (it/I/I'I/ IfIil/oon Ii't‘iol. 605‘ /(i_i’.\’. until 3!) glue Ino! /."I. /U.I5/nn. 13.50 9.5!) (£7.50 3.50;. Carey Marx 00 bear alolt. Marx \tl}\. ‘l'xe got a tie“ rape

lloldittg a tedd}

ioke.‘ and then proceedx lo caxt axpei‘xtortx on little people. religiotix tanaticx and hix poor girllriend. nicknamed ‘lilboix l'ace', Scapegoating the bear \xhcn hix more ollxide iokex tail to plcaxe ix ltix tactic. \xith \ar}ing el't'ectixenexx. l.o\\ bro“ and bi/ari'e. tlte rapid-lire jokex need more time tor l'olloxx -through in thix uneven routine. I('armod_\ \Vilxoni ('nIlt'rliI'Ilr. (m7!) .745 .‘WNJ‘. until 3.";lite (not /.t’l. 8.50pm. 19 HI) I U" m.

Greedy .0. 'l‘her‘e'x little doubting the acting xkill and \ ibrant energ} ol

thix quartet. btit the) are let dim ll b) writing which tlotinderx on the majority of their xkitx. Recurring routinex about dinoxaurx and a pexk) lothario called \\'liixtliiig Martin \xork bext but all too man} ol their piecex end with a weak punchline. A largeI} tiiixatixt} ing xketch leaxt. Illi'ian l)ona|dxoni ('nI/I'rlu'llt; 087!) 745 .i'llo'n'. until 36 slug (not /4). 5pm.


AL Kennedy 0000 Delightt‘ulh warm and engaging. dexpite all thoxe drear} prexx picttirex. .-\l.K gix ex the imprexxion xhe reall) L‘ltltt} x tr) iitg to endear an audience to her. It \Hittld be eax} to dixlttixx thix \\ ell-crafted material ax the ineVitable product other \x riting career. btit xhe adaptx eaxil} to a tie“ genre. uxiiig everyhing in her arxenal lo deli\ er a .xlttm' that Is cle\ er. conxidei'ed. charming and. luckil}. \er) t‘unii). ISti/anne Black) 'I'lie Stunt! II. 558 72 "3. tutti! If) glue (not [3. .‘UI. lln’U/mi. {N (17").

Jarlath Regan 000 Regan ix utterI} beguiling and likel) to be among the moxt charming men )ou'll meet. Selt- deprecating. be“ ildered. and c|e\ er. he talkx ot' hopelexx gmertttttettl attemptx to curb drinking in Ireland. hix ineptitude in the workplace and \\ ith women. and a greetingx card collection lot the xociall} incompetent. There are \Ultte gagx. but the .xhoxx '.x large|_\ a run ot~ anecdotex. xonte hilarioux and otherx more xxxeet. tlx'atie (iottldl (ii/III'II Balloon. (>68 [633. until 36 Aug (not [3). 4pm. £8.51) {9.50 ((750—1850).

Markus Birdman 00. Supporting hix treatixe that coined} .xhould enjo) an unlimited target range. Birdman takex aim

at exer}one iii general and no one in particular llix lather. daughter. and religion all xtructtti'e hix iiitixingx. btit he railx gail} en route. e\hibitmg eax_\ contideiice u ith an engaging manner. 'l‘hough there \xax an impertding xenxe ot xcript. he xhinex brightext \\ hen xliootiitg from the hip. tl’egg} llttghexi I’lI'IIxImI (' (‘orii'ti'IrI‘IL 551) 6551). until :7xlllfl (no! /.t’i. 7pm. {NJ-ll U/A'UILI" Hi. Brendan Hunt 0... Warning: don't haxe xe\ u ith thix man. Mame think In ice about etttplo} ing ltiiit. too. and do ttol xleep \\ ith hix girlli‘icnd. Alter a mercilexx atittibiographical ll';t\\l through the Boom (‘hicago xtar'x muck} linen that btiildx to a l'ren/ied climax Iliterall} t in a Dutch l'etixh xuperclub. it'x clear that llunt'x l‘ldleltltllhl) appealing. neurotic charm ix the onl) thiitg keeping him trom a xerioux gubbing.

(Kirxtin lnnext l’lI'InunI-I' Home. 55/) 6550, until 37.~liie (not 3/ ). (1.40pm. [IUD-U {I [.50 I U) U”). Jude Simpson 000 poelr) ix making great xtridex at Fringe ()7. and thix xhou. all about groxxing tip tor. more accuratel). not growing up) ix lunchtime delight. 'l‘akiiig her cue from the audience'x written xtiggextionx. Sirnpxon


x\\oon\ and xiiigx xoiite ,xtan/ax about t‘ood ini\er'x and being the old} one other circle not to Me their lile chained to Radio 4. l'tterl) charming.

tllrian l)onaldxont l’lI'IIxIInI'I' (hit/turn]. 55/) 6550. until 36 slug (not H). [3.15pm. 1‘7. 5!) £8.50 I U) [7).

Karen Bayley 00 The) xa} that the moxt important thing ix hax ing the confidence to gixe it a go. But decent material and delixer} alxo help. A .xeltl contexxed deprexxne tttrned optiiitixt alter a near~death e\perience. Ba} Ie} 'x xelt? axxured demeanotir xtirpaxxex her pedextrian material The trite concept ol I‘llt' .llol't' lint I’I'I‘. I/tt‘ I.I'\\ lint ('r\ \xould benefit from more xti‘uctuie and lexx name- dropping. ISti/anne Black) lune/tine Horse (0 LinxuV'x, 55f) H974. until 35 xlue. 5. I5/mi. free.

Nick Mohammed 000 The croxx'd-pleaxing «liturterx xhowcaxex Mohamrned'x talent for character comedy. Hix performancex are tlaxx lexx.


each ol ltix tour ci'eationx are xctilpted li'oiti PL'I'\ttll;tlll) titiir‘kx. tiiiuxual inannei‘ixiiix and teeth-grating lau\ pax. making the xketchex tinbearabl} \xatchable. The hour long loi‘mat \lt’clcllex ltlx tltalet’tal llttlt ott occaxion. btit he holdx our attention with theatrical aploiiib. Ilitnma l.L'llllU\ll’l(’(1\tlllt(’ Home. 55/) 6551). until 37xlite. 7..i’II/nn. £8 t‘).5(lt£'/)..‘-U t8), Tara Flynn .00 xtage amid the heart-tending crieon Kate lltixh. lr‘l) nn clutchex a comic lroin her

Standing alone oit

childhood and encouragex the audience to embrace her tiine-ti'axelling adxenturex, l'illll ol' anecdoch about grou iiig tip in rural Ireland. xhe Iampoonx xhain px)cllic\ and actrexxex in iiit‘oiitei'cialx

u ith xome gi'catl} intuitixe momentx to balance ottt the axxkxxardnexx. I('arinod} Wilxoni ('nIII'r/It'l/x', ()8?!) 745 A'Ub'fi'. until 3/) Aug (no! [3). 4.45pm. [8 t‘llt‘?’ 1M. Toulson & Harvey 000 the hixtor) ot~ thix l’eri'ier—nominated pair tax xeen largel) through 'l‘otilxoit'x xle‘\\L‘tl perxpectoe) ix related. 'l'heit'x ix a xlltm that interach \\ ith their audience. btit \\ ith an allablc non-threatening derneariotir. Stand-out momentx t‘eattii'e a Scottixh- imperxoiiator competition and a Rllt'ld - xtyle coined} training xkit in an L'lllti}£thl) crafted xhtm “Inch \x ill tighten tip ax the month goex on.

t.\larixxa Burgexxi ('nI/I'rlit'llt. (IN/"(l 745 3083. until 26 Aug (not HI. 5.30pm.

1") [/UILN 19). Des Clarke 000 ('larke'x xtand-up ix l'ar lexx grating and nipp} than hix \xork ax a kidx 'l'\.'

(ilaxxx egiait

prexenter. (‘atering lor olIl-ol-ltmnei‘x and localx u ith an enjo} able tour around Scottiin clicliex. hix gagx on Burberr}. Buckt‘axt. lrn Bru arid dour. \xorkxh} penn) -pincherx ma} not xet the heather alight. but hix rapid delixer} keepx thingx trexh and energetic. Surreal imprexxionx ot' Kermit the l-rog and (ieorge (lillltflkll) are a bontix too. t('laire Sauerxi I’leuxunre ('Ulll'fltll'll. 55/) 655'). until 27 glue Inoi l5). 9.30pm. HID-(I 1/351! tilt) t'l/I.

Breaking the Seal 000 .»\uxtraliaii accentx go. Larah Broxx hax got one of the bext. Add to thix RUxxian.

:\ x tar ax

.\'e\x .leixe}. .tiid doxxittoxx n Montreal. and

)Itti'xc got the baxix tor xoiitc dexperate and doun and otit alcoholic x ll\ “11' it up Ill Scollatttl lltoxx lake\ llltldtl charactei‘ixatittn to a tie“ lc\el ot /ariiitexx and the textiltx are \lL'lL'lll}[l|\.ll but Itin t('ariiiod} \Vilxoni .l/It‘l (Iii [Ill/l /. “5 VI 34/ HIV). until 3/) lug, f) Wilt/n. ! 'Il/n The Leeds Tealights ea \\c llttttp III to tlte \thlll ill llllll )tttlltg' cltaltx drexxed in \\llllc xlttitx. biacex and dark trottxet’x f_'_\l;tllll}J on xtagc and lea\e iii a dexperate litirr) aliiioxt an hotii later. .\ xketch xhoxx \\ hich llottndeix on itx ll\\ll cloxiitg xui'realixiii. tltere ix xoiite talent tn the room. btit the oxeiall ellch \Hll lcaxe }(lll titieax}. Illi'ian l)onaldxoiii ('nI/I'rlte/ly UAW! 7-15 .t'llfi' i. until 3!; ultra (not H). 3pm. 18 £9117 1M

Simon Munnery .0. Watching xoincone ponder the potential o: an idea or llatl around iinpi'm ixing a punchline ix eaxiei' \\ hen )Itti'ie xittiitg on the carpet. paper cup ot \\ me in hand ax the} pla} pool than \xheri the} 'ie xpotlit oiixtage Munner) ‘x bagg}. genial .-l(i.l/x are much better xuited to the hunter xettiiig. when he ine\ itabl} o\ei'rtinx hix tintexlot. e\er_\oiie decaiitpx to Arthur Sinitlt'x art galler) tor a pleaxant alteiiioon‘x iiiuxing tKirxttn lnnexi lllt’ XIIrnII. .“I' 7373. until 37,-liie InItl /.\’i. 4..i’ll/)Iii. 13' I17;

The Oueef of Terence on 'I he inxincerit} and xtiperlicialit} ol tl;t_\lllllt' 'l V make a ripe target tor laran toning. and the three xlarx ()l ()tteel xlat'l otll proiiiixingl) in thix xuppoxed pilot tor a \ll()\\ “‘llll a lincl} ltltlctl \cll\c Hl character acting and comic timing. the) dexei'x e a higher profile. btit the xub\erxion pcakx a little too earl}. ll‘.lllll|.t New lattth I’lt'tlHl/tt (' Home. 5 V) 6" {U unti/ 37.1w: InIiI l3). 5.40pm.

MS!) UNI/I17 MI. Rob Deering 0000 a lot during hix Imn xet. and it'x no

l)eeiing gigglex

xxonder: he'x a limit} inan. llix ottbeat mix ot late-night-prexentei‘ and check} teenager puxhed all the right buttoiix. 'l he bext partx xx ere the mUxical interludex \xith manic. xonic panic delixered mth a xrnile I(‘arinod} Wilxoni [fa/n lie/It. (/87!) 745 a’i/h‘n’. until 3/) glue (no! 14;. 9pm. 195/) 1/05!) I18 19;.